67 resultados para Obermeyer, Nancy J


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INTRODUCTION: Acute respiratory tract infections are the most common illness in all individuals. Rhinoviruses have been reported as the etiology of more than 50% of respiratory tract infections worldwide. The study prospectively evaluated 47 elderly individuals from a group of 384 randomly assigned for acute respiratory viral infections (cold or flu) and assessed the occurrence of human rhinovirus (HRV), influenza A and B, respiratory syncytial virus and metapneumovirus (hMPV) in Botucatu, State of São Paulo, Brazil. METHODS: Forty-nine nasal swabs collected from 47 elderly individuals following inclusion visits from 2002 to 2003 were tested by GenScan RT-PCR. HRV-positive samples were sequenced for phylogenetic analysis. RESULTS: No sample was positive for influenza A/B or RSV. HRV was detected in 28.6% (14/47) and hMPV in 2% (1/47). Of 14 positive samples, 9 isolates were successfully sequenced, showing the follow group distribution: 6 group A, 1 group B and 2 group C HRVs. CONCLUSIONS: The high incidence of HRV during the months of the influenza season requires further study regarding HRV infection impact on respiratory complications among this population. Infection caused by HRV is very frequent and may contribute to increasing the already high demand for healthcare during the influenza season.


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Lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV) is an uncommon, contagious, sexually transmitted disease (STD). We report a case of a 17-year-old teenager who presented with a 2-month-old ulcerous vegetant lesion in the right inguinal region. The patient was diagnosed with LGV and received erythromycin treatment. Three months after treatment, he presented with a new ulcerous lesion, very similar to the previous one, in the right supraclavicular region. He was diagnosed with a diffuse large B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Both diseases are rare in Rio de Janeiro City, Brazil, and physicians should not neglect the possibility of STDs in such cases.


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INTRODUCTION: Influenza A H1N1 2009 is associated with a high morbidity rate among children around the world, including Brazil. This survey was conducted on samples of symptomatic children (< 12 years) to investigate the influenza virus as the etiological agent of respiratory infections in a day care school in a health facility during the first and second pandemic wave of H1N1 (2009-2010) in São Paulo, Brazil. METHODS: Influenza infections were determined by real-time PCR in 34% (47/137) of children with a median age of 5 years (8 months - 12 years), from June to October 2009 and in 16% (14/85) of those with median age of 6 years (1-12 years), from March to November 2010. RESULTS: In general, most positive cases (64%) occurred in children aged 5-12 years, this age group was significantly the most affected (39.8%, p = 0.001, OR = 8.3, CI 95% 1.9-36.9). Wheezing was reported by 31% (19/61) and dyspnea by 23% (14/61) of the studied patients. An outbreak of influenza H1N1 with an attack rate of 35.7% among children (median age 6 years) was documented in April 2010, before the vaccination campaign against the pandemic virus was extended for children up to 5 years in Brazil. CONCLUSIONS: Therefore, the study reinforces the recommendation to immunize school children to reduce the incidence of the disease.


