47 resultados para Sõts†ov, Andrei: Eesti õigeusu piiskopkond Stalini ajal aastail 1945-53


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INTRODUCTION: Viral hepatitis is a major public health concern in Brazil. There are few past studies on this issue, especially among riparian communities. This study aims at determining the seroprevalence of viral hepatitis B and C in the riparian community of Pacuí Island, within the Cametá municipality of Pará State, Brazil. Moreover, this study aims to investigate the principal risk factors that this community is exposed to. METHODS: The current study has accessed blood samples from 181 volunteers who have answered an epidemiological questionnaire. Analyses on serological markers have been tested with commercial ELISA kits for detecting HBsAg, total anti-HBc, anti-HBs, and anti-HCV. Within seroreactive patients for HCV, RT-PCR and line probe assay have been performed to identify the viral genotype. RESULTS: In the serological marker analysis for hepatitis B, no reactivity for HBsAg, rate of 1.1% for total anti-HBc, and rate of 19.3% for anti-HBs have been observed. On hepatitis C, 8.8% seroprevalence has been found, in which 62.5% have gotten viral RNA. Among the risk factors studied, the following have been highlighted: non-use of condoms, sharing of cutting instruments, use of illicit drugs, and reports of family disease with HBV or HCV. CONCLUSIONS: The vaccination coverage against HBV is low, and the high prevalence of HCV within this community has been observed.


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Introduction: The genomic heterogeneity of hepatitis C virus (HCV) influences liver disorders. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of HCV genotypes and to investigate the influence of these genotypes on disease progression. Methods: Blood samples and liver biopsies were collected from HCV-seropositive patients for serological analysis, biochemical marker measurements, HCV genotyping and histopathological evaluation. Results: Hepatitis C virus-ribonucleic acid (HCV-RNA) was detected in 107 patients (90.6% with genotype 1 and 9.4% with genotype 3). Patients infected with genotype 1 exhibited higher mean necroinflammatory activity and fibrosis. Conclusions: HCV genotype 1 was the most prevalent and was associated with greater liver dysfunction.


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Objectives Unipolar depression (UPD) is a leading cause of global burden of diseases, particularly among the elderly, whose treatment may be challenging. In such cases, ECT is often recommended due to its safety and efficacy. This report presents a case of a 67-year-old male inpatient that developed a rare cardiac complication during ECT. Methods Clinical case report with patient’s consent and bibliographic review. Results A 67-year-old male inpatient with recurrent severe psychotic depression was hospitalized and ECT was indicated after failure of the pharmacological treatment. A comprehensive clinical pre-evaluation revealed only nonspecific ST-segment changes in electrocardiogram. During the 7th ECT session, it was observed transitory ST-segment depression followed by a discrete increase of plasma troponin I. Severe tri-vessel coronary artery stenosis was found and a percutaneous coronary angioplasty was performed, with satisfactory psychiatric and cardiac outcomes. Conclusions Unipolar depression (UPD) and cardiovascular disease are often coexistent conditions, especially among the elderly. In the current case, myocardial ischemia was detected lately during ECT therapy and its treatment allowed the UPD treatment to be completed adequately.


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OBJECTIVE: To report about a group of physicians' understanding of the recommendations of the II Brazilian Guidelines Conference on Dyslipidemias, and about the state of the art of primary and secondary prevention of atherosclerosis. METHODS: Through the use of a questionnaire on dyslipidemia, atherosclerosis prevention, and recommendations for lipid targets established by the II Brazilian Guidelines Conference on Dyslipidemias, 746 physicians, 98% cardiologists, were evaluated. RESULTS:Eighty-seven percent of the respondents stated that the treatment of dyslipidemia changes the natural history of coronary disease. Although most of the participants followed the total cholesterol recommendations (<200mg/dL for atherosclerosis prevention), only 55.8% would adopt the target of LDL-C <100 mg/dL for secondary prevention. Between 30.5 and 36.7% answered, in different questions, that the recommended level for HDL-C should be <35mg/dL. Only 32.7% would treat their patients indefinitely with lipid- lowering drugs. If the drug treatment did not reach the proposed target, only 35.5% would increase the dosage, and 29.4% would change the medication. Participants did not know the targets proposed for diabetics. CONCLUSION: Although the participating physicians valued the role played by lipids in the prevention of atherosclerosis, serious deficiencies exist in their knowledge of the recommendations given during the II Brazilian Guidelines Conference on Dyslipidemias.


