53 resultados para Lyons, Christopher: Definiteness


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Este artigo se propõe a apresentar exemplos de questões científicas que puderam ser respondidas no contexto do Projeto LBA (Large Sale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia) graças à contribuição de informações derivadas de sensoriamento remoto. Os métodos de sensoriamento remoto permitem integrar informações sobre os vários processos físicos e biológicos em diferentes escalas de tempo e espaço. Nesse artigo, são enfatizados aqueles avanços de conhecimento que jamais seriam alcançados sem a concorrência da informação derivada de sensoriamento.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever a riqueza, estrutura e diversidade de espécies arbóreas em áreas de Floresta Estacional e ecótono (Floresta Estacional/Floresta Ombrófila) no estado do Tocantins, buscando subsídios para a conservação, manejo florestal, compensação de reserva legal e recuperação ambiental, além de discutir as identidades fitogeográficas em comparação com outras florestas do Brasil. Em 18 bacias hidrográficas, conduziu-se amostragem da vegetação arbórea (DAP > 5 cm) de 22 áreas (amostras) por meio do inventário de 477 parcelas de 400 m². Foram elaboradas análises de classificação pelo método TWINSPAN, em duas escalas distintas. A primeira avaliou a diversidade beta entre as parcelas amostradas no estado do Tocantins e a segunda buscou analisar a similaridade das florestas do Tocantins em relação a outras florestas do bioma Cerrado e suas áreas de tensão ecológica. As florestas amostradas apresentaram ampla variação em termos de riqueza (33 a 243 espécies), densidade (486 a 1.179 ind.ha-1), área basal (14,04 e 37,49 m².ha-1), índices de diversidade (H´ = 2,75 a 4,59) e de equabilidade (J´= 0,72 a 0,86). As análises de classificação convergiram para resultados comuns, identificando quatro ambientes dissimilares em termos florísticos e estruturais no estado do Tocantins: Floresta Estacional Decidual, Floresta Estacional Semidecidual, ecótono Floresta Estacional Semidecidual/Floresta Ombrófila e ecótono Floresta Estacional Decidual/Floresta Ombrófila. A fim de manter a diversidade de plantas e de ambientes na região de transição Floresta Amazônica e Cerrado, sugere-se que o processo de criação de unidades de conservação no estado do Tocantins deva ser intensificado e tenha como base para seleção das áreas critérios biogeográficos.


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Objective: To identify the associations among quality of life (QoL), social determinants and psychological distress in primary care in two cities in Brazil. Methods: A cross-sectional study with 1,466 patients from 2009 to 2010. The statistical analysis used the t-test to compare the variables of interest to the study. Results: The prevalence of Common Mental Disorders (CMD3), severe forms of Common Mental Disorders (CMD5), anxiety and depression were 20.5%, 32%, 37% and 25.1% respectively. Thes presence of psychological distress is associated with worse QoL among the patients studied, especially those older than 40 years of age. In cases of CMD3, those with higher income and educational levels presented higher QoL in the psychical and psychological domains. For the cases of probable anxiety, those with higher educational levels presented lower scores on the physical and social relationship scores. Conclusion: Psychological distress can be associated with a worse QoL among those studied and can be influenced by socioeconomic conditions. Therefore, it is important to structure patient-centered help, which should also include patients’ social contexts.


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Os corais exóticos coral-sol (Tubastraea coccinea Lesson, 1829 e T. tagusensis Wells, 1982) invadiram as comunidades biológicas sésseis dos costões rochosos da Baía da Ilha Grande, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Estruturas artificiais (piers, decks ou cais) foram selecionadas em quatro locais na Ilha Grande, e comparadas com substratos naturais adjacentes através de quantificação da densidade de cada espécie de Tubastraea, além da porcentagem de cobertura da biota bêntica. A densidade média geral de Tubastraea tagusensis foi de 80,3 indivíduos.m-2, aproximadamente o dobro encontrado para T. coccinea. Tendo em vista que sua presença alterou as abundâncias relativas e a riqueza de espécies, ambas as espécies invasoras modificaram a estrutura das comunidades invadidas. Tubastraea coccinea foi mais abundante em substratos artificiais do que naturais, porém, não foi detectada diferença na abundância de Tubastraea tagusensis entre substratos. A abundância de ambas as espécies variou com a profundidade e o local, e houve uma relação positiva entre a idade do substrato artificial e a abundância dos corais. Aparentemente T. tagusensis é competitivamente superior à T. coccinea, com uma inserção maior nas comunidades nativas em substratos naturais. Ambas as espécies tem grande potencial competitivo e podem utilizar substratos artificiais para iniciar seu estabelecimento em novos locais.


