44 resultados para OCRA checklist
Eighteen Pteridophyte taxa in 15 genera are reported as new for the Territory of Amapá, Brazil. The collections area a result of a recent Projeto Flora Amazônica/Programa Flora expedition to that region, and update previous lists of taxa for Amapá.In 1975, Tryon and Conant publised a checklist of the ferns of the Brazilian Amazônia reporting 84 taxa for the Territory of Amapá. The paucity of records for Amapá reflects, at least in part, the amount of botanical exploration. The most complete list of taxa occurring in the Territory is an unpublished list of collection compiled by J. M. Pires. This compilation reports 118 taxas for the Territory of Amapá. The following list is intended to update both the Pires compilation an the Tryon and Conant checklist for the Territor. These records are the result of a Projeto Flora Amazônica/Programa Flora expedition to the region in the latter part of 1979. Species were included in this list is not reportes in the compilation of colections for Amapá, or listed as specifically occurrin in Amapá in the monographs and revisions consulted for listed as specifically occurring in Amapá in the monograohs and revisions consulted for identification (Evans, 1969; Kramer, 1957, 1978; de la Sota, 1960; Lellinger, 1972; Maxon & Morton, 1938; Scamman, 1960, Smith, 1971; Tryon, 1941, 1964).This list reports 18 taxa in 15 genera, increasing the number of taxa in Amapá from the 118 listed by Pires to 136. Most of the taxa reported here might have been predicted to occur in Amapá on the basis of their distribution records for surrounding regions.Each species is followed by a collection number. The collection number is that of D. F. Austin, C. E. Nauman, R. S. Secco, C. Rosario, and M. R. Santos except for four collections in which R. S. Secco was absent and B. V. Rabelo was present, and these are indicated after the collection number. Specimens are deposited in the herbaria of the Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Belém, Brazil and the United States. The family system is essentially that used by Tyron and Conant.
This paper reports on the April-May 1983 Projeto Flora expedition to Serra do cachimbo in northcentral Brazil, a phytogeographically poorly known area near the transition between the Amazon forest and the central Brazilian planalto. The objective of this expedition was to collect botanical specimens with special emphasis on lichens. Rock outcrops are common in this area and several soil types combined with varied topography give rise to a diversity of vegetation types including Amazon caatinga, campo rupestre, gallery forest and Amazon forest. A preliminary checklist of 91 macrolichens is provided with a discussion of ecological distribution of lichens in each habitat.
Cephalosphaera aurata sp. nov. é descrita, um "checklist" e uma chave de identificação para as espécies neotropicais são apresentados e novos dados de distribuição geográfica para C. miriamae Rafael, 1992 são fornecidos.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar, sob o ponto de vista psicológico, aspectos cognitivos de pacientes portadores de esquizofrenia associados ao tipo de medicamento antipsicótico em uso. MÉTODOS: Participaram dois grupos: no grupo 1 os pacientes em tratamento com haloperidol (n = 14) e no 2 aqueles em tratamento com clozapina (n = 16). Ambos os grupos eram formados por indivíduos com esquizofrenia em tratamento psiquiátrico ambulatorial no Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA), cuja faixa etária variou entre 18 e 59 anos. Foram usados como instrumentos o Operational Checklist for Psychotic Illness (OPCRIT) para definição do diagnóstico de esquizofrenia e a técnica de Rorschach. Também se realizou a análise de variância (ANOVA) seguida do teste de Bonferroni, com nível de significância de p < 0,05 sobre os dados do teste de Rorschach. RESULTADOS: O grupo 1 apresentou F+ < 80%; FK < KF + K; FC < CF + C. O grupo 2 apresentou F+ > 80%; FK = KF + K; FC > CF + C. Ambos os grupos apresentaram escore de forma (sigmaF) na faixa clínica considerada normal. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados do Rorschach permitem inferir que os pacientes medicados com clozapina apresentam indicativos de capacidade de produção e adaptação à tarefa, controle pelo uso da inteligência sobre impulsos e instintos, capacidade para suportar frustração e funcionamento do raciocínio lógico em melhores condições do que os pacientes medicados com haloperidol.
