35 resultados para Lubert, Albert (1859-19..) -- Correspondance


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O ciclo biológico da espécie Rhodnius nasutus foi estudado em 1986 em laboratório. As médias das temperaturas máximas e mínimas observadas foram de 28,0± 2°Ce 22,0 + 2°C e a da umidade relativa do ar entre 59,2% e 70,4%. Foram utilizadas aves como fonte de alimentação. O desenvolvimento completo desta espécie foi obtido em 53,3% dos 30 exemplares estudados. O período de ovo a adulto durou em média, de 209,4 dias, assim distribuídos: período de incubação = 11,1 dias, 1º estádio = 17,6 dias, 2º estádio = 16,1 dias, 3º estádio = 30,0 dias, 4º estádio = 71,2 dias e o 52 estádio = 79,9 dias.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a ampliação da vistoria realizada nas unidades domiciliares situadas em um raio de 200m, a partir da casa notificante. Foram avaliadas as notificações recebidas pelos Serviços Regionais da Superintendência de Controle de Endemias de São José do Rio Preto, Araçatuba e Presidente Prudente, nos meses de agosto, setembro e outubro de 2002. Foram recebidas no período 263 notificações de triatomíneos, sendo 79 positivas. A ampliação de raio foi responsável pela pesquisa de mais 610 UD's, com presença de triatomíneos em 14,5% destas. Observou-se que 24,7% das UD's vizinhas a casa que notificou apresentou resultado positivo na pesquisa de triatomíneos. Quando a UD notificante apresentou resultado positivo na notificação, a ampliação de raio mostrou positividade em 42,5% das UD's obtendo-se valor de "Odds ratio" de 2,252 (1,25


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Espécimes adultos de Triatoma vitticeps são capturados freqüentemente por moradores em áreas rurais do Estado do Espírito Santo, Brasil. Com o objetivo de determinar o índice de infecção natural desta espécie, examinamos os dejetos de 116 espécimes silvestres, capturados em 27 municípios do estado, após repasto sanguíneo em ave e dejeção espontânea. Destes, 100 (86,2%) estavam infectados por flagelados morfologicamente semelhantes a Trypanosoma cruzi. Detectamos índices de infecção natural de Tritoma vitticeps superiores ao de estudos anteriores. A baixa incidência da doença de Chagas no estado se deve provavelmente a dejeção tardia deste vetor visto que trabalhos sobre especificidade alimentar demonstraram presença marcante de Tritoma vitticeps no intradomicilio e contato freqüente com o homem. O elevado índice de infecção natural observado reforça a necessidade de se manter a vigilância entomológica sobre este triatomíneo.


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O Triatoma sordida é o mais freqüente vetor do Trypanosoma cruzi, Chagas, 1909, em Uberaba, MG. O objetivo deste trabalho foi construir uma tabela de vida dinâmica para o Triatoma sordida visando fornecer dados para subsidiar o controle de suas populações.


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INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this study was to evaluate risk factors for physical disability at the moment of leprosy diagnosis. METHODS: This is a retrospective, descriptive and exploratory investigation of 19,283 patients with leprosy, registered in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, between 2000 and 2005. RESULTS: The risk of Grade 2 disability was 16.5-fold higher in patients with lepromatous leprosy, and 12.8-fold higher in patients presenting the borderline form, compared to patients presenting indeterminate leprosy. The occurrence of more than one thickened nerve increased the odds of a patient developing Grade 2 disability, 8.4-fold. Age <15 years, multibacillary leprosy and no formal education presented 7.0, 5.7 and 5.6 odds of developing physical disability, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: These factors should be considered as strong prognostic indicators in the development of physical disability at diagnosis.


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INTRODUÇÃO: Populações de Triatoma sordida Stål, 1859 foram investigadas quanto à suscetibilidade à deltametrina. MÉTODOS: Análise por meio de bioensaios por aplicação tópica em 11 populações de T. sordida procedentes dos Estados de Goiás, Mato Grosso e Mato Grosso do Sul. RESULTADOS: As estimativas de DL50 e RR50 demonstraram elevados níveis de suscetibilidade (DL50 < 1 e RR50 < 2). Entretanto, as análises do coeficiente angular da curva dose resposta revelaram que as populações de triatomíneos dos municípios de Firminópolis/GO, Posse/GO, Poxoréu/MT, Douradina/MS e Aparecida do Taboado/MS apresentam maiores probabilidades de evolução de resistência, portanto, mais propícias a tolerar o tratamento com deltametrina. CONCLUSÕES: Detectaram-se pequenas alterações de suscetibilidade e baixos níveis de resistência, porém as alterações temporais de suscetibilidade deverão ser continuamente monitoradas, a fim de nortear adequadamente as ações de controle dos vetores da DC.