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Among the triatomines considered as secondary in the epidemiology of Chagas disease, Rhodnius neglectus is frequently captured in artificial ecotopes, especially peridomiciliary ones, rarely producing colonies indoors. Nevertheless, the presence of breeding colonies in houses was unquestionably demonstrated in some areas of the State of Goiás, Brazil. Previous isoenzyme comparisons of this species with morphologically close triatomines, such as R. prolixus, R. robustus or R. nasutus, did not produce definitive conclusions because of doubt about the geographical origin of the R. neglectus. We present here, for the first time, the isoenzyme profile of topotypes of R. neglectus. In addition, wild caught specimens from the type locality, Uberaba (Minas Gerais, Brazil), were compared to wild caught specimens from Jaraguá (Goiás, Brazil), where R. neglectus is more frequently reported invading houses. We used isoenzyme, morphology and morphometry analysis. Neither morphological nor enzymatic differences were found between areas, but metric, size-related divergence was evidenced between them.


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An undescribed microsporidium was found infecting Tachinaephagus zealandicus, a gregarious parasitoid that attacks third instar larvae of muscoid flies. Spores were present in all body regions and in all stages of development. Infected adults contained an average of 3.75 x 10(5) spores, and the pathogen was vertically transmitted to progeny. Infected female adults were fed either rifampicin or albendazole mixed with honey to determine the effectiveness of these drugs in preventing vertical transmission. After eight days of feeding on rifampicin the parasitoids produced progeny of which only 37% were infected. In contrast, albendazole-treated and untreated females produced progeny that were 97% and 100% infected, respectively. Healthy and infected colonies were established and studies were conducted to determine the mechanisms of transmission. It was observed that the efficiency of vertical (maternal) transmission was 96.3%. Uninfected parasitoid immatures also became infected when they shared superparasitized hosts with infected immatures. The method of transmission within superparasitized hosts is not known.


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Eye colour of Triatoma infestans is controlled at a single autosomal locus, with black-eye as the dominant gene and red-eye as the recessive. Inheritance of these characters follows a classical Mendelian system, enabling eye colour to be used as a marker for studies of mating frequency. We found no significant differences in oviposition rates and egg hatching rates irrespective of parental phenotypes. Different mating schedules between red-eye and black-eye parents showed that eye colour did not affect mating competence. Females mated with a single male or with different males together or in succession produced similar numbers of fertile eggs, with the eye colour of the offspring reflecting exposure to the different males. We conclude that although a single mating can provide sufficient sperm for the whole reproductive life of the female, multiple matings can result in balanced assortative sperm usage from the spermatheca.


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The liver tissue of a rhesus macaque inoculated with hepatitis C virus (HCV) has been analyzed for the presence of HCV RNA using the technique of in situ hybridization, both at light and electron microscopy levels. The animal was inoculated by the intrasplenic route using a HCV infected autogenic hepatocyte transplant. The serum sample used to infect the hepatocyte cells was characterized by polymerase chain reaction technique and shown to be positive for HCV RNA, genotype 3 with 10(7) RNA copies/ml. In situ hybridization was performed using a complementary negative strand probe made with the specific primer. We were able to detect and localize viral RNA in altered membranes of the rough endoplasmic reticulum of infected liver cells, showing evidence of virus replication in vivo.


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Following an infestation of dogticks in kennels housing dogs used for long-term studies of the pathogenesis of Chagas disease, we examined the effect of ivermectin treatment on the dogs, ticks, trypanosome parasites, and also on triatomine vectors of Chagas disease. Ivermectin treatment was highly effective in eliminating the ticks, but showed no apparent effect on the dogs nor on their trypanosome infection. Triatominae fed on the dogs soon after ivermectin treatment showed high mortality, but this effect quickly declined for bugs fed at successive intervals after treatment. In conclusion, although ivermectin treatment may have a transient effect on peridomestic populations of Triatominae, it is not the treatment of choice for this situation. The study also showed that although the dogticks could become infected with Trypanosoma cruzi, this only occurred when feeding on dogs in the acute phase of infection, and there was no evidence of subsequent parasite development in the ticks.


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Toxoplasma gondii is an important cause of clinical disease in fetuses, infants and immunocompromised patients. Since the discovery of T. gondii 100 years ago, this pathogen and the host's immune response to toxoplasmosis have been studied intensely. This has led to the development of a working model of immunity to T. gondii, and has also resulted in fundamental new insights into the role of various cytokines in resistance to infection. By examining this organism, researchers have identified many of the requirements for resistance to intracellular pathogens and characterized numerous regulatory factors, including interleukin-10 (IL-10) and IL-27, which control inflammatory processes. In the next 100 years of T. gondii immunobiology, researchers will have the opportunity to answer some of the long-standing questions in the field using new techniques and reagents. These future studies will be vital in building a more comprehensive model of immunity to this pathogen and in advancing our understanding of immunoregulation, particularly in humans. Ultimately, the challenge will be to use this information to develop new vaccines and therapies to manage disease in affected patients.


