Epidemiological studies performed in El Salvador between 1955-1972 demonstrated a high frequency of two triatomine vectors (Triatoma dimidiata and Rhodnius prolixus). However, the frequency of R. prolixus decreased by 1976 and this species has not been found since 1995. The main factors influencing the elimination of R. prolixus in El Salvador are discussed in this paper.
Jacaranda copaia (Aubl.) D. Don is a pioneer tree widespread in the Brazilian Amazon, usually found colonizing forest gaps and altered areas, and the forest fragment edges. This study investigated aspects of the floral biology, breeding system and pollinators of J. copaia trees. Flowering lasts from August to November, during the low rainfall period extending up to four weeks per tree and 3-4 months for the population as a whole, characterizing a cornucopia flowering pattern. The fruit set ends in the beginning of the rainy season, with wind dispersed winged seeds. Fruit set from open pollination was 1.06% (n = 6,932). Hand pollination using self-pollen (n = 2,099) did not set fruits. Cross-pollination resulted in 6.54% fruit set (n = 2,524), representing six times more than the natural pollination rate (1.06%, n = 6,932). Flowers excluded from insect visitation (automatic self-pollination) did not set fruits (n = 5,372). Pollen tube growth down to ovary was detected under fluorescence microcoscopy in cross-pollinated and selfed pistils. The species is an obligate allogamous plant, with late-acting self-incompatibility system. Approximately 40 species of native bees visited the flowers, but the main pollinators were medium-sized solitary bees as Euglossa and Centris species due to the compatibility between their body sizes with the corolla tube, direct contact with the reproductive structures and high frequency of visits.
ABSTRACTThe purpose of this paper is to address the issue of the implementation of global and local brands in Latin America by drawing on contingency theory to develop and test hypotheses relating to how product category characteristics affect the success of global and local brands in the region. Hypotheses are tested using data obtained from top brands rankings reported in five Latin American markets (Argentina, Brazil, the Caribbean and Central America, Chile and Mexico). The study design considers estimating a logistic regression on a binomial dependent variable measuring whether 475 top brands are global or local brands, with product category characteristics as independent variables. Results reveal that product categories related to subscriptions, local tastes, high-tech, and global citizenship do have an impact on the success of global and local brands in Latin America.
Abstract: In the last few decades, Central American countries are making a significant effort in order to modernize their governments' legislation both on financial management and systems of financial information. In this sense, these countries aim to enhance the quality of public financial information in order to improve decision-making processes, decrease the level of corruption, and keep citizens informed. In this context, the purpose of this paper is twofold. Firstly, to assess the degree of similarity of the financial information that is being developed by Central American governments with regard to the recommendations set up by Ipsas, and secondly, to analyse the efforts and the strategies that those countries are carrying out in the process of implementing those standards. To determine the differences in the information containing the annual financial statements issued by national public authorities and the recommendations set up by Ipsas we conducted a deductive content analysis. In view of the results we can say that the quality of annual financial statements presented by the countries in Central America, in comparison to the recommendations by the Ipsas concerning Ifac information, is not enough. Hence, in order to operate significant changes, it is still necessary to create new strategies for the implementation of the Ipsas.
OBJETIVO: Analisar os padrões de consumo de álcool e drogas de uma amostra representativa da população urbana brasileira na sua inter-relação com a saúde sexual e reprodutiva. MÉTODOS: Dados de inquérito de base populacional, de abrangência nacional, com plano amostral complexo, realizado em 2005. Foram entrevistados 5.040 indivíduos de ambos os sexos, na faixa etária de 16 a 65 anos. Analisaram-se questões relativas consumo de álcool e drogas e comportamento sexual. Utilizou-se análise bivariada e multivariada. RESULTADOS: O álcool foi a substância mais freqüentemente utilizada, com relato de uso regular, na vida, por 18% dos entrevistados. O consumo de drogas ilícitas foi referido por 9% dos entrevistados, especialmente, maconha e cocaína aspirada, com uso de drogas injetáveis infreqüente. Observou-se declínio do consumo de cocaína aspirada e incremento do uso de maconha (nos últimos 12 meses), comparados a resultados de pesquisa similar realizada em 1998. Histórico de abuso sexual constituiu fator de risco do consumo de drogas e uso regular de álcool. A referência por parte do entrevistado ao papel da religião na sua formação, ser branco e do sexo feminino se mostraram protetores frente ao consumo regular de álcool, particularmente prevalente entre homens mais velhos. As opções de lazer e a ausência de práticas religiosas atuais se mostraram associadas ao consumo de drogas. CONCLUSÕES: O consumo de álcool, regular ou não, é prevalente na população urbana brasileira, enquanto o uso de drogas injetáveis se mostrou raro. Ao longo da última década observou-se declínio no consumo de cocaína. Histórico de abuso sexual se mostrou central ao consumo posterior de drogas e álcool.
