Recently, we described the improved immunogenicity of new malaria vaccine candidates based on the expression of fusion proteins containing immunodominant epitopes of merozoites and Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium flagellin (FliC) protein as an innate immune agonist. Here, we tested whether a similar strategy, based on an immunodominant B-cell epitope from malaria sporozoites, could also generate immunogenic fusion polypeptides. A recombinant His6-tagged FliC protein containing the C-terminal repeat regions of the VK210 variant of Plasmodium vivax circumsporozoite (CS) protein was constructed. This recombinant protein was successfully expressed in Escherichia coli as soluble protein and was purified by affinity to Ni-agarose beads followed by ion exchange chromatography. A monoclonal antibody specific for the CS protein of P. vivax sporozoites (VK210) was able to recognise the purified protein. C57BL/6 mice subcutaneously immunised with the recombinant fusion protein in the absence of any conventional adjuvant developed protein-specific systemic antibody responses. However, in mice genetically deficient in expression of TLR5, this immune response was extremely low. These results extend our previous observations concerning the immunogenicity of these recombinant fusion proteins and provide evidence that the main mechanism responsible for this immune activation involves interactions with TLR5, which has not previously been demonstrated for any recombinant FliC fusion protein.
INTRODUCTION:In Venezuela, acute diarrheic syndrome (ADS) is a primary cause of morbi-mortality, often involving the Salmonella genus. Salmonella infections are associated with acute gastroenteritis, one of the most common alimentary intoxications, and caused by the consumption of contaminated water and food, especially meat. METHODS: Conventional and molecular methods were used to detect Salmonella strains from 330 fecal samples from individuals of different ages and both sexes with ADS. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used for the molecular characterization of Salmonella, using invA, sefA, and fliC genes for the identification of this genus and the serotypes Enteritidis and Typhimurium, respectively. RESULTS: The highest frequency of individuals with ADS was found in children 0-2 years old (39.4%), and the overall frequency of positive coprocultures was 76.9%. A total of 14 (4.2%) strains were biochemically and immunologically identified as Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica, of which 7 were classified as belonging to the Enteritidis serotype, 4 to the Typhimurium serotype, and 3 to other serotypes. The S. enterica strains were distributed more frequently in the age groups 3-4 and 9-10 years old. CONCLUSIONS: The molecular characterization method used proved to be highly specific for the typing of S. enterica strains using DNA extracted from both the isolated colonies and selective enrichment broths directly inoculated with fecal samples, thus representing a complementary tool for the detection and identification of ADS-causing bacteria.
Foram caracterizados os sorotipos, o perfil de sensibilidade microbiana e os achados clínico-epidemiológicos em 53 linhagens do gênero Salmonella isoladas de 41 cães, nove equinos e três bovinos, acometidos por diferentes manifestações clínicas entre 1997 e 2007. Salmonella Typhimurium (45,3%), Salmonella enterica (22,6%), Salmonella Enteritidis (7,5%), Salmonella enterica subsp enterica 4,5,12i (5,7%), Salmonella Newport (5,7%), Salmonella Dublin (3,8%), Salmonella Agona (3,8%), Salmonella Glostrup (3,8%), Salmonella Saintpaul (1,8%) foram os sorotipos encontrados. Ciprofloxacina (100,0%), norfloxacina (100,0%) e gentamicina (100,0%) foram os antimicrobianos mais efetivos, enquanto a maior resistência das linhagens foi observada para ceftiofur (28,5%) e florfenicol (7,0%). As linhagens foram isoladas de animais com enterite, infecção do trato urinário, septicemia, piometra, pneumonia e conjuntivite. Ressalta-se para o predomínio do sorovar Typhimurium nas diferentes manifestações da salmonelose nos animais. Destaca-se, também, a identificação de sorotipos nos animais que também são observados em casos de salmonelose em humanos
Dois experimentos foram desenvolvidos para avaliar a eficiência de ácidos orgânicos frente a Salmonella enterica enterica sorovar Enteritidis (SE) e Minnesota (SM) em frangos. No primeiro experimento foram avaliados 3 tratamentos: T1 - ração adicionada de ácido orgânico, T2 - ração adicionada de ácido orgânico e ácido orgânico na água de bebida, T3 - grupo controle. Todos os animais foram inoculados com SE, via oral. A utilização de ácidos orgânicos na ração (T1) e na ração e na água (T2) diminuíram a excreção de Salmonella no papo e no ceco 7 dias pós inoculação com SE e houve redução de células CD3+ no jejuno dos frangos. No segundo experimento foram avaliados 4 tratamentos sendo T1 - controle, T2 - controle inoculado via oral com Salmonella Minnesota (SM), T3 - animais inoculados via oral com SM e ácidos orgânicos na ração e T4 - animais inoculados via oral com SM e ácidos orgânicos na ração e na água de bebida. Ácidos orgânicos a ração (T3) e na ração e na água (T4) reduziram a excreção de SM em papo de frangos de corte desafiados, 7 dias após inoculação. O uso de ácidos orgânicos na ração e na ração e na água foram mais eficientes em reduzir SE do que SM.
