149 resultados para Maria Margarida Ferreira Borges
Trabalho de caráter exploratório e informativo, teve como principal objetivo levantar dados sobre a migração internacional no Brasil, e a contribuição desse contingente imigratório para o crescimento da população brasileira. Nesse sentido construiu-se um índice que, pelo menos em primeira aproximação, proporcione estimativas da emigração de retorno, cuja ausência de dados prejudica a análise. Embora na introdução contenha elementos anteriores a 1872, considerou-se essa data como marco inicial por ser a do primeio censo nacional do Brasil. Analisou-se também, a partir de dados censitários, a distribuição espacial da população estrangeira por unidades da Federação.
Baseado em dados sócio-antropológicos e em medidas antropométricas coletados no Município de Santo André, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, foi analisada a população infantil de ambos os sexos e de treze idades diferentes (0, 3, 6 e 9 meses, 1 ano, 1 ano e meio, 2 a 8 anos). Foram utilizadas 3 variáveis independentes ISSE - índice de situação sócio-econômica da família (baseado nas inter-relações da média de gasto familiar mensal "per capita" e a instrução e ocupação do chefe da casa); CATANCES - construída a partir da informação sobre a nacionalidade dos ascendentes das crianças até 3ª geração; e Tamanho do Grupo Residencial. Como variáveis dependentes, utilizou-se a estatura, o peso e o Índice de Kaup. Considerando a relação positiva entre melhores condições de vida e desenvolvimento físico, constatou-se (através do teste de ordenação de médias de Duncan) que, embora as médias das medidas diferissem segundo as variáveis independentes, isso não acontecia igualmente nas mesmas idades e nos dois sexos. Observou-se pelos resultados das análises de variância, na maioria das vezes significantes, que as variáveis selecionadas explicavam muito pouco da variação das medidas nas várias idades e sexos. Conclui-se que a amostra estudada, segundo as variáveis independentes deste estudo, difere entre idades em ambos os sexos. Isto levanta uma série de questões sobre quais as variáveis mais adequadas a estudos desse gênero. Sugere-se, consideradas as duas categorias de variável CATANCES, a utilização de duas "tabela padrão" para peso e altura, segundo regiões brasileiras. Quanto ao índice de Kaup, evidenciou-se a necessidade de ser encontrada uma função matemática específica para cada idade, uma vez que, ao menos em relação a crianças em crescimento, o índice não media aquilo a que se propunha.
OBJETIVO: Parte de um projeto promovido pelas Nações Unidas (FAO) e pelo Ministério da Educação do Brasil (Fundação de Assistência ao Escolar) para estudar a condição nutricional de alunos de educandários públicos, visa a avaliar, com um enfoque cartográfico, a magnitude e a distribuição espacial do déficit estatural de alunos de escolas públicas do Estado da Paraíba. MÉTODOS: Fez-se levantamento de caráter censitário da estatura de 50.144 escolares com idade de 6 a 9 anos, matriculados na primeira série do primeiro grau de todos municípios do Estado da Paraíba, considerando-se como déficit estatural os valores classificados abaixo de -2 "scores" z do padrão do National Center of Health Statistics. RESULTADOS: Em todo o Estado, 14,5% dos escolares foram considerados casos de nanismo, com uma distribuição heterogênea para as quatro mesorregiões fisiográficas estudadas: 18,7% no Sertão, 13,8% no Agreste, 11,9% na Borborema e 10,9% na Zona da Mata. Nas escolas da área rural, 17,8% dos alunos apresentavam déficit estatural, enquanto no meio urbano a prevalência de nanismo foi de 11,8%. CONCLUSÕES: Os dados encontrados são indicativos de um processo de interiorização da desnutrição, contrastando substancialmente com as descrições históricas sobre a cartografia do problema na região.
