57 resultados para QSAR-2D
This paper presents the synthesis of the coordination polymers ∞[Ln(DPA)(HDPA)] (DPA=2,6-pyridinedicarboxylate; Ln= Tb and Gd), their structural and spectroscopic properties. The structural study reveals that the ∞[Ln(DPA)(HDPA)] has a single Ln+3 ion coordinated with two H2DPA ligands in tridentade coordination mode, while two others H2DPA establish a syn-bridge with a symmetry-related Ln3+, forming a two-dimensional structure. The spectroscopic studies show that ∞[Tb(DPA)(HDPA)] compound has high quantum yield (q x≈ 50.0%), due to the large contribution of radiative decay rate. Moreover triplet level is localized sufficiently over the emitter level 5D4 of theTb3+ ion, avoiding a retrotransference process between these states.
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is considered the main cause of cognitive decline in adults. The available therapies for AD treatment seek to maintain the activity of cholinergic system through the inhibition of the enzyme acetylcholinesterase. However, butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE) can be considered an alternative target for AD treatment. Aiming at developing new BuChE inhibitors, robust QSAR 3D models with high predictive power were developed. The best model presents a good fit (r²=0.82, q²=0.76, with two PCs) and high predictive power (r²predict=0.88). Analysis of regression vector shows that steric properties have considerable importance to the inhibition of the BuChE.
Descriptors in multivariate image analysis applied to quantitative structure-activity relationship (MIA-QSAR) are pixels of bidimensional images of chemical structures (drawings), which were used to model the trichomonicidal activities of a series of benzimidazole derivatives. The MIA-QSAR model showed good predictive ability, with r², q² and r val. ext.² of 0.853, 0.519 and 0.778, respectively, which are comparable to the best values obtained by CoMFA e CoMSIA for the same series. A MIA-based analysis was also performed by using images of alphabetic letters with the corresponding numeric ordering as dependent variables, but no correlation was found, supporting that MIA-QSAR is not arbitrary.
QSAR modeling is a novel computer program developed to generate and validate QSAR or QSPR (quantitative structure- activity or property relationships) models. With QSAR modeling, users can build partial least squares (PLS) regression models, perform variable selection with the ordered predictors selection (OPS) algorithm, and validate models by using y-randomization and leave-N-out cross validation. An additional new feature is outlier detection carried out by simultaneous comparison of sample leverage with the respective Studentized residuals. The program was developed using Java version 6, and runs on any operating system that supports Java Runtime Environment version 6. The use of the program is illustrated. This program is available for download at lqta.iqm.unicamp.br.
Ultrafast 2D NMR is a powerful methodology that allows recording of a 2D NMR spectrum in a fraction of second. However, due to the numerous non-conventional parameters involved in this methodology its implementation is no trivial task. Here, an optimized experimental protocol is carefully described to ensure efficient implementation of ultrafast NMR. The ultrafast spectra resulting from this implementation are presented based on the example of two widely used 2D NMR experiments, COSY and HSQC, obtained in 0.2 s and 41 s, respectively.
Imide compounds have shown biological activity. These compounds can be easily synthesized with good yields. The objective of this paper was the rational planning of imides and sulfonamides with antinociceptive activity using the 3D-QSAR/CoMFA approach. The studies were performed using two data sets. The first set consisted of 39 cyclic imides while the second set consisted of 39 imides and 15 sulfonamides. The 3D- QSAR/CoMFA models have shown that the steric effect is important for the antinociceptive activity of imide and sulphonamide compounds. Ten new compounds with improved potential antinociceptive activity have been proposed by de novo design leapfrog simulations.
Microscopic visualization, especially in transparent micromodels, can provide valuable information to understand the transport phenomena at pore scale in different process occurring in porous materials (food, timber, soils, etc.). Micromodels studies focus mainly on the observation of multi-phase flow, which presents a greater proximity to reality. The aim of this study was to study the process of flexography and its application in the manufacture of polyester resin transparent micromodels and its application to carrots. Materials used to implement a flexo station for micromodels construction were thermoregulated water bath, exposure chamber to UV light, photosensitive substance (photopolymer), RTV silicone polyester resin, and glass plates. In this paper, data on size distribution of a particular kind of carrot we used, and a transparent micromodel with square cross-section as well as a Log-normal pore size distribution with pore radii ranging from 10 to 110 µm (average of 22 µm and micromodel size of 10 × 10 cm) were built. Finally, it stresses that it has successfully implemented the protocol processing 2D polyester resin transparent micromodels.