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INTRODUÇÃO: o objetivo do estudo foi analisar a epidemia de AIDS em adolescentes no município do Rio de Janeiro para subsidiar políticas públicas de prevenção. A incidência de AIDS no Brasil está diminuindo entre homens que fazem sexo com homens (HSH), exceto entre 13 e 19 anos e a feminização é mais intensa entre adolescentes. MÉTODOS: Estudo de dados do Sistema de Informações de Agravos de Notificação (SINAN) de casos diagnosticados, entre 13 e 19 anos até novembro de 2009. RESULTADOS: Foram analisados 656 casos, com incidência crescente até 1998 e verificou-se que, desde 1996, ocorrem mais casos no sexo feminino do que no masculino. A categoria de exposição homo/bissexual é predominante nos rapazes (50,8%) e a heterossexual nas moças (88,9%). A distribuição geográfica dos casos no município por ano de diagnóstico revelou que houve proporcionalmente grande aumento da incidência na Área de Planejamento mais pobre da cidade e redução acentuada na mais rica. Observou-se uma tendência linear decrescente entre o ano de diagnóstico e o índice de desenvolvimento humano (IDH). CONCLUSÕES: O estudo aponta a necessidade de investimento em serviços de saúde sexual e reprodutiva nas áreas mais pobres da cidade e ações de promoção de saúde direcionadas aos rapazes HSH e às adolescentes.


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INTRODUCTION: This paper reports, for the first time, the presence of the Eratyrus mucronatus species in the State of Rondonia, Brazil. METHODS: These specimens were caught by chance in the forest and later they were collected using luminous traps. RESULTS: After finding these specimens, the number of the Triatominae genera in Rondonia rose to four, while its species rose to seven. CONCLUSIONS: Complimentary studies will be conducted in order to allow for clearer understanding the ecology of this arthropod, its possible role in transmitting Chagas' disease and its current geographical distribution.


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Introduction Triatoma sordida is the most captured Triatomine species in the Brazilian artificial environment. In 2008, the discovery of three Triatomine populations with altered susceptibilities to deltamethrin highlighted the importance of investigating the genetic potential for resistance in triatomines. The purpose of this study was to characterize the susceptibility to deltamethrin of peridomestic T. sordida populations in Minas Gerais, Brazil. Methods A susceptibility reference lineage derived from Uberaba, Minas Gerais, Brazil was used. Serial dilutions of deltamethrin were prepared and applied to the dorsal abdomen of first instar nymphs. The control group received only pure acetone. Mortality was evaluated after 72h. Qualitative tests assessed mortality in response to a diagnostic dose of 1xLD99 of the susceptibility reference lineage. Results Susceptibility profile characterization of T. sordida populations revealed resistance ratios (RR50s) ranging from 0.42 to 3.94. The percentage mortality in response to the diagnostic dose varied from 70% to 100%. A comparison of the results obtained in the quantitative and qualitative assays demonstrated a lack of correspondence for some populations. Conclusions We demonstrated that only T. sordida populations that present a RR50>1.0 have altered susceptibility, and the execution of simultaneous field and laboratory tests is required to understand the actual effect of vector control. A possible cause of the observed resistance ratios might be the continuous use of pyrethroids in Brazil since the 1980s.


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IntroductionFor the first time we provide the description of the melanic (dark) morphotype of Rhodnius nasutus and determine the pattern of genetic inheritance for this characteristic.MethodsDark morph R. nasutus specimens were crossbred with standard (typically patterned) R. nasutus.ResultsWe present the first occurrence of the melanic morphotype in the genus Rhodnius. The crossbreeding results demonstrate that the inheritance pattern of this characteristic follows Mendel's simple laws of segregation and an independent assortment of alleles.ConclusionsPhenotypic variation of R. nasutus reinforces the heterogeneity found in the Triatominae. Descriptions of new species in this subfamily require rigorous validation criteria.


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Introduction Eratyrus mucronatus Stål, 1859 is a wild triatomine vector of Trypanosoma cruzi Chagas, 1909. However, little is known regarding the biology and ecoepidemiology of this triatomine in the Brazilian Amazon. The present study describes the biology of E. mucronatus grown under laboratory conditions and the epidemiological aspects of its natural breeding sites. Methods Five colonies were monitored in the field for 3 years. Temperature and humidity measurements were taken in the mornings and afternoons at the natural breeding sites, and the behavior and distribution of the nymphs and adults were observed in the wild colony. We also monitored the life cycle under controlled laboratory conditions. Results Some factors that were considered decisive for the establishment of these colonies were present at all of the colonies studied in the field. These factors included an active termite nest, a vertebrate for repast, and dry and shaded substrates with temperatures of 24-28°C and with humidity of 80-90%. A generation was developed in 274 days under these microclimatic conditions in the laboratory. Conclusions The climatic variables described in the field indicate that these environmental parameters have a limiting effect on the dispersal and colonization of E. mucronatus to new environments. In addition, the long period of development to adulthood demonstrates that only one generation can develop per year even under the more favorable laboratory conditions.


