675 resultados para Matão (SP)


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INTRODUÇÃO: A candidíase é uma das infecções fúngicas mais frequentes entre os pacientes infectados pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana. O presente estudo objetivou a caracterização das leveduras do gênero Candida de distintas amostras clínicas, provenientes de pacientes HIV - positivos, assim como a determinação do perfil de suscetibilidade in vitro a cinco drogas antifúngicas. MÉTODOS: A caracterização dos isolados de Candida sp foi realizada através da metodologia clássica, testes bioquímicos (zimograma e auxanograma) e morfológicos (prova do tubo germinativo e microcultivo em lâmina). Também, foram realizadas a técnica genotípica (PCR) e identificação pelo método comercial API 20C AUX (BioMeriéux). Para a determinação do perfil de suscetibilidade in vitro, foram utilizadas cinco drogas antifúngicas (cetoconazol, fluconazol, itraconazol, voriconazol e anfotericina B), através do método comercialmente disponível - Etest. RESULTADOS: Foram identificados 105 isolados de leveduras do gênero Candida provenientes de 102 pacientes infectados pelo vírus HIV. Destes, foram caracterizadas 82 (78,1%) Candida albicans, 8 (7,6%) Candida parapsilosis, 8 (7,6%) Candida tropicalis, 4 (3,8%) Candida krusei, 2 (1,9%) Candida glabrata e 1 (1%) Candida guilliermondii. CONCLUSÕES: Considerando o perfil geral de sensibilidade, 60% dos isolados foram suscetíveis a todos os antifúngicos testados, porém as espécies C. tropicalis e C. krusei demonstraram uma tendência a valores mais elevados de CIMs para os azóis do que os encontrados paraC. albicans, sugerindo resistência.


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INTRODUCTION: This work was an epidemiological investigation of the risk of Trypanosoma cruzi transmission in the rural Quilombola community of Furnas do Dionízio, State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. METHODS: Of the 71 animals examined, seven were captured (two opossums, Didelphis albiventris; four rats, Rattus rattus; and one nine-banded armadillo, Dasypus novemcinctus) and 64 were domestic (one canine, Canis familiaris; five pigs, Sus scrofa; two bovines, Bos taurus; five caprines, Capra sp.; and 51 ovines, Ovis aries). Parasitological tests were performed to detect parasites in the blood and to identify the morphology of flagellates. These methods included fresh examinations, buffy coat tests and blood cultures. Molecular analysis of DNA for identification of trypanosomatids was performed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with primers S35 and S36. RESULTS: The parasitological tests showed flagellates in an opossum and two cattle. The molecular tests showed DNA from T. cruzi in an opossum and a pig. Triatoma sordida was the only triatomine species found in the community, and it colonized households (four specimens) and the surrounding areas (124 specimens). Twenty-three specimens tested positive for flagellates, which were subsequently identified as T. cruzi by PCR. CONCLUSIONS: Data analysis demonstrated that T. cruzi has a peridomestic life cycle that involves both domestic and wild mammals.


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Introduction American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) has been reported in every municipality of the State of Mato Grosso, Brazil, but the transmission epidemiology remains poorly understood. Our study was developed in a rural area of the Nova Mutum municipality where four autochthonous cases of ACL were reported in 2009. Our aims were to describe the local phlebotomine sandfly fauna and to investigate the infection rates and infecting Leishmania species in the captured sandflies. Methods Entomological captures were performed bimonthly at 10 fixed sites close to the edge of a forested area between June 2011 and April 2012. Results A total of 3,743 phlebotomine sandflies belonging to 31 distinct species were captured. Approximately 75% of the specimens were females. The most abundant species (45.4%) was Lutzomyia antunesi, which was consistently captured at every site. Species that are epidemiologically important for ACL, such as L. flaviscutellata, L. whitmani and L. umbratilis, were also captured. L. antunesi and L. ubiquitalis were naturally infected by Leishmania braziliensis or Le. guyanensis, with minimum infection rates of 0.88% and 6.67%, respectively. Surprisingly, L. antunesi was infected by Le. infantum (synonym chagasi). Conclusions The natural infection of L. antunesi and L. ubiquitalis by Leishmania sp. suggests that these species might play a role in the zoonotic cycle of ACL in Nova Mutum. The presence of Le. infantum in L. antunesi suggests that there may be a risk of an outbreak of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) in Nova Mutum.


