80 resultados para S. stercoralis


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To evaluate the rate of infection by Strongyloides stercoralis and other enteroparasites a survey was conducted in the city of Uberlândia, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. A total of 900 stool samples from 300 children aging from four months to seven years, randomly selected in ten nursery schools from September 1994 to December 1995, were examined, both by the Baermann-Moraes and Lutz methods. Thirty nine children (13%) were found to be infected by S. stercoralis, 64.1% were boys and 35.9% were girls. Taking all the enteroparasites as a whole the results of the survey pointed out that 265 (88.4%) of the 300 children were infected by the following: Giardia lamblia, 78.3%; Ascaris lumbricoides, 15.3%; S. stercoralis, 13%; Hymenolepis nana, 6.7%; hookworms, 6%; Enterobius vermicularis, 4%; Hymenole-pis diminuta, 4% and Trichuris trichiura, 0.7%. From 265 infected children 64.5% were mono-infected, 27.2% were infected by two parasites and 8.3% had a poly-specific parasite burden. It was concluded that strongyloidiasis is hyperendemic in this area


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The frequency of coinfection with Strongyloides stercoralis and human T-cell leukemia/lymphoma virus type 1 (HTML-1) was determined in 91 blood donors examined at the blood bank of a large hospital in £o Paulo city, Brazil. As control group 61 individuals, not infected by HTLV-1, were submitted to the same techniques for the diagnosis of S. stercoralis infection. In HTLV-1 infected patients the frequency of S. stercoralis infection was 12.1%; on the other hand, the control group showed a frequency significantly lower of S. stercoralis infection (1.6%), suggesting that HTLV-1 patients shoud be considered as a high risk group for strongyloidiasis in £o Paulo city.


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Several studies have shown that chronic alcoholics have increased susceptibility to infections due to higher exposure to infectious agents as well as breakdown in their immune defenses. As Strongyloides stercoralis infection is usually more relevant in immunocompromised patients, the aim of this study was to evaluate the frequency of S. stercoralis infection in alcoholics. Thus, coproparasitological examination was carried out in 145 subjects, from which 45 were chronic alcoholics (mean age of 45.7 ± 11.0 years), 10 were nonalcoholic cirrhotic patients (mean age of 50.2 ± 13.1 years), and 90 were asymptomatic nonalcoholic subjects (mean age of 46.7 ± 10.1 years), which served as controls. From the alcoholics, 9 had hepatic cirrhosis, 9 had chronic pancreatitis and 27 had neither cirrhosis nor pancreatitis. For the diagnosis of strongyloidiasis, the Baermann-Moraes and Lutz methods were used in three fecal samples from each subject. Samples were collected at alternated days, and three slides of each sample were analyzed for each method, thus totalizing 2,610 slides examined. The frequency of strongyloidiasis in the total alcoholic group (33.3%) and in the subgroups of alcoholics, i.e., patients with hepatic cirrhosis (44.4%), with chronic pancreatitis (33.3%), and those with no cirrhosis or pancreatitis (29.6%) was statistically higher than that found in the control group (5.5%). None of the individuals with nonalcoholic hepatic cirrhosis had S. stercoralis infection. Our results showed that the chronic alcoholism itself is an important factor that predisposes to strongyloidiasis.


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Estudo da prevalência de parasitas intestinais realizado em 370 indivíduos residentes na CECAP, distrito-sede de Botucatu, Estado de £o Paulo, permitiu verificar que 41,62% encontravam-se infestados por uma ou mais espécies de parasitas intestinais. Foram encontrados os seguintes parasitas: Entamoeba histolytica 0,54%, E. coli 6,21%, I. butschlii 0,27%, Giardia lamblia 9,72%, Ancylostomidae 5,94%, Strongyloides stercoralis 6,75%, Trichuris trichiura 17,29%, Ascaris lumbricoides 7,56%, Enterobius vermicularis 3,78%, Hymenolepis nana 5,40% e Taenia sp. 1,62%. Apresentam-se dados sobre a distribuição dos parasitas em relação à idade e ao sexo dos indivíduos. O atributo cor não permite maiores considerações por serem os não brancos significantemente pouco numerosos. Dos indivíduos examinados, 25,67% apresentavam apenas uma espécie de parasita e entre as associações parasitárias mais freqüentes encontramos as de Ascaris lumbricoides - Trichuris trichiura e Trichuris trichiura - Giardia lamblia.


