66 resultados para Movimientos juveniles


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The molt cycle of the natural population of Palaemonetes argentinus Nobili, 1901 from Los Padres Lagoon, Buenos Aires, Argentina, was studied in relation to age, sex, and environmental factors. A total of 1645 individuals (740 females, 539 males, and 366 juveniles) were collected and analyzed between December 1995 and December 1996. The results indicate that the sex ratio (males:females) remains around 1:1.4 throughout most of the year. The reproductive period extends from September until February (spring and summer), with maximum sexual activity in October and November. Two cohorts originated in the spring and in the summer were differentiated. Ovigerous females arrest their molt cycle during the intermolt period to restart it after oviposition. The duration of the intermolt period does not differ between adults and juveniles. Since the percentage of premolt individuals represents 60% of the total cycle, it was classified as a diecdysic cycle. Within the studied range of water temperatures, the observed variations in the span of the different stages, indicate that this factor does not alter the molt frequency. Like in the rest of decapods, the intermolt duration of P. argentinus is modified by ovarian maturation.


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The impact of a power plant cooling system in the Bahía Blanca estuary (Argentina) on the survival of target zooplanktonic organisms (copepods and crustacean larvae) and on overall mesozooplankton abundance was evaluated over time. Mortality rates were calculated for juveniles and adults of four key species in the estuary: Acartia tonsa Dana, 1849 and Eurytemora americana Williams, 1906 (native and invading copepods), and larvae of the crab Chasmagnathus granulata Dana, 1851 and the invading cirriped Balanus glandula Darwin, 1854. Mean total mortality values were up to four times higher at the water discharge site than at intake, though for all four species, significant differences were only registered in post-capture mortality. The findings show no evidence of greater larval sensitivity. As expected, the sharpest decrease in overall mesozooplankton abundance was found in areas close to heated water discharge.


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The aim of this work was to gain knowledge about reproductive biology of the crab Armases rubripes (Rathbun, 1897) from an estuarine area of the Sepetiba Bay. Samples were taken monthly from February 2003 to January 2004 in the Sahy River estuary (22º56'S; 44º01'W), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The crabs were collected by hand during 15-minute catch-effort sessions conducted by two people. In the laboratory, the specimens were separated by sex, carapace width was measured and gonadal stage was checked macroscopically. A total of 830 individuals were caught - 304 males, 373 females (60 ovigerous females) and 153 juveniles. The ovigerous females were found almost year-round, except in November and April, showing a continuous reproductive period. They presented a size range from 8.2 to 15.0 mm carapace width (12.1 ± 1.7 mm). Color and macroscopical aspects determined five gonadal stages for males and females (immature, rudimentary, intermediary, developed and resting). First sexual maturity was estimated at 6.5 mm of carapace width for males and 8.1 mm for females. Individual fecundity varied from 200 to 11,460 eggs (4,458 ± 2,739 eggs). Mean egg size was 0.248 ± 0.026 mm, varying from 0.213 to 0.333 mm, while the volume ranged from 0.0051 to 0.0188 mm³ (0.0082 ± 0.0029 mm³).


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We analyzed stomach contents of 58 specimens of Teius oculatus (D'Orbigny & Bibron, 1837) (20 adult males, 17 adult females and 21 juveniles) captured in Dom Feliciano, RS, Brazil, to evaluate diet composition and sexual and ontogenetic variations in prey consumption. Diet was composed of 15 prey categories, all arthropods. Orthoptera was the most frequent prey type. Quantitatively, termites were the most important prey item (59.5%). There were no significant differences between the diets of adult males and females. Ontogenetic differences were found, mainly concerning volume of prey consumed. Adult lizards ingested significantly larger prey than juveniles (U = 170.00; p < 0.001). Juveniles, although having a comparatively less diverse diet (10 prey types) consumed a larger number of items (45.7% of total). Diet similarity was higher between juveniles and adult males (Ojk = 0.97) and prey diversity was higher in the diet of adult females (H' = 2.65). Based on importance value index the most important item in the diet of T. oculatus was Orthoptera. We conclude that T. oculatus in Dom Feliciano has a relatively generalized diet and it is an opportunist lizard, feeding on arthropods, mainly insects.