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INTRODUCTION: Human adenoviruses (HAdV) play an important role in the etiology of severe acute lower respiratory infection, especially in immunocompromised individuals. The aim of the present study was detect the HAdV through different methods: direct fluorescence assay (DFA) and nested-polymerase chain reaction (PCR-nested) from patients with acute respiratory infection (ARI) up to 7 days of symptoms onset.METHODS:Samples (n=643) were collected from different risk groups during from 2001 to 2010: 139 adults attended in an Emergency Room Patients (ERP); 205 health care workers (HCW); 69 from Renal Transplant Outpatients (RTO); 230 patients in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) program.RESULTS:Among all patients (n=643) adenovirus was detected on 13.2% by DFA and/or PCR: 6/139 (4.3%) adults from ERP, 7/205 (3.4%) from HCW samples, 4/69 (5.8%) from RTO and 68/230 (29.5%) from HSCT patients. Nested PCR showed higher detection (10%) compared to DFA test (3.8%) (p < 0.001). HSCT patients presented significantly higher prevalence of HAdV infection.CONCLUSIONS:Adenovirus detection through nested-PCR assay was higher. However the inclusion of molecular method in laboratorial routine diagnostic should be evaluated considering the reality of each specific health service.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the cardiovascular features of Ullrich-Turner's syndrome using echocardiography and magnetic resonance imaging, and to correlate them with the phenotype and karyotype of the patients. The diagnostic concordance between the 2 methods was also assessed. METHODS: Fifteen patients with the syndrome were assessed by echocardiography and magnetic resonance imaging (cardiac chambers, valves, and aorta). Their ages ranged from 10 to 28 (mean of 16.7) years. The karyotype was analyzed in 11 or 25 metaphases of peripheral blood lymphocytes, or both. RESULTS: The most common phenotypic changes were short stature and spontaneous absence of puberal development (100%); 1 patient had a cardiac murmur. The karyotypes detected were as follows: 45,X (n=7), mosaics (n=5), and deletions (n=3). No echocardiographic changes were observed. In regard to magnetic resonance imaging, coarctation and dilation of the aorta were found in 1 patient, and isolated dilation of the aorta was found in 4 patients. CONCLUSION: The frequencies of coarctation and dilation of the aorta detected on magnetic resonance imaging were similar to those reported in the literature (5.5% to 20%, and 6.3% to 29%, respectively). This confirmed the adjuvant role of magnetic resonance imaging to Doppler echocardiography for diagnosing cardiovascular alterations in patients with Ullrich-Turner's syndrome.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar freqüência, correlações clínicas e influência prognóstica do potencial tardio no eletrocardiograma de alta resolução, em portadores de insuficiência cardíaca de diferentes etiologias. MÉTODOS: Foi estudado o eletrocardiograma de alta resolução, durante 42 meses, em 288 portadores de insuficiência cardíaca de diferentes etiologias, 215 homens (74,65%) e 73 mulheres (25,35), de idades entre 16 e 70 anos (média 51,5, desvio-padrão 11,24). As etiologias da insuficiência cardíaca foram: cardiomiopatia hipertensiva, 78(27,1%); cardiomiopatia dilatada idiopática, 73(25,4%); cardiomiopatia isquêmica, 65(22,6%); cardiomiopatia da doença de Chagas, 42(14,6%); cardiomiopatia alcoólica, 9(3,1%); cardiomiopatia periparto, 6(2,1%); valvopatias em 2(4,2%) e miocardite viral, 3(1,04%). Foram avaliadas a duração do QRS Standard, duração do QRS filtrado, duração do sinal abaixo de 40µV e a raiz quadrada nos últimos 40ms quanto a idade, sexo, etiologia, achados do eletrocardiograma de repouso de 12 derivações, do ecocardiograma, do eletrocardiograma de longa duração e mortalidade. Para a análise estatística, foram utilizados os testes: exato de Fisher, t de Student, de Man-Whitney, análise de variância, Log-HanK e o método de Kaplan-Meyer. RESULTADOS: O potencial tardio foi diagnosticado em 90 (31,3%) pacientes e não houve correlação com as etiologias. Sua presença associou-se a: menor consumo máximo de oxigênio a cicloergoespirometria (p=0,001); taquicardia ventricular sustentada e não sustentada ao Holter (p=0,001), morte súbita e mortalidade (p<0,05). Houve uma maior sobrevida nos pacientes sem potencial tardio. CONCLUSÃO: A presença de potencial tardio não se associou às etiologias e mostrou-se um marcador de pior prognóstico.


