62 resultados para Margarida de Saboia, Duquesa de Mântua


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OBJETIVO: Analisar fatores associados à ocorrência de recidiva em hanseníase. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo caso-controle com 159 pacientes maiores de 15 anos diagnosticados com hanseníase em cinco municípios do estado de Mato Grosso, cujas unidades de saúde eram consideradas de referência para o atendimento. O grupo de casos incluiu 53 indivíduos com recidiva de 2005 a 2007 e foi comparado ao grupo controle (106 com alta por cura em 2005), pareados por sexo e classificação operacional. Foram usados dados do Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação, prontuários e entrevistas. Utilizou-se regressão logística condicional e abordagem hierárquica. RESULTADOS: Após análise ajustada, mostraram-se associados à ocorrência de recidiva: indivíduos residentes em casas alugadas (OR = 4,1; IC95%:1,43;12,04), em domicílio de madeira/taipa (OR = 3,2; IC95%: 1,16;8,76), que moravam com mais de cinco pessoas (OR = 2,1; IC95% : 1,03;4,36), com transtorno de uso de álcool (OR = 2,8; IC95%: 1,17;6,79), irregularidade do tratamento (OR = 3,8;IC95%: 1,44;10,02), sem esclarecimento sobre a doença/tratamento (OR = 2,6; IC95%: 1,09;6,13), que usavam transporte coletivo para o acesso à unidade de saúde (OR = 5,5; IC95%: 2,36;12,63), forma clínica da doença (OR = 7,1; IC95%: 2,48;20,52) e esquema terapêutico (OR = 3,7; IC95%: 1,49;9,11). CONCLUSÕES: Os fatores preditivos de recidiva relacionam-se com condições de moradia, hábitos de vida, organização dos serviços de saúde, formas clínicas e esquemas terapêuticos. Cabe aos serviços de saúde oferecer orientações adequadas aos pacientes, bem como garantir a regularidade do tratamento.


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Um caso de zigomicose nasofacial, causado por Conidiobolus coronatus, é descrito em paciente de 64 anos, do sexo feminino, procedente de Barcarena, Estado do Pará. Trata-se de doença rara na Região Norte do país - a maioria dos casos brasileiros tem sido registrada em Estados da Região Nordeste -, e o achado confirma a ocorrência do agente no Estado do Pará. A resposta ao iodeto de potássio, droga administrada à paciente, logo após a comprovação do diagnóstico pelo isolamento do fungo, foi boa, com resolução parcial das lesões em algumas semanas. A paciente continua ainda em tratamento, tendo-se associado o itraconazol ao iodeto


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Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection is the most common congenital infection, affecting 0.4% to 2.3% newborns. Most of them are asymptomatic at birth, but later 10% develop handicaps, mainly neurological disturbances. Our aim was to determine the prevalence of CMV shed in urine of newborns from a neonatal intensive care unit using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and correlate positive cases to some perinatal aspects. Urine samples obtained at first week of life were processed according to a PCR protocol. Perinatal data were collected retrospectively from medical records. Twenty of the 292 cases (6.8%) were CMV-DNA positive. There was no statistical difference between newborns with and without CMV congenital infection concerning birth weight (p=0.11), gestational age (p=0.11), Apgar scores in the first and fifth minutes of life (p=0.99 and 0.16), mother's age (p=0.67) and gestational history. Moreover, CMV congenital infection was neither related to gender (p=0.55) nor to low weight (<2,500g) at birth (p=0.13). This high prevalence of CMV congenital infection (6.8%) could be due to the high sensitivity of PCR technique, the low socioeconomic level of studied population or the severe clinical status of these newborns.


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The diagnosis of American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) is frequently based on clinical and epidemiological data associated with the results of laboratory tests. Some laboratory methods are currently being applied for the diagnosis of ACL, among them the indirect immunofluorescence reaction (IIFR), the Montenegro skin test (MST), histopathological examination, and the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The performance of these methods varies in a considerable proportion of patients. After the standardization of an immunoenzymatic test (ELISA) for the detection of IgG in the serum of patients with ACL using a crude Leishmania braziliensis antigen, the results obtained were compared to those of other tests routinely used for the diagnosis. The tests revealed the following sensitivity, when analyzed separately: 85% for ELISA IgG, 81% for PCR, 64.4% for MST, 58.1% for IIFR, and 34% for the presence of parasites in the biopsy. ELISA was positive in 75% of patients with ACL presenting a negative MST, in 84.8% of ACL patients with negative skin or mucous biopsies for the presence of the parasite, and in 100% of cases with a negative PCR. Thus, ELISA presented a higher sensitivity than the other tests and was useful as a complementary method for the diagnosis of ACL.


