72 resultados para Marinina, Alexandra


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The fecal contamination of raw seafood by indicators and opportunistic pathogenic microorganisms represents a public health concern. The objective of this study was to investigate the presence of enteric bacteria colonizing oysters collected from a Venezuelan touristic area. Oyster samples were collected at the northwestern coast of Venezuela and local salinity, pH, temperature, and dissolved oxygen of seawater were recorded. Total and fecal coliforms were measured for the assessment of the microbiological quality of water and oysters, using the Multiple Tube Fermentation technique. Analyses were made using cultures and 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Diverse enrichment and selective culture methods were used to isolate enteric bacteria. We obtained pure cultures of Gram-negative straight rods with fimbriae from Isognomon alatus and Crassostrea rhizophorae. Our results show that P. mirabilis was predominant under our culture conditions. We confirmed the identity of the cultures by biochemical tests, 16S rRNA gene sequencing, and data analysis. Other enterobacteria such as Escherichia coli, Morganella morganii and Klebsiella pneumoniae were also isolated from seawater and oysters. The presence of pathogenic bacteria in oysters could have serious epidemiological implications and a potential human health risk associated with consumption of raw seafood.


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Cryptococcosis is one of the most common opportunistic fungal infections in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). We report 13 cases of cryptococcal infection based on histopathology, serology and cultures. Epidemiological analysis, histochemical techniques of hematoxilin and eosin (HE) and Grocot's silver (GMS), as well special histochemical techniques such as Mayer's mucicarmine (MM) and Fontana-Masson (FM), cryptococcal antigen test (CrAg) and isolation on fungal media: Sabouraud's (SAB), brain-heart infusion agar (BHI) and canavanine-glycine-bromothymol blue (CGB) agar were analyzed. Unsatisfactory staining results by MM stain associated to negative titers by CrAg test, which FM stain confirmed that capsule-deficient Cryptococcus infections were observed in four cases. Eight isolated cases were identified as follows: six cases were infection with Cryptococcus neoformans and two cases were Cryptococcus gattii.


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Ten cases of cryptococcosis due to unusual microscopic forms of Cryptococcus sp. observed over a twenty-eight year period (1981-2009) are presented. The most important clinicopathological and laboratory data are tabulated. The uncommon forms of cryptococcal cells given are: structures resembling germ tube (one case), chains of budding yeasts (one case), pseudohyphae (two cases) and nonencapsulated yeast-like organisms (eight cases). The diagnosis was based on the histopathological findings. The causative organism was isolated and identified in seven cases; five were due to C. neoformans, and two to C. gattii. In addition, the importance of using staining histochemical techniques - Grocott's silver stain (GMS), Mayer's mucicarmine stain (MM) and Fontana-Masson stain (FM) - in the diagnosis of cryptococcosis is argued.


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Non-H. pylori helicobacters (NHPH) have been demonstrated as gastric spiral-shaped bacteria in specimens obtained from dogs; however, their roles in the pathogenesis of upper gastrointestinal disease have not yet been clearly established. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of NHPH DNA in the gastric mucosa of dogs and its association with histopathology. Helicobacter was detected through histopathological techniques, PCR, and FISH analysis from fundic biopsies of twenty dogs with or without signs of gastrointestinal disease. PCR and FISH were based on partial 16S rRNA gene sequences. Nineteen dogs showed mild to marked gastritis in the fundus, and only one dog had a healthy gastric mucosa. NHPH DNA was detected in 18 dogs with gastritis and one with normal gastric mucosa. However, there was no significant correlation between the presence of NHPH DNA and the degree of gastritis. These results show a high prevalence of NHPH DNA in the gastric mucosa of dogs from Venezuela. Further studies are necessary to determine a possible association between a specific NHPH species and the degree of gastritis.