The aim of this study was to research the occurrence of Salmonella spp. and Escherichia coli in feces samples of sparrows, as well as to identify the pathogenicity, cytotoxicity and sensitivity profile of the isolates to antimicrobial use. Two hundred and twenty eight sparrows were captured in eight farms. The in vitro pathogenicity test was performed by the isolates culture on congo red-magnesium oxalate Agar, whilst the in vivo pathogenicity test was performed in one day-old chicks. In order to study the cytotoxic effects of indicators, samples were inoculated into Vero cells. The results obtained for Escherichia coli isolation confirmed the presence of this microorganism in 30 (13.2%) of the evaluated samples. Out of those isolates, 10 (33.3%) presented the capacity of absorbing ongo red. As for in vivo pathogenicity a 68.0% of mortality rate of the evaluated samples was observed. Out of 20 isolates tested for cytotoxin production, none of them presented cytotoxic effect in the Vero cells. The Salmonella spp was isolated only in one sample (0.04%), and it was identified as Salmonella enterica subspecies houtenae. Results obtained through this research indicate the need for new studies to identify other virulence factors of E. coli samples and to delineate the phylogenetic profile of the isolates in order to establish a relation with colibacillosis outbreaks in chickens and broilers in the studied region, as well as to analyze the critical points in the aviculture productive chain to identify the source of Salmonella enterica subspecies houtenae.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi o desenvolvimento de imunorreagentes policlonais convenientes para uso em um teste imunoenzimático para detecção rápida de Salmonella em alimentos. Foram produzidos seis anti-soros policlonais anti-Salmonella contendo as aglutininas e, h; 1,6; i; 1,2; f,g,s e m,t. Como antígenos, foram empregadas culturas formolizadas de quatro sorotipos de Salmonella (S. Typhimurium fases 1 e 2, S. Anatum fases 1 e 2, S. Agona monofásica e S. Oranienburg monofásica) cultivadas em caldo tripticase de soja. O teste imunoenzimático utilizado foi o indireto, empregando-se anti-IgG-peroxidase como conjugado e OPD-H2O2 como sistema cromógeno. Os testes imunoenzimáticos foram conduzidos com os anti-soros policlonais individuais absorvidos e não-absorvidos, bem como empregando-se um anti-soro polivalente, correspondente a um "pool" de anti-soros absorvidos e não-absorvidos com culturas puras de Salmonella e outras enterobactérias. A absorção dos soros eliminou as reações cruzadas com todas as enterobactérias testadas nesse estudo, apresentadas tanto por alguns anti-soros individuais quanto pelo polivalente. Entre os seis anti-soros estudados, os que apresentaram melhor desempenho foram o f,g,s não-absorvido e o polivalente absorvido.