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a composição e estrutura de um estrato arbóreo da floresta tropical úmida em Alta Floresta - MT, determinando os padrões de semelhança com outras regiões da Amazônia brasileira. O estudo foi realizado em uma área de 2 hectares, dividida em 20 parcelas de 10x 100m, onde foram mensurados a altura e o DAP ≥ 10 cm de todos os indivíduos. Para avaliação do grau de similaridade entre a composição florística e estrutura arbórea de Alta Floresta com as nove regiões pertencentes à Amazônia Legal brasileira, utilizou-se o método de agrupamento hierárquico aglomerativo com ligações pela média dos grupos (UPGMA), por meio do índice de Sorensen (qualitativo). Para a ordenação, foi utilizado o mesmo programa, utilizando a Escalonamento Multidimensional não-métrica (NMS) por meio do índice de Jaccard aplicado à presença e ausência de famílias e gêneros. Para análise de similaridade entre as 10 regiões, comparando a matriz de distâncias físicas entre elas com as matrizes de composição de famílias e gêneros, utilizou-se o programa PATN por meio do Teste de Mantel com o índice de Jaccard. A região apresentou 1101 indivíduos, pertencentes a 32 famílias, 54 gêneros e 68 espécies. A família com maior riqueza de espécie foi Leguminosae. A espécie Helicostilys podogyne e o gênero Cecropia sp. foram as mais importantes no levantamento. A floresta tropical úmida de Alta Floresta não se assemelhou com nenhuma das nove regiões comparadas neste estudo.


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Este estudo foi desenvolvido numa área de floresta de transição Amazônia-Cerrado no norte de Mato Grosso. Teve como objetivo quantificar a dinâmica da produção e acúmulo e as partes constituintes da serrapilheira, bem como a participação das folhas no retorno do nitrogênio, fósforo e carbono ao solo por meio da decomposição. Foram coletados mensalmente durante um ano dados de serrapilheira total produzida, serrapilheira total acumulada no solo e avaliada a decomposição de folhas no período de seca e de chuvas. A produção de serrapilheira apresentou variações sazonais com maiores valores no período seco e predomínio da fração foliar durante todo o ano. Por outro lado, a serrapilheira acumulada não apresentou diferenças significativas entre o período de seca e o chuvoso como também correlação significativa com a serrapilheira produzida. A decomposição da serrapilheira exclusiva de folhas foi mais intensa no período chuvoso e em ordem decrescente de espécies, em T. schomburgkii, Thyrsodium sp, B. lactescens e P. sagotianum. A espécie P. sagotianum tanto no período seco quanto no chuvoso apresentou maior resistência à decomposição. O potencial de retorno de nitrogênio ao solo foi da ordem de 70,3 kg.ha-1.ano-1, para o fósforo, de 76,1 kg.ha-1.ano-1 e para o carbono, de 3,5 ton.ha-1.ano-1. Houve uma correlação entre a decomposição exclusiva de folhas e o retorno de nitrogênio e fósforo para todas as espécies estudadas no período de seca. No período chuvoso foi registrada correlação significativa somente para nitrogênio e o carbono para a espécie P. sagotianum.