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The taxonomic composition, observed and estimated species richness, and patterns of community structure of arboreal spider assemblages in eleven sites surrounding the "Banhado Grande" wet plain in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, are presented. These sites represent three different vegetational types: hillside (four sites), riparian (five sites) and flooded forests (two sites). The spiders were captured by beating on foliage and "aerial litter". A sample was defined as the result of beating on twenty bushes, tree branches or "aerial litter" clusters, which roughly corresponds to one-hour search effort per sample. Fifty five samples (five per site) were obtained, resulting in an observed richness of 212 species present as adult or identifiable juveniles. The total richness for all samples was estimated to be between 250 (Bootstrap) to 354 species (Jackknife 2). Confidence intervals of both sample and individual-based rarefaction curves for each vegetation type clearly indicated that flooded forest is the poorest vegetation type with respect to spider species richness, with hillside and riparian forests having a similar number of species. The percentage complementarity between the eleven sites indicated that all sites contain a distinct set of species, irrespective of their vegetation types. Nevertheless, the spider assemblages in riparian and hillside forests are more similar with respect to each other than when compared to flooded forest. Both cluster and nonmetric multidimensional scaling analyses showed no strong correspondence between the spider arboreal fauna and the three vegetation types. Moreover, a Mantel test revealed no significant association between species composition and geographic distance among sites.


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A population of Sesarma rectum Randall, 1840 under the influence of human impact was studied. Monthly sampling (CPUE, two people during 30 min) took place from August/2001 to July/2002 at an impacted muddy flat in Paraty city, State of Rio de Janeiro (23º13'S, 44º42'W). At the laboratory, specimens were classified by sex and measured with a vernier caliper (0.01 mm). The size at the beginning of the sexual maturity was obtained by means of different techniques: in the case of males it was used the allometric procedure and the macroscopic analysis of gonads wile for females, the size of the smallest ovigerous female was also considered. The population structure was evaluated by means the analysis of the variations in the modes of the size frequency distribution. The fecundity was assessed using sub samples of the egg mass. For males, the macroscopic analyses of gonads revealed larger values of carapace width than those obtained with morphometric analysis. Males larger than 18.5 mm of carapace width can be considered as mature. For females, such size was 17.4 mm CW. Despite of the human impact in the habitat, the population presented to be stable, as indicated by a single mode on the size frequency distribution. The second mode that appeared in some months is probably related to the entrance of juveniles in the population. The sex ratio of this population is closely approximating to 1:1 until crabs reach a carapace width of about 28 mm; after that, males outnumbered females. Comparing the fecundity of the present population with a previous study from Ubatuba, it can be verified a difference in the number of eggs. The fecundity of Paraty's population is significantly lower than the Ubatuba's population. This is probably related to the scarcity of food resource in Paraty, once no vascular plant can be found in that place. The continuity of reproductive processes and the juvenile recruitment suggest this species is able to live in the area with human impact. The ability to obtaining nutrients from different source of food is probably a feature that allows S. rectum to occupy such impacted ecosystem.


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The relative growth and morphological sexual maturity of Chasmagnathus granulatus Dana, 1851 are presented for the first time to a mangrove population. The crabs were obtained during low tide periods, in the mangrove of Jabaquara Beach, Paraty, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. All crabs in intermolt stage were sexed and had their body parts measured as follows: body height (BH), carapace length (CL) and width (CW), major cheliped propodus height (PH) and length (PL) for each sex, gonopod length (GL) and abdomen width (AW) for males and females, respectively. The relative growth was described using the allometric equation y=ax b and the size at onset sexual maturity was achieved using the software Mature I. The size of specimens ranged from 4.1 mm to 39.5 mm CW. The growth pattern was different between sexes in the cheliped relationships; the relationships BH vs. CW evidenced positive allometry for juveniles; PL vs. CW and PH vs. CW positive allometry for most crabs except juvenile females; AW vs. CW and GL vs. CW evidenced positive allometry for juveniles and isometry for adults. The relationships that best indicated the change from the juvenile to the adult phase were PH vs. CW for males and AW vs. CW for females. The size in which 50% of males from this population are mature is at 19.7 mm of CW (F=144.14; p<0.05) and for females it is at 19.2 mm of CW (F=166.54; p<0.05). The sizes obtained in this mangrove population are larger than those from previous studies, that could be attributed to a species plasticity concerning the habitat structure.


