698 resultados para Rio de Janeiro (RJ) Carnaval Séc. XX


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Os Autores demonstram o ndice de contaminao do solo pelo Histoplasma capsulatum var. capsulatum, na localidade de Rio da Prata, rea periurbana com caractersticas rurais, do Municpio do Rio de Janeiro. A anlise de 111 amostras do solo coletadas em diferentes locais determinou 8 (7,2%) amostras positivas, todas obtidas de galinheiros, em um dos quais tambm foi observado guano de morcegos O elevado nvel de contaminao do solo nesta regio pode ser comparado aos nveis observados em reas endmicas de histoplasmose nos EUA.


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A ocorrncia de Clostridium difficile foi analisada em amostras de fezes de 175 crianas com idade variando de 1 a 35 meses. Para o isolamento primrio do microrganismo foi empregado o meio de cultura seletivo diferencial "CCFA" (cicloserina-cefoxitina-frutose-agar). Num grupo de 67 crianas sem distrbios gastrintestinais e que no estavam sob uso de agentes antimicrobianos a ocorrncia do C. difficile foi de 22,4%, enquanto que num outro grupo de 28 crianas nas mesmas condies, porm, sob tratamento com antimicrobianos a ocorrncia do microrganismo foi de 50%. Num terceiro grupo de 58 crianas com diarria e sob antibitico-terapia a ocorrncia de C. difficile atingiu 13,8%. Este mesmo percentual foi encontrado num quarto grupo de 22 crianas com diarria, porm, sem tratamento com agentes antimicrobianos. De um modo geral, os maiores ndices de ocorrncia de C. difficile foram encontrados em crianas com idade variando entre 1 a 12 meses (28,1%). ndices inferiores foram verificados entre crianas com idade superior a 1 ano. Outrossim, os resultados evidenciam que crianas com distrbios gastrintestinais apresentam menor incidncia deste microrganismo nas fezes. Por outro lado. no houve diferena estatsticamente significativa entre os grupos de crianas com e sem terapia antimicrobiana.


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The lysotypes, plasmidial profiles, and profiles of resistance to antimicrobial agents were determined in 111 Salmonella Typhimurium strains isolated from feces and blood of children treated in Rio de Janeiro and in Salvador. Six distinct lysotypes (19, 41, 97, 105, 120 and 193) were recognized, with a predominance of lysotype 193 (59.7%) in Rio de Janeiro and of phage type 105 (38.4) in Salvador. Approximately 86.7% of the lysotype 193 strains presented multiple resistance to more than six antimicrobial agents, whereas 93% of lysotype 105 strains were fully susceptible. More than 90% of the strains presented plasmids distributed into 36 different profiles in Rio de Janeiro and into 10 profiles in Salvador. A 40 MDa plasmid was the most frequent (47%) in the strains from Rio de Janeiro, whereas a 61 MDa plasmid predominated (14.5%) in Salvador. Combined analysis of plasmid profile and classification into lysotypes (especially those belonging to types 105 and 103, proved to be more discriminatory than the other methods applied).


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Um levantamento da malacofauna lmnina do Campus de Manguinhos, Fundao Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, foi realizado nos ltimos dois anos visando comparar as espcies hoje existentes com aquelas encontradas no incio deste século. Foram pesquisadas 18 colees hdricas numa extenso de 880.000m, sendo encontradas em 13 delas as seguintes espcies: Antillorbis nordestensis, Biomphalaria glabrata, Biomphalaria straminea, Lymnaea columella, Melanoides tuberculatus, Physa cubensis, Pomacea glauca e Pomacea lineata. Destacam-se o desaparecimento de Biomphalaria tenagophila, registrada por Lutz em 1918, a introduo de B. straminea e da espcie asitica M. tuberculatus. Nenhum molusco apresentou infeco por Schistosoma mansoni.


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Apresenta-se o primeiro relato de raiva em morcego da espcie Nyctinomops laticaudatus, na Cidade do Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Foram realizados isolamento e titulao viral em diferentes tecidos, encontrando-se altos ttulos no crebro e glndulas salivares. A ocorrncia de raiva em uma espcie pouco freqente neste estado sugere que a doena pode ser mais prevalente do que aparenta.


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Sparrows captured in Campo Grande, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, were examined through necropsy and the helmints found were identified. The prevalence, intensity of infection and the habitat of each helminth species found are showed. An analysis of the helminth fauna using the importance value of the species collected indicated that in the sparrow the dominant species are: Leucochloridium parcum, Tanaisia inopina, Choanotaenia passerina, Dispharynx nasuta and Tetrameres minima; and the co-dominant species are: Echinostoma revolutum, Eumegacetes mediximus and Mediorhynchus papillosus. According to the host specificity were classified as specialist species: L. parcum, T. inopina, C. passerina and T. minima; and as generalist species: E. revolutum, E. medioximus, D. nasuta and M. papillosus. Echinostoma revolutum was found for the first time in P. domesticus. The species E. medioximus , T. minima and D. nasuta were found for the first time in the sparrow in Brazil. The species C. passerina and M. papillosus were found for the first time in Brazil, expanding their distribution to the Neotropical region.