We report a human case of polycystic hidatidosis due to Echinococcus vogeli from Contamana (Department of Loreto) village located in the central jungle of Peru. The patient is a 44 year-old lady, teacher, who carried a painless liver mass since a year ago. She was submitted to abdominal surgery and the liver mass was removed and showed multiple cysts containing colorless liquid as is showed in the polycystic hidatidosis. The morphology and measure of the hooks obtained from the liquid contained in the cysts are from Echinococcus vogeli. It is the first report of this parasitism in Perú.
SUMMARY It is estimated that about 10 million people are infected with Trypanosoma cruzi worldwide, mostly in Latin America and more than 25 million are at risk of acquiring this infection in endemic areas. Dogs are an important reservoir for this pathogen and thus, considered a risk factor for human populations. This report describes one case of Chagas disease in a dog from Cuiabá, Mato Grosso State, Brazil. The diagnosis was obtained by direct examination of trypomastigote forms in blood smears. Amastigotes forms were visualized in microscopy of the bone marrow, lymph nodes, kidneys, liver and brain. The T. cruzi (ZIII) infection was confirmed by Polymerase Chain Reaction, and sequencing. The animal presented multisystemic failure and died. Although acute Chagas disease in humans is not reported in Cuiabá, this is the first report of a canine case in this region. This case represents a warning, to health professionals and authorities, to the possibility of transmission of this zoonosis in Cuiabá.
Rainfall data registered betwe en 1910 and 1979 at Manaus confirm the existence of a dry season between June and November (monthly rainfall: 42-162mm) and a rainy season from December until May (monthly rainfall: 211-300mm). Annual precipitation amounted to 2105mm with about 75% of the rainfall recorded during the rainy season. Rainfall data collected over 12 months at eigth stations in the vicinity of and at Manaus are compared. Annual precipitation was lower in Inundation Regions (1150-2150mm) compared with Dryland Regions (2400-2550mm). Considerable differences are found in rainfall patterns (intensity, frequency and time of rainfall). This is also truefor neighbouring stations, even if data of a 11-year record period are compared. Thus, it is highly recommended that preciptation data for bioecological studies be collected at the study site.
Mostra-se a distribuição espacial de. plântulas de Copaifera multijuga, Hayne de 12árvores matrizes. 0 potencial de regeneração em área não perturbada é variável em decorrência da maior ou menor produção de sementes pelas matrizes, da competição entre plântulas da espécie e destas com plântulas deoutras espécies, além da provável predaçãopor animais e da luta para sobreviver a baixos níveis de radiação solar. a distribuição das freqüências das plântulus sugere uma forma de J invertido. Nos dois inventários feitos, a altura das plântulas variou de 10cm até um máximo de 50cm, sendo a altura média para as 12 matrizes de. 20,66cm e 15,54cm no1° e 2° inventários, respectivavente. a diferença na variância das alturas das plântulas é significativa, na faixa de5%. As freqüências relativas esperadas, segundo a equação de Poisson, mostrou que a distribuição da regeneração de todas as matrizes é do tipo agregado. 0 número de plântulas /árvore matriz pode ser silviculturalmente útil para fins de plantios, desde quesejam feitos estudos de adaptabilidade das plântulas às condições deviveiro.