Candida albicans is an opportunistic human pathogen that is capable of causing superficial and systemic infections in immunocompromised patients. Extracts of Sapindus saponaria have been used as antimicrobial agents against various organisms. In the present study, we used a combination of two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2D-PAGE) and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) to identify the changes in protein abundance of C. albicans after exposure to the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) and sub-minimal inhibitory concentration (sub-MIC) of the butanolic extract (BUTE) of S. saponaria and also to fluconazole. A total of six different proteins with greater than 1.5 fold induction or repression relative to the untreated control cells were identified among the three treatments. In general, proteins/enzymes involved with the glycolysis (GPM1, ENO1, FBA1), amino acid metabolism (ILV5, PDC11) and protein synthesis (ASC1) pathways were detected. In conclusion, our findings reveal antifungal-induced changes in protein abundance of C. albicans. By using the previously identified components of the BUTE of S. saponaria(e.g., saponins and sesquiterpene oligoglycosides), it will be possible to compare the behavior of compounds with unknown mechanisms of action, and this knowledge will help to focus the subsequent biochemical work aimed at defining the effects of these compounds.
Trypanosoma cruzi trypomastigotes excrete-secrete a complex mixture of antigenic molecules. This antigenic mixture denominated trypomastigote excreted-secreted antigens contains a 150-160 kDa band that shows excellent performance in Chagas' disease diagnosis by immunoblotting. The present study partially characterized by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis the immunoreactivity against the 150-160kDa protein using sera samples from chagasic patients in different phases of the disease. Trypomastigote excreted-secreted antigen preparations were subjected to high-resolution two-dimensional (2D) gel electrophoresis followed by immunoblotting with sera from chagasic and non-chagasic patients. The 150-160kDa protein presented four isoforms with isoelectric focusing ranging from 6.2 to 6.7. The four isoforms were recognized by IgM from acute phase and IgG from chronic phase sera of chagasic patients. The 150-160kDa isoform with IF of approximately 6.4 became the immunodominant spot with the progression of the disease. No cross-reactivity was observed with non-chagasic or patients infected with Leishmania sp. In this study we provide basic knowledge that supports the validation of trypomastigote excreted-secreted antigens for serological diagnosis of Chagas' disease.
Estudos fitoquímicos prévios com resíduos do cerne de pau-rainha (Brosimum rubescens), identificaram um alto teor de xantiletina, uma cumarina com potencial biológico. Dando prosseguimento aos estudos com serragens desta espécie, este estudo relata a densidade básica bem como o isolamento e identificação do triterpeno 3β-acetoxi-olean-12-eno-28-al e do β- sitosterol nos extratos hexânico e metanólico do alburno da planta. A estrutura do triterpeno foi determinada com base nos espectros de RMN em 1D (¹H e 13C) e 2D (HSQC e HMBC) além de comparação com dados da literatura. A densidade básica encontrada para o alburno foi de 0,58 g cm-3 que, embora seja inferior a do cerne, poderá ser utilizada na confecção de vários produtos, inclusive em técnicas de marchetaria.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a correlação e concordância entre medidas ecocardiográficas das dimensões cardíacas, obtidas através do aplicativo Echo off-line (programa para obtenção de medidas de imagens digitalizadas em estação de trabalho dedicada), com as realizadas convencionalmente. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, contemporâneo, sendo randomizados 56 pacientes. Através do programa Echo off-line foram mensuradas as medidas ao modo M e 2D ao nível dos ventrículos, do átrio esquerdo e da aorta. Estas medidas foram comparadas às realizadas por outro profissional, através do teste de correlação de Pearson (r), com alfa crítico de 0,05 e pela análise de concordância (Bland e Altman). RESULTADOS: As mensurações realizadas no sistema Echo off-line demonstraram r de 0,85 a 0,98. A análise de concordância mostrou que, para a maioria das medidas, a diferença média entre os métodos foi aproximadamente zero. A variação de valores absolutos não apresentou, em média, significância clínica. O aplicativo Echo off-line permite uma redução de, aproximadamente, 30% no tempo para realização das medidas. CONCLUSÃO: Este trabalho demonstrou a acurácia do programa Echo off-line para mensurar as dimensões cardíacas em estação de trabalho dedicada, podendo ser utilizado rotineiramente nos laboratórios de ecocardiografia.
Índice de dissincronia ventricular: comparação com a fração de ejeção bidimensional e tridimensional
FUNDAMENTO: O acoplamento eletromecânico (sincronia) do ventrículo esquerdo (VE) tem importância na análise da performance sistólica, especialmente para a indicação da terapia de ressincronização cardíaca em pacientes com ICC avançada. OBJETIVO: Comparar a sincronia do VE analisada com ecocardiograma (eco) tridimensional (3D) em tempo real com medidas de FEVE obtidas com ECO 2D e 3D. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo de 92 indivíduos (56 homens, 47±10 anos), 60 com anatomia cardíaca (eco) e ECG normais (Grupo N), 32 com cardiomiopatia dilatada (Grupo CMD). Com o emprego do ECO 3D foram aferidos FEVE, volumes e índice de dissincronia (ID)% para 16 segmentos do VE; com o ECO 2D foram medidos FEVE (método de Simpson) e volumes sistólico e diastólico do VE. Análise estatística: coeficiente de correlação (Pearson), 95% IC, teste de regressão linear, teste de Bland & Altman, p<0,05. RESULTADOS: O ID% variou de 0,2900 a 28,1000 (5,2014±6,3281), a FEVE 3D variou de 0,17 a 0,81 (0,52±0,17); a FEVE 2D variou de 0,3 a 0,69 (0,49±0,11). A correlação entre ID e FEVE 3D foi (r): -0,7432, p<0,0001, IC: -0,8227 a -0,6350, a relação linear entre ID (x) e FEVE 3D (y) foi y = 19,8124 + (-27,9578) x , p<0,0001. A correlação entre ID e FEVE 2D foi (r): -0,7012, p<0,0001, IC: -0,7923 a -0,5797. CONCLUSÃO: Nesta casuística foi observada boa correlação negativa entre o acoplamento sistólico tridimensional eletromecânico do VE e a FEVE medida ao ecocardiograma (3D e 2D).
