227 resultados para Kalanchoe species
Sera from patients infected with Taenia solium, Hymenolepis nana and Echinococcus granulosus were tested against homologous and heterologous parasite antigens using an ELISA assay, and a high degree of cross-reactivity was verified. To identify polypeptides responsible for this cross reactivity, the Enzyme Linked Immunoelectro Transfer Blot (EITB) was used. Sera from infected patients with T.solium, H.nana, and E.granulosus were assessed against crude, ammonium sulphate precipitated (TSASP), and lentil-lectin purified antigens of T.solium and crude antigens of.H.nana and E.granulosus. Several bands, recognized by sera from patients with T.solium, H.nana, and E.granulosus infections, were common to either two or all three cestodes. Unique reactive bands in H.nana were noted at 49 and 66 K-Da and in E.granulosus at 17-21 K-Da and at 27-32 K-Da. In the crude cysticercosis extract, a specific non glycoprotein band was present at 61-67 K-Da in addiction to specific glycoprotein bands of 50, 42, 24, 21, 18, 14, and 13 K-Da. None of the sera from patients with H.nana or E.granulosus infection cross reacted with these seven glycoprotein bands considered specific for T.solium infection.
The prevalence of thermotolerant Campylobacter in diarrhoeic and healthy children as well as in dogs, hens, ducks and pigeons was determined in Southern Chile. Campylobacter were found in 34.5% of the faecal samples examined. The isolation rate of Campylobacter in diarrhoeic and healthy children was 16.3% and 6.4% respectively. Despite C.jejuni was always more frequent than C. coli, the latter was isolated with a high frequency (29%) from patients with diarrhoea. C.jejuni and C. coli biotypes I and II were found in healthy and diarrhoeic children and were predominant in all the animals species studied. This may point out towards the possible origin of strains infecting children.
We report the most frequent species and serovars of enteropathogenic organisms in Rosario from 1985 to 1993. Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli was the most prevalent agent affecting 144/570 (25.2%) children; 0111 represented 41.8%, 055: 13.6%, 0119: 12.7%. Among enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) the most frequent were ETEC-ST 0128:H21 and 0153:H45. Shigella spp were isolated in 8.8%; S.flexneri: 7%, principally type 2 (59.5%); S. sonnei: 1.6%, and S. dysenteriae type 2: 0.2%. Campylobacter spp were found in 6.1% of patients; C.jejuni: 4.6%; C. coli: 1.4% and C. lari: 0.2%; except groups 0 13,50 and 0 4 (2 cases each), no predominant serogroups were found. Salmonella was isolated in 2.8% of cases, being the predominant serovar S. typhimurium until 1986, but a dramatically increase of cases due to S. enteritidis was observed since 1987. There was 1.9% of Aeromonas spp and 2 cases due to Vibrio cholerae non 0-1. No Yersinia was found. In patients with gastroenteritis due to Shigella, Campylobacter, Salmonella, or EPEC as the unique pathogen, leukocytes were observed in the faeces in 70%, 50%, 20%, and 10% of cases respectively.
The behavior of T. cruzi strains from S. Felipe - BA (19 SF, 21 SF and 22 SF) classified as Type II Zymodeme 2, was investigated after passage through the authoctonous (P. megistus) and foreign vectors (T. infestans and R. prolixus). For each strain Swiss mice were infected: I - with blood forms (control); II - with metacyclic forms (MF) from P. megistus; III - with MF from T. infestans; IV - with MF from R. prolixus. Inocula: MF from the three species of triatomine, 60 to 120 days after feeding in infected mice, adjusted to 10 4. Biological behavior in mice (parasitemia, morphology, mortality, virulence and pathogenicity) after passage through triatomine was compared with data from the same strain in control mice. Isoenzymic electrophoresis (ASAT, ALAT, PGM, GPI) were also performed after culture into Warren medium. The three strains maintained the isoenzyme profiles (zymodeme 2), in the control groups and after passages through different species of triatomine. Biological characterization disclosed Type II strains patterns for all groups. An increased virulence was observed with the 22 SF strain isolated from P. megistus and T. infestans and higher levels of parasitemia and predominance of slender forms in mice inoculated with the 19 SF and 21 SF from these same species. Results indicate that the passage through the two species T. infestans and P. megistus had a positive influence on the virulence of the regional strains of S. Felipe, regardless of being autocthonous (P. megistus) or foreign to the area (T. infestans).