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OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to verify whether HDL particles isolated from patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) and low HDL-C had diminished ability to promote cholesterol efflux from cultured cells compared with HDL isolated from subjects without CAD and with normal HDL-C. METHODS: Smooth muscle cells isolated from human aortas cultured and radiolabeled with ³H-cholesterol were loaded with cholesterol and incubated with increasing concentrations of HDL isolated from 13 CAD patients with low HDL-C (CAD group) or from 5 controls without CAD (C group). Efflux of cellular cholesterol was measured by cellular depletion of radiolabeled cholesterol and by the appearance of ³H-cholesterol into experimental medium expressed as a percentage of total labeled cholesterol. RESULTS: Cholesterol efflux increased with the amount of HDL present in the medium, and no difference was found between groups at various HDL protein concentrations: efflux was 28 ± 6.3% (C) and 25.5 ± 8.9% (CAD) with 25 mg/mL; 34 ± 4.3% (C) and 31.9 ± 6.6% (CD) with 50 mg/mL and 39.5 ± 3.5% (C) and 37.1 ± 4.4% (CAD) with 100 mg/mL, HDL. CONCLUSION: Because the HDL fraction of CAD patients with low HDL-C have normal ability to extract cholesterol from cells of the vessel wall, it is suggested that low HDL-C atherogenicity should be ascribed to diminished concentrations of HDL particles rather than to the qualitative properties of the HDL fraction.


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OBJETIVO: Definir o valor prognóstico e a custo-efetividade do teste ergométrico (TE) em comparação à cintilografia de perfusão miocárdica com dipiridamol (DIP) em indivíduos com > 75 anos de idade. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados, consecutiva e prospectivamente, 66 pacientes (40% homens), com média de idade de 81 ± 5 anos. Desses pacientes, 57% eram hipertensos, 38% eram dislipidêmicos e 28%, diabéticos. O protocolo de Bruce para rampa foi adaptado, obtendo-se o valor prognóstico do TE pelo escore de Duke. RESULTADOS: A duração do TE, o porcentual da freqüência cardíaca máxima preconizada e o duplo produto no pico do exercício foram, respectivamente, de 7 ± 3 minutos, 95 ± 9% e 24.946 ± 4.576 (bpm x mmHg). O TE e a DIP apresentaram resultados positivos para isquemia miocárdica similares (21% vs 15%, respectivamente). A concordância entre os testes foi de 88% (Kappa 0,63, p < 0,01). Durante 685 ± 120 dias, ocorreram nove eventos maiores: seis óbitos, duas síndromes coronarianas agudas e uma revascularização miocárdica. As variáveis associadas aos eventos maiores foram: idade (83 ± 6 anos vs 80 ± 4 anos; p = 0,048); sexo masculino (78% vs 33%; p = 0,02); infradesnível do ST (1,0 ± 1,0 mm vs 0,25 ± 0,6 mm; p = 0,01); escore de Duke alto e intermediário, unificados num único grupo (44 vs 2%; p = 0,001); e DIP anormal (44% vs 10%; p = 0,02). CONCLUSÃO: O TE, nessa população muito idosa, foi eficaz, factível e diagnóstico, de forma semelhante à DIP, porém com maior predição de eventos maiores e com custo inferior.


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The antimicrobial activity of three different extracts (hexanic, ethyl acetate, methanol) obtained from Brazilian Drosera species (D. communis, D. montana var. montana, D. brevifolia, D. villosa var. graomogolensis, D. villosa var. villosa, Drosera sp. 1, and Drosera sp. 2 ) were tested against Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 25923), Enterococcus faecium (ATCC23212), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (ATCC27853), Escherichia coli (ATCC11229), Salmonella choleraesuis (ATCC10708), Klebsiella pneumoniae (ATCC13883), and Candida albicans (a human isolate). Better antimicrobial activity was observed with D. communis and D. montana var. montana ethyl acetate extracts. Phytochemical analyses from D. communis, D. montana var. montana and D. brevifolia yielded 5-hydroxy-2-methyl-1,4-naphthoquinone (plumbagin); long chain aliphatic hydrocarbons were isolated from D. communis and from D. villosa var. villosa, a mixture of long chain aliphatic alcohols and carboxylic acids, was isolated from D. communis and 3b-O-acetylaleuritolic acid from D. villosa var. villosa.