FUNDAMENTO: Gordura epicárdica tem sido associada com a presença de doença arterial coronariana (DAC) significante. Entretanto, a associação entre infiltração lipomatosa do septo atrial e a infiltração de gordura do ventrículo direito (VD) permanece incerta. Nenhum desses parâmetros foi totalmente estudado em pacientes hispânicos. OBJETIVO: Determinar a associação entre a gordura epicárdica, infiltração lipomatosa do septo atrial e a infiltração de gordura do VD na presença de DAC. MÉTODOS: Duzentos e cinquenta pacientes hispânicos (86 mulheres e 164 homens, média da idade 61,5 ± 8 vs 62 ± 10 respectivamente), submetidos à sua primeira angiografia coronariana invasiva (ACI) foram estudados. No dia seguinte ao ACI, parâmetros de deposição de gordura epicárdica foram avaliados através de ecocardiografia modo 2D. Variáveis clínicas (idade, sexo, antecedentes pessoais do hábito de fumar, hipertensão e diabete melito, bem como a apresentação clínica da DAC) e antropométricas (circunferência da cintura e índice de massa corporal [IMC]) também foram coletadas. RESULTADOS: A gordura epicárdica (OR 1,27 p = 0,009), bem como a infiltração de gordura no VD (OR 2,94 p = 0,027), apresentaram uma associação significante e independente com a presença, mas não com a extensão (p = 0,516) e apresentação clínica (p = 0,153) da DAC. A extensão da deposição da gordura epicárdica mostrou uma associação proporcional e significante (p = 0,001) com a presença de DAC. CONCLUSÃO: A Gordura epicárdica e a infiltração de gordura do VD foram fatores significantes e independentes associados com a presença de DAC, a qual estava proporcionalmente aumentada de acordo com a extensão da deposição de gordura epicárdica.
Speckles, ou marcadores naturais do miocárdio, originam se da interferência construtiva e destrutiva do feixe de ultrassom que incide sobre os tecidos, podem fornecer um diagnóstico precoce das alterações miocárdicas e atuar na predição de certos eventos cardíacos. Devido à sua relativa estabilidade temporal, os speckles podem ser rastreados durante o ciclo cardíaco por software dedicados, promovendo a análise da função sistólica e diastólica. São identificados tanto pela escala de cinza da ecocardiografia 2D convencional quanto pela ecocardiografia 3D, sendo independentes do ângulo de incidência do ultrassom, permitindo assim a avaliação da mecânica cardíaca nos três planos espaciais: longitudinal, circunferencial e radial. O objetivo do presente artigo é discutir o papel e o significado da deformação cardíaca obtida por meio do speckle tracking durante a avaliação da fisiologia cardíaca, e discutir as aplicações clínicas desta tecnologia ecocardiográfica inovadora.
Background: The use of three-dimensional rotational angiography (3D-RA) to assess patients with congenital heart diseases appears to be a promising technique despite the scarce literature available. Objectives: The objective of this study was to describe our initial experience with 3D-RA and to compare its radiation dose to that of standard two-dimensional angiography (2D-SA). Methods: Between September 2011 and April 2012, 18 patients underwent simultaneous 3D-RA and 2D-SA during diagnostic cardiac catheterization. Radiation dose was assessed using the dose-area-product (DAP). Results: The median patient age and weight were 12.5 years and 47.5 Kg, respectively. The median DAP of each 3D-RA acquisition was 1093µGy.m2 and 190µGy.m2 for each 2D-SA acquisition (p<0.01). In patients weighing more than 45Kg (n=7), this difference was attenuated but still significant (1525 µGy.m2 vs.413µGy.m2, p=0.01). No difference was found between one 3D-RA and three 2D-SA (1525µGy.m2 vs.1238 µGy.m2, p = 0.575) in this population. This difference was significantly higher in patients weighing less than 45Kg (n=9) (713µGy.m2 vs.81µGy.m2, P = 0.008), even when comparing one 3D-RA with three 2D-SA (242µGy.m2, respectively, p<0.008). 3D-RA was extremely useful for the assessment of conduits of univentricular hearts, tortuous branches of the pulmonary artery, and aorta relative to 2D-SA acquisitions. Conclusions: The radiation dose of 3D-RA used in our institution was higher than those previously reported in the literature and this difference was more evident in children. This type of assessment is of paramount importance when starting to perform 3D-RA.