75 resultados para Migration measurement
For the development of studies on snail interspecific competition special in-door laboratory channels were built. In the all five channels seeded with adult specimens of Biomphalaria glabrata mass migration of juvenile snails outside the water was observed. Most of the migrant snails presented apertural lamellae. Data collected during the period of two years, showed the regression of the migration phenomenon and the disappearance of the lamellate snails.
The migration of larval Schistosoma mansoni was tracked by means of autoradiographic analysis in naive rabbits percutaneously exposed to L-(**75 Se) selenomethionine-labeled cercariae on serial intervals of 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40 and 50 days post-infection. Autoradiographic foci were detected from the 1st day in the skin, up to the 15th day in the liver. Adult and mature worms were recovered either paired or not 60 days after infection, by perfusion of hepatic and mesenteric veins. Morphometric analysis under optical microscopy, showed that worms were within regular dimention limits as compared to adult worms harboured by other host species. These observations extend previous informations on the S. mansoni-rabbit association and clearly demonstrate the post-liver phase of S.mansoni life-cycle in this host.
In the present work we review the existing evidence for a LPS-induced cytokine-mediated eosinophil accumulation in a model of acute inflammation. Intrathoracic administration of LPS into rodents (mice, rats or guinea pigs) induces a significant increase in the number of eosinophils recovered from the pleural fluid 24 hr later. This phenomenon is preceded by a neutrophil influx and accompanied by lymphocyte and monocyte accumulation. The eosinophil accumulation induced by LPS is not affected by inhibitors of cyclo or lipoxygenase nor by PAF antagonists but can be blocked by dexamethasone or the protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide. Transfer of cell-free pleural wash from LPS injected rats (LPS-PW) to naive recipient animals induces a selective eosinophil accumulation within 24 hr. The eosinophilotactic activity present on the LPS-PW has a molecular weight ranging between 10 and 50 kDa and its effect is abolished by trypsin digestion of the pleural wash indicating the proteic nature of this activity. The production of the eosinophilotactic activity depends on the interaction between macrophages and T-lymphocytes and its effect can not be blocked by anti-IL-5 monoclonal antibodies. Accumulated evidence suggest that the eosinophil accumulation induced by LPS is a consequence of a eosinophilotactic cytokine produced through macrophage and T-cell interactions in the site of a LPS-induced inflammatory reaction.
Human Chagas disease is a purely accidental occurrence. As humans came into contact with the natural foci of infection might then have become infected as a single addition to the already extensive host range of Trypanosoma cruzi that includes other primates. Thus began a process of adaptation and domiciliation to human habitations through which the vectors had direct access to abundant food as well as protection from climatic changes and predators. Our work deals with the extraction and specific amplification by polymerase chain reaction of T. cruzi DNA obtained from mummified human tissues and the positive diagnosis of Chagas disease in a series of 4,000-year-old Pre-Hispanic human mummies from the northern coast of Chile. The area has been inhabited at least for 7,000 years, first by hunters, fishers and gatherers, and then gradually by more permanent settlements. The studied specimens belonged to the Chinchorro culture, a people inhabiting the area now occupied by the modern city of Arica. These were essentially fishers with a complex religious ideology, which accounts for the preservation of their dead in the way of mummified bodies, further enhanced by the extremely dry conditions of the desert. Chinchorro mummies are, perhaps, the oldest preserved bodies known to date.
The goal of this study was to investigate the pattern of inflammatory response induced by Lagochilascaris minor in murine experimental model. For this purpose 115 mice were given 1000-3000 L. minor infective eggs "per os" and 51 uninfected mice were considered as controls. Four hours post-inoculation (PI), 3rd stage larvae were seen passing through the mucosa of terminal ends of small intestine. Six hours PI larvae were observed as an embolus inside the portal vein and also migrating through the liver parenchyma. During the first 24 h larvae-containing eggs of L. minor were observed in the lumen of intestinal tract. Two days PI larvae were seen migrating through lung parenchyma associated with an initial neutrophilic perivasculitis. From the 13th day of this experimental study, L. minor larvae were found mainly in skeletal muscles, in the center of granulomas. Concentric fibrosis with mixed inflammatory infiltrate involved the larvae after the 47th day PI, persistently. This experimental murine study with L. minor indicated that the 3rd stage larvae penetrated via ileum-cecal mucosa reaching the liver and probably other tissues through the hematogenic via. Throughout its pathway the larvae induced a granulomatous reaction, with abundant polimorphonuclear cells.
Primary cultures of cardiomyocytes represent a useful model for analyzing cardiac cell biology as well as pathogenesis of several cardiovascular disorders. Our aim was to standardize protocols for determining the damage of cardiac cells cultured in vitro by measuring the creatine kinase and its cardiac isotype and lactate dehydrogenase activities in the supernatants of mice cardiomyocytes submitted to different protocols of cell lysis. Our data showed that due to its higher specificity, the cardiac isotype creatine kinase was the most sensitive as compared to the others studied enzymatic markers, and can be used to monitor and evaluate cardiac damage in in vitro assays.