INTRODUCTION: Although obesity is well recognized as a current public health problem, its prevalence and impact among pregnant women have been less investigated in Brazil. The objective of the study was to evaluate the impact of pre-obesity and obesity among pregnant women, describing its prevalence and risk factors, and their association with adverse pregnancy outcomes. METHODS: A cohort of 5,564 pregnant women, aged 20 years or more, enrolled at aproximately 20 to 28 weeks of pregnancy, seen in prenatal public clinics of six state capitals in Brazil were followed up, between 1991 and 1995. Prepregnancy weight, age, educational level and parity were obtained from a standard questionnaire. Height was measured in duplicate and the interviewer assigned the skin color. Nutritional status was defined using body mass index (BMI), according to World Health Organization (WHO) criteria. Odds ratios and 95% confidence interval were calculated using logistic regression. RESULTS: Age-adjusted prevalences (and 95% CI) based on prepregnancy weight were: underweight 5.7% (5.1%-6.3%), overweight 19.2% (18.1%-20.3%), and obesity 5.5% (4.9%-6.2%). Obesity was more frequently observed in older black women, with a lower educational level and multiparous. Obese women had higher frequencies of gestational diabetes, macrosomia, hypertensive disorders, and lower risk of microsomia. CONCLUSIONS: Overweight nutritional status (obesity and pre-obesity) was seen in 25% of adult pregnant women and it was associated with increased risk for several adverse pregnancy outcomes, such as gestational diabetes and pre-eclampsia.
OBJETIVO: A falta de conhecimento é um dos fatores relacionados à persistência de doenças infecciosas no Brasil. O presente estudo tem como objetivo desenvolver, implementar e avaliar um programa educativo de baixo custo, usando como modelo portadores de esquistossomose. MÉTODOS: Estudo descritivo desenvolvido com população constituída por pessoas saudáveis (grupo 1) e esquistossomóticos (grupos 2 e 3), com 20 indivíduos em cada grupo. Foi elaborado material didático (manual ilustrado e álbum seriado) e um questionário de 17 questões para avaliar o conhecimento nos grupos. Nos grupos 1 e 2, o questionário foi aplicado antes e no grupo 3, depois do programa educativo. As variáveis estudadas foram: programa educativo, nível de escolaridade, idade, forma clínica da esquistossomose e sintomatologia e o desempenho dos indivíduos na resposta ao questionário. Para a análise estatística foram utilizados o teste exato de Fisher e análise de variância com um fator fixo. RESULTADOS: O programa educativo foi avaliado em quatro tópicos: ciclo, clínica, tratamento e prevenção da doença. Verificou-se que o grupo 3 apresentou mediana de respostas certas superior aos grupos 1 e 2 em todos os tópicos abordados. O grupo 2 apresentou mediana de respostas certas superior ao grupo 1 em todos os tópicos, exceto em relação ao tópico prevenção. CONCLUSÕES: O processo educativo aplicado foi eficiente, melhorou o conhecimento sobre a doença, podendo constituir-se num modelo de atuação efetiva e de baixo custo que também pode ser aplicado no combate a outras endemias.
OBJETIVO: Analisar os municípios brasileiros segundo morbidade e desempenho do controle da vigilância epidemiológica de tuberculose e Aids. MÉTODOS: Análise exploratória de dois grupos de clusters não hierárquicos de dados de vigilância epidemiológica de tuberculose e Aids, e indicadores operacionais do Programa Nacional de Controle de Tuberculose, período de 2001 a 2003. A distribuição foi estratificada nas regiões metropolitanas e municípios prioritários, segundo o tamanho da população. A associação entre clusters de morbidade e desempenho foi avaliada pelo qui-quadrado, com análise de resíduos para identificar associações significantes. RESULTADOS: Dos cinco clusters de morbidade, a situação epidemiológica preocupante ocorre nos municípios com alta incidência de Aids, com alta ou baixa incidência de tuberculose, predominantes no Sudeste e Sul do Brasil, e nos grandes municípios. Dos seis clusters de desempenho do programa, desempenhos moderado e regular estão significantemente associados aos municípios prioritários, de regiões metropolitanas e com mais de 80 mil habitantes. Clusters regular e fraco concentram 10% dos municípios com abandono de tratamento elevado e baixa taxa de cura. O cluster "sem dados" está associado ao cluster de incidência muito baixa de tuberculose e Aids. CONCLUSÕES: Os achados refletem inadequação da vigilância à realidade epidemiológica do Brasil: precários fatores sociais associados à tuberculose e Aids e desempenho insuficiente do programa de controle.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate working conditions associated with health-related quality of life (HRQL) among nursing providers. METHODS: Cross-sectional study conducted in a university hospital in the city of São Paulo, Southeastern Brazil, during 2004-2005. The study sample comprised 696 registered nurses, nurse technicians and nurse assistants, predominantly females (87.8%), who worked day and/or night shifts. Data on sociodemographic information, working and living conditions, lifestyles, and health symptoms were collected using self-administered questionnaires. The following questionnaires were also used: Job Stress Scale, Effort-Reward Imbalance (ERI) and Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36). Ordinal logistic regression analysis using proportional odds model was performed to evaluate each dimension of the SF-36. RESULTS: Around 22% of the sample was found to be have high strain and 8% showed an effort-reward imbalance at work. The dimensions with the lowest mean scores in the SF-36 were vitality, bodily pain and mental health. High-strain job, effort-reward imbalance (ERI>1.01), and being a registered nurse were independently associated with low scores on the role emotional dimension. Those dimensions associated to mental health were the ones most affected by psychosocial factors at work. CONCLUSIONS: Effort-reward imbalance was more associated with health than high-strain (high demand and low control). The study results suggest that the joint analysis of psychosocial factors at work such as effort-reward imbalance and demand-control can provide more insight to the discussion of professional roles, working conditions and HRQL of nursing providers.
