32 resultados para Parker, Leonard Fletcher, 1825-1911.


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The predation and phoretic association (occasional?) among simulids and mollusks are being registered here for the first time on the Neotropical region. These inter-relations observations were obtained among Asolene (Pomella) megastoma (Sowerby, 1825) and the simulids: Simulium (Thyrsopelma) Orbitale Lutz, 1910; Simulium (Psaroniocompsa) spp. The material studied is proceeding from the Uruguai river Hidrological Basin. Based on the mollusks natural habitat, it is here suggested his use as a possible integrated management element for simulids species which immature stages live on mighty river with rocks.


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The development of Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis in experimentally infected Lutzomyia intermedia, showed colonization of the hindgut from 48h after the infective blood-meal, and the migration flagellates to the foregut, with a massive infection of the cardia at the 5th day post infection. Up to 10 days following the infective blood-meal, very few parasites were seen in the pharynx and cibarium. The role of L. intermedia as a vector of cutaneous leishmaniasis is discussed according to the estabilished criteria.


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The morphological comparative study of the phallus organs, of both species, shown five structures wich may be used as taxonomic characters. They are: parameres (Pa), median process pygophore (PrP), basal plate (EPbi), gonopore (PrG) and endosoma process (PrEn).


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Triatoma brasiliensis is considered one of the most important Chagas disease vectors being a widespread species in semiarid areas of northeastern Brazil. The species displays distinct chromatic patterns of the cuticle in different localities. Four populations were analyzed in this study: 1-Caicó, Rio Grande do Norte, it will be called the brasiliensis population; 2-Espinosa, Minas Gerais, the melanica population; 3-Petrolina, Pernambuco, the macromelasoma population, and 4-Juazeiro, Bahia, the darker one in overall cuticle coloration, the Juazeiro population. In order to differentiate the four populations of T. brasiliensis, a comparative morphological analysis of external genital structures and of eggs were carried out. The analysis of the male genital structures evidenced minor individual structural variations that did not correlate with chromatic differences or the geographical origins, emphasizing the importance of examining sufficiently large and representative samples before using minor genital variations for taxonomic diagnosis. By scanning electron microscopy of the egg exochorion, each chromatic population presented a distinct ornamentation pattern. The melanica population differed mainly from the other populations studied since it had about 40.6%, 69.6% and 76.6% more perforations, on each cell exochorion, than the brasiliensis, the Juazeiro and the macromelasoma populations respectively. In the melanica population the perforation layout is also peculiar, with densely distributed perforations over all the egg surface. Morphometric measures of the eggs showed statistically significant differences: the macromelasoma population presented the longest length (2.43 mm) while the shortest was recorded in the brasiliensis population (2.29 mm).


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The complete life cycle of Triatoma flavida, weekly fed on hens, was studied at 28±2°C and 80±10% RH. Aspects related to hatching, life span, mortality and feeding behavior for each stage of its life cycle were evaluated. The hatching rate observed for 100 eggs was 93% with an average incubation period of 27.2 days. Sixty-two nymphs completed the cycle and the mean egg to adult development time was 230.4 days. Mean duration of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th instar nymphs was 22.1, 25.3, 36.7, 49.7 and 69.4 days, respectively. The number of blood meals on each nymphal stage varied from 1 to 7. The mortality rate was 6.5% for NI, 23% for NIII and 7.5% for NV nymphs. Mean number of laid eggs per female was 283.1. Adult survival rates were 344.8 ± 256.4 days for males and 285.3 ± 201.8 days for females.


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Triatoma brasiliensis is composed of at least four geographic populations (brasiliensis, melanica, macromelasoma, and juazeiro) that have distinct chromatic, morphologic, biologic and ecologic patterns, and genetic composition. Reciprocal crosses between all pairwise combinations were carried out in order to evaluate the genetic and reproductive compatibility of these four populations. The F1 individuals developed normally and the resulting adults were crossed again to test the F2 and F3 viability. Genetic incompatibility was found between melanica and brasiliensis populations.


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Anopheles (Anopheles) intermedius and Anopheles (Ano.) mattogrossensis are Brazilian anopheline species belonging to the scarcely studied Anopheles subgenus. Few studies have been done on the genetic differentiation of these species. Both species have been found infected by Plasmodium and are sympatric with other anopheline species from the Nyssorhynchus subgenus. Eighteen enzymatic loci were analyzed in larval specimens of An. intermedius and An. mattogrossensis aiming to estimate the variability and genetic differentiation between these species. An. mattogrossensis population showed higher genetic variability (P = 44.4 and Ho = 0.081 ± 0.031) than that of An. intermedius (P = 33.3 and Ho = 0.048 ± 0.021). Most analyzed loci showed genotypic frequencies according to Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, except for LAP1 and LAP2 in An. intermedius, and EST1 and PGM loci in An. mattogrossensis. The genetic distance between these species (D = 0.683) was consistent with the inter-specific values reported for Anopheles subgenus. We verified that the polymorphism and heterozygosity percentile values found in both species and compared to those in the literature, showed no relation between the level of isozyme variability and geographical distribution. The low variability found in these two species is probably more related to the niche they occupy than to their geographic distribution.


