103 resultados para Motion (Right) - Quebec (Province)
OBJECTIVE: To test the hypothesis that left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) reduces the electrocardiographic and functional effects of right coronary artery occlusion. METHODS: We analysed 215 patients (166 males and 49 women,age of 58.9±10.6 years), with occlusion of the right coronary artery without other associated lesions. There was no significant difference (p>0.05) in age and gender distribution between the 78 patients with LVH (left ventricular mass >100g/m²) (Group A) when compared with the 137 patients without LVH (left ventricular mass <100g/m²) (Group B). RESULTS: The electrocardiographic finding of transmural necrosis was more often found in group B patients than in group A patients (56.9% and 30.8%, respectively; p<0.05). The left ventricular function parameters of group A were better than those of group B: the ratio end-diastolic pressure/systolic pressure (EDP/SP) (A: 0.108±0.036; B: 0.121±0.050; p<0.05); the end-diastolic volume index (A: 75.9±31.3ml/m²; B: 88.0±31.0ml/m²; p<0.01); the end-systolic volume index (A: 16.0±10.0ml/m²; B: 27.0 ±20.0ml/m²; p<0.001); the ejection fraction (A 78.6±10.8%; B 67.7±17.9%; p<0.001); the anteroinferior shortening (A: 43.9±10.3%; B: 35.1±12.8%; p<0.001). A higher degree of coronary tortuosity was observed in group A than in group B (78.2% and 24.1%; p<0.001) and also a more frequent absent or minimal diaphragmatic hypokinetic area (A: 80.8%; B: 54.0%; p<0.05). CONCLUSION: LVH reduces the effects of myocardial sequela and protects LV function when right coronary occlusion develops.
PURPOSE: To develop a stereological comparison between right (RV) and left ventricle (LV) myocardium during the third human gestational trimester. METHODS: Five human fetal hearts of the third trimester provided representative samples of 5 RV myocardium and 4 LV myocardium. The material was fixed in 10% buffered formaldehyde, and processed through routine methods. Fifteen microscopic fields were randomly chosen and counted in each ventricular myocardium using an "M-42" test system. The following stereological parameters were assessed: Vv (%), Lv (µm²), Sv (µm²/µm³), Vp (µm³), Nv (1/mm³) and total N. RESULTS: No significant difference between the stereological parameters of the myocardial structures assessed was evidenced, when comparing RV and LV. CONCLUSION: Right and left human ventricular myocardium are very similar during the fetal period at least in regard to their structural aspects.
OBJECTIVE: Anomalous origin of the left coronary artery from the right pulmonary artery (AOLCARPA), is a rare entity that is usually associated with other defects. Of the 20 cases of AOLCARPA reported in the literature, 14 (70%) had associations. We describe four patients with AOLCARPA without associated defects, but with a peculiar intramural aortic trajectory. METHODS: Fifty-five patients with anomalous origin of the left coronary artery were operated upon at INCOR-FMUSP. Four of the patients had the anomalous origin from the right pulmonary artery (RPA) without associated defects but with intramural aortic trajectory. Clinical and laboratory examinations were analyzed, as well as surgical findings. RESULTS: All patients had congestive heart failure (CHF) and 3 also had angina pectoris. Two patients had a murmur of mitral regurgitation, signs of myocardial infarction on the ECG and cardiomegaly. The shortening fraction varied from 9% to 23%. The hemodynamic study confirmed the diagnosis of anomalous origin of the coronary artery, but the intramural trajectory and the origin from the RPA were established only at surgery. In 3 patients, the technique of side-to-side anastomosis was performed with a good outcome. One patient, who underwent end-to-side anastomosis, died 6 months after the surgery. CONCLUSION: Association with other defects usually occurs in the AOLCARPA, and the intramural aortic trajectory is difficult to clinically diagnose but easy to surgically correct.
Double outlet right ventricle (DORV) is a heterogeneous group of abnormal ventriculoarterial connections where, by definition, both great arteries (pulmonary artery and aorta) arise primarily from the morphologically right ventricle. This condition affects 1-1.5% of the patients with congenital heart diseases, with a frequency of 1 in each 10,000 live births. We report the case of an 18-day-old infant with DORV and extremely rare anatomical features, such as anterior and left-sided aorta and subpulmonary ventricular septal defect (VSD). In addition to the anatomic features, the role of the echocardiogram for guiding the diagnosis and the surgical therapy of this congenital heart disease are discussed.
OBJECTIVE: To describe a new more efficient method of endocardial cardiac stimulation, which produces a narrower QRS without using the coronary sinus or cardiac veins. METHODS: We studied 5 patients with severe dilated cardiomyopathy, chronic atrial fibrillation and AV block, who underwent definitive endocardial pacemaker implantation, with 2 leads, in the RV, one in the apex and the other in the interventricular septum (sub pulmonary), connected, respectively, to ventricular and atrial bicameral pacemaker outputs. Using Doppler echocardiography, we compared, in the same patient, conventional (VVI), high septal ("AAI") and bifocal ("DDT" with AV interval ~ 0) stimulation. RESULTS: The RV bifocal stimulation had the best results with an increase in ejection fraction and cardiac output and reduction in QRS duration, mitral regurgitation and in the left atrium area (p <= 0.01). The conventional method of stimulation showed the worst result. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that, when left ventricular stimulation is not possible, right ventricular bifocal stimulation should be used in patients with severe cardiomyopathy where a pacemaker is indicated.
