20 resultados para Railroad track settlement
ABSTRACT The study of soil chemical and physical properties variability is important for suitable management practices. The aim of this study was to evaluate the spatial variability of soil properties in the Malhada do Meio settlement to subsidize soil use planning. The settlement is located in Chapadinha, MA, Brazil, and has an area of 630.86 ha. The vegetation is seasonal submontane deciduous forest and steppe savanna. The geology is formed of sandstones and siltstones of theItapecuru Formation and by colluvial and alluvial deposits. The relief consists of hills with rounded and flat tops with an average altitude of 67 m, and frequently covered over by ferruginous duricrusts. A total of 183 georeferenced soil samples were collected at the depth of 0.00-0.20 m inPlintossolos, Neossolo andGleissolo. The following chemical variables were analyzed: pH(CaCl2), H+Al, Al, SB, V, CEC, P, K, OM, Ca, Mg, SiO2, Al2O3, and Fe2O3; along with particle size variables: clay, silt, and sand. Descriptive statistical and geostatistical analyses were carried out. The coefficient of variation (CV) was high for most of the variables, with the exception of pH with a low CV, and of sand with a medium CV. The models fitted to the experimental semivariograms of these variables were the exponential and the spherical. The range values were from 999 m to 3,690 m. For the variables pH(CaCl2), SB, and clay, there are three specific areas for land use planning. The central part of the area (zone III), where thePlintossolos Pétricos and Neossolos Flúvicos occur, is the most suitable for crops due to higher macronutrient content, organic matter and pH. Zones I and II are indicated for environmental preservation.
O presente estudo teve como objetivo central avaliar técnica e economicamente atividades de extração em área montanhosa, utilizando um trator florestal arrastador com esteiras (Track-Skidder). O estudo foi conduzido em povoamentos de eucalipto de uma empresa florestal do Estado de Minas Gerais, nos quais o sistema de colheita foi o de árvore inteira, sendo o sistema mecanizado utilizado nas suas atividades de corte, extração e traçamento. A avaliação técnica consistiu em detectar e dimensionar os fatores de interrupções operacionais e mecânicas, como também em determinar os índices de produtividade, eficiência operacional, disponibilidade mecânica e grau de utilização. A avaliação econômica consistiu na determinação dos custos operacionais, bem como em determinar a distribuição destes custos. As áreas de estudo foram estratificadas em três níveis de declividades e três níveis de distâncias de extração. De acordo com o estudo os estratos de menor declividade e distância de extração apresentaram melhor produtividade em relação aos estratos de maior declividade e distância de extração. Ao final do período de avaliação a máquina atingiu disponibilidade mecânica de 79% e eficiência operacional de 76%. Seu custo operacional foi de US$57,00 por hora efetiva, sendo a depreciação e os juros os maiores elementos deste custo.
Abstract The study aimed to assess the food accessibility and consumption among families in the Cupiúba rural settlement, in the city of Castanhal, Pará, Brazil. It was found that the access to food is worrying and indicated that most families are in food insecurity conditions. Moreover, income and food safety level were associated. The consumption of the settler families comprises mainly high-energy, low-nutrient content foods, characterized by the low intake of fruits and vegetables and the introduction of processed foods with high energy density and sugar-added beverages, although the traditional dietary habits (rice and beans) are still present. This configures a diet at risk for important nutritional deficits, obesity, and many non-communicable chronic diseases.