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Abstract:INTRODUCTION:Despite the recommendations by interpretation of resistance ratios obtained in laboratory bioassays, little is known about the actual impact of these results in the effectiveness of vector control activities in the field. In this context, our objective was to determine the mean value of different resistance ratios obtained by laboratory bioassays performed as part of the chemical control strategies of Triatoma sordida in the field.METHODS:Field bioassays were developed in Monte Azul and Coração de Jesus (Southeast, Brazil). In each location, samples were formed with three domestic units treated with alpha-cypermethrin 20.0% (Alfatek (r) 200 SC). One day after spraying, 10 fifth-instar nymphs remained in contact with the surfaces treated (adobe with plaster, adobe without plaster, or wood) with insecticide in plastic cones for 72h. Three cones were exposed inside the intradomicile and the peridomicile. The insects in the control group were exposed to an insecticide-free piece of cardboard. Mortality was measured 72h after removal of the insects from the treated surfaces. The tests were realized in triplicate.RESULTS:Mortality was 100.0% in all locations, except for Monte Azul; Landinho (96.6%) and Coração de Jesus; Barriguda (96.6%).CONCLUSIONS:Although the resistant populations in laboratory tests proved to be susceptible in the field, this observation is not sufficient to suggest that the cut-off points used to justify the resistance ratio should be changed. In this sense, we recommend that laboratory and field bioassays are carried out with a greater number of Triatominae populations to allow more in-depth consideration of the subject.


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The mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS) are a heterogeneous group of inborn errors of lysosomal glycosaminoglycan (GAG) metabolism. The importance of this group of disorders among the inborn errors of metabolism led us to report 19 cases. METHOD: We performed clinical, radiological, and biochemical evaluations of the suspected patients, which allowed us to establish a definite diagnosis in 19 cases. RESULTS: Not all patients showed increased GAG levels in urine; enzyme assays should be performed in all cases with strong clinical suspicion. The diagnosis was made on average at the age of 48 months, and the 19 MPS cases, after a full clinical, radiological, and biochemical study, were classified as follows: Hurler -- MPS I (1 case); Hunter -- MPS II (2 cases); Sanfilippo -- MPS III (2 cases); Morquio -- MPS IV (4 cases); Maroteaux-Lamy -- MPS VI (9 cases); and Sly -- MPS VII (1 case). DISCUSSION: The high relative frequency of Maroteaux-Lamy disease contrasts with most reports in the literature and could express a population variability.


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INTRODUCTION: The clinical importance of preoperative serum levels of CA 72-4, carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), CA 19-9, and alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) was prospectively evaluated in 44 patients with gastric cancer. METHOD: The serum tumor marker levels were determined by commercial radioimmunoassay kits. Positivity for CA 72-4 (>4 U/mL), CEA (>5 ng/mL), CA 19-9 (>37 U/mL), and AFP (>10 ng/mL) were correlated according to the stage, histology, and lymph node metastasis. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: CA 72-4 showed a higher positivity rate for gastric cancer (47.7%) than CEA (25%), CA 19-9 (25%), and AFP (0%). The combination of CA 72-4 with CEA and CA 19-9 increased the sensitivity to 61.4%. The positivity rates of CA 72-4 in patients at stages I and II (initial disease) and in patients at stages III and IV (advanced disease) were 9% and 60.6%, respectively (P < 0.005). No correlation was found between CEA and CA 19-9 levels and the stage of gastric cancer. There was a tendency of positivity for CA 72-4 to suggest lymph node involvement, but it was not significant (P = 0.075). Serum levels of tumor markers did not show a correlation with the histological types of gastric cancer. CONCLUSION: Preoperative serum levels of CA 72-4 provided a predictive value in indicating advanced gastric cancer.


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Ergasilus triangularis sp. nov. (Copepoda, Poecilostomatoida, Ergasilidae) é proposta. Os espécimens foram coletados dos filamentos branquiais de Laemolyta taeniata dos rios Jamari, Guaporé e Pacaás Novos do estado de Rondônia, Brasil. A nova espécie tem um espinho forte, pectinado e falciforme no artículo terminal do exopodito da primeira perna, indicando uma relação com outras sete espécies amazônicas de Ergasilus. Esta espécie difere das outras no tamanho dos espécimes, forma da antena e na ornamentação das pernas.