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The causative agent of cholera, Vibrio cholerae, can enter into a viable but non-culturable (VBNC) state in response to unfavorable conditions. The aim of this study was to evaluate the in situ survival of V. cholerae in an aquatic environment of the Southern Caribbean Sea, and its induction and resuscitation from the VBNC state. V. cholerae non-O1, non-O139 was inoculated into diffusion chambers placed at the Cuare Wildlife Refuge, Venezuela, and monitored for plate, total and viable cells counts. At 119 days of exposure to the environment, the colony count was < 10 CFU/mL and a portion of the bacterial population entered the VBNC state. Additionally, the viability decreased two orders of magnitude and morphological changes occurred from rod to coccoid cells. Among the aquatic environmental variables, the salinity had negative correlation with the colony counts in the dry season. Resuscitation studies showed significant recovery of cell cultivability with spent media addition (p < 0.05). These results suggest that V. cholerae can persist in the VBNC state in this Caribbean environment and revert to a cultivable form under favorable conditions. The VBNC state might represent a critical step in cholera transmission in susceptible areas.


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Vibrio cholerae represents a significant threat to human health in developing countries. This pathogen forms biofilms which favors its attachment to surfaces and its survival and transmission by water or food. This work evaluated the in vitro biofilm formation of V. cholerae isolated from clinical and environmental sources on stainless steel of the type used in food processing by using the environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM). Results showed no cell adhesion at 4 h and scarce surface colonization at 24 h. Biofilms from the environmental strain were observed at 48 h with high cellular aggregations embedded in Vibrio exopolysaccharide (VPS), while less confluence and VPS production with microcolonies of elongated cells were observed in biofilms produced by the clinical strain. At 96 h the biofilms of the environmental strain were released from the surface leaving coccoid cells and residual structures, whereas biofilms of the clinical strain formed highly organized structures such as channels, mushroom-like and pillars. This is the first study that has shown the in vitro ability of V. cholerae to colonize and form biofilms on stainless steel used in food processing.


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Estudo retrospectivo com revisão dos casos clínicos de Síndrome do Desconforto Respiratório Agudo, realizado no período de out/88 a dez/90 na Unidade de Pacientes Graves do Instituto Fernandes Figueira. Os autores estudaram as características clínicas, radiológicas e histopatológicas de acordo com o estágio evolutivo da doença. Dentre 459 casos estudados, foram selecionados 49 (11%). Onze casos tiveram exame anatomopatologico [biopsia (4), necropsia (8)] e foram classificados de acordo com o estágio evolutivo em: fase exsudativa inicial, fase proliferativa celular e fase proliferativa fibrótica. Houve correlação clínica radiológica e anatomopatológica nos casos confirmados com exame histológico. Os autores consideram importante estudos futuros em que a interação entre a pesquisa clínica e experimental permita o melhor conhecimento desta Síndrome na população pediátrica.


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Caso de criptococose por Cryptococcus deficiente de cápsula, no qual cultivo do espécime clínico e pesquisa do antígeno capsular no líquor e soro foram negativos. As técnicas histopatológicas foram: Hematoxilina-eosina, Grocott, Mucicarmim de Mayer e Fontana-Masson. Confirmou-se o diagnóstico do Cryptococcus deficiente de cápsula pela técnica de Fontana-Masson e pela imunofluorescência direta. É discutida a potencialidade das técnicas histoquímicas.


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INTRODUÇÃO: Em região de alta incidência de dengue, no litoral do Estado de São Paulo, selecionaram-se 9 áreas, com objetivo de avaliar o comportamento de formas imaturas de Aedes aegypti. MÉTODOS: As 9 áreas foram agrupadas em 4 estratos, diferenciados pelo uso e ocupação do solo. Foram coletadas larvas e pupas numa amostra de cerca de 500 imóveis em cada área. RESULTADOS: Apesar do pneu e lona apresentarem as maiores taxas de positividade para Aedes aegypti, o ralo, juntamente com outros recipientes fixos nas edificações foram altamente predominantes entre os recipientes positivos (32 a 76% dos recipientes positivos). As áreas coletivas de prédios e os imóveis não residenciais de grande porte apresentaram as maiores taxas de positividade para Aedes aegypti enquanto os apartamentos, as menores. Os níveis de infestação foram maiores na área residencial com predominância de prédios de apartamentos, onde 76% dos criadouros detectados foram recipientes fixos nas edificações. CONCLUSÕES: Esses conhecimentos são importantes subsídios para a estratégia de controle, pois reforçam a necessidade de atenção especial para determinados tipos de imóveis, bem como da adequação da norma técnica de ralo de água pluvial e da melhoria de manutenção das edificações. Além disso, são necessárias observações sistemáticas que permitam acompanhar a dinâmica de ocupação de diferentes imóveis e recipientes por Aedes aegypti e a incorporação desses conhecimentos nas ações de controle do vetor na região.