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In the Southern Pantanal, the hyacinth macaw (Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus), an endangered species, often chooses the manduvi tree (Sterculia apetala) as a nesting site, because of its physical properties. In addition, the chemical composition of the wood may also contribute to a nesting selection by the hyacinth macaws. The objective of this study was to determine the main chemical components of S. apetala bark for two seasons, and evaluate its fungicidal potential. Bark samples from S. apetala trees with and without nests of A. hyacinthinus were collected in January (wet season) and August (dry season) of 2012. The inhibition of mycelium growth (MGI) from tree samples with and without nests were assessed using a phytochemical analysis to evaluate their antifungal activity against Trichoderma sp. Phytochemical analysis confirmed the presence of phenolic compounds and flavonoids. In both seasons, samples obtained from nested trees had higher content of total phenols than those collected from non-nested trees. The average content of total flavonoids was higher in January for samples with nest and in August for samples without nest. All selected samples showed antifungal activity, and those with nest collected in August (peak of hyacinth macaw breeding) resulted in an MGI of 51.3%. Therefore, this percentage, related to the content of flavonoids and the presence of coumarins, may influence the reproductive success of hyacinth macaws and other species of birds, in this region. This is the first chemical study report with the stem bark of S. apetala.


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The diet of four species of Anostomidae (Leporinus friderici Bloch, 1794, L. striatus Kner, 1858, L. elongatus Valenciennes, 1849 and Leporinus sp.) were investigated in the Manso Reservoir, Mato Grosso State, Brazil. Fish were sampled in three sites: upriver, in the main body of the reservoir, and below the dam. Were analized 276 stomachs. The diet was evaluated using the frequency of ocorrence and volumetric methods. Leporinus friderici showed tendency to herbivory, mainly in the upriver site. In the reservoir and below the dam, it consumed large quantities of fish; Isoptera only in the reservoir. Leporinus striatus and L. elongatus have similar diets, consuming Chironomidae larvae (Diptera), whereas Leporinus sp. was more generalist, feeding similar proportions of vegetable, detritus and insect (Chironomidae and Ephemeroptera). The mouths of the species have different positions: terminal in L. friderici, subterminal in L. elongatus and intermediate in L. striatus and Leporinus sp. The diet overlap values were low, except for L. friderici and Leporinus sp. (0.7) in the upriver, and L. striatus and L. elongatus (0.6) below the dam.


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ABSTRACT Dichelacera matogrossensis sp. nov. is described based on females from the Chapada dos Guimarães, state of Mato Grosso, Brazil. Diagnosis, discussion and illustrations are provided.


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A new species of South American planorbid snail, Biomphalaria occidentalis, is described. It is indistinguishable from B. tenagophila (Orbigny, 1835), by the characteristics of the shell and of most organs of the genital system. In B. tenagophila there is a pouch on the ventral wall of the vagina (Fig. 4A, vp), absent in B. occidentalis (Fig. 3A), and on the ventral wall of the vagina (Fig. 4A, vp), absent in B. occidentalis (Fig. 3A), and the prepuce is much wider than the penial sheath, its width increasing distalward (Fig. 4, ps,pp), whereas in B. occidentalis the prepuce is wider than the penial sheath but keeps about the same width all along (Fig.3, ps, pp). The two species are biologically separate by absolute reproductive isolation. The geographical distribution of B. occidentalis is shown in Fig. 14. So far it has been found in the Brazilian states of Acre, Amazonas (?), Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul and Paraná, and in Paraguay. Its type-locality is Campo Grande, state of Mato Grosso do sul, where it was collected from several biotopes related to affluents of the Aquiduana river, chiefly Córrego Prosa and Córrego Ceroula. Specimens were deposited in the following malacological collections: Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro; Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia; Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan; and British Museum (Natural History).


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In Sinop, State of Mato Grosso, Brazil, for the first time specimens of Euboettcheria, with seven species, are dominant (54.39%) among the Sarcophagid flies. Two new species of Euboettcheria (alvarengai and roppai) and females of known species are described and figured. Notochaeta sinopi n.sp. and Sinopiella rufopilosa n. gen., n. sp. are also described.


