25 resultados para Passaglia, Carlo, 1812-1887.
Until the present date, historians of science have described inaccurately the first laboratory created in Brazil for establishing and divulging Chemistry, namely the "Laboratório Químico-Prático do Rio de Janeiro". During recent research carried out in the Arquivo do Museu Imperial (Petrópolis, RJ), I localized a document entitled "Ensaio histórico analítico das operações do Laboratório Químico-Prático do Rio de Janeiro", which allowed me to gain the relevant information to correct some of the observations made in the first chronicles.
We make several simulations using the Monte Carlo method in order to obtain the chemical equilibrium for several first-order reactions and one second-order reaction. We study several direct, reverse and consecutive reactions. These simulations show the fluctuations and relaxation time and help to understand the solution of the corresponding differential equations of chemical kinetics. This work was done in an undergraduate physical chemistry course at UNIFIEO.
The paper presents an introductory and general discussion on the quantum Monte Carlo methods, some fundamental algorithms, concepts and applicability. In order to introduce the quantum Monte Carlo method, preliminary concepts associated with Monte Carlo techniques are discussed.
A software based in the Monte Carlo method have been developed aiming the teaching of important cases of mechanisms found in luminescence and in excited states decay kinetics, including: multiple decays, consecutive decays and coupled systems decays. The Monte Carlo Method allows the student to easily simulate and visualize the luminescence mechanisms, focusing on the probabilities of the related steps. The software CINESTEX was written for FreeBASIC compiler; it assumes first-order kinetics and any number of excited states, where the pathways are allowed with probabilities assigned by the user.
A software based in the Monte Carlo method has been developed aiming the teaching of the Perrin´s model for static luminescence quenching. This software allows the student to easily simulate the luminescence decays of emissive molecules in the presence of quenching ones. The software named PERRIN was written for FreeBASIC compiler and it can be applied for systems where the molecules remain static during its excited state lifetime. The good agreement found between the simulations and the expected theoretical results shows that it can be used for the luminescence and excited states decay kinetic teaching.
By using the Monte Carlo simulation platform with probabilistic mathematical functions of the Boltzmann type, , having activation energy and temperature as parameters, it was possible to assess important dynamic aspects of homogeneous chemical reactions of the types A → B and A
B. The protocol proved a useful tool in work with the basic concepts of Kinetics and Thermodynamics allowing its application both in class activities and for assisting experimental procedures.
RESUMO Este trabalho desenvolve aspectos da controvérsia entre Fichte e Schelling em relação aos elementos estéticos, linguístico-filosóficos e da filosofia da religião de ambos, que é foco das "Investigações sobre a liberdade humana de Schelling", assim como das exposições da doutrina da ciência e da ética do Fichte tardio (1810-1813). As divergências entre Fichte e Schelling não envolvem apenas problemas especulativos, mas sim variadas implicações e consequências dos seus sistemas filosóficos, que podem ser destacadas por uma análise da função da analogia nos dois autores. A analogia é uma figura que agrega a estética, a filosofia da linguagem e a filosofia da religião nos dois autores; ela é um significante que põe o problema do significado, ou seja, põe o problema da relação entre finito e infinito (Schelling) e da relação entre saber absoluto e saber particular (Fichte). Essa relação vai ser investigada a partir de algumas passagens das "Investigações" de Schelling (§2); num segundo momento, será analisada a função do conceito de analogia e de símbolo nesse contexto (§3); e, no final, a diferente compreensão da Igreja como símbolo do absoluto na "Filosofia da arte" de Schelling e na "Doutrina moral" fichtiana de 1798 e 1812 (§4).
Resumo: Os quelônios são importantes como fonte alimentar e econômica para as comunidades da região amazônica. Sendo assim, a caça, a pesca e a procura por ovos destes animais tem ocorrido frequentemente. Podocnemis expansa (Tartaruga da Amazônia) é o maior quelônio de água doce da América do Sul. É uma espécie largamente distribuída, porém, nota-se que aspectos anatômicos da espécie são insuficientemente descritos. O objetivo desse estudo foi descrever a cavidade orofaríngea desses quelônios. Foram utilizadas 12 cabeças de P. expansa adultas, de ambos os sexos, com idade entre 3 a 8 anos, com peso corpóreo de 5 a 22kg (média de 7,5kg). P. expansa conta com a presença de rafontecas afiadas e bem desenvolvidas que, associadas à musculatura potente da mandíbula e à língua volumosa e bem distribuída no assoalho da orofaringe, atuam na apreensão e deglutição do alimento, garantindo uma maior adaptação em diversos ambientes.
An axisymmetric supersonic flow of rarefied gas past a finite cylinder was calculated applying the direct simulation Monte Carlo method. The drag force, the coefficients of pressure, of skin friction, and of heat transfer, the fields of density, of temperature, and of velocity were calculated as function of the Reynolds number for a fixed Mach number. The variation of the Reynolds number is related to the variation of the Knudsen number, which characterizes the gas rarefaction. The present results show that all quantities in the transition regime (Knudsen number is about the unity) are significantly different from those in the hydrodynamic regime, when the Knudsen number is small.
This work present the application of a computer package for generating of projection data for neutron computerized tomography, and in second part, discusses an application of neutron tomography, using the projection data obtained by Monte Carlo technique, for the detection and localization of light materials such as those containing hydrogen, concealed by heavy materials such as iron and lead. For tomographic reconstructions of the samples simulated use was made of only six equal projection angles distributed between 0º and 180º, with reconstruction making use of an algorithm (ARIEM), based on the principle of maximum entropy. With the neutron tomography it was possible to detect and locate polyethylene and water hidden by lead and iron (with 1cm-thick). Thus, it is demonstrated that thermal neutrons tomography is a viable test method which can provide important interior information about test components, so, extremely useful in routine industrial applications.