61 resultados para In situ processing (Mining)
The liver tissue of a rhesus macaque inoculated with hepatitis C virus (HCV) has been analyzed for the presence of HCV RNA using the technique of in situ hybridization, both at light and electron microscopy levels. The animal was inoculated by the intrasplenic route using a HCV infected autogenic hepatocyte transplant. The serum sample used to infect the hepatocyte cells was characterized by polymerase chain reaction technique and shown to be positive for HCV RNA, genotype 3 with 10(7) RNA copies/ml. In situ hybridization was performed using a complementary negative strand probe made with the specific primer. We were able to detect and localize viral RNA in altered membranes of the rough endoplasmic reticulum of infected liver cells, showing evidence of virus replication in vivo.
Fourteen hepatitis C virus (HCV) chronically infected patients were submitted to routine liver biopsy for histological evaluation. Liver samples were assayed to HCV-RNA by in situ hybridization, using digoxigenin labeled probe. HCV genotypes were found to be predominantly type 1 (71.4%), followed by genotype 3 (21.4%), and genotype 2 (7.2%). Alanine-aminotransferase levels were raised in 10 patients. The histopathological scores were minimal (21.4%), mild (57.2%), and moderate (21.4%). Viral RNA was detected in liver cells from nine patients (64.3%). ISH method provides localization and poor confirmation of HCV RNA in the liver tissue of HCV chronic patients.
Erythrovirus B19 infects erythrocytic progenitors, transiently interrupting erythropoiesis. In AIDS patients it causes chronic anemia amenable to treatment. We looked for evidences of B19 infection in stored bone marrow material from patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Histological sections were made from stored paraffin blocks from 33 autopsies (39 blocks) and 35 biopsies (45 blocks, 30 patients) performed from 1988 to 2002. They were examined after hematoxylin-eosin (HE) staining, immunohistochemical (IHC), and in situ hybridization. HE revealed intra-nuclear inclusion bodies ("lantern cells") suggesting B19 infection in 19 sections corresponding to 19 of 63 patients examined with this test. Seven of 78 sections subjected to immunohistochemistry were positive, corresponding to 7 of 58 patients examined with this test. Fourteen sections corresponding to 13 of the 20 HE and/or IHC positive patients were subjected to in situ hybridization, with six positives results. Among the 13 patients subjected to the three techniques, only one gave unequivocal positive results in all and was considered a true positive. The frequency of B19 infection (1/63 patients) in