OBJECTIVE To analyze Brazilian literature on body image and the theoretical and methodological advances that have been made. METHODS A detailed review was undertaken of the Brazilian literature on body image, selecting published articles, dissertations and theses from the SciELO, SCOPUS, LILACS and PubMed databases and the CAPES thesis database. Google Scholar was also used. There was no start date for the search, which used the following search terms: “body image” AND “Brazil” AND “scale(s)”; “body image” AND “Brazil” AND “questionnaire(s)”; “body image” AND “Brazil” AND “instrument(s)”; “body image” limited to Brazil and “body image”. RESULTS The majority of measures available were intended to be used in college students, with half of them evaluating satisfaction/dissatisfaction with the body. Females and adolescents of both sexes were the most studied population. There has been a significant increase in the number of available instruments. Nevertheless, numerous published studies have used non-validated instruments, with much confusion in the use of the appropriate terms (e.g., perception, dissatisfaction, distortion). CONCLUSIONS Much more is needed to understand body image within the Brazilian population, especially in terms of evaluating different age groups and diversifying the components/dimensions assessed. However, interest in this theme is increasing, and important steps have been taken in a short space of time.
OBJECTIVE Investigate the effect of exposure to smoking during pregnancy and early childhood on changes in the body mass index (BMI) from birth to adolescence.METHODS A population-based cohort of children (0-5 years old) from Cuiabá, Midwest Brazil, was assessed in 1999-2000 (n = 2,405). Between 2009 and 2011, the cohort was re-evaluated. Information about birth weight was obtained from medical records, and exposure to smoking during pregnancy and childhood was assessed at the first interview. Linear mixed effects models were used to estimate the association between exposure to maternal smoking during pregnancy and preschool age, and the body mass index of children at birth, childhood and adolescence.RESULTS Only 11.3% of the mothers reported smoking during pregnancy, but most of them (78.2%) also smoked during early childhood. Among mothers who smoked only during pregnancy (n = 59), 97.7% had smoked only in the first trimester. The changes in body mass index at birth and in childhood were similar for children exposed and those not exposed to maternal smoking. However, from childhood to adolescence the rate of change in the body mass index was higher among those exposed only during pregnancy than among those who were not exposed.CONCLUSIONS Exposure to smoking only during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, seems to affect changes in the body mass index until adolescence, supporting guidelines that recommend women of childbearing age to stop smoking.