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INTRODUCTION: In Colombia, there are no published studies for the treatment of uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria comparing artemisinin combination therapies. Hence, it is intended to demonstrate the non-inferior efficacy/safety profiles of artesunate + amodiaquine versus artemether-lumefantrine treatments. METHODS: A randomized, controlled, open-label, noninferiority (Δ≤5%) clinical trial was performed in adults with uncomplicated P. falciparum malaria using the 28‑day World Health Organization validated design/definitions. Patients were randomized 1:1 to either oral artesunate + amodiaquine or artemether-lumefantrine. The primary efficacy endpoint: adequate clinical and parasitological response; secondary endpoints: - treatment failures defined per the World Health Organization. Safety: assessed through adverse events. RESULTS: A total of 105 patients was included in each group: zero censored observations. Mean (95%CI - Confidence interval) adequate clinical and parasitological response rates: 100% for artesunate + amodiaquine and 99% for artemether-lumefantrine; the noninferiority criteria was met (Δ=1.7%). There was one late parasitological therapeutic failure (1%; artemether-lumefantrine group), typified by polymerase chain reaction as the MAD20 MSP1 allele. The fever clearance time (artesunate + amodiaquine group) was significantly shorter (p=0.002). Respectively, abdominal pain for artesunate + amodiaquine and artemether-lumefantrine was 1.9% and 3.8% at baseline (p=0.68) and 1% and 13.3% after treatment (p<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Uncomplicated P. falciparum malaria treatment with artesunate + amodiaquine is noninferior to the artemether-lumefantrine standard treatment. The efficacy/safety profiles grant further studies in this and similar populations.


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INTRODUCTION: The development of clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) has increased; this study aimed to assess the quality of CPGs for the management of Chagas disease. METHODS: Following a systematic search of the scientific literature, two reviewers assessed the eligible guidelines using the Appraisal of Guidelines Research and Evaluation (AGREE) II instrument. RESULTS: Five CPGs were included. The AGREE domains of scope/purpose, stakeholder involvement, and clarity of presentation were rated well, and the domains of applicability and editorial independence received poor ratings. CONCLUSIONS: The quality of CPGs for Chagas disease is poor, and significant work is required to develop high-quality guidelines.


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Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the infectious diseases that contributes most to the morbidity and mortality of millions of people worldwide. Brazil is one of 22 countries that accounts for 80% of the tuberculosis global burden. The highest incidence rates in Brazil occur in the States of Amazonas and Rio de Janeiro. The aim of this study was to describe the temporal distribution of TB in the State of Amazonas. Between 2001 and 2011, 28,198 cases of tuberculosis were reported in Amazonas, distributed among 62 municipalities, with the capital Manaus reporting the highest (68.7%) concentration of cases. Tuberculosis was more prevalent among males (59.3%) aged 15 to 34 years old (45.5%), whose race/color was predominantly pardo (64.7%) and who had pulmonary TB (84.3%). During this period, 81 cases of multidrug-resistant TB were registered, of which the highest concentration was reported from 2008 onward (p = 0.002). The municipalities with the largest numbers of indigenous individuals affected were São Gabriel da Cachoeira (93%), Itamarati (78.1%), and Santa Isabel do Rio Negro (70.1%). The future outlook for this region includes strengthening the TB control at the primary care level, by expanding diagnostic capabilities, access to treatment, research projects developed in collaboration with the Dr. Heitor Vieira Dourado Tropical Medicine Foundation .;Fundação de Medicina Tropical Dr. Heitor Vieira Dourado (FMT-HVD).; and financing institutions, such as the project for the expansion of the Clinical Research Center and the creation of a hospital ward for individuals with transmissible respiratory diseases, including TB.