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We studied the ecology and natural history of the globally threatened and poorly known Akodon lindberghi Hershkovitz, 1990 in Parque Nacional da Serra da Canastra (PNSC) and Juiz de Fora (JF), southeastern Brazil. From November 1998 to September 2001 a total of 131 individuals were captured in wire-cage live-traps and 52 by pitfalls traps. They were all marked and released at the site. The largest abundances were registered during the dry season, and most of the captures occurred in open habitats. The mean body mass of the two populations was significantly different (18.1 g at PNSC versus 13.1 g at JF; H = 46.2678, g.l.=2, p<0.001). In PNSC, individuals were reproductively active from August to February, and juveniles were present from May to August. The results suggest that the changes in vegetation structure caused by deforestation and intensive agricultural activities could increase the predation rate, affecting the mean body mass of the population.


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The aim of this study was to characterize, for the central region of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, the reproductive biology of Leptodactylus fuscus (Schneider, 1799), based on the analysis of gonadal development of males and females, reproductive effort, size-fecundity relationships, and occurrence of sexual dimorphism in body size. Mature individuals were found from October 1996 to February 1997 and from October 1997 to December 1997. The highest input of juveniles in the population was recorded in March 1997. There was a positive and significant correlation between the number of mature individuals and the mean monthly temperature. The population did not present sexual dimorphism in size. Males presented significant correlation only between snout-vent length and testes length. All females had oocytes at four different maturation stages and there were no significant correlations regarding size-fecundity variables. The correlation between ovarian size factor and females snout-vent length was not significant either. The main difference between this population and those that inhabit tropical climate was that temperature was responsible for stimulating the reproduction activity, instead of rainfall.


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Species introductions have altered host and parasite diversity throughout the world. In the case of introduced hosts, population age appears to be a good predictor of parasite richness. Habitat alteration is another variable that may impact host-parasite interactions by affecting the availability of intermediate hosts. The house sparrow (Passer domesticus (Linnaeus, 1758)) is a good model to test these predictions. It was introduced in several parts of the world and can be found across rural-urban gradients. A total of 160 house sparrows from Porto Alegre, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, were necropsied. Thirty house sparrows (19 %) were parasitized with at least one out of five helminth species (Digenea: Tamerlania inopina Freitas, 1951 and Eumegacetes sp.; Eucestoda: Choanotaenia passerina (Fuhrmann, 1907) Fuhrmann, 1932; Nematoda: Dispharynx nasuta (Rudolphi, 1819) Stiles & Hassall, 1920 and Cardiofilaria pavlovskyi Strom, 1937). Overall, there was no difference in prevalence and intensity of infection of any parasite species, parasite richness and community diversity between adult males and females and adults and juveniles. The number of infected sparrows among seasons, the richness of helminths and the abundance of species were also similar between rural and urban landscapes. Only the prevalence of C. passerina varied seasonally (p=0.0007). A decrease in the number of parasite species from the original range of P. domesticus (13) to its port of entrance in Brazil, the city of Rio de Janeiro (nine), to Porto Alegre (five) is compatible with the hypothesis that host population age is a good predictor of parasite richness.


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We studied the reproductive biology of a population of Pseudis minuta Günther, 1858 from Reserva Biológica do Lami (30º 15' S; 51º 05' W), Porto Alegre, southern Brazil. We assessed the spatial and temporal distribution of individuals (males, females, juveniles) and explored potential relationships with environmental variables. Field activities encompassed bimonthly surveys in three semi-permanent ponds, each one during approximately two days and two nights, from August 2004 to July 2005. We recorded differences in the sites used by males, females and juveniles, with males occupying deeper and more distant places from the border. The temporal distributions of individuals, calling sites and amplectant pairs indicated that the reproductive activity of P. minuta is related to some of the studied abiotic factors. Calling males presented statistical differences in relation to non-calling males for all daily abiotic variables analyzed (air temperature, water temperature, relative humidity and rainfall), as well as to monthly temperature and rainfall. The number of active males, females and juveniles was influenced by at least one of the daily or monthly environmental variables analyzed. We conclude that the reproduction in this species is seasonal and may be partially determined by abiotic factors.