We report here a case of coronary artery fistula in a neonate with clinical signs of heart failure. The electrocardiogram showed signs of left ventricular hypertrophy and diffuse alterations in ventricular repolarization. Chest X-ray showed an enlargement of the cardiac silhouette with an increase in pulmonary flow. After echocardiographic diagnosis and angiographic confirmation, closure of the fistulous trajectory was performed with a detachable balloon with an early and late successful outcome.
Coronary dissection occurs frequently and in several degrees during coronary angioplasty, which is one of the mechanisms for increasing the lumen diameter of a vessel. However the length of the dissection may affect the procedure, becoming the most frequent cause of total occlusion after coronary angioplasty. We report here a case of extensive dissection that occurred during the coronary angioplasty of a focused lesion, which we treated with two long stents.
OBJECTIVE: To determine in arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy the value of QT interval dispersion for identifying the induction of sustained ventricular tachycardia in the electrophysiological study or the risk of sudden cardiac death. METHODS: We assessed QT interval dispersion in the 12-lead electrocardiogram of 26 patients with arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy. We analyzed its association with sustained ventricular tachycardia and sudden cardiac death, and in 16 controls similar in age and sex. RESULTS: (mean ± SD). QT interval dispersion: patients = 53.8±14.1ms; control group = 35.0±10.6ms, p=0.001. Patients with induction of ventricular tachycardia: 52.5±13.8ms; without induction of ventricular tachycardia: 57.5±12.8ms, p=0.420. In a mean follow-up period of 41±11 months, five sudden cardiac deaths occurred. QT interval dispersion in this group was 62.0±17.8, and in the others it was 51.9±12.8ms, p=0.852. Using a cutoff > or = 60ms to define an increase in the degree of the QT interval dispersion, we were able to identify patients at risk of sudden cardiac death with a sensitivity of 60%, a specificity of 57%, and positive and negative predictive values of 25% and 85%, respectively. CONCLUSION: Patients with arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy have a significant increase in the degree of QT interval dispersion when compared with the healthy population. However it, did not identify patients with induction of ventricular tachycardia in the electrophysiological study, showing a very low predictive value for defining the risk of sudden cardiac death in the population studied.
We report the case of a 33-year-old male with primary seminoma of the anterior mediastinum with initial clinical manifestations suggestive of heart disease.
The patient is a 54-year-old asymptomatic male with a tumor in the right atrium that was diagnosed on transesophageal echocardiography and confirmed as a lipoma of the right atrium on computerized tomography. The patient underwent surgical repair with extracorporeal circulation. The tumor was resected, and its base of implantation in the atrium was repaired with a flap of bovine pericardium. The diagnosis of lipoma was confirmed on histopathological examination. Locating of the tumor with the aid of transesophageal echocardiography was very useful in the strategy of cannulation of the venae cava for installation of the circuit of extracorporeal circulation. The patient had a good postoperative evolution.
Atrial aneurysms involving the free wall or atrial appendage are rare entities in cardiology practice and may be associated with atrial arrhythmias or embolic phenomena. We review the literature and report a case of aneurysm of the right atrial appendage in a young adult, whose diagnosis was established with echocardiography after an episode of paroxysmal atrial flutter.
OBJECTIVE: To report the hemodynamic and functional responses obtained with clinical optimization guided by hemodynamic parameters in patients with severe and refractory heart failure. METHODS: Invasive hemodynamic monitoring using right heart catheterization aimed to reach low filling pressures and peripheral resistance. Frequent adjustments of intravenous diuretics and vasodilators were performed according to the hemodynamic measurements. RESULTS: We assessed 19 patients (age = 48±12 years and ejection fraction = 21±5%) with severe heart failure. The intravenous use of diuretics and vasodilators reduced by 12 mm Hg (relative reduction of 43%) pulmonary artery occlusion pressure (P<0.001), with a concomitant increment of 6 mL per beat in stroke volume (relative increment of 24%, P<0.001). We observed significant associations between pulmonary artery occlusion pressure and mean pulmonary artery pressure (r=0.76; P<0.001) and central venous pressure (r=0.63; P<0.001). After clinical optimization, improvement in functional class occurred (P< 0.001), with a tendency towards improvement in ejection fraction and no impairment to renal function. CONCLUSION: Optimization guided by hemodynamic parameters in patients with refractory heart failure provides a significant improvement in the hemodynamic profile with concomitant improvement in functional class. This study emphasizes that adjustments in blood volume result in imme-diate benefits for patients with severe heart failure.
OBJECTIVE: To assess right ventricular diastolic function in the intermediate postoperative period of repair of tetralogy of Fallot. METHODS: We carried out a case-control study with 60 patients divided into 2 groups as follows: 1) group I - 30 patients who had undergone repair of tetralogy of Fallot and 2) group II - 30 healthy children. The 2 groups were paired for age, sex, and body surface. The flows in the pulmonary and tricuspid valves were analyzed with Doppler echocardiography. The presence of anterograde flow at the end of diastole in the pulmonary artery defined restrictive right ventricular physiology. Surgical, radiological, electrocardiographic, and echocardiographic variables were analized in the group I. RESULTS: The velocity of the A wave and the E/A ratio for the tricuspid valve showed significant differences between the groups. Cases with E/A < 1.30 predominated in inspiration (group I - 19/30, and group II - 5/30). The duration of the QRS complex on the electrocardiogram was significantly increased in patients with E/A <1.30. Nineteen (63.3%) patients had restrictive right ventricular physiology, which had a longer postoperative period, longer duration of the QRS complex, and a lower E/A ratio in inspiration. The surgical and radiological variables showed no statistical difference. CONCLUSION: Restrictive right ventricular physiology was detected on the intermediate follow-up of most patients undergoing repair of tetralogy of Fallot. The postoperative period and QRS duration were increased in patients with impairment in diastolic function.