Objective: The Nutrition-Behavior Inventory (NBI) is a self-administered instrument that allows eating habits to be correlated with psychopathological symptoms. The objective was to translate and adapt the NBI to Portuguese, and test the Portuguese NBIs reliability. The second aim was to verify its sensitivity for identification of risk factors in terms of behavior/eating habits in children and adolescents. Methods: The NBI was translated, adapted, and back-translated. The Portuguese version of the NBI was then applied (N = 96; 9-12 years). In order to verify the internal consistency, Cronbachs alpha was used. The psychopathological indicators of the participants were accessed using the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL). The mean CBCL scores were analyzed in relation to the NBI data (cutoff point: ≥ 30 with indicators, and < 30 without). Results: Internal consistency was high (Cronbachs alpha = 0.89) for the NBI. The CBCL scores correlated significantly with NBI (> 30) on the following: anxiety and depression (p = 0.041), social difficulties (p = 0.028), attention problems (p = 0.001), aggressive behavior (p = 0.015); ADHD (p < 0.001), and conduct problems (p = 0.032). Conclusion: The present results indicate that the NBI is a reliable instrument. The NBI can be useful for evaluating psychopathological symptoms related to the eating habits and behaviors of children and adolescents.
OBJETIVO: Identificar prevalência e fatores associados aos sintomas de transtornos alimentares entre escolares. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal envolvendo 365 escolares, de 7 a 14 anos de idade, do ensino fundamental de Salvador/BA. Aplicou-se nos escolares < 12 anos o Teste de Comportamentos Alimentares e Imagem Corporal e, naqueles > 13 anos de idade, o Teste de Atitudes Alimentares-26, o Teste de Investigação Bulímica de Edinburgh e o Teste de Imagem Corporal. O Child Behavior Checklist foi aplicado para todos os escolares. Coletaram-se dados antropométricos e alimentares, sobre estilo de vida, demográficos, socioeconômicos e puberais. Na análise estatística utilizou-se regressão de Poisson. RESULTADOS: Sintomas de transtornos alimentares estavam presentes em 23% dos escolares. Idade (RP: 1,25; IC95%: 1,11-1,40), insatisfação com imagem corporal (RP: 4,23; IC95%: 2,53-7,08), problema de comportamento de internalização (RP: 1,78; IC95%: 1,11-2,85), substituição das refeições por consumo de balas (RP: 2,14; IC95%: 1,24-3,69), maior consumo de frutas e outros vegetais (RP: 2,49; IC95%: 1,55-3,99) e escolaridade materna de 5ª a 8ª série (RP: 1,95; IC95%: 1,06-3,58) associaram-se ao aumento da ocorrência dos sintomas de transtornos alimentares. CONCLUSÃO: Observou-se alta prevalência de sintomas de transtornos alimentares entre os escolares; fatores sociodemográficos e comportamentais estavam associados ao evento.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the frequency of comorbidities of mental and behavioral disorders (CMBD) in psychoactive substance (PAS)-dependent patients with different periods of abstinence cared for at Alcohol and Other Drug Psychosocial Care Centers (CAPS-ad). METHOD: All patients under treatment in the two CAPS-ad of the city of Uberlândia-MG, between April and September 2010, were consecutively assessed. The ICD-10 symptom checklist was used to diagnose CMBD; additional information was obtained from interviews and medical records. The patients were divided according to duration of abstinence: < 1 week (Group 1); 1-4 weeks (Group 2); and > 4 weeks (Group 3). RESULTS: Of all patients assessed, 62.8% were diagnosed with CMBD, which were more frequent (p < 0.05) in Group 1 (72%) than Group 3 (54.2%), and both groups were similar to Group 2 (61%). Depressive and anxiety disorders were more frequent among patients of Group 1. Mood disorders were more frequent (p < 0.05) in women [22/34 (65%) vs. 54/154 (35.1%)], whereas psychotic disorders were more frequent (p = 0.05) in men [16/154 (10.4%) vs. 0]. The presence of CMBD was associated with more severe clinical conditions. CONCLUSIONS: The higher frequency of diagnosis of CMBD in patients of Group 1 may have resulted from the difficulties in distinguishing mental disorders that are due to PAS intoxication or withdrawal from those that are not. However, to make the diagnosis of CMBD, even during detoxification, can increase the likelihood of better response to treatment.