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OBJETIVO: Analisar os parâmetros do eletrocardiograma de alta resolução da onda P no domínio do tempo (ECGAR-P) e compará-los com: a duração da onda P no eletrocardiograma clássico (P no ECG), o diâmetro atrial esquerdo (AE) e a fração de ejeção do ventrículo esquerdo (FE) obtidos no ecocardiograma, para avaliar pacientes com fibrilação atrial paroxística (FAP). MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 181 pacientes: 117 com FAP comprovada e 64 sem FAP. Os parâmetros do ECGAR-P foram: a duração da onda P filtrada (DPF), as voltagens da raiz quadrada média dos últimos 40, 30 e 20 ms da onda P filtrada (RMS 40, RMS 30 e RMS 20), a voltagem da raiz quadrada média dos potenciais da onda P filtrada (RMS P), a integral dos potenciais da onda P filtrada (Integral P) e a duração dos potenciais tardios da onda P filtrada abaixo de 3 µV (PT<3). RESULTADOS: Os parâmetros que apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre os grupos foram: DPF, RMS 40, 30 e 20, PT<3, P no ECG e AE. Os cálculos pela curva ROC mostraram, para cada parâmetro, o melhor valor de corte e os estimadores de desempenho: sensibilidade, especificidade, área sob a curva e p-value (p) ou nível descritivo. CONCLUSÃO: O ECGAR-P no domínio do tempo mostrou-se melhor que o eletrocardiograma clássico e o ecocardiograma para identificar pacientes com fibrilação atrial paroxística.


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OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a ativação elétrica cardíaca usando Mapeamento Eletrocardiográfico de Superfície (MES), em pacientes com ICC e bloqueio de ramo esquerdo [BRE] submetidos a terapia de ressincronização cardíaca (CRT) com implante de marca-passo átrio-biventricular (MP-BIV). MÉTODOS: Foram analisados os tempos médios de ativação elétrica cardíaca no ventrículo direito (tempo médio de ativação do VD [mVD]), área ântero-septal (mAS), e ventrículo esquerdo (mVE), de 28 pacientes (idade média 61,2±9,5 anos, ICC classe III-IV NYHA, fração de ejeção <40%, BRE com QRS médio 181,2±19,4ms, SÂQRS= -8,5º±68,6º), mostrados nos mapas de linhas isócronas do MES, antes e após implante de marca-passo átrio-biventricular, e comparados a valores obtidos em um grupo controle composto de indivíduos normais [GNL], em três situações: (1) BRE nativo, (2) estimulação do VD; e (3) estimulação átrio-biventricular. RESULTADOS: situação (1): mVD e mAS foram semelhantes (41,0±11,8ms x 43,6±13,4ms), com mVE tardio (81,0±12,5ms, p<0,01) perdendo o sincronismo com o VD e a área ântero-septal; situação (2): mVD foi maior que no GNL (86,8±22,9ms, p<0,001), com maior diferença entre mAS e mVE (63,4±20,7ms x 102,7±20,3ms; p<0,001); situação (3): mVE e mVD foram semelhantes (72,0±32,0ms x 71,6±32,3ms), mVD foi maior que no GNL e BRE nativo (71,6±32,3ms x 35,1±10,9ms e 41,0±11,8ms; p<0,001), mAS se aproximou do GNL e BRE nativo (51,3±32,8ms x 50,1±11,4ms e 43,6±13,4ms). CONCLUSÃO: Pelo mapeamento eletrocardiográfico de superfície, tempos de ativação semelhantes no VD e VE e próximos daqueles da região ântero-septal indicam padrões de ativação ventricular sincronizada em portadores de ICC e BRE durante estimulação átrio-biventricular.


