26 resultados para Iraq-Kuwait Crisis, 1990-1991.
We analyzed the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) groups and their epidemiological pattern that were detected over the course of seven years in southern Brazil. The two RSV groups co-circulated each year, but frequencies of groups A and B varied both between and within yearly outbreaks. In 1991, group A predominated over group B (p=0.0016). RSV outbreaks analyzed showed a temperature-dependent pattern and no association with rainfall, similarly to other countries from southern South America. Knowledge of the variants is important in terms of both diagnosis and definition of a vaccine composition.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar se as cultivares de soja lançadas após 1990 para o Estado do Rio Grande do Sul continham, nos grãos, teores de proteína e de óleo diferentes dos contidos nos grãos das cultivares em uso anteriormente a esse ano. Na safra de 1996/97, foi realizado um estudo envolvendo genótipos produzidos em três locais do Rio Grande do Sul. O teor de óleo foi determinado pelo método de Soxlet, e o de proteína, pelo método de Kjeldahl. A maior parte das cultivares lançadas entre 1991 e 1996 apresentou menor teor de proteína e maior teor de óleo do que as mais antigas. A utilização das cultivares União e Industrial como genitores deve ter contribuído para o menor teor de proteína apresentado pelas cultivares. As linhagens experimentais apresentaram teor de proteína tão elevado quanto o das cultivares em cultivo desde antes de 1990, o que pode ter sido causado pela mudança de genitores. As correlações fenotípicas indicaram que existe uma associação negativa significativa somente entre os teores de óleo e de proteína.
Germany's socio-economic model, the "social market economy", was established in West Germany after World War II and extended to the unified Germany in 1990. During a prolonged recession after the adoption of the Euro in 1998, major reforms (Agenda 2010) were introduced which many consider as the key of Germany's recent success. The reforms had mixed results: employment increased but has consisted to a large extent of precarious low-wage jobs. Growth depended on export surpluses based on an internal real devaluation (low unit labour costs) which make Germany vulnerable to global recessions as in 2009. Overall inequality increased substantially.
This article analyses the relationship between state policies and economy in Argentina 1991-2001. In 1991 the currency board regime named 'convertibility' was implemented, within the framework of important neoliberal reforms introduced by the State. These neoliberal reforms facilitated capitalist restructuring, characterized by a leap in productivity, investment and profits. Likewise, these reforms generated imbalances which, along with the changes in the world market conditions from 1998, led to the deepest crisis in Argentina's history. The inefficiency of state neoliberal policies in managing the crisis, based on fiscal adjustment to guarantee the continuity of external financing, led to an economic depression and a financial crash, sparking a mass rebellion and the end of convertibility.