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A total of 60% of the territory of Alagoas (AL) is considered endemic for the occurrence of schistosomiasis and the classification of clinical forms of the disease are not known. This paper aimed to evaluate an endemic schistosomiasis population in AL, taking into account the prevalence, classification of the clinical forms and the results of laboratory analyses. The sample consisted of residents in endemic areas. The participants were submitted to a stool examination by the Kato-Katz technique and the diagnosis was based on the reading of two microscopic slides for each sample. The patients whose examinations were positive for schistosomiasis mansoni were submitted to a clinical examination and blood collection. Based on this examination, 8.11% of the study population were positive for schistosomiasis. The medium parasite load was 79.1 ± 174.3 eggs. The intestinal (90.57%) and hepatointestinal (9.43%) forms were found at statistically significant levels (p < 0.001). The results of the present study update information on schistosomiasis in the city of Rio Largo. These data, although referring only to three locations in that city, suggest a decrease either in the parasite load or in the severity of clinical forms.


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É de fundamental importância uma linguagem específica da profissão e a CIPESC® -Classificação Internacional para as Práticas de Enfermagem em Saúde Coletiva tem como um dos objetivos desvelar a atuação dos enfermeiros na saúde coletiva. No Brasil, a ABEn, responsável pela classificação, encontrou na Secretaria Municipal da Saúde de Curitiba - PR aliada para efetiva implantação. O objetivo deste artigo foi validar a nomenclatura dos 52 diagnósticos de enfermagem do pré-natal - base CIPESC® - Curitiba. É um estudo exploratório-descritivo, desenvolvido com enfermeiras assistenciais e com experts na área de gineco-obstetrícia e terminologia. Os resultados foram apresentados pelo Índice de Concordância por meio de freqüência absoluta, todas as definições foram validadas, porém necessitam de adequações à linguagem cotidiana. As enfermeiras apresentam dificuldades para inter-pretar intervenção de enfermagem na promoção do bem-estar, sendo premente a discussão do conceito de promoção à saúde e o processo saúde-doença na saúde coletiva.


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In Drosophila, courtship is an elaborate sequence of behavioural patterns that enables the flies to identify conspecific mates from those of closely related species. This is important because drosophilids usually gather in feeding sites, where males of various species court females vigorously. We investigated the effects of previous experience on D. mercatorum courtship, by testing if virgin males learn to improve their courtship by observing other flies (social learning), or by adjusting their pre-existent behaviour based on previous experiences (facilitation). Behaviours recorded in a controlled environment were courtship latency, courtship (orientation, tapping and wing vibration), mating and other behaviours not related to sexual activities. This study demonstrated that males of D. mercatorum were capable of improving their mating ability based on prior experiences, but they had no social learning on the development of courtship.


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A acácia-negra é a terceira espécie florestal mais cultivada no Brasil. Além de sua importância econômica, é utilizada na recuperação de áreas degradadas, nas quais o solo geralmente apresenta pH baixo e altos teores de Al. O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar a diversidade genética de rizóbios naturais de solos do Rio Grande do Sul e selecionar isolados eficientes na fixação de N2 em condições de pH baixo. Um total de 50 isolados de Bradyrhizobium sp. foi obtido, os quais, juntamente com as estirpes recomendadas BR 3067 e BR 3068, foram caracterizados com o marcador BOX A 1-R. O padrão de bandas dos isolados foi utilizado na construção de um dendrograma, a partir do qual se calculou o índice de diversidade de Shannon. Dez isolados foram testados quanto à tolerância a pH baixo e à presença de Al, selecionando-se oito para o teste de eficiência simbiótica em casa de vegetação. Observou-se diversidade genética elevada entre os isolados, com a formação de 10 grupos, a partir do ponto de corte de 70 % de similaridade e com o índice de diversidade de 4,30. A presença de Al não afetou os isolados avaliados, que tiveram seu crescimento reduzido em pH 4,5. Quanto à eficiência simbiótica, os isolados T6-16 e V-7 foram os mais eficientes, assemelhando-se à estirpe recomendada BR 3068.


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The application of organic wastes to agricultural soils is not risk-free and can affect soil invertebrates. Ecotoxicological tests based on the behavioral avoidance of earthworms and springtails were performed to evaluate effects of different fertilization strategies on soil quality and habitat function for soil organisms. These tests were performed in soils treated with: i) slurry and chemical fertilizers, according to the conventional fertilization management of the region, ii) conventional fertilization + sludge and iii) unfertilized reference soil. Both fertilization strategies contributed to soil acidity mitigation and caused no increase in soil heavy metal content. Avoidance test results showed no negative effects of these strategies on soil organisms, compared with the reference soil. However, results of the two fertilization managements differed: Springtails did not avoid soils fertilized with dairy sludge in any of the tested combinations. Earthworms avoided soils treated with sludge as of May 2004 (DS1), when compared with conventional fertilization. Possibly, the behavioral avoidance of earthworms is more sensitive to soil properties (other than texture, organic matter and heavy metal content) than springtails