Objetivo O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar uma revisão sistemática para identificar os transtornos mais prevalentes na infância e adolescência e possíveis fatores associados. Métodos Várias bases eletrônicas de dados foram pesquisadas. Foram considerados critérios de inclusão: estudos epidemiológicos de base populacional; observacionais; com instrumentos validados; publicados em inglês, espanhol ou português; e que obtiveram pontuação acima de 12 pontos conforme critérios metodológicos do Checklist for Measuring Quality. Resultados Os transtornos mais frequentes encontrados pelos estudos, respectivamente, foram: depressão, transtornos de ansiedade, transtorno de déficit de atenção e hiperatividade (TDAH), transtorno por uso de substâncias e transtorno de conduta. Fatores que mais se mostraram associados aos diferentes transtornos foram: fatores biológicos, fatores genéticos e fatores ambientais. Conclusão O conhecimento desses transtornos e seus potenciais fatores de risco trazem a possibilidade de desenvolvimento de programas de intervenção focados em prevenir ou atenuar os efeitos destes.
AbstractBackground:The relationship between psychiatric illness and heart disease has been frequently discussed in the literature. The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between anxiety, depression and overall psychological distress, and coronary slow flow (CSF).Methods:In total, 44 patients with CSF and a control group of 50 patients with normal coronary arteries (NCA) were prospectively recruited. Clinical data, admission laboratory parameters, and echocardiographic and angiographic characteristics were recorded. Symptom Checklist 90 Revised (SCL-90-R), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), and Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) scales were administered to each patient.Results:The groups were comparable with respect to age, sex, and atherosclerotic risk factors. In the CSF group, BAI score, BDI score, and general symptom index were significantly higher than controls (13 [18.7] vs. 7.5 [7], p = 0.01; 11 [14.7] vs. 6.5 [7], p = 0.01; 1.76 [0.81] vs. 1.1[0.24], p = 0.01; respectively). Patients with CSF in more than one vessel had the highest test scores. In univariate correlation analysis, mean thrombolysis in myocardial infarction (TIMI) frame counts were positively correlated with BAI (r = 0.56, p = 0.01), BDI (r = 0.47, p = 0.01), and general symptom index (r = 0.65, p = 0.01). The psychiatric tests were not correlated with risk factors for atherosclerosis.Conclusion:Our study revealed higher rates of depression, anxiety, and overall psychological distress in patients with CSF. This conclusion warrants further studies.
Two snapshot surveys to establish the diversity and ecological preferences of mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) in the terra firme primary rain forest surrounding the Tiputini Biodiversity Station in the UNESCO Yasuní Biosphere Reserve of eastern Amazonian Ecuador were carried out in November 1998 and May 1999. The mosquito fauna of this region is poorly known; the focus of this study was to obtain high quality link-reared specimens that could be used to unequivocally confirm species level diversity through integrated systematic study of all life stages and DNA sequences. A total of 2,284 specimens were preserved; 1,671 specimens were link-reared with associated immature exuviae, all but 108 of which are slide mounted. This study identified 68 unique taxa belonging to 17 genera and 27 subgenera. Of these, 12 are new to science and 37 comprise new country records. DNA barcodes [658-bp of the mtDNA cytochrome c oxidase ( COI ) I gene] are presented for 58 individuals representing 20 species and nine genera. DNA barcoding proved useful in uncovering and confirming new species and we advocate an integrated systematics approach to biodiversity studies in future. Associated bionomics of all species collected are discussed. An updated systematic checklist of the mosquitoes of Ecuador (n = 179) is presented for the first time in 60 years.
