29 resultados para Noussan Lettry, Luis
INTRODUCTION: Human T cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) is endemic in the Caribbean, Japan, South America and regions of Africa. HTLV-2 is present in Native American populations and associated with IV drug use in Europe and North America. In Brazil, it is estimated that 1.5 million people are infected with HTLV-1/2. The study objective was to determine HTLV-1/2 prevalence in pregnant women in the prenatal care from three public services in São Luis, State of Maranhão, Brazil, and to counsel seropositive women to reduce viral transmission. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted from February to December 2008; women with age of 18 to 45 years, with low risk for sexually transmitted disease (STD) were invited to participate. Blood samples were collected in filter paper, and HTLV-1/2 immunoenzymatic test (ELISA) was performed as a screening test. Women with reactive results were submitted to peripheral venous blood collection for ELISA repetition, followed by Western blot (WB) and real-time PCR to confirm and discriminate the infection between virus types 1 and 2. RESULTS: Of the 2,044 women tested, seven (0.3%) were ELISA reactive and confirmed positive (four were HTLV-1, and three were HTLV-2). All positive women were oriented not to breastfeed their newborns. CONCLUSIONS: This study showed that the virus is present in high prevalence in that population. Further studies covering other segments of the population are necessary to better characterize the presence of HTLV-1/2 in Maranhão and to elicit measures to prevent its spread.
Introduction Acquired metallo-β-lactamases (MβL) are emerging determinants of resistance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Acinetobacter baumannii. The objectives of this study were to phenotypically detect MβL in imipenem-resistant P. aeruginosa and A. baumannii, to investigate the association between MβL-positive strains and hospitals, and to compare the resistance profiles of MβL-producing and non-MβL-producing strains. Methods The approximation disk and combined disk assay methods were used in this study. Results A total of 18 (38.3%) P. aeruginosa isolates and 1 (5.6%) A. baumannii isolate tested positive for the presence of MβL. Conclusions These results demonstrate the need for strict surveillance and for the adoption of preventive measures to reduce the spread of infection and potential outbreaks of disease caused by MβL-producing microorganisms.
Introduction: This study aimed to identify airborne fungi in São Luis, Maranhão, Brazil, to determine the prevalent genera and to correlate these genera with the area and season. Methods: In total, 1,510 colony-forming units (CFUs) of airborne fungi were isolated from the north, south, east and west sides and from the center of the city from January to December 2007. The samples were collected on Petri dishes that were exposed to the fungi by the gravitational method. Results: Twenty genera of fungi were isolated; the most common were Aspergillus (33.5%), Penicillium (18.8%), Cladosporium (14.2%), Curvularia (10.6%) and Fusarium (7.6%). The CFUs of the fungi were statistically significant (p < 0.0001). Fungal biological diversity was present all year, without any large seasonal variations but with slight increases in May, August and September. Conclusions: The fungal genera identified in this study were correlated with natural systems and could be useful when evaluating the impact of environmental changes on the region.
Introduction Leprosy is a chronic infectious disease that is caused by Mycobacterium leprae. The objective of this study was to evaluate the risk factors that are associated with neural alterations and physical disabilities in leprosy patients at the time of diagnosis. Methods A prospective cross-sectional study was conducted on 155 leprosy patients who participated in a program that aimed to eliminate leprosy from São Luis, State of Maranhão. Results Patients who were 31-45 years of age, were older than 60 years of age or had a partner were more likely to have a disability. Patients with partners were 1.14 times more likely (p = 0.025) to have disabilities of the hands. The frequency of disabilities in the feet among the patients with different clinical forms of leprosy was statistically significant. Conclusions The identification of risk factors that are associated with neural alterations and physical disabilities in leprosy patients is important for diagnosing the disease because this approach enables physicians to plan and prioritize actions for the treatment and monitoring of patients.
INTRODUCTION: The objective was to identify space and space-time risk clusters for the occurrence of deaths in a priority city for the control of tuberculosis (TB) in the Brazilian Northeast. METHODS: Ecological research was undertaken in the City of São Luis/Maranhão. Cases were considered that resulted in deaths in the population living in the urban region of the city with pulmonary TB as the basic cause, between 2008 and 2012. To detect space and space-time clusters of deaths due to pulmonary TB in the census sectors, the spatial analysis scan technique was used. RESULTS: In total, 221 deaths by TB occurred, 193 of which were due to pulmonary TB. Approximately 95% of the cases (n=183) were geocoded. Two significant spatial clusters were identified, the first of which showed a mortality rate of 5.8 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants per year and a high relative risk of 3.87. The second spatial cluster showed a mortality rate of 0.4 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants per year and a low relative risk of 0.10. A significant cluster was observed in the space-time analysis between 11/01/2008 and 04/30/2011, with a mortality rate of 8.10 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants per year and a high relative risk (3.0). CONCLUSIONS: The knowledge of priority sites for the occurrence of deaths can support public management to reduce inequities in the access to health services and permit an optimization of the resources and teams in the control of pulmonary TB, providing support for specific strategies focused on the most vulnerable populations.