The ratios of male to female worms of Schistosoma mansoni were determined in mice infected with cercariae from LE, SJ and AL strains shed by mollusc hosts of the parasite in Brazil. The sex ratios of worms in the animals were similar with cercariae from Biomphialaria glabrata and B. tenagophila varying from 1.1:1 to 1.6:1 with LE and AL strains and 1:1.1 with SJ. In the animals infected with cercariae from B. straminea the ratio of male to female worms was similar to those obtained using cercariae shed from the other two species of molluscs, 1.5:1 with LE strain. Inoculations by AL and SJ cercariae resulted in sex ratios of 3.1:1 and 6:1 respectively. The normal sex ratios of worms established in Brazil in animals inoculated with cercariae from B. glabrata and B. tenagophila is from 1:1 to 2:1. The higher number of male worms that developed from cercariae of the AL and SJ strains obtained from B. straminea indicate a lower compatibility of the snail concerning these strains of S. mansoni.
Foi determinada a freqüência de isolamento de campylobacters termotolerantes em Psittaciformes silvestres capturados na região amazônica do Peru. Campylobacters foram isolados em 10/142 (7.0%) dos animais estudados, sendo C. jejuni subsp. jejuni biovar I (6/10) o mais freqüente, seguido de C. coli biovar II (2/10), C. lari não foi isolado. Os resultados sugerem que estas aves podem ser importantes reservatórios destas bactérias.
Toxocara species are most common roundworms of Canidae and Felidae. Human toxocariasis develops by ingesting of embryonated eggs in contaminated soil. There is no previous report of Toxocara contamination in the soil samples from the public areas in Bangkok. For this reason our study have been carried out to examine the frequency of Toxocara eggs in public yards in Bangkok, Thailand. A total of 175 sand and clay samples were collected and examined for parasite eggs. According to this study, Toxocara eggs were detected from 10 (5.71%) of 175 soil samples. The high rate of contamination in this study implies the importance of the control of this possible zoonotic disease: control of abandon of dogs and cats, is still necessary.
Diversity of mosquito species was evaluated in different habitats before and after the Igarapava reservoir flooding in the Grande River, Southern Cerrado of Brazil. We aimed at verifying changes in these mosquito populations in consequence of the lake formation. Four habitats were selected as sampling stations: peridomiciliary habitat, pasture, "veredas" and gallery forest patch. Bimonthly collections were made with the Shannon trap and human bait, including diurnal, crepuscular and nocturnal period of mosquito activity. The Shannon Index results from the potential vectors were compared using Student t-test. Aedes scapularis, Anopheles darlingi and An. albitarsis senso latu seasonal abundance were described with moving average and compared using chi2 test. There were changes in the mosquito frequency in the habitats, except for the "veredas" that was 13 km away from the catchment area. The altering in mosquito species seasonal abundance suggests breeding places expansion. Diversity indexes can be used to monitor changes in mosquito vector population in environments where abrupt disturbance can alter disease transmission cycles.
Recent studies have shown differences in the epidemiology of invasive infections caused by Candida species worldwide. In the period comprising August 2002 to August 2003, we performed a study in Santa Casa Complexo Hospitalar, Brazil, to determine Candida species distribution associated with candidemia and their antifungal susceptibility profiles to amphotericin B, fluconazole and itraconazole. Antifungal susceptibility was tested according to the broth microdilution method described in the NCCLS (M27A-2 method). Only one sample from each patient was analyzed (the first isolate). Most of the episodes had been caused by species other than C. albicans (51.6%), including C. parapsilosis (25.8%), C. tropicalis (13.3%), C. glabrata (3.3%), C. krusei (1.7%), and others (7.5%). Dose-dependent susceptibility to itraconazole was observed in 14.2% of strains, and dose-dependent susceptibility to fluconazole was found in 1.6%. Antifungal resistance was not found, probably related to low use of fluconazole. Further epidemiological surveillance is needed.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the larvicidal activity of essential oil aqueous solutions (hydrolates) obtained by steam distillation of stalks and leaves of Croton argyrophylloides, Croton nepetaefolius, Croton sonderianus and Croton zehntneri against Aedes aegypti larvae. Twenty-five larvae of third instar were placed in plastic beckers, containing the hydrolates (50 mL), in a four repetitions scheme. Water was used as control and the number of dead larvae was counted after 24 hours. The data obtained were submitted to Variance Analysis and Tukey test. Significant differences were observed among the hydrolates from different species and from different parts of each plant (p < 0.001). The hydrolates of stalk and leaf from C. nepetaefolius and C. zehntneri and leaf hydrolate of C. argyrophylloides presented 100% mortality against larvae. The compounds present in C. zenhtneri and C. nepetaefolius are oxygenated phenylpropanoids that are more soluble in water than the monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes detected in the oils of C. argyrophylloides and C. sonderianus. This study showed that all species analyzed presented compounds with larvicidal properties, with differences between each plant parts.