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Este estudo realizou a tradução para o português e a validação do questionário específico para avaliação da qualidade de vida em hipertensos de Bulpitt e Fletcher. A tradução e o back-translation foram realizados por 4 professores de inglês e a versão final submetida a um corpo de juizes. Questões com Índice de Validade de Conteúdo menor que 80% foram modificadas e reavaliadas. O questionário foi aplicado em 110 hipertensos ambulatoriais (52 ± 8 anos, 65% mulheres, pressão arterial 128±17/ 75±13 mmHg), que também responderam ao SF-36, e em 20 normotensos, com características semelhantes às dos hipertensos. Os domínios do SF-36 e do instrumento de Bulpitt e Fletcher se correlacionaram (p<0,05), exceto em relação a aspectos sociais (r=0,07, p=0,44) e a estado geral de saúde (r=0,04, p=0,61). Os hipertensos apresentaram mais respostas positivas a sintomas (40%) do que os normotensos (15%). O instrumento foi validado e está apto para ser usado em nosso meio.


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Redescription and transference of the genus Fregolia Gounelle, 1911 to Callidiopini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). The genus Fregolia is transferred from Cleomenini Lacordaire, 1869 to Callidiopini Lacordaire, 1869. The genus and its type species, Fregolia listropteroides Gounelle, 1911, the only known species to the genus, are redescribed including characters of the mouth pieces, endosternites, wing venation, and male and female terminalia.


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New species and revalidation in Hippopsis Lepeletier & Audinet-Serville, 1825 (Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, Agapanthini). New species described: H. arriagadai from Paraguay; H. bivittata from Peru; H. nigroapicalis from Ecuador; H. brevicollis from Brazil (Minas Gerais) and H. tibialis from Brazil (São Paulo). H. freyi Breuning, 1955 is revalidated.


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Three new cecidogenous Palaeomystella Fletcher (Lepidoptera, Coleophoridae, Momphinae), described herein, induce galls on stems and leaves of Melastomataceae species. They include: Palaeomystella tibouchinae sp. n., on Tibouchina barbigera (Naudin) Baillon, P. oligophaga sp. n., on Macairea radula (Bonpland) de Candolle and M. thyrsiflora de Candolle, and P. henriettiphila sp. n., on Henriettea succosa (Aublet) de Candolle. Adults, including male and female genitalia, larva, pupa, and galls are illustrated and described in detail.


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ABSTRACTMale, female, pupa, and last-instar larva of Palaeomystella beckeri (Moreira and Basilio) a new species from the Atlantic forest, southern Brazil, are described and illustrated with the aid of optical and scanning electron microscopy. Larvae induce galls on apical branches of Tibouchina trichopoda (DC.) Baill. (Melastomataceae) within which pupation occurs. Gall description and preliminary data on life history are also provided.


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Guibourtia hymenifolia (Moric.) J. Leonard (Fabaceae) é uma espécie arbórea de potencial madeireiro com ocorrência natural nas florestas estacionais deciduais e semideciduais sob afloramentos calcários na Serra da Bodoquena, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil. Foram descritos e ilustrados os aspectos morfológicos dos frutos, sementes e desenvolvimento das plântulas e plantas jovens de G. hymenifolia. O fruto é do tipo legume, deiscente, unispermo. A semente possui forma elíptica, forte coloração alaranjada e presença de arilo esbranquiçado de origem funicular. Obtiveram-se 66% de germinação em câmara de germinação, sendo a morfologia inicial das plântulas fanerocotiledonar epígea, com cotilédones carnosos. As plântulas e plantas jovens apresentam mudança de filotaxia, sendo os eofilos opostos e unifoliolados e os metafilos, alternos, peciolados e bifoliolados. Eofilos e metafilos apresentam nervação pinada do tipo camptódromo broquidódromo. Esses resultados contribuem em estudos taxonômicos da espécie e permitem a identificação das plântulas em estudos de regeneração natural.


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A preguiça pode ser designada, zoologicamente, como um mamífero da classe Eutheria, ordem Edentata, subordem Xenarthra e família Bradypodidae. O gênero Bradypus é constituído de três espécies distintas: a preguiça-de-bentinho (B. tridactylus), restrita à região amazônica; a preguiça-comum (B. variegatus), de ampla distribuição, ocorrendo nas Américas Central e do Sul e a preguiça-de-coleira (B. torquatus), única seriamente ameaçada de extinção. Percebe-se a necessidade de uma investigação mais aprofundada sobre a espécie B. variegatus, a fim de contribuir de forma efetiva com a elaboração de tratados de anatomia da fauna silvestre, além de buscar mais informações sobre a anatomia do sistema reprodutor do bicho preguiça (Bradypus variegatus Schinz, 1825) e, desta forma, aplicar os novos conhecimentos na sua preservação. Utilizamos quatro indivíduos machos e três fêmeas, pertencentes ao banco de espécies da Área de Anatomia do Departamento de Morfologia e Fisiologia Animal da Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco (DMFA/UFRPE), as quais foram dissecados e evidenciamos a vascularização das gônadas, bem como suas localizações e aspectos morfológicos e morfométricos dos testículos e ovários. Como resultados, observou-se que o macho possui testículos localizados no interior do espaço intraabdominal, ligados às glândulas adrenais por um ligamento de peritônio. A vascularização não é feita por um plexo pampiniforme, mas por uma artéria e uma veia testicular. Os testículos possuem, em média, volume igual a 1,42cm³ e espessura, largura e comprimento, respectivamente iguais a 0,98, 1,23 e 1,45cm. Os ovários também estão no interior do espaço intra-abdominal, no fundo do útero, protegidos por uma bolsa ovariana, composta por mesovário e mesossalpinge. A vascularização é realizada por um plexo arteriovenoso que irriga e drena o útero, e suas ramificações na parede uterina atingem os ovários. Os ovários possuem, em média, espessura, largura e comprimento, respectivamente iguais a 0,37, 0,73 e 0,62 cm.