398 resultados para Radiação Ultra violeta


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OBJETIVO: Em decorrência dos questionamentos sobre o efeito deletério das radiações emitidas pelo campo eletromagnético (CEM) dos tipos ELF (extremely low frequency) e VLF (very low frequency) transmitidas pelos monitores de vídeo dos computadores (CRT), foi avaliada a freqüência de anomalias cromossômicas estruturais e a cinética do ciclo celular em indivíduos expostos por seu trabalho à radiação dos CRT. MÉTODOS: A pesquisa de aberrações cromossômicas foi realizada em 2.000 metáfases de primeira divisão celular obtidas de culturas de 48h de linfócitos de sangue venoso periférico de dez indivíduos expostos ao CRT (grupo E) e de dez controles (grupo C). A cinética do ciclo celular foi pesquisada pelos índices mitótico (IM) e de proliferação celular (IPC). RESULTADOS: A análise estatística evidenciou freqüências significativamente maiores de metáfases com anomalias cromossômicas (E=5,9%; C=3,7%) e anomalias/célula (E=0,066±0,026; C=0,040±0,026) nos indivíduos expostos aos CRTs. As alterações citogenéticas mais comuns foram as quebras cromatídicas, com freqüência de 0,034±0,016 no grupo E e de 0,016±0,015 no grupo C. As freqüências de IM e IPC não apresentaram diferenças significantes entre os grupos avaliados. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados sugerem um efeito genotóxico do CEM emitido pelos CRTs devido à freqüência mais elevada de quebras cromatídicas, enfatizando a necessidade de haver um número maior de estudos com diferentes técnicas que vise a investigar a ação do CEM sobre o material genético.


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The rapid nutrition transition occurring in Latin America has resulted in a sharp increase of childhood overweight and obesity. Recent evidence has shown that food and beverage advertising has a great influence on children’s eating behavior. This population has become a key target market for the ultra-processed foods and beverages industry, which is marketing products in an aggressive way. Evidence shows that Latin American countries have poor regulation of ultra-processed foods and beverages advertising, where the discourse of self-regulation still prevails over statutory regulations. The following commentary explores how advertising might play an important role in developing unhealthy dietary patterns and obesity in Latin American children, as well as the urgent need for government action and the involvement of civil society to tackle this public health issue.


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OBJECTIVE To evaluate the consumption of ultra-processed foods, its associated factors, and its influence on nutrient intake in young adults.METHODS In 2004-2005, the individuals belonging to the Pelotas birth cohort of 1982 were identified for a home interview. A total of 4,297 individuals were interviewed and 4,202 individuals were included in the study (follow-up rate of 77.4%). Diet was assessed using a questionnaire on dietary intake and the percentage of daily caloric intake attributed to ultra-processed foods as well as the intake of macro- and micronutrients were estimated. The association between cohort characteristics and the consumption of ultra-processed foods was assessed using linear regression. Analysis of variance and Pearson’s Chi-square test were used to evaluate the association between the quintiles of the consumption of ultra-processed food, nutrient intake and adequacy of nutrient intake, respectively.RESULTS The consumption of ultra-processed foods corresponded to 51.2% of the total caloric intake. The consumption of ultra-processed foods was higher among women, individuals with higher education, and individuals who were never poor and eutrophic. The increased consumption of ultra-processed foods was positively correlated with the consumption of fat, cholesterol, sodium, iron, calcium, and calories (p < 0.001) and was negatively correlated with the consumption of carbohydrates, protein, and dietary fiber (p < 0.001).CONCLUSIONS The high consumption of ultra-processed foods and its positive correlation with the intake of sodium, cholesterol, and fats underscores the need to perform interventions aimed at decreasing the intake of this food group.


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OBJECTIVE To assess the impact of consuming ultra-processed foods on the nutritional dietary profile in Brazil.METHODS Cross-sectional study conducted with data from the module on individual food consumption from the 2008-2009 Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares (POF – Brazilian Family Budgets Survey). The sample, which represented the section of the Brazilian population aged 10 years or over, involved 32,898 individuals. Food consumption was evaluated by two 24-hour food records. The consumed food items were classified into three groups: natural or minimally processed, including culinary preparations with these foods used as a base; processed; and ultra-processed.RESULTS The average daily energy consumption per capita was 1,866 kcal, with 69.5% being provided by natural or minimally processed foods, 9.0% by processed foods and 21.5% by ultra-processed food. The nutritional profile of the fraction of ultra-processed food consumption showed higher energy density, higher overall fat content, higher saturated and trans fat, higher levels of free sugar and less fiber, protein, sodium and potassium, when compared to the fraction of consumption related to natural or minimally processed foods. Ultra-processed foods presented generally unfavorable characteristics when compared to processed foods. Greater inclusion of ultra-processed foods in the diet resulted in a general deterioration in the dietary nutritional profile. The indicators of the nutritional dietary profile of Brazilians who consumed less ultra-processed foods, with the exception of sodium, are the stratum of the population closer to international recommendations for a healthy diet.CONCLUSIONS The results from this study highlight the damage to health that is arising based on the observed trend in Brazil of replacing traditional meals, based on natural or minimally processed foods, with ultra-processed foods. These results also support the recommendation of avoiding the consumption of these kinds of foods.