The symptomatic phases of many inflammatory diseases are characterized by migration of large numbers of neutrophils (PMN) across a polarized epithelium and accumulation within a lumen. For example, acute PMN influx is common in diseases of the gastrointestinal system (ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, bacterial enterocolitis, gastritis), hepatobiliary system (cholangitis, acute cholecystitis), respiratory tract (bronchial pneumonia, bronchitis, cystic fibrosis, bronchiectasis), and urinary tract (pyelonephritis, cystitis). Despite these observations, the molecular basis of leukocyte interactions with epithelial cells is incompletely understood. In vitro models of PMN transepithelial migration typically use N-formylated bacterial peptides such as fMLP in isolation to drive human PMNs across epithelial monolayers. However, other microbial products such as lipopolysaccharide (LPS) are major constituents of the intestinal lumen and have potent effects on the immune system. In the absence of LPS, we have shown that transepithelial migration requires sequential adhesive interactions between the PMN beta2 integrin CD11b/CD18 and JAM protein family members. Other epithelial ligands appear to be abundantly represented as fucosylated proteoglycans. Further studies indicate that the rate of PMN migration across mucosal surfaces can be regulated by the ubiquitously expressed transmembrane protein CD47 and microbial-derived factors, although many of the details remain unclear. Current data suggests that Toll-like receptors (TLR), which recognize specific pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs), are differentially expressed on both leukocytes and mucosal epithelial cells while serving to modulate leukocyte-epithelial interactions. Exposure of epithelial TLRs to microbial ligands has been shown to result in transcriptional upregulation of inflammatory mediators whereas ligation of leukocyte TLRs modulate specific antimicrobial responses. A better understanding of these events will hopefully provide new insights into the mechanisms of epithelial responses to microorganisms and ideas for therapies aimed at inhibiting the deleterious consequences of mucosal inflammation.
Sepsis is a systemic inflammatory response commonly caused by bacterial infection. We demonstrated that the outcome of sepsis induced by cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) correlates with the severity of the neutrophil migration failure towards infectious focus. Failure appears to be due to a decrease in the rolling and adhesion of neutrophil to endothelium cells. It seems that neutrophil migration impairment is mediated by the circulating inflammatory cytokines, such as TNF-alpha and IL-8, which induce the nitric oxide (NO) production systemically. It is supported by the fact that intravenous administration of these cytokines reduces the neutrophil migration induced by different inflammatory stimuli, and in severe sepsis the circulating concentrations of the cytokines and chemokines are significantly increased. Moreover, the neutrophil migration failure and the reduction in the rolling/adhesion were not observed in iNOS-/- mice and, aminoguanidine prevented this event. We also demonstrated that the failure of neutrophil migration is a Toll-4 receptor (TLR4) dependent mechanism, since it was not observed in TLR4 deficient mice. Furthermore, it was also observed that circulating neutrophils obtained from septic patients present failure of neutrophil chemotaxis toward fMLP, IL-8, and LTB4 and an increased in sera concentrations of NO3 and cytokines. In conclusion, we demonstrated that, in sepsis, failure of neutrophil migration is critical for the outcome and that NO is involved in the process.
Human infection with the protozoa Trypanosoma cruzi extends through North, Central, and South America, affecting 21 countries. Most human infections in the Western Hemisphere occur through contact with infected bloodsucking insects of the triatomine species. As T. cruzi can be detected in the blood of untreated infected individuals, decades after infection took place; the infection can be also transmitted through blood transfusion and organ transplant, which is considered the second most common mode of transmission for T. cruzi. The third mode of transmission is congenital infection. Economic hardship, political problems, or both, have spurred migration from Chagas endemic countries to developed countries. The main destination of this immigration is Australia, Canada, Spain, and the United States. In fact, human infection through blood or organ transplantation, as well as confirmed or potential cases of congenital infections has been described in Spain and in the United States. Estimates reported here indicates that in Australia in 2005-2006, 1067 of the 65,255 Latin American immigrants (16 per 1000) may be infected with T. cruzi, and in Canada, in 2001, 1218 of the 131,135 immigrants (9 per 1000) whose country of origin was identified may have been also infected. In Spain, a magnet for Latin American immigrants since the 2000, 5125 of 241,866 legal immigrants in 2003 (25 per 1000), could be infected. In the United States, 56,028 to 357,205 of the 7,20 million, legal immigrants (8 to 50 per 1000), depending on the scenario, from the period 1981-2005 may be infected with T. cruzi. On the other hand, 33,193 to 336,097 of the estimated 5,6 million undocumented immigrants in 2000 (6 to 59 per 1000) could be infected. Non endemic countries receiving immigrants from the endemic ones should develop policies to protect organ recipients from T. cruzi infection, prevent tainting the blood supply with T. cruzi, and implement secondary prevention of congenital Chagas disease.