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Con el objeto de aumentar la sensibilidad del diagnóstico histopatológico de lesiones cutáneas y mucocutáneas causada por subespecies del complejo Leismania braziliensis y para lograr una mejor visualización de los parásitos en las lesiones, se evaluó el método de la inmunoperoxidas indirecta para localizar en forma rápida y específica los amastigotas en biopsia de tejido afectado. Los cortes de tejido se fijaron en formol y se incluyeron en parafina; después se evaluaron por inmunohistoquímica usando un antisuero policlonal producido en conejo, como reactivo primario, Se examinaron 265 biopsias de pacientes con lesiones sospechosas de leishmaniasis de la costa Pacífica y región suroriental colombiana. a 1983 (72.8%) pacientes se les estableció el diagnóstico por métodos clínicos y/o poarasitológicos. Los resultados obtenidos por la inmunoperoxidasa en el grupo de pacientes a los cuales se les confirmó la leishmaniasis se compararn con la histopatología convencional, el examen directo de frotis y el aislamiento del parásito por cultivo del aspirado de la lesión. La localización inmunoenzimática de las amastigotas fue más efectivas (61.3%) que la histopatología com hematoxilina y eosina (34.6%), y que el frotis (43,9%). En cambio, el cultivo de aspirado fue más sensible (89.8%). La eficiencia del método de inmunoperoxidasa fue mayor en las lesiones recientes (72.5%) positivos en los casos con menos de tres meses de evolución) que en las lesiones más antiguas (55.6, 37.5 y 21.1% para 3-5.9, 6-11 meses y mayores o iguales a 12 mese, respectivamente). La combinación de frotis e inmunoperoxidasa incrementó el porcentaje de caso diagnosticados a 72.0%, lo que indica la importancia de combinar métodos para obtener una mayor eficiencia de diagnóstico. La especificidad fue de 100% en controles sanos y 92.9% en pacientes con lesiones causadas por agentes etiológicos distintos a leishmania.


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Con el fin de determinar las clases de anticuerpo producido contra el parásito y la cinética de los mismos en relación a la evolución de la infección, se estudiaron los sueros de 133 pacientes infectados con Leishmania del complejo braziliensis. Se utilizó la prueba de inmunofluorescencia indirecta y amastigotas de L. mexicana amazonensis como antígeno. En los sueros obtenidos al momento de consultar para el diagnóstico se encontró IgM en 54 de los sueros absorbidos con Straphylococcus aureus Cowan I y en 5 de los no absorbidos. La IgM sólo se encontro en los sueros de pacientes con tiempo devolución de las lesiones < o = de 2 meses. la IgG se detectó en todos los sueros no absorbidos. Los sueros tomados durante recurrencia y después de cicatrización sólo presentaron IgG. El uso combinado de la prueba de Montenegro y/o título de IgM específico, aumentó el porcentage de pacientes con un diagnóstico inmunológico positivo en aquéllos cuyas lesiones tenían un tiempo de evolución menor de 2 meses. En los sueros de los 10 individuos sanos no se detectó inmunoglobulina específica a Leishmania y ninguno presentó reacción positiva a la prueba de Montenegro. Entre los 16 pacientes con otra etiología, 3 con esporotricosis, mostraron en su suero IgG reactiva con Leishmania pero ninguno incluyendo 2 con menos de dos meses de evolución de las lesiones presentó IgM. concluimos que en pacientes infectados con L. braziliensis la presencia de IgM e IgG específica a Leishmania esta asociado con el tiempo de evolución de las lesiones y el estado primario recurrente de la infección; demás la detección de IgM anti-Leishmania combinada con la respuesta de Mn sería de potencial utilidad en el diagnóstico clínico de la leishmaniasis tegumentaria temprana.


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Survival and molting incidence were studied after heat (40°C) and cold (0°C) shocks in specimens of Panstrongylus megistus with the aim of establishing its response to temperature stress under laboratory rearing conditions and to understand occasional changes in the biological characteristics of specimens captured in nature. The response to the thermal shocks was found to vary as a function of the temperature and duration of the shock, developmental phase and sex of the specimens, and in certain cases, the insect habit and nourishment conditions. P. megistus specimens were found to be less resistant to the heat shock assay than Triatoma infestans, another reduviid species. The short cold shock affected survival of P. megistus more than did the heat shock, survival of fully-nourished specimens being preferential. The response of adults to the short cold shock was affected by sex, males being generally less resistant. The insect sylvatic habit was found to seldom affect the thermal shock response established for specimens with domestic habit. A decrease in molting frequency and sometimes a slowdown of the molting rate were found after the short heat and cold shocks, possibly promoted by change in hormonal balance, and differing from patterns reported for T. infestans. The results indicate that no generalization should be made for different reduviid species in terms of the effects of temperature shocks.