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The present work evaluated the diagnostic accuracy of detection of Dengue NS1 antigen employing two NS1 assays, an immunochromatographic assay and ELISA, in the diagnostic routine of Public Health laboratories. The results obtained with NS1 assay were compared with virus isolation and, in a subpopulation of cases, they were compared with the IgM-ELISA results obtained with convalescent samples. A total of 2,321 sera samples were analyzed by one of two NS1 techniques from March to October 2009. The samples were divided into five groups: groups I, II and III included samples tested by NS1 and virus isolation, and groups IV and V included patients with a first sample tested by NS1 and a second sample tested by IgM-ELISA. Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values, Kappa Index and Kappa Concordance were calculated. The results showed that NS1 testing in groups I, II and III had high sensitivity (98.0%, 99.5% and 99.3%), and predictive values and Kappa index between 0.9 - 1.0. Groups IV and V only had Kappa Concordance calculated, since the samples were analyzed according to the presence of NS1 antigen or IgM antibody. Concordance of 92.1% was observed when comparing the results of NS1-negative samples with IgM-ELISA. Based on the findings, it is possible to suggest that the tests for NS1 detection may be important tools for monitoring the introduction and spread of Dengue serotypes.


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SUMMARY Little is known about the frequency of intestinal parasites in the elderly due to a lack of attention given to the occurrence of these infections among older adults. This study compares the frequency of Strongyloides stercoralis and other enteroparasites between elderly living in nursing homes (n = 100) and those noninstitutionalized (n = 100) from Uberlândia, state of Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil, associated with data of epidemiological and socio-demographic conditions. Through coproparasitological examination of both groups, enteroparasites were detected in 15 of 200 individuals examined (7.5%; CI: 5.1- 9.9). S. stercoralis was the most frequent parasite 10/200 (5%; CI: 4.2-5.8), being significantly higher in males and in individuals with autonomy for daily living activities. There were no statistical differences in the prevalence of parasites between the two groups compared. In conclusion, S. stercoralis infection was highly prevalent in elderly patients and it does not depend on whether the individual was institutionalized or not.


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Recruitment of a specific cell population after Leishmania infection can influence the outcome of the disease. Cellular migration in response to Leishmania or vector saliva has been reported in air pouch model, however, cellular migration induced by Leishmania associated with host's blood and vector saliva in this model has not been described. Herein we investigated cellular migration into air pouch of hamster after stimulation with combination of L. chagasi and host's blood and Lutzomyia longipalpis saliva. Migration induced by saliva was 3-fold more than those induced by L. chagasi alone. Additionally, L. chagasi associated with blood and saliva induced significantly even more leukocytes into air pouch than Leishmania alone. L. chagasi recruited a diverse cell population; however, most of these cells seem to have not migrated to the inflammatory exudate, remaining in the pouch lining tissue. These results indicate that L. chagasi can reduce leukocyte accumulation to the initial site of infection, and when associated with vector saliva in the presence of blood components, increase the influx of more neutrophils than macrophages, suggesting that the parasite has developed a strategy to minimize the initial inflammatory response, allowing an unlimited progression within the host. This work reinforces the importance of studies on the salivary components of sand fly vectors of leishmaniasis in the transmission process and the establishment of the infection.


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This study aimed to determine the existence of blood vessels within ganglia of the myenteric plexus of the human esophagus and colon. At necropsy, 15 stillborns, newborns and children up to two years of age, with no gastrointestinal disorders, were examined. Rings of the esophagus and colon were analyzed and then fixed in formalin and processed for paraffin. Histological sections were stained by hematoxylin-eosin, Giemsa and immunohistochemistry for the characterization of endothelial cells, using antibodies for anti-factor VIII and CD31. Blood vessels were identified within the ganglia of the myenteric plexus of the esophagus, and no blood vessels were found in any ganglia of the colon. It was concluded that the ganglia of the myenteric plexus of the esophagus are vascularized, while the ganglia of the colon are avascular. Vascularization within the esophageal ganglia could facilitate the entrance of infectious agents, as well as the development of inflammatory responses (ganglionitis) and denervation, as found in Chagas disease and idiopathic achalasia. This could explain the higher frequency of megaesophagus compared with megacolon.