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Procurou-se conhecer a prevalência de enteroparasitoses na população urbana do 2.° subdistrito de Botucatu, SP (Brasil) através de exames coprológicos realizados pelos métodos de FAUST, HOFFMAN e processo de tamização. A prevalência de enteroparasitoses foi relacionada com atributos da população, tais como sexo, idade, cor e com fatores ligados ao meio ambiente. O processo de amostragem empregado foi o casual simples em duplo estágio, sendo o quarteirão a unidade primária do primeiro estágio e o domicílio a unidade do segundo estágio. Os resultados mostraram que 53,76% das 895 pessoas amostradas apresentavam-se infestadas por uma ou mais espécies de parasitas intestinais. As prevalências foram as seguintes: Ancylostomidae, 17,54%; T. trichiurus, 13,63%; A. lumbricoides, 10,69%; S. stercoralis, 6,03%; E. vermicularis, 3,69%; H. nana, 1,79%; Taenia sp, 1,22%; S. mansoni, 0,22%; E. coli, 15,53%; G. lamblia, 14,07%; E. nana, 2,35%; I. bütschlii, 1,01% e E. histolytica, 0,22%.


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Como parte de estudo populacional sobre condições de saúde na infância, uma amostra representativa das crianças menores de cinco anos residentes no Município de £o Paulo, SP (Brasil) (n=695) foi submetida a exames parasitológicos de fezes. Os exames foram realizados através da técnica de sedimentação e, quando as fezes tinham consistência amolecida ou liquefeita, também pela técnica do exame direto. A prevalência de enteroparasitoses em geral foi de 30,9%, sendo de 16,4%, 14,5% e 12,5% as prevalências específicas da ascaridíase, giardíase e tricuríase. Prevalências inferiores foram assinaladas para os enteroparasitas E. histolytica, H. nana e S. stercoralis, respectivamente 2,0%, 0,9% e 0,3%. Em apenas uma criança foram encontrados ovos de ancilostomídeos e em nenhuma delas ovos de Schistosoma mansoni. Das crianças examinadas, 13,1% apresentaram duas ou mais espécies de enteroparasitas e 4,8% três ou mais. As prevalências atuais, comparadas às prevalências encontradas em 1973/74 por outro inquérito populacional realizado no município, indicam queda expressiva da ascaridíase e tricuríase, mas não da giardíase. A estratificação das prevalências segundo faixa etária revelou aumento significativo com a idade da criança, chamando atenção o aumento que ocorre do primeiro para o segundo ano de vida. As enteroparasitoses aumentam também significativamente sua freqüência à medida que piora o nível socioeconômico, chegando a ser de nove vezes a diferença de prevalência existente entre os estratos socioeconômicos extremos da população. No caso específico da giardíase o gradiente socioeconômico foi consideravelmente menor do que o encontrado para as demais enteroparasitoses, o que confirma a maior complexidade epidemiológica do problema.


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Between November 2001 and December 2002, 600 dog fecal samples were collected in main squares and public parks of 13 cities in Chile, from the extreme north to the extreme south of the country. The samples were processed in the laboratory by centrifugal sedimentation and the Harada-Mori methods. T. canis eggs were found in 12 cities. Detection rates ranged from 1.9 to 12.5% with an average of 5.2%. Seven percent of the samples had eggs and 9.5% had rhabditoid and/or filariform larvae of Ancylostomatidae. Strongyloides stercoralis were not found. Squares and public parks in Chile pose a potential risk of exposure to visceral, ocular, and/or cutaneous larva migrans syndromes.


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£o relatados quatro casos de estrongiloidíase maciça em pacientes sem diagnóstico prévio da doença ou tratamento imunossupressor. A doença, na maioria dos casos, teve um curso crônico, associada a uma ­ndrome de má absorção. Em um caso a sintomatologia que motivou a internação foi a de uma meningite purulenta que se repetia pela quarta vez. Não se sabe ao certo qual o desencadeante de tal situação nos quatro casos apresentados, porém, discute-se o possível papel do sistema imunológico na defesa contra a inva£o pelo S. stercoralis.


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Os Autores utilizaram novo anti-helmíntico, o albendazol, no tratamento de 32 pessoas com estrongiloidíase. A casuística foi composta por adultos, de ambos os sexos, que receberam, pela via oral, dose cotidiana única de 400 mg, repetida em três oportunidades intervaladas por períodos de 24 horas. O controle da terapêutica sucedeu através de exames das fezes realizados sete, 14 e 21 dias após o término da administração, tendo sido empregado o método de Rugai, Mattos e Brisola. A porcentagem de curas verificada correspondeu a 28,1% e, ao lado da boa tolerância observada, essa constatação demonstrou baixa eficácia do medicamento em apreço no combate à infecção causada pelo Strongyloldes stercoralis, a despeito de méritos comprovados em investigações anteriores e concernentes a outras parasitoses intestinais.