The knowledge about typhoid fever pathogenesis is growing in the last years, mainly about the cellular and molecular phenomena that are responsible by clinical manifestations of this disease. In this article are discussed several recent discoveries, as follows: a) Bacterial type III protein secretion system; b) The five virulence genes of Salmonella spp. that encoding Sips (Salmonella invasion protein) A, B, C, D and E, which are capable of induce apoptosis in macrophages; c) The function of Toll R2 and Toll R4 receptors present in the macrophage surface (discovered in the Drosophila). The Toll family receptors are critical in the signalizing mediated by LPS in macrophages in association with LBP and CD14; d) The lines of immune defense between intestinal lumen and internal organs; e) The fundamental role of the endothelial cells in the inflammatory deviation from bloodstream into infected tissues by bacteria. In addition to above subjects, the authors comment the correlation between the clinical features of typhoid fever and the cellular and molecular phenomena of this disease, as well as the therapeutic consequences of this knowledge.
A febre tifóide é doença bacteriana aguda causada por Salmonella enterica sorotipo typhi, que é adquirida pela ingestão de água ou alimento contaminado. O objetivo do presente trabalho é descrever um caso de febre tifóide ocorrido em Maringá, após três anos sem notificação da doença no Estado do Paraná.
This paper reports on the development and validation of a loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay (LAMP) for the rapid and specific detection of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (A. pleuropneumoniae). A set of six primers were designed derived from the dsbE-like gene of A.pleuropneumoniae and validate the assay using 9 A. pleuropneumoniae reference/field strains, 132 clinical isolates and 9 other pathogens. The results indicated that positive reactions were confirmed for all A. pleuropneumoniae strains and specimens by LAMP at 63ºC for 60 min and no cross-reactivity were observed from other non-A.pleuropneumoniae including Haemophilus parasuis, Escherichia coli, Pasteurella multocida, Bordetella bronchiseptica, Streptococcus suis, Salmonella enterica, Staphylococcus, porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV), and Pseudorabies virus. The detection limit of the conventional PCR was 10² CFU per PCR test tube, while that of the LAMP was 5 copies per tube. Therefore, the sensitivity of LAMP was higher than that of PCR. Moreover, the LAMP assay provided a rapid yet simple test of A. pleuropneumoniae suitable for laboratory diagnosis and pen-side detection due to ease of operation and the requirement of only a regular water bath or heat block for the reaction.
Um surto de salmonelose em bezerros causado pela Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica sorovar Dublin é relatado em uma fazenda no município de Timon, Maranhão. De um total de 62 bezerros, 22 (35,5%) adoeceram e destes nove (40,9%) morreram. Os sinais clínicos incluíram febre, depressão, anorexia e, em alguns casos, sinais respiratórios, neurológicos, entéricos ou artrites, com curso clínico hiperagudo ou subagudo. As principais lesões macroscópicas foram hepatomegalia com áreas pálidas multifocais a coalescentes, esplenomegalia e líquido nas cavidades torácica e abdominal. Histologicamente foram observados granulomas paratifoides no fígado, rim e baço, além de trombos e agregados bacterianos em vasos sanguíneos de diversos órgãos. O surto foi controlado com a adoção de antibioticoterapia adequada aliada a correção de algumas medidas sanitárias na propriedade.
Origanum vulgare L. (oregano), Lamiaceae, essential oil has a variety of biological properties and its antimicrobial activity has received a renewed interest for use in food conservation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the interference of heating on the antimicrobial activity and chemical composition of O. vulgare essential oil. The antimicrobial activity of the essential oil kept at room temperature and exposed to different heating temperatures (60, 80, 100 and 120 °C during 1 hour) was evaluated by observing antimicrobial effectiveness at absolute concentration and determining MIC values by the solid medium diffusion procedure. The essential oil chemical composition analysis was performed by GC-MS. O. vulgare essential oil showed interesting antimicrobial activity on all assayed microbial strains (Candida albicans, C.krusei, C. tropicalis, Bacillus cereus, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Yersinia enterocolitica, Salmonella enterica, Serratia marcencens), noted by large growth inhibition zones (30-42 mm). Heating treatment showed no significant interference (p < 0.05) on the essential oil antimicrobial activity, noted by the development of microbial growth inhibition zones with similar or close diameters when evaluating the essential oil kept at room temperature and after exposure to different thermal treatments. MIC values oscillated between 10and 40 µL.mL-1 (20µL.mL-1 for most strains). However, no significant difference (p < 0.05) was noted among the MIC values found for the essential oil aliquots exposed to different temperatures. Moreover, heating did not significantly (p < 0.05) affect the chemical composition of O. vulgare essential oil. Monoterpenes, terpenic compounds and sesquiterpenes were found in the essential oil, with carvacrol (68.06-70.27%) and p-cymene (12.85-15.81%) being the compounds found in the highest amounts. These results showed the thermal stability and intense antimicrobial properties of O. vulgare essential oil and support its possible concomitant use with heating temperatures in order to reach microbial safety in foods.
Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume, Lauraceae, has long been known for having many biological properties. This study aimed to identify the constituents of the essential oil from C. zeylanicum leaves using GC-MS and to assess its inhibitory effect on Salmonella enterica, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa based on MIC and MBC determination and kill-time study. Eugenol (73.27%) was the most prevalent compound in the essential oil followed by trans-β-cariophyllene (5.38%), linalool (3.31%), and alcohol cinamic acetate (2.53%). The results showed an interesting antibacterial activity of the oil with MIC ranging from 1.25 to 10 µL.mL-1. MBC values were in the range of 20 - 80 µL.mL-1. A concentration of 10 and 40 µL.mL-1 of the essential oil caused a fast and steady decrease in viable cell count (2 to 5 log cycles) of all assayed strains along 24 hours. A concentration of 40 µL.mL-1 of the oil provided a total elimination of the initial inocula of S. aureus after 2 hours. These results show the possibility of regarding the essential oil from C. zeylanicum leaves as alternative sources of antimicrobial compounds to be applied in food conservation systems.
Several essential oils of condiment and medicinal plants possess proven antimicrobial activity and are of important interest for the food industry. Therefore, the Minimum Inhibitory Concentrations (MIC) of those oils should be determined for various bacteria. MIC varies according to the oil used, the major compounds, and the physiology of the bacterium under study. In the present study, the essential oils of the plants Thymus vulgaris (time), Cymbopogon citratus (lemongrass) and Laurus nobilis (bay) were chemically quantified, and the MIC was determined on the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923, Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, Listeria monocytogenes ATCC 19117, Salmonella enterica Enteritidis S64, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853. The essential oil of C. citratus demonstrated bacterial activity at all concentrations tested and against all of the bacteria tested. The majority of essential oil compounds were geranial and neral. The major constituent of T. vulgaris was 1.8-cineol and of L. nobilis was linalool, which presented lower antibacterial activity, followed by 1.8-cineol. The Gram-negative bacteria demonstrated higher resistance to the use of the essential oils tested in this study. E. coli was the least sensitive and was inhibited only by the oils of C. citratus and L. nobilis.
Dulce de leche is a food obtained by concentration and heating of milk with the addition of sucrose. The common practice of opening the dulce de leche containers in retail markets can lead to food contamination by Salmonella. The objective of this study was to evaluate the survivability of Salmonellaenterica subsp. enterica serotypes Typhimurium, Enteritidis, Infantis and Derby in pasty dulce de leche. Aliquots of this sweet were experimentally contaminated with these microorganisms and later analyzed to evaluate microorganism viability after storage for 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, and 20 days. Salmonella was recovered up to the 20th day. These results are a warning about the need to adopt proper sanitary-hygienic measures for handling and packaging this food aiming at food safety.
Entre as cepas de S. typhimurium e S. agona isoladas no período 1971-1987 foram caracterizados os biotipos, colicinotipos e antibiotipos de 734 cepas de S. typhimurium e 631 de S. agona. As 734 cepas de S. typhimurium foram classificadas em 65 biotipos com o predomínio dos biotipos 1a com 28,34%, 1b com 29,84% e 9bi com 18,25%. Com relação a S. agona, o biotipo 1a com 87,16% representou entre nós o clone amplamente disseminado. Foram encontradas freqüências baixas de cepas colicinogênicas, entretanto, a colicinotipia parece ser um bom método quando aplicada ao estudo de amostras homogêneas provenientes de surtos. Acentuada multirresistência aos agentes antimicrobianos, foi observada principalmente entre aquelas cepas de origem humana quase sempre representadas por cepas hospitalares