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OBJECTIVE To evaluate the impact of consuming ultra-processed foods on the micronutrient content of the Brazilian population’s diet.METHODS This cross-sectional study was performed using data on individual food consumption from a module of the 2008-2009 Brazilian Household Budget Survey. A representative sample of the Brazilian population aged 10 years or over was assessed (n = 32,898). Food consumption data were collected through two 24-hour food records. Linear regression models were used to assess the association between the nutrient content of the diet and the quintiles of ultra-processed food consumption – crude and adjusted for family incomeper capita.RESULTS Mean daily energy intake per capita was 1,866 kcal, with 69.5% coming from natural or minimally processed foods, 9.0% from processed foods and 21.5% from ultra-processed foods. For sixteen out of the seventeen evaluated micronutrients, their content was lower in the fraction of the diet composed of ultra-processed foods compared with the fraction of the diet composed of natural or minimally processed foods. The content of 10 micronutrients in ultra-processed foods did not reach half the content level observed in the natural or minimally processed foods. The higher consumption of ultra-processed foods was inversely and significantly associated with the content of vitamins B12, vitamin D, vitamin E, niacin, pyridoxine, copper, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, selenium and zinc. The reverse situation was only observed for calcium, thiamin and riboflavin.CONCLUSIONS The findings of this study highlight that reducing the consumption of ultra-processed foods is a natural way to promote healthy eating in Brazil and, therefore, is in line with the recommendations made by the Guia Alimentar para a População Brasileira (Dietary Guidelines for the Brazilian Population) to avoid these foods.


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Devido a evidências sugestivas da possibilidade de transmissão da toxoplasmose por transfusão de sangue, os autores se propuseram avaliar o papel preventivo da violeta de genciana, à semelhança do que já é estabelecido para a doença de Chagas. O experimento em camundongos revelou a ação profilática da violeta de genciana quando adicionado ao sangue a ser transfundido na concentração de 1/1000 e permanência por 48 horas na geladeira.


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E feito um estudo da ultra-estrutura da forma epismastigota do Trypanosoma cruzi mantida em meio de cultivo acelular. O núcleo das formas em divisão apresenta um aspecto homogêneo. Microtúbulos intranucleares são observados durante a divisão. No entanto, a membrana nuclear permanece íntegra. O citoplasma apresenta-se com vacúolos de dimensões e aspectos variados. Com o método do ácido periódico-tiosemicarbazida-proteinato de prata, polissacaríáeos e/ou glicoproteínas foram localizados na membrana celular e na membrana que delimita certos vacúolos citoplasmáticos.


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Os aa. estudaram as alterações ultra-estruturais do hepatócito na forma aguda, toxêmica, da esquístossomose em sete pacientes, membros de uma mesma família, infectatos em idênticas condições em um córrego existente no município de Sabará (MG) e não tratados especificamente para a esquistossomose. O estudo vem confirmar a nossa assertiva de que, na esquistossomose, não hâ um ataque direto e sistematizado aos hepatócitos e que as lesões destes são secundárias e decorrem, principalmente, das alterações do sistema vascular estromático. Nos sete casos estudados as alterações ultra-estruturais foram inespecfficas, pouco acentuadas e se caracterizaram sobretudo pelas modificações das organelas citoplasmáticas (dilatação das cisternas do reticulo, apagamento das cristas mitocondriais, desacoplamento de ribossomas, acúmulo de glicogênio). Foi freqüente, também, a presença de lisossomosvolumosos, inclusões e corpos residuais nos hepatócitos Estes achados à microscopia eletrônica espelham o comportamento funcional do hepatócito na vigência da forma aguda, toxêmica, da esquistossomose e explicam o freqüente encontro de células claras à microscopia óptica.


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Visando verificar a viabilidade do concentrado de plaquetas, após sua preservação com substâncias, que adicionadas ao sangue sejam capazes de destruir o Trypanosoma cruzi, testamos concentrado de plaquetas estocado com a violeta de genciana e a quinolina WR6026. A viabilidade foi avaliada através da contagem do número de plaquetas, da medida do pH e agregação plaquetária com par de agonistas durante seu período de estocagem. Alterações significativas foram observadas nos concentrados plaquetários tratados com violeta de genciana sugerindo comprometimento da viabilidade plaquetária. Com o WR6026 foram observados valores similares aos controles, abrindo perspectivas para o emprego deste sal na quimioprofilaxia da doença de Chagas transfusional, em regiões altamente endêmicas.


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PURPOSE: To determine the eradication rate of an ultra-short treatment schedule for Helicobacter pylori infection in a population with peptic ulcers, using omeprazole, secnidazole, and azithromycin in a once-daily dose for 3 days. METHODS: Thirty patients with peptic ulcer diagnosed by upper endoscopy and for Helicobacter pylori infection by rapid urease test and histologic examination received omeprazole 40 mg, secnidazole 1000 mg, and azithromycin 500 mg, administered once daily for 3 days. A follow-up exam was performed 12 weeks after the end of the treatment. Patients who were negative for Helicobacter pylori infection by rapid urease test and histologic examination were considered cured. RESULTS: Patients were predominantly female, and the mean age was 50 years. Duodenal peptic ulcer was found in 73% of the patients. Eradication was achieved in 9 of the 28 (32%) patients as determined from the follow-up endoscopic exam. The eradication rate by intention to treat was 30%. Side effects were present in 3% of the patients, and compliance to treatment was total. CONCLUSIONS: In spite of the low rate of side effects and good compliance, the eradication index was low. A possible drawback of this therapy is that it reduces the efficacy of macrolide and nitroimidazole compounds in subsequent treatments.