Durante um período de treze meses, de março de 1979 a março de 1980, excursões semanais foram realizadas ao Janauacá, um complexo de, l.agos de várzea da Amazônia Central. Miltrezentos e trinta e cinco peixesde cinco ordens, dezenove famílias e. oitenta espécies foram examinados, visando a determinar os índices naturais de infestação por crustáceos da subclasse Branchiura. Dos peixes examinados 11% estavam parasitados e apresentaram uma média de cinco crustáceos por peixe. Os maiores índices de infestação ocorreram nos Siluroides, 29% de prevalência e 18,5 de intensidade de infestação, seguidos pelos Characoides com 8,4% e 2,5. Os Perciformes apresentaram o terceiro maior índi.ce, 7,4% de. prevalência e 2,0 de intensidade de infestação. Os menores índices ocorreram nos Osteoglossiformes, 3,0% e 5,0 e nos Clupeiformes com 4,0% e 1,0. Durante o período de coletas, dezoito espécies de peixes não ocorreram parasitadas por branquiuras. Catorze espécies de branquiuros foram coletados no lago Janauacá. Alguns aspectos taxionómicos , biogeográficos e econômicos dos peixes são abordados
The calls of 18 species of Amazonian forest frogs were recorded in 3 localities: the Tapajos National Park near Itaituba, the Reserva Ducke near Manaus, and the INPA-WWF reserves near Manaus. Structural and time parameters and sonographs of these calls including previously undescribed vocalization by 10 species are presented. Unlike open habitat species, several forest frong species characteriscally demonstrated one on more of the following temporal parameters: very low call rates, sporadic intervals, infrequent nights of calling and synchronized chorusing. It is hypothesized that predation has influenced the evolution of vocal behaviour in Amazonian forest frogs.
Discussed are the taxonomy of the Scleria arundinacea-latifoliacomplex, S. mitis, and S. myricocarpa, all controversial and widespread taxa in tropical America. Scleria cerradicola is described as new in the section Hymenolytrum and a range extension of a rare species, Scleria neogranatensis, is noted.
With additional data from specimens not studied by previous workers, the confusing Simaba guianensis compex was re-analized. Simaba polyphylla is recognized as a distinct species and two subspecies of S. guianensis are maintained. Simaba polyphylla, S. guianensis ssp. guianensis, and S. guianensis ssp. ecaudata are keyed, described, and illustrated and specimens examined are cited for each. Specimens of S. guianensis ssp. ecaudata show great morphological diversity but can be separeted into three groups. Further collecting may provide information that shows these groups to be worthy of separate taxonomic status.
A review of the literature on measurements of rain water interception processes by forests is made. Information on Africa, Central and South America, and Asia is given. A general analysis is made and the need to further the measurements under field conditions is stressed.
Foi determinada a capacidade de troca de cations a pH natural do solo e a pH 7,0 ao longo do perfil de três solos da Amazônia Central e correlaeionou-se os valores de CTC encontrados com outras características intrínsecas de cada solo, tais como: matéria orgânica, superfície especifica teor e mlneralogia da fração argila, as quais causam varia cão na CTC do solo. As diferenças entre os valores de CTC obtidos foram decorrentes principalmente do teor de matéria orgânica e da mlneralogla da fração argila. A matéria orgânica do solo apresentou-se altamente correlacionada com a CTC determinada a pH 7,0 dos solos Latossolos Amarelo (r - 0,998) e Podzolico l/ermelho Amarelo (r = 0,974), principalmente pana os horizontes de superfície, enquanto que para o solo Glei Pouco Húmico foram encontradas correlações significativas apenas ao nível de 5%. Para a CTC à pH natural do solo, altas correlações também foram obtidas somente para Latossolo (r= 0,980) e Podzoílco (r = 0,984). A correlação entre a superfície específica e a CTC do solo apresentou-se altamente significativa para o Latossolo (r = 0,957) e Glei Pouco Húmico (r = 0,952), enquanto que para o Podzoílco (r + 0,873), a correlação foi significativa apenas ao nível de 5%. Foi observado ainda que a classe textural, o teor de matéria orgânica e principalmente a composição mlneralóglca conferiram maiores valores ae super fície especifica para o solo Glel Pouco Húmico.