23 resultados para NH
The use of leaf total nitrogen concentration as an indicator for nutritional diagnosis has some limitations. The objective of this study was to determine the reliability of total N concentration as an indicator of N status for eucalyptus clones, and to compare it with alternative indicators. A greenhouse experiment was carried out in a randomized complete block design in a 2 × 6 factorial arrangement with plantlets of two eucalyptus clones (140 days old) and six levels of N in the nutrient solution. In addition, a field experiment was carried out in a completely randomized design in a 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 factorial arrangement, consisting of two seasons, two regions, two young clones (approximately two years old), and three positions of crown leaf sampling. The field areas (regions) had contrasting soil physical and chemical properties, and their soil contents for total N, NH+4-N, and NO−3-N were determined in five soil layers, up to a depth of 1.0 m. We evaluated the following indicators of plant N status in roots and leaves: contents of total N, NH+4-N, NO−3-N, and chlorophyll; N/P ratio; and chlorophyll meter readings on the leaves. Ammonium (root) and NO−3-N (root and leaf) efficiently predicted N requirements for eucalyptus plantlets in the greenhouse. Similarly, leaf N/P, chlorophyll values, and chlorophyll meter readings provided good results in the greenhouse. However, leaf N/P did not reflect the soil N status, and the use of the chlorophyll meter could not be generalized for different genotypes. Leaf total N concentration is not an ideal indicator, but it and the chlorophyll levels best represent the soil N status for young eucalyptus clones under field conditions.
We analyse vibrational frequencies of 168 compounds with the AM1 model concerning its experimentally observed gaseous frequencies. Stretching of CH, NH, OH and CO bonds, its related bending frequencies, and the CC frame movements are the studied vibrations. The results show problems with the AM1 vibrational splittings. Often symmetric stretching frequencies, like in CH3, CH2 and NH3, appear switched with the corresponding antisymmetrical ones. Among the studied vibrations many stretchings are overestimated, while bendings oscillate around experimental values. Fluorine stretchings, NN, OO, CH, double and triples CC bonds and cyclic hydrocarbon breathing modes are always overestimated while torsions, umbrella modes and OH/SH stretching are, in average, underestimated. Graphical analysis show that compounds with the lowest molecular masses are the ones with the largest difference to the experimental values. From our results it is not possible to fit confortably the calculated frequencies by a simple linear relationship of the type, n(obs)=a*n(AM1). Better aggreement is obtained when different curves are adjusted for the stretching and bending modes, and when a complete linear function is used. Among our studies the best obtained statistical results are for CH, NH and OH. The conclusions obtained in this work will improve the AM1 calculated frequencies leading to accurate results for these properties.
Eu3+ luminescence and EXAFS (Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure) results are presented for organic-inorganic hybrid gel hosts composed of a siliceous network to which small chains of oxyethylene units are covalently grafted by means of urea bridges. Coordination numbers for Eu3+ ions range from 12.8 to 9.7 with increasing Eu3+ concentration while the Eu3+-first neighbours mean distance is found to be constant at 2.48-2.49 Å in the same concentration range. Emission spectra display a broad band in the green/blue spectral region superposed to narrow lines appearing in the yellow/red region in such a way that for the eyes emission appears white. The broad band is assigned to intrinsic NH groups emission and also to electron-hole recombination in the nanosised siliceous domains. The narrow lines are assigned to intra-4f6, 5D0->7F0-4 Eu3+ transitions and from the energy position of the 7F0-4 levels a mean distance could be calculated for the Eu3+-first neighbours. The calculated results are in good agreement with the experimental ones obtained from EXAFS analysis.
The present investigation reports on the interaction of the C/O triplet atoms inside of the [60] fullerene (C60) species with small polar molecules (H²O, CH³OH, HF, NH³) using Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations. The calculations show that in all the computed cases the encapuslated complexes with the molecules are more stable than without internal atoms.
Com o propósito de fornecer dados para a avaliação de características ergonômicas no posto do operador de quatro colhedoras combinadas presentes na agricultura brasileira, foram realizadas, na região de Uberaba - MG, determinações das distâncias, a partir do ponto de referência do assento até os órgãos de comandos das colhedoras. Dentre as máquinas analisadas, a colhedora NH TC 57 foi a que apresentou melhores características ergonômicas do projeto interno da cabine.