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Trypanosoma cruzi sialoglycoproteins (Tc-mucins) are mucin-like molecules linked to a parasite membrane via a glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor. We previously determined the structures of Tc-mucin O-glycan domains from several T. cruzi strains and observed significant differences among them. We now report the amino acid content and structure of Tc-mucin O-glycan chains from T. cruzi Colombiana, a strain resistant to common trypanocidal drugs. Amino acid analysis demonstrated the predominance of threonine residues (42%) and helped to identify the O-glycans as belonging to a Tc-mucin family that contain a ²-galactofuranose (²-Galf) residue attached to an α-N-acetylglucosamine (α-GlcNAc) O-4, with the most complex glycan, a pentasaccharide-GlcNAc-ol with a branched trigalactopyranose chain, on the GlcNAc O-6. The presence of ²-Galf on O-glycans from T. cruzi Colombiana mucins supports the use of glycosylation as a phylogenetic marker for the classification of Colombiana in the T. cruzi I group.


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The potential use of the Trypanosoma cruzi metacyclic trypomastigote (MT) stage-specific molecule glycoprotein-82 (gp82) as a vaccine target has not been fully explored. We show that the opsonization of T. cruzi MT with gp82-specific antibody prior to mucosal challenge significantly reduces parasite infectivity. In addition, we investigated the immune responses as well as the systemic and mucosal protective immunity induced by intranasal CpG-adjuvanted gp82 vaccination. Spleen cells from mice immunized with CpG-gp82 proliferated and secreted IFN-γ in a dose-dependent manner in response to in vitro stimulation with gp82 and parasite lysate. More importantly, these CpG-gp82-immunized mice were significantly protected from a biologically relevant oral parasite challenge.


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RotaTeq® (Merck & Company, Inc, Whitehouse Station, NJ, USA) is an oral pentavalent rotavirus vaccine (RV5) that has shown high and consistent efficacy in preventing rotavirus gastroenteritis (RGE) in randomised clinical trials previously conducted in industrialised countries with high medical care resources. To date, the efficacy and effectiveness data for RV5 are available in some Latin American countries, but not Brazil. In this analysis, we projected the effectiveness of RV5 in terms of the percentage reduction in RGE-related hospitalisations among children less than five years of age in four regions of Brazil, using a previously validated mathematical model. The model inputs included hospital-based rotavirus surveillance data from Goiânia, Porto Alegre, Salvador and São Paulo from 2005-2006, which provided the proportions of rotavirus attributable to serotypes G1, G2, G3, G4 and G9, and published rotavirus serotype-specific efficacy from the Rotavirus Efficacy and Safety Trial. The model projected an overall percentage reduction of 93% in RGE-related hospitalisations, with an estimated annual reduction in RGE-related hospitalisations between 42,991-77,383 in the four combined regions of Brazil. These results suggest that RV5 could substantially prevent RGE-related hospitalisations in Brazil.


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Trypanosoma cruzi infects humans when infected triatomine vector excreta contaminate breaks in skin or mucosal surfaces. T. cruzi insect-derived metacyclic trypomastigotes (IMT) invade through gastric mucosa after oral challenges without any visible inflammatory changes, while cutaneous and conjunctival infections result in obvious local physical signs. In this study we compared the infectivity of T. cruzi IMT in mice after cutaneous and oral contaminative challenges simulating natural infections. The 50% infective dose (ID50) for oral challenge was 100 fold lower than the ID50for cutaneous challenge, indicating that oral mucosal transmission is more efficient than cutaneous transmission.


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Acoustic signalling has been extensively studied in insect species, which has led to a better understanding of sexual communication, sexual selection and modes of speciation. The significance of acoustic signals for a blood-sucking insect was first reported in the XIX century by Christopher Johnston, studying the hearing organs of mosquitoes, but has received relatively little attention in other disease vectors until recently. Acoustic signals are often associated with mating behaviour and sexual selection and changes in signalling can lead to rapid evolutionary divergence and may ultimately contribute to the process of speciation. Songs can also have implications for the success of novel methods of disease control such as determining the mating competitiveness of modified insects used for mass-release control programs. Species-specific sound “signatures” may help identify incipient species within species complexes that may be of epidemiological significance, e.g. of higher vectorial capacity, thereby enabling the application of more focussed control measures to optimise the reduction of pathogen transmission. Although the study of acoustic communication in insect vectors has been relatively limited, this review of research demonstrates their value as models for understanding both the functional and evolutionary significance of acoustic communication in insects.