Entre novembro de 1987 e agosto de 1988, realizou-se um censo da frota artesanal da Rapôsa, principal comunidade pesqueira do litoral maranhense. Esta frota está composta por 221 embarcações) das quais 186 operam na pesca. É uma frota estruturalmente heterogênea, segundo o tipo de casco e o tipo de propulsão. As variações dos diferentes tipos, são representáveis pelo comprimento do barco. Definiram-se 4 estratos dentro desta frota, que são: 1. Bianas abertas com vela biana; 2. 3iana aberta com vela curicaca; 3. Guanas fechadas e botes com potência de motor menor de 40 HP e 4. Botes com mais de 40 HP. As possíveis medidas de poder de pesca são o comprimento da embarcação e o comprimento de rede, as quais servirão de base para avaliação dos recursos pesqueiros explorados pela frota analisada, principalmente Scomberomorus brasiliensis, Macrodon ancylodone Cynoscion acoupa.
Dissection of Lutzomyia longipalpis, captured in the São Luis focus of visceral Leishmaniasis revealed a 1.8% promastigote infection rate.
A necessidade manifesta de inclusão no processo de produção da vida material através do trabalho, de uma parcela da população usuária de serviço de saúde mental, deu origem a este estudo. Para apreender o significado do trabalho utilizou-se o referencial do materialismo histórico e dialético, fundamentado no conceito de reabilitação psicossocial, e o fez através da análise dos discursos dos usuários. O cenário é o Centro de Atenção Psicossocial Prof. Luis Cerqueira (CAPS). Os resultados indicam a compreensão do trabalho como um instrumento que possibilita aos usuários acessar o campo dos direitos sociais.
OBJETIVO: Documentar las creencias y las prácticas de las parteras tradicionales respecto al embarazo parto y puerperio. MÉTODOS: Aprovechando un curso de capacitación de 160 parteras tradicionales locales de las regiones Media y Huasteca del Estado de San Luis Potosí, México, dos de las enfermeras-instructoras entrevistaron a 25 de los capacitandos, apoyadas por un miembro de las comunidades náhuatl y tenek. La identidad de los participantes se mantiene anónima y se obtuvo permiso para publicar los resultados mediante consentimiento informado. RESULTADOS: Las prácticas de las parteras (os) tradicionales son comunes en los grupos sociales que carecen de servicios de salud. Sus funciones no están limitadas al parto e incluyen nutrición, cuidados prenatales, del puerperio y la lactancia, así como apoyo afectivo emocional de las madres parturientas y sus familiares. En este estudio se registraron varios mitos y terapias tradicionales. CONCLUSIÓN: Los recursos de la terapia tradicional y de la atención primaria de la salud de las parteras Náhuatl y Tenek son útiles y benéficos para los cuidados perinatales.
Neste artigo argumentamos que os temas da ação e da história presentes em alguns contos de Jorge Luis Borges antecipam alguns pontos que apareceram nas discussões pós-estruturalistas - nos campos da história, filosofia, antropologia - das últimas décadas do século XX. No seu labirinto literário-filosófico, especialmente por meio da ideia de destino, Borges explora elementos chave que se tornaram parte da noção de crítica que enfatiza as ideias de contingência e da impossibilidade de controle deliberado dos efeitos da ação humana em seu curso temporal.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a composição e distribuição espacial e temporal da comunidade de macrófitas aquáticas diante de algumas variáveis abióticas no reservatório Luis Eduardo Magalhães, localizado no rio Tocantins. As coletas foram bimestrais, no período de março de 2005 a janeiro de 2006, em cinco regiões. Em cada região foram demarcados 15 pontos de coleta. Foram mensuradas a transparência da água e a condutividade elétrica em cada ponto de amostragem. Para avaliar a composição da comunidade e a distribuição das espécies, foi percorrida uma distância de cerca de 100 m de margem com embarcação em baixa velocidade, por aproximadamente 10 minutos. As espécies submersas foram inventariadas com um rastelo até 4 m de profundidade. Foi calculada a frequência de ocorrência e a diversidade beta. Os dados de presença e ausência das espécies foram analisados utilizando Análise de Correspondência Destendenciada DCA. Uma ANOVA One-Way foi empregada para avaliar o efeito dos períodos e regiões sobre as variáveis abióticas e bióticas. Foi aplicado o teste a posteriori de Tukey quando houve diferenças significativas entre as variáveis analisadas (P<0,05). Foi registrado um total de 50 espécies. As espécies com maior frequência foram Salvinia auriculata, Oxycaryum cubense e Najas microcarpa (submersa). A maior riqueza de espécies foi registrada nas regiões fluviais do reservatório (Areias e Tocantins). Os resultados evidenciam, ainda, que a variação espacial na composição das assembleias foi mais acentuada que a variação temporal.
Las investigaciones sobre Luis de León se han centrado, sobre todo, en su mística, narrativa y teoría literaria. En este trabajo, el autor intenta desarrollar los principales aspectos de su teoría jurídica. Al igual que otros grandes teólogos de la Escuela de Salamanca, también León ha estudiado el problema de la naturaleza de la ley humana y su vinculación con el derecho natural. Éste es, justamente, el tema del siguiente trabajo.