Oropharyngeal candidiasis is the most common opportunistic fungal infection in individuals infected with human immunodeficiency virus. CD4+ lymphocytes count and the quantification of viral RNA in blood plasma have been found to be the main markers of HIV disease progression. The present study was conducted to evaluate Candida sp. diversity in the oral cavity of HIV-infected patients and to determine whether there was association of CD4+ cell count and viral load with asymptomatic oral Candida carriage. Out of 99 HIV-positive patients studied, 62 (62.6%) had positive culture for Candida (oral carriage) and 37 patients (37.4%) had Candida negative culture (no oral carriage). The etiologic agents most common were C. albicans and C. tropicalis. The range of CD4+ was 6-2305 cells/mm³ in colonized patients and 3-839 cells/mm³ for non-colonized patients, while the viral load was 60-90016 copies/mL for colonized patients and 75-110488 copies/mL for non colonized patients. The viral load was undetectable in 15 colonized patients and in 12 non colonized patients. Our results showed that there was no significant difference of the variables CD4+ cell count and viral load between oral candida carriage and no oral candida carriage patients.
The fecal contamination of raw seafood by indicators and opportunistic pathogenic microorganisms represents a public health concern. The objective of this study was to investigate the presence of enteric bacteria colonizing oysters collected from a Venezuelan touristic area. Oyster samples were collected at the northwestern coast of Venezuela and local salinity, pH, temperature, and dissolved oxygen of seawater were recorded. Total and fecal coliforms were measured for the assessment of the microbiological quality of water and oysters, using the Multiple Tube Fermentation technique. Analyses were made using cultures and 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Diverse enrichment and selective culture methods were used to isolate enteric bacteria. We obtained pure cultures of Gram-negative straight rods with fimbriae from Isognomon alatus and Crassostrea rhizophorae. Our results show that P. mirabilis was predominant under our culture conditions. We confirmed the identity of the cultures by biochemical tests, 16S rRNA gene sequencing, and data analysis. Other enterobacteria such as Escherichia coli, Morganella morganii and Klebsiella pneumoniae were also isolated from seawater and oysters. The presence of pathogenic bacteria in oysters could have serious epidemiological implications and a potential human health risk associated with consumption of raw seafood.
Although Candida albicans is the main cause of fungal esophagitis, other species such as C. tropicalis, C. krusei and C. stellatoidea have also been implicated. Several studies have identified risk factors for C. albicans esophagitis. However, data for non-C. albicans species is still sparse. The aim of this study was to determine the etiology of Candida esophagitis in our medical centre over an 18-month period. Additionally, we aimed to investigate predisposing conditions for esophageal candidosis caused by different Candida species. A total of 21,248 upper gastroscopies were performed in Santa Casa Complexo Hospitalar between January 2005 and July 2006. The prevalence of Candida esophagitis was 0.74% (n = 158). C. albicans caused the vast majority of infections (96.2%), followed by C. tropicalis (2.5%), C. lusitaniae (0.6%) and C. glabrata (0.6%). There were 81 women (51.3%) and 77 men (48.7%). No case of mixed infection occurred. Concomitant oral candidosis was documented for 10.8% (n = 17). Most of cases (55.1%) involved outpatients. Around one fifth of patients in our cohort had no identifiable risk factors for esophageal candidosis (20.8%). Since nearly all infections were caused by C. albicans we were not able to determine risk factors for esophagitis caused by other Candida species.
In view of the high circulation of migratory birds and the environmental and climatic conditions which favor the proliferation of arthropods, the Brazilian Pantanal is susceptible to circulation of arboviruses. However, the amount of data concerning arbovirus vectors in this area is scarce; therefore the aim of this study was to conduct a preliminary investigation of Culicidae species in the Nhecolândia Sub-region of South Pantanal, Brazil and their potential importance in the arbovirus transmission. A total of 3684 specimens of mosquitoes were captured, 1689 of which caught in the rainy season of 2007, were divided into 78 pools and submitted to viral isolation, Semi-Nested RT-PCR and Nested RT-PCR, with a view to identifying the most important arboviruses in Brazil. Simultaneously, 70 specimens of ticks found blood-feeding on horses were also submitted to the same virological assays. No virus was isolated and viral nucleic-acid detection by RT-PCR was also negative. Nevertheless, a total of 22 Culicidae species were identified, ten of which had previously been reported as vectors of important arboviruses. The diversity of species found blood-feeding on human and horse hosts together with the arboviruses circulation previously reported suggest that the Nhecolândia Sub-region of South Pantanal is an important area for arbovirus surveillance in Brazil.
This paper presents an updated list of bat species positive for rabies in Brazil. It was developed based on database research via the internet, of international and national literature and annals of the most important technical and scientific meetings related to rabies and chiroptera in Brazil from 1996 to 2009. The new list of rabies positive bats consists of 41 species, belonging to 25 genera and three families: Phyllostomidae 43.9%, Vespertilionidae 29.3% and Molossidae 26.8%. In addition, questions were raised regarding the lack of data, including sex, age, circumstances and location of bat capture and incomplete and outdated species identification. Results of genetic and antigenic studies performed on Brazilian rabies positive bats were shown.