In view of the scarce references concerning the histological data in congenital parvovirus human B19 infection, we intend to provide a description of the pathological features observed in six autopsies.The virus was detected by DNA hybridization (ISH-DBH),PCR and electronmicroscopy (EM) in paraffin-embedded feto-placentary tissues.These cases constitute a subset from 86 Non Immunologic Hydrops Fetalis (NIHF) cases, in which a systemic complex of inflammatory/degenerative lesions of unknown etiology was visualized by optical microscopy. In one case a syphilitic process was detected, typefying a double infection. All fetuses showed a similar pathology - hydrops, hepato-splenomegaly, lung hypoplasia and erythroblastemia, the specific histological feature being the presence of intranuclear inclusions in the erythroid progenitors, in the erythropoietic visceral tissue and in blood marrow. Complex cardiopathy allied to abnormal lung lobulation and polisplenia were observed once; in 2 cases endocardial fibroelastosis was diagnosed. The pulmonary lesions were represented by dysmaturity allied to interstitial mononuclear infiltration. The hepatic consisted of cholestasis, portal fibrosis, canalicular proliferation, hemossiderosis, focal necroses and giant cell transformation. The central nervous system lesions were predominantly anoxic although the autolysis impaired a correct diagnosis.
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection is the most common congenital infection, affecting 0.4% to 2.3% newborns. Most of them are asymptomatic at birth, but later 10% develop handicaps, mainly neurological disturbances. Our aim was to determine the prevalence of CMV shed in urine of newborns from a neonatal intensive care unit using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and correlate positive cases to some perinatal aspects. Urine samples obtained at first week of life were processed according to a PCR protocol. Perinatal data were collected retrospectively from medical records. Twenty of the 292 cases (6.8%) were CMV-DNA positive. There was no statistical difference between newborns with and without CMV congenital infection concerning birth weight (p=0.11), gestational age (p=0.11), Apgar scores in the first and fifth minutes of life (p=0.99 and 0.16), mother's age (p=0.67) and gestational history. Moreover, CMV congenital infection was neither related to gender (p=0.55) nor to low weight (<2,500g) at birth (p=0.13). This high prevalence of CMV congenital infection (6.8%) could be due to the high sensitivity of PCR technique, the low socioeconomic level of studied population or the severe clinical status of these newborns.
Burkholderia pseudomallei has rarely been isolated from environmental and clinical specimens in South America, particularly, in Brazil. This report describes a case of melioidosis with fulminant sepsis in a 10 year old boy, from rural area, in Tejuçuoca, State of Ceará, Brazil. Blood samples were positive and, through the analysis of results from biochemical tests and of drugs susceptibility profile, identified this gram-negative bacillus as B. pseudomallei. The contamination source remains obscure in this case, as soil and water tanks samples submitted to microbiological analyses did not indicate the presence of B. pseudomallei.
The colony of urban stray cats living in the Rio de Janeiro zoological garden was studied in order to develop a population and health control program. As many cats as possible were captured during two months (47 animals) and were classified according to gender, age, weight and coat markings. They were submitted to a general health evaluation, examined for the presence of ectoparasites and sent to a surgical neutering program. All animals had a blood sample drawn for CBC, platelet count, heartworm and retroviruses detection. Capillary blood smears were made for hemoparasites detection. Coat marking and colors were tabby (59.7%), followed by solid black (17%); torbie (10.6%); bicolor (10.6%) and harlequin (2.1%). The only ectoparasites found were fleas, which infested 28% of the animals. The hemoparasites found were Haemobartonella felis (38%) and piroplasmas that could not be differentiated between Cytauxzoon spp. and Babesia spp. (47%). No cat was found infected by Dirofilaria immitis or FeLV (Feline Leukemia Virus), although FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus) antibodies could be detected (21%). There was no correlation between hemoparasites and FIV infections. The estimated total cat population (mark-recapture method) was 59; 68% female and 32% male, suggesting that a neutering program is in fact needed.
SUMMARY Little is known about the frequency of intestinal parasites in the elderly due to a lack of attention given to the occurrence of these infections among older adults. This study compares the frequency of Strongyloides stercoralis and other enteroparasites between elderly living in nursing homes (n = 100) and those noninstitutionalized (n = 100) from Uberlândia, state of Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil, associated with data of epidemiological and socio-demographic conditions. Through coproparasitological examination of both groups, enteroparasites were detected in 15 of 200 individuals examined (7.5%; CI: 5.1- 9.9). S. stercoralis was the most frequent parasite 10/200 (5%; CI: 4.2-5.8), being significantly higher in males and in individuals with autonomy for daily living activities. There were no statistical differences in the prevalence of parasites between the two groups compared. In conclusion, S. stercoralis infection was highly prevalent in elderly patients and it does not depend on whether the individual was institutionalized or not.