No transplante hepático, a fisiopatologia da lesão de isquemia e reperfusão do fígado não é completamente conhecida. Várias preparações experimentais têm sido usadas para estudos de tal lesão. Para tal fim, no presente trabalho, um modelo modificado foi proposto e avaliado. Vinte cães mestiços, pesando 15,25 ± 1,21 kg, sob anestesia geral, foram distribuídos em dois grupos de investigação: 1. Grupo Teste (n = 10) - os animais foram submetidos a desvascularização de 70% da massa hepática, por período de noventa minutos, seguida de revascularização do fígado. Durante o período de isquemia, a descompressão venosa esplâncnica foi realizada através dos lobos caudado e lateral direito; 2. Grupo Controle (n = 10) - os cães foram submetidos a operação simulada. Em todos os animais foram realizadas biópsias do fígado. O método foi avaliado através de determinações de Necrose Hepatocítica (NH), Conteúdo de Glicogênio Hepático (CGH) e Contagem Tecidual de Polimorfonucleares (CTPMN), realizadas aos cinco minutos antes da isquemia (To) cinco minutos antes da reperfusão (T1) e uma hora (T2) e cinco horas (T3) após a reperfusão. Os resultados permitiram concluir com uma confiança de 95% que: I. Houve aumento progressivo de intensidade de NH e diminuição do CGH durante os estágios de isquemia e de reperfusão hepáticas; 2. Não foi comprovada diferença significativa na CTPMN entre os grupos investigados. As alterações histológicas verificadas são indicativas de NH efetiva, decorrente de isquemia e reperfusão do fígado.
Tx1, a neurotoxin isolated from the venom of the South American spider Phoneutria nigriventer, produces tail elevation, behavioral excitation and spastic paralysis of the hind limbs after intracerebroventricular injection in mice. Since Tx1 contracts isolated guinea pig ileum, we have investigated the effect of this toxin on acetylcholine release, as well as its binding to myenteric plexus-longitudinal muscle membranes from the guinea pig ileum. [125I]-Tx1 binds specifically and with high affinity (Kd = 0.36 ± 0.02 nM) to a single, non-interacting (nH = 1.1), low capacity (Bmax 1.1 pmol/mg protein) binding site. In competition experiments using several compounds (including ion channel ligands), only PhTx2 and PhTx3 competed with [125I]-Tx1 for specific binding sites (K0.5 apparent = 7.50 x 10-4 g/l and 1.85 x 10-5 g/l, respectively). PhTx2 and PhTx3, fractions from P. nigriventer venom, contain toxins acting on sodium and calcium channels, respectively. However, the neurotoxin PhTx2-6, one of the isoforms found in the PhTx2 pool, did not affect [125I]-Tx1 binding. Tx1 reduced the [3H]-ACh release evoked by the PhTx2 pool by 33%, but did not affect basal or KCl-induced [3H]-ACh release. Based on these results, as well as on the homology of Tx1 with toxins acting on calcium channels (w-Aga IA and IB) and its competition with [125I]-w-Cono GVIA in the central nervous system, we suggest that the target site for Tx1 may be calcium channels.
The aim of the present study was to characterize the interactions of antagonist G (H-Arg-D-Trp-NmePhe-D-Trp-Leu-Met-NH 2)-targeted sterically stabilized liposomes with the human variant small cell lung cancer (SCLC) H82 cell line and to evaluate the antiproliferative activity of encapsulated doxorubicin against this cell line. Variant SCLC tumors are known to be more resistant to chemotherapy than classic SCLC tumors. The cellular association of antagonist G-targeted (radiolabeled) liposomes was 20-30-fold higher than that of non-targeted liposomes. Our data suggest that a maximum of 12,000 antagonist G-targeted liposomes were internalized/cell during 1-h incubation at 37ºC. Confocal microscopy experiments using pyranine-containing liposomes further confirmed that receptor-mediated endocytosis occurred, specifically in the case of targeted liposomes. In any of the previously mentioned experiments, the binding and endocytosis of non-targeted liposomes have revealed to be negligible. The improved cellular association of antagonist G-targeted liposomes, relative to non-targeted liposomes, resulted in an enhanced nuclear delivery (evaluated by fluorimetry) and cytotoxicity of encapsulated doxorubicin for incubation periods as short as 2 h. For an incubation of 2 h, we report IC50 values for targeted and non-targeted liposomes containing doxorubicin of 5.7 ± 3.7 and higher than 200 µM doxorubicin, respectively. Based on the present data, we may infer that receptors for antagonist G were present in H82 tumor cells and could mediate the internalization of antagonist G-targeted liposomes and the intracellular delivery of their content. Antagonist G covalently coupled to liposomal drugs may be promising for the treatment of this aggressive and highly heterogeneous disease.