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O plantio de espécies florestais nativas é uma atividade que além de repor os recursos florestais também pode atenuar os impactos ambientais decorrentes do extrativismo. Entretanto, seu sucesso depende, entre outros fatores, do conhecimento a cerca das necessidades nutricionais da espécie a ser utilizada. Com o objetivo de obter informações das necessidades de mudas de mogno (Swietenia Macrophilla King) por micronutrientes, foi realizado um experimento em casa de vegetação. Foi utilizado como substrato um Latossolo Amarelo de baixa fertilidade, coletado da camada de 20-40 cm de profundidade, localizado no setor Sul do Campus da Universidade Federal do Amazonas (UFAM). Foram testados sete tratamentos e quatro repetições dispostos em delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, sob a técnica do elemento faltante. Os tratamentos foram: Completo (Calagem + N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, B, Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn e Mo), Testemunha (Calagem + N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S e Mo) e a omissão de um micronutriente catiônico por vez (-B, -Cu, -Fe, -Mn e - Zn). Após quatro meses foram avaliadas as seguintes características: altura da parte aérea, diâmetro do colo, produção de matéria seca da parte aérea e das raízes e conteúdo de nutrientes na matéria seca da parte aérea. Os resultados obtidos nesta pesquisa permitiram concluir que as mudas de mogno tiveram seu crescimento comprometido pela baixa disponibilidade de cobre no substrato, sendo necessária sua aplicação para que as plantas tenham um desenvolvimento normal, compatível com o crescimento da espécie, quando as condições de substrato são adequadas.


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O mogno (Swietenia macrophylla King), pelo elevado valor comercial da sua madeira, é uma das espécies mais exploradas na Amazônia, sendo ameaçada de extinção por não haver renovação dos estoques através de reflorestamento com a espécie. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da adubação fosfatada sobre o desenvolvimento de mudas de mogno. O estudo foi conduzidos em casa-de-vegetação e o solo utilizado para compor o substrato foi Latossolo Amarelo de textura muito argilosa. Os tratamentos constituiram-se de doses crescentes de fósforo de 0, 25, 30, 75, 100, 150 e 200 kg.ha-1 de P. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos casualizados com 4 repetições, num total de 28 parcelas. Cada parcela foi formada por 2 mudas, cultivadas em sacos com capacidade de 4 dm³. Verificaram-se respostas positivas às doses de fósforo para todas as características de crescimento, bem como na absorção da maioria dos macronutrientes. Para as características de crescimento a dose de 200 kg.ha-1 de fósforo, foi a que proporcionou máximo crescimento para as mudas de mogno, no intervalo de 90 dias.


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A fenologia foliar tem sido utilizada como uma característica importante na seleção dos clones de Hevea spp., enquanto o teor de nutrientes na serapilheira é um bom indicador da ciclagem de nutrientes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar o efeito da periodicidade de emissão de fluxos foliares na floração de copa de Hevea pauciflora, estado nutricional e qualidade da serapilheira. Foram avaliadas 15 plantas de 10 anos de idade dos clones de copa CNS G 112, CNS G 124 e CBA 2. Nas condições edafoclimáticas da Amazônia tropical úmida, a emissão de folhas e de floração de H. pauciflora ocorre com maior intensidade no segundo semestre (início do período chuvoso). A H. pauciflora apresenta maior acúmulo de serapilheira que a floresta primária e os teores foliares de 22,18 g kg-1 de N, 1,47 g kg-1 de P, 5,77 g kg-1 de K, 3,79 g kg-1 de Ca, 2,09 g kg-1 de Mg, 16,15 mg kg-1 de B, 6,14 mg kg-1 de Cu, 53,87 mg kg-1 de Fe, 66,20 mg kg-1 de Mn e 48,44 mg kg-1 de Zn podem ser utilizados como referência para essa espécie de seringueira.