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The author describes three species of protcocephalid cestodes from the Pimelodid fish, Pseudoplatystoma fasciatus (L.) from rivers of Mato Grosso, Brazil: Nomimoscolex lopesi sp. n., Peltidocotyle rugosa Diesing, 1850 and Spatulifer rugosa (Woodland, 1935). P. rugosa is for the first time referred in this fish species. One hyperparasite nematode specimen was found in a strobila of S. rugosa.


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Proctocaccum dorsale n. sp. is described and Caimanicola marajoara Freitas & Lent, 1938 is redescribed based on specimens collected from Caiman crocodilus yacare (Daudin) from the Pantanal Mato-grossense, State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil. This report extends south ward the known geographic distribution of C. marajoara. It is the first record of the genus Proctocaccum in South America, and in the caiman. Proctocaccum dorsale n. sp. differs from the other eight species in the genus by the dorsal location of the anal openings, instead of being lateral or in the posterior extremity of the body.


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Pseudotelorchis caimanis n. sp. and P. yacarei n. sp. are described based on specimens collected from Caiman crocodilus yacare (Daudin) in the Pantanal Mato-grossense, Brazil. This is the first record of any species of Telorchiidae Stunkard, 1924, parasitizing crocodilians. Pseudotelorchis caimanis n. sp. differs from P. comapactus, the only species described in the genus with seminal receptacle, testes in tandem, and genital pore lateral to acetabulum. Pseudotelorchis yacarei n. sp. differs from the two other species for its body shape, for infecting the intestine instead of the uterus, by having regularly disposed instead of irregulary disposed uterine loops, and by having the vitelline glands disposed in longitudinal lateral lines instead of in lateral bunches.


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Two new species are described from the caiman. Caiman crocodilus yacare. Proterodiplostomum breve n. sp. differs from all other species in the genus by the following chacacteristics: (1) the paraprostate gland is shorter and club-shaped; (2) the genital cone is, in average, eight times longer than that of P. medusae; (3) the genital atrium is larger and without pseudosuckers; (4) the oral sucker and pharynx are longer; and (5) there are larger numbers of papillae surrounding the tribocytic organ (40) against 20 in P. longum, 16 in p. tumidilum, 8 in P. ophidum, and 16-18 in P. medusae. Proterodiplostomum globulare n. sp. differs from all the other species in the fenus by the following characteristics: (1) from P. tumidilum, P. lomgum, P. medusae, and P. breve n. sp. for the absense of pseudosuckers or muscular bunches in the inferior wall of the genital atrium; (2) the shape of the paraprostate gland, which is globular and not cylindrical as in P. longum, P. tumidilum, P. medusae, and P. ophidum; (3) the size of the tribocytic organ 201-407 long, 183-495 wide, while is 138-270 long, 102-292 wide in P. medusae, and 138-270 long, 255 wide in P. ophidum; (4) the number of papillae in the tribocytic organ (18-20) in P. globulare and 16-18 in P. medusae, and 8 in P. ophidum. Specimens belonging to six other species of proterodiplostomes are recorded for the first time infecting the caiman, C. c. yacare in the Pantanal Mato-grossense, Brazil, namely: Proterodiplostomum medusae, P. tumidilum, Cystodiplostomum hollyi, Prolecithodiplostomum constrictum, Paradiplostomum abbreviatum, and Herpetodiplostomum caimancola.


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Tabanus pseudonebulosus, new species, is described based on 217 female specimens and 5 males collected in Venezuela (Guarico, Aguaio, Santa Elena, and Palmarito) and in Brazil (Pará: Santana do Araguaia, Serra das Andorinhas in São Geraldo do Araguaia, Serra Norte Carajás and Gorotire; Amazonas: Canutama; Mato Grosso do Sul: Corumbá), mostly in open vegetation, scrub forest and in rocky environments. Observed intraspecific variation in the specimens is presented and related to collection localities, and morphological differences are diagnosed in relation to the similar species Tabanus nebulosus DeGeer 1776 and T. importunus Wiedemann 1828. Morphometrical data and indices for specimens in different localities are provided. Drawings and photo of the new species are presented.