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Parasitological examinations were carried out during April to August, 1987, with 187 out-patients of the IMIP hospital, located in the center of Recife City, and 464 inhabitants of several villages around Cabo City, 50 Km southeast of Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil. Approximately 71% of the IMIP patients and 92% of the Cabo inhabitants were infected with at least one species of intestinal parasite. There was minimum difference in the prevalence rate of Trichuris trichiura between two areas, whereas the prevalence rates of Ascaris lumbricoides, hookworms, Strongyloides stercoralis, Schistosoma mansoni and Entamoeba histolytica were higher in the inhabitants of the Cabo City area. Only Giardia lamblia was more prevalent in the out-patients of IMIP hospital. Test tube cultivation revealed that the prevalence rate of Necator americanus in both areas was much higher than that of Ancylostoma duodenale , and also that the prevalence rate of S. stercoralis of the IMIP patients and Cabo inhabitants were 4.5% and 9.6%, respectively. Six hundred and fifteen sera were serologically examined for amoebiasis by the gel diffusion precipitation test (GDP) and enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using the antigen prepared from axenically cultured trophozoite of E. histolytica (strain HM-ITMSS). No positive reaction was observed in all of the sera as examined by GDP, while 32 out of 615 sera were positive on ELISA.


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For the therapy of human strongyloidiasis, are necessary effective drugs to eliminate both larvae and adult worm parasitism, which may also be used by parenteral route, to obviate the particular conditions presented by many patients. A study based on the experimental infection by Strongyloides venezuelensis in rats was done, administering injectable ivermectin or levamizole. Both drugs were shown to be active, when used in single doses of 0.2 to 0.5 mg/kg of ivermectin, or 26 mg/kg for levamizole. Ivermectin was slightly more effective as far as larval stage of the infection is concerned, and the same happened for levamisole for the adult worm stage. Promising perspectives are visualized to improve the therapy of patients with serious disseminated infection by Strongyloides stercoralis.


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Parasitological examinations were carried out during July to December, 1989, on 485 inhabitants of four villages in £o Lourenço da Mata, 25 km northwest of Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil. Approximately 99.6% of the inhabitants were infected with at least one species of intestinal parasites. A high prevalence of Schistosoma mansoni (82.1%), hookworm (80.2%) Trichuris trichiura (69.9%), Ascaris lumbricoides (61.9%) and Entamoeba coli (36.7%) infections were demonstrated. Test tube cultivation revealed that the most common species of hookworm in this region was Necator americanus (88.4%), and also that the prevalence of Strongyloides stercoralis was 5.8%. Three hundred and thirty-four sera were serologically examined for amoebiasis by the gel diffusion precipitation test (GDP) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). No positive reaction was observed in all sera as examined by GDP, while 24 sera were positive by ELISA.


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Total serum IgE, and Strongyloides - specific IgG and IgA antibodies were studied in 27 patients with parasitologically proven strongyloidiasis. Clinical manifestations in this case series were investigated by a restrospective study of the patient's records. Total serum IgE levels were elevated (greater than 250 IU/ml) in 59% of the patients (mean concentration = 1364 IU/ml). Parasite - specific IgG and IgA antibodies were detected by ELISA in the serum of 23 (85.2%) and 21 (77.8%) patients, respectively. Elevated serum IgE and clinical manifestations were not useful indexes of the presence of strongyloidiasis. On the other hand, our results support the view that serologic tests, particularly ELISA for detecting Strongyloides - specific IgG antibodies, can be usefully exploited for diagnostic purposes in strongyloidiasis.


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A parasitological survey was carried out on 222 inhabitants of five farms in Holambra, located 30 km north of Campinas, £o Paulo, Brazil, on October 1992. Approximately 70% of the inhabitants were found to be infected with at least one species of intestinal parasite. The positive rates of 6 helminths and 7 protozoan species detected are as follows: 5.4% Ascaris lumbricoides; 8.6% Trichuris trichiura; 19.8% Necator americanus; 10.4% Strongyloides stercoralis; 14% Enterobius vermicularis; 0.9% Hymenolepis nana; 3.2% Entamoeba histolytica; 2.7% E. hartmanni; 9.9% E. coli; 14.0% Endolimax nana; 2.3% Iodamoeba butschlii; 10.4% Giardia lamblia; 37.8% Blastocystis hominis. The positive rates of helminth infection were generaly higher in the younger-group under 16 years-old than those in the elder group aged 16 or more, whereas the infection rates of protozoan species were higher in the elder group. The infection rate of Strongyloides was found to be 10.4% by a newly developed sensitive method (an agarplate culture methods).


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Parasitological diagnosis based on the faecal examination is frequently difficult in cases of chronic, low-level S. stercoralis infection. Even when a newly developed sensitive method (an agar plate culture) is applied, it is essential to examine faecal samples repeatedly to achieve a correct diagnosis. Additionally, it is important to note that a negative result does not necessarily indicate the unequivocal absence of the infection. On the other hand, several serological tests which have recently been developed for strongyloidiasis have proven reliable when used to complement parasitological examination. We have developed two serological tests, ELISA and GPAT, to demonstrate Strongyloides infection and possible applications of the serological tests for diagnosis, mass-screening, epidemiological study and postchemotherapy evaluation of strongyloidiasis were reviewed based on our recent studies.