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New species of several speciemens of several specimens from Rio de Janeiro county, caught on the Spinosa platensis microalgae breeding in the concret thanks is described.


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Muscidae flies belonging to four Familia and 13 species in a total number of 3.652 specimens were collected from beaches at Ilha do Governador, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil using different breeding substrates, and subsequently bred in the laboratory. Captures were done from April to November 1989, using in a first phase different substrates: fruits (banana and papaya), vegtable (tomato), animal viscera (bovine liver), marine animals (fish, crab, shrimp, squid), mouse carcass and feaces (human and canine). The species collected more often were: Fannia sp. (subgroup pusio), Chrysomya megacephala, Phaenicia eximia, Synthesiomyia nudiseta, Peckya chrysostoma, Musca domestica and Atherigona orientalis. In a later phase, only fish was used, as bait and placed directly on the beach sand. From a total of 189 pupae, the following adult specimen were obtained: Peckia chrysostoma (58.06%), Chrysomya megacephala (30.64%) and in lesser numbers Synthesiomyia nudiseta and Phaenicia eximia.


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How adult females of calyptrate Diptera recognize the appropriate breeding substrate is a matter of controversy. Among holometabolic insects, the feeding opportunities of immature stages are generally determined by the adult female choice of an oviposition site. The ovipositional and larvipositional substrate preference for the synanthropic flies (Chrysomya megacephala, C. putoria, Phaenicia cuprina: Calliphoridae; Atherigona orientalis, Synthesiomyia nudiseta: Muscidae; Ravinia belforti, Parasarcophaga ruficornis, Peckia chrysostoma: Sarcophagidae) is presented in this work. The substrate used for testing were the following: bovine minced meat, fish (sardine), bovine liver, shrimp, squid, human faeces and banana. Bovine minced meat was the ovipositional and larvipositional substrate preferred by seven species. Human faeces were preferred by R. belforti.


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A list of 41 Apoidea (Hymenoptera) type specimens deposited in the Entomological Collection of the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil is presented. The types previously belonged to the Zikn and Schrottky private collections. A total of 11 holotypes and 30 paratypes are listed with their respective data and literature


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This study presents a list of 34 Anoplura type specimens deposited in the Werneck Collection of Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. It includes 18 holotypes, 16 allotypes, 88 paratypes and 10 neotypes, distributed among the genera: Enderleinellus, Fahrenholzia, Haematopinus, Hoplopleura, Linognathus, Microthoracius, Pecaroecus, Polyplax and Pterophthirus. The types are related according to their respective data and literature.


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We investigated the seroprevalence of hepatitis A virus (HAV) and hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection in subjects living in the community of Manguinhos, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and assisted at the Health Unit of Escola Nacional de Sade Pblica, Fundao Oswaldo Cruz. After formal consent, individuals were submitted to an interview using a standardized questionnaire. Anti-HAV and anti-HEV antibodies were detected by ELISA. Statistical analysis was carried out using the Epi-Info 6.04b software, to investigate possible associations between serological markers and risk factors. Results were regarded as significant when p value < 0.05. Although a high prevalence of anti-HAV was observed (87%), almost 50% of subjects under the age of 10 were susceptible to HAV infection, an unexpected rate in endemic areas. This fact could be attributed to improvements in environmental sanitation, occurring in this area in the last years. The increasing proportion of susceptible people may result in outbreaks of HAV infection, since the virus still circulates in this area, as verified by the detection of anti-HAV IgM in some individuals. No statistical association was met between HAV infection and the risk factors here assessed. The anti-HEV IgG prevalence found in this population was 2.4%, consistent with the one found in non-endemic areas.


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This paper presents a list of 131 Mallophaga type specimens deposited in the Werneck Collection of Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. It includes 69 holotypes, 62 allotypes, 683 paratypes, 1 syntype and 2 neoparatypes, distributed among 6 families and 35 genera. The types are listed with their respective data and literature.


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Este estudo foi realizado no perodo de agosto de 1999 a julho de 2000 com o objetivo de conhecer os parasitides de Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius, 1794) (Diptera, Calliphoridae) e avaliar sua dinmica populacional no Instituto Oswaldo Cruz (IOC/ FIOCRUZ) e Jardim Zoolgico, na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, RJ. As coletas foram realizadas semanalmente atravs da exposio de larvas de terceiro instar da mosca e seu substrato de criao, carne bovina moda em putrefao. Foram identificadas trs espcies de himenpteros parasitides: Tachinaephagus zealandicus Ashmead, 1904 (Encyrtidae), Pachycrepoideus vindemiae (Rondani, 1875) (Pteromalidae) and Nasonia vitripennis (Walker, 1836) (Pteromalidae). Nos dois locais, T. zealandicus foi a espcie com maior taxa de parasitismo de C. megacephala, seguida por P. vindemiae e N. vitripennis. A populao de parasitides diminuiu drasticamente no vero (temperatura mdia = 28&deg;C; precipitao = 6,5 mm).O pico populacional desses insetos foi verificado no final do outono e durante todo o inverno. No Jardim Zoolgico, o lixo acumulado no local de coleta exerceu forte influncia na dinmica populacional dos himenpteros parasitides identificados nesse estudo e o pico populacional de parasitismo foi verificado em junho e julho de 2000.