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Fish assemblages from two sandy beaches in the lower Purus river (Amazonas, Brazil) were compared. Four sampling groups were represented by: day and night samples in sandy beach inside the Reserva Biológica de Abufari (biological reserve) and day and night samples in the Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Piagaçu-Purus (sustainable development reserve). Samples were collected during low water levels (November) in 2007. The fish were sampled by means of seines with mesh size of 5 mm between opposing knots, 11 m long and 6 m wide. A total of 112 fish species belonging to nine orders and 27 families was captured. The vast majority of the dominant forms consisted of small fishes (< 100 mm SL) or juveniles. Samples collected in Abufari at night presented more specimens (3,540), higher richness (84 spp.), larger total biomass (76,614 g) and higher diversity (H'= 2.57) than the other groups. The composition of fish assemblages was significantly different among all analyzed groups (ANOSIM, p < 0.0001, R= 0.71). NMDS analysis also clustered all species in four distinct groups according to species composition per period and site. SIMPER analyses showed that 80% of variation of species composition among the groups examined was due to 12 species. However, fish composition did not show any correlation with the abiotic factors examined. Different levels of use in both reserves may explain differences in fish composition.


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In this study, I investigated the reproductive biology of fish species from the family Characidae of the order Characiformes. I also investigated the relationship between reproductive biology and body weight and interpreted this relationship in a phylogenetic context. The results of the present study contribute to the understanding of the evolution of the reproductive strategies present in the species of this family. Most larger characid species and other characiforms exhibit a reproductive pattern that is generally characterized by a short seasonal reproductive period that lasts one to three months, between September and April. This is accompanied by total spawning, an extremely high fecundity, and, in many species, a reproductive migration. Many species with lower fecundity exhibit some form of parental care. Although reduction in body size may represent an adaptive advantage, it may also require evolutionary responses to new biological problems that arise. In terms of reproduction, smaller species have a tendency to reduce the number of oocytes that they produce. Many small characids have a reproductive pattern similar to that of larger characiforms. On the other hand they may also exhibit a range of modifications that possibly relate to the decrease in body size and the consequent reduction in fecundity. Examples of changes in the general reproductive pattern include the following: reduction in the size of mature oocytes; increase in fecundity; production of several batches of oocytes; an extended reproductive period or even continuous reproduction that allows individuals to reproduce more than once a year; high growth rates; rapid recruitment of juveniles; presence of more than one reproductive cohort that increases the sexually active population; and multiple independent development of insemination as a reproductive strategy. These changes are possibly associated with adaptive pressures that are related to the reduction in body size. In addition, such reproductive characteristics or novelties may reflect the phylogenetic history of a given species.


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The present study aims to compare the buccal apparatus and gastrointestinal tract of early life stages of Centropomus undecimalis (Bloch, 1792), and relate them to its diet. A total of 190 individuals collected with a channel net in the Catuama estuary (07º40'9.9''S, 34º50'36.7''W), northern coast of the state of Pernambuco, were examined. Morphometrical and meristic data were analyzed for the two initial developmental periods (larval and juvenile). Their digestive tube was morphologically characterized and its content identified. The longest transverse axis of food items was measured, and compared to the standard length (SL) and mouth gape size (D) of the individuals. Body measurement regressions differed significantly (p<0.001) between larvae and juveniles. The stomachs with food content (n=118 individuals) presented a proportion of 62% full and 30% empty (being 8% damaged). They differed in relation to the fullness level and presented a coiled shape when empty. The number of food items in relation to SL and D did not present an evident correlation. Larvae (SL<10 mm) feed on small copepods, while juveniles (SL=11.1 to 64.7 mm) ingest larvae of various decapod species, showing a distinct diet between these initial developmental stages.


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Metamysidopsis atlantica elongata (Bascescu, 1968) is a common mysid in the surf zone of sandy beaches from the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, where it is frequently recorded forming dense aggregations. Trough laboratory trials, behavioral responses to salinity (10, 20, 25, 28, 30, 40 e 45), temperature (10, 15, 20, 30±1ºC) and light (yes/no) were tested using adult males, adult females and juveniles. Although there was no response to temperature, the species showed clear response to salinity and light. In the presence of light, organisms remained in the bottom of the aquaria, but moved to surface when bottom salinities were increased. In the absence of light, adults moved to the surface. However, juveniles moved down to or remained on the bottom, maybe as a response to avoid adult predation.