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SUMMARY Infection by Candidaspp. is associated with high mortality rates, especially when treatment is not appropriate and/or not immediate. Therefore, it is necessary to correctly identify the genus and species of Candida. The aim of this study was to compare the identification of 89 samples of Candida spp. by the manual methods germ tube test, auxanogram and chromogenic medium in relation to the ID 32C automated method. The concordances between the methods in ascending order, measured by the Kappa index were: ID 32C with CHROMagar Candida(κ = 0.38), ID 32C with auxanogram (κ = 0.59) and ID 32C with germ tube (κ = 0.9). One of the species identified in this study was C. tropicalis,which demonstrated a sensitivity of 46.2%, a specificity of 95.2%, PPV of 80%, NPV of 81.1%, and an accuracy of 80.9% in tests performed with CHROMagar Candida;and a sensitivity of 76.9%, a specificity of 96.8%, PPV of 90.9%, NPV of 91%, and an accuracy of 91% in the auxanogram tests. Therefore, it is necessary to know the advantages and limitations of methods to choose the best combination between them for a fast and correct identification of Candidaspecies.


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Um caso de hepatite de Lábrea nos possibilitou um estudo do comportamento dos fatores da coagulação nessa doença. O objetivo principal foi estudar a coagulação do sangue, visando: 1. conhecer os níveis dos fatores da coagulação na Febre Negra; 2. contribuir para o melhor conhecimento da doença, principalmente no que se refere às manifestações de hemorragia; 3. tentar correlacionar a gravidade do quadro clínico e prognóstico à intensidade das alterações dos fatores da coagulação. Os resultados evidenciaram uma alteração acentuada da crase sangüínea, sugerindo que, além do quadro infeccioso, o paciente desenvolveu, igualmente, uma síndrome de coagulação intravascular disseminada.


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São descritos dois casos de zigomicose nasofacial, procedentes de Belém, PA. O achado indica não ser tão rara, como se poderia supor, pela falta de registros, a ocorrência dessa micose na Região Norte do Brasil. Em ambos os pacientes, o tratamento pelo cetoconazol determinou involução rápida das manifestações clínicas, principalmente a obstrução nasal. Com o presente relato, sobe para cinco o número de casos da infecção referidos até agora do Estado do Pará.


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O programa de controle do calazar, adotado pela Fundação Nacional de Saúde (FNS), não tem conseguido reduzir a níveis aceitáveis a incidência de calazar humano. Utiliza como método diagnóstico a imunofluorescência de eluato de sangue e sacrifíca os cães infectados com uma média de 80 dias após a coleta. A longa permanência do cão infectado na área e a baixa sensibilidade do teste utilizado podem ser importantes para esta falha. Neste trabalho, compara-se o programa de rotina da FNS, com outra estratégia baseada na identificação de cães infectados pelo enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) e eliminação dos cães infectados dentro de um prazo máximo de 7 dias. A prevalência do calazar canino foi medida nas duas áreas, antes e 10 meses após a medição inicial. Na área submetida ao controle de rotina da FNS observou-se um decréscimo de 9% na prevalência, enquanto na submetida ao método proposto a redução observada foi de 27%, sendo esta diferença sinificativamente maior (p = 0,0015).


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Relata-se caso de homem portador da Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Adquirida que apresentou quadro agudo e grave de Leucoencefalopatia Multifocal Progressiva (LMP) como primeira manifestação da Síndrome. A LMP foi caracterizada macro e microscopicamente e através de estudo imuno-histoquímico utilizando o anticorpo antivírus JC.


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There are few descriptions of association between chagasic megacolon and colon cancer. We report a case of obstructive abdomen caused by adenocarcinoma of the left colon in chagasic megacolon. A review of the literature revealed 8 cases of this association and, analyzing together the series of findings of cancer in chagasic organomegalies, we found a frequency of 4.8% in megaesophagus and 0.1% in megacolon.