Aproximadamente 10 a 15% dos recém-nascidos (RNs) apresentam dificuldades de adaptação ao nascimento, o que requer habilidade e prontidão dos profis-sionais para intervir nessas situações. Este estudo observacional, transversal objetivou descrever as práticas assistenciais empregadas em reanimação neo-natal em um Centro de Parto Normal de um hospital público de São Paulo. Observou-se 100 atendimentos prestados pela equipe profissional e os dados foram registrados em um instrumento checklist. A presença de líquido meconial foi constatada em 24 (24,0%) partos e a aspiração das vias respiratórias foi realizada em 47 (47,0%) RNs. Desse total, 3 (6,4%) tiveram a traquéia aspirada e 26 (26,0%) RNs receberam oxigenação, sendo que 5 (19,2%) com máscara aberta e pressão positiva. Massagem cardíaca foi realizada em 1 (1,0%) RN. Após a reanimação neonatal inicial, 6 (6,0%)RNs foram transferidos à UTI neonatal devido desconforto respiratório.
OBJECTIVETo evaluate the skills and knowledge of undergraduate students in the health area on cardiopulmonary resuscitation maneuvers with the use of an automatic external defibrillator.METHODThe evaluation was performed in three different stages of the teaching-learning process. A theoretical and practical course was taught and the theoretical classes included demonstration. The evaluation was performed in three different stages of the teaching-learning process. Two instruments were applied to evaluate the skills (30-items checklist) and knowledge (40-questions written test). The sample comprised 84 students.RESULTSAfter the theoretical and practical course, an increase was observed in the number of correct answers in the 30-items checklist and 40-questions written test.CONCLUSIONAfter the theoretical class (including demonstration), only one of the 30-items checklist for skills achieved an index ≥ 90% of correct answers. On the other hand, an index of correct answers greater than 90% was achieved in 26 (86.7%) of the 30 items after a practical training simulation, evidencing the importance of this training in the defibrillation procedure.
Inventories on necrophagous insects carried out in Brazil encompass mostly species from the southeastern and central-western regions of the country. This review aims to produce the first checklist of necrophagous Diptera and Coleoptera species of forensic relevance in northeastern Brazil, an area that concentrates high rates of homicides. We performed a literature survey on scientific articles, theses and dissertations regarding necrophagous insect species in the region, and contacted scientists who develop research on forensic entomology. Fifty-two species of Diptera belonging to eight families with previous record of necrophagy were reported in the region: Sarcophagidae, Calliphoridae, Muscidae, Fanniidae, Piophilidae, Phoridae, Anthomyiidae and Stratiomyidae. Coleopteran species from six families of forensic relevance were registered, although taxonomical identification remained superficial. Bait traps were the most frequent methodology used, followed by collection on animal carcasses. Seven Dipteran species from two families were registered on human cadavers. All species had been previously reported in other Brazilian states and/or other countries, although none has been effectively used in legal procedures in the region. The status of research on forensic entomology in northeastern Brazil is incipient, and the checklist produced here contributes to the knowledge on the local diversity of necrophagous insects.
ABSTRACT A list of the Coleoptera of importance from Brazil, based on published records was compiled. The checklist contains 345 species of 16 families allocated to 16 states of the country. In addition, three species of two families are registered for the first time. The fauna of Coleoptera of forensic importance is still not entirely known and future collection efforts and taxonomic reviews could increase the number of known species considerably in the near future.
ABSTRACT The fauna of blowflies (Calliphoridae and Mesembrinellidae) in three localities of primary Amazon forest coverage in the Amazonas-Negro interfluvial region was assessed. A total of 5066 blowflies were collected, with Chloroprocta idiodea being the most abundant species (66.3%). A difference in species richness between the localities ZF2 and Novo Airão was observed. Comparison among sampled sites revealed no considerable variation in fauna composition, except for the species Eumesembrinella benoisti (Séguy 1925) and Hemilucilia sp., whose occurrence was observed only in a single locality. Apparently, Amazon rivers are not efficient geographical barriers to influence the current composition of necrophagous blowfly assemblages. Also, most of the blowfly species did not show a noticeable specificity for any specific forest among the interfluvial areas of the ombrophilous forest. Finally, an updated checklist of necrophagous blowfly species of the Amazonas state in Brazil is presented.