This paper examines recent developments in migration studies. It reviews literature related to the potential role of internal population movement in the occurrence of schistosomiasis in Brazil and modifies Prothero's typology of population movement for use in Brazil. This modified classification system may contribute to a better understanding of schistosome transmission as well as improved research and control programs. The results of this study indicate that population movement in Brazil primarily involves economically-motivated rural-urban and interregional movement. However, several movement patterns have become increasingly important in recent years as a result of changing socioeconomic and urbanisation dynamics. These patterns include urban-urban, intracity and urban-rural movement as well as the movement of environmental refugees and tourists. Little is known about the epidemiological significance of these patterns. This paper also highlights the role of social networks in the decision to migrate and to settle. Prothero's classic population movement typology categorises movement as either one-way migrations or circulations and examines them along spatial and temporal scales. However, the typology must be modified as epidemiological information about new patterns becomes available. This paper identifies areas that require further research and offers recommendations that can improve the measurement and spatial analysis of the relationship between population movement and schistosomiasis.
Leprosy is an infectious and contagious spectral disease accompanied by a series of immunological events triggered by the host response to the aetiologic agent, Mycobacterium leprae . The induction and maintenance of the immune/inflammatory response in leprosy are linked to multiple cell interactions and soluble factors, primarily through the action of cytokines. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the serum levels of tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-α and its soluble receptors (sTNF-R1 and sTNF-R2) in leprosy patients at different stages of multidrug treatment (MDT) in comparison with non-infected individuals and to determine their role as putative biomarkers of the severity of leprosy or the treatment response. ELISA was used to measure the levels of these molecules in 30 healthy controls and 37 leprosy patients at the time of diagnosis and during and after MDT. Our results showed increases in the serum levels of TNF-α and sTNF-R2 in infected individuals in comparison with controls. The levels of TNF-α, but not sTNF-R2, decreased with treatment. The current results corroborate previous reports of elevated serum levels of TNF-α in leprosy and suggest a role for sTNF-R2 in the control of this cytokine during MDT.
The growing demand and the degree of patient care in oncological outpatient services, as well as the complexity of treatment have had an impact on the workload of nurses. This study aimed at measuring the workload and productivity of nurses in an oncological outpatient service. An observational study using a work sampling technique was conducted and included seven nurses working in an oncological outpatient service in the south-eastern region of Brazil. A total of 1,487 intervention or activity samples were obtained. Nurses used 43.2% of their time on indirect care, 33.2% on direct care, 11.6% on associated activities, and 12% on personal activities. Their mean productivity was 88.0%. The findings showed that nurses in this service spend most of their time in indirect care activities. Moreover, the productivity index in this study was above that recommended in the literature.
The general objective of this article was to study the process of illegal migration of Brazilian women to Switzerland and, more specifically, to analyze the motivations for migration, the difficulties found upon arrival, the circumstances that led them to get married and lastly an evaluation of the whole experience. The methodology was based in a qualitative approach. The participants were eight Brazilian women that illegally migrated to Switzerland but now are married with Swiss or European men. They responded to an interview focused in the objectives of the study. The appreciation of the data was realized with Minayo´s Content Analysis. The motivations were related to a bettering of the financial situation. In the difficulties encountered, we can bring out illegality, language and prejudice. Regarding marriage, they married to stay legally in the country. Finally, the evaluation of the experience was negative for most participants.
This work aimed to measure and analyze total rainfall (P), rainfall intensity and five-day antecedent rainfall effects on runoff (R); to compare measured and simulated R values using the Soil Conservation Service Curve Number method (CN) for each rainfall event; and to establish average R/P ratios for observed R values. A one-year (07/01/96 to 06/30/97) rainfall-runoff data study was carried out in the Capetinga watershed (962.4 ha), located at the Federal District of Brazil, 47° 52' longitude West and 15° 52' latitude South. Soils of the watershed were predominantly covered by natural vegetation. Total rainfall and runoff for the period were 1,744 and 52.5 mm, respectively, providing R/P of 3% and suggesting that watershed physical characteristics favored water infiltration into the soil. A multivariate regression analysis for 31 main rainfall-runoff events totaling 781.9 and 51.0 mm, respectively, indicated that the amount of runoff was only dependent upon rainfall volume. Simulated values of total runoff were underestimated about 15% when using CN method and an area-weighted average of the CN based on published values. On the other hand, when average values of CN were calculated for the watershed, total runoff was overestimated about 39%, suggesting that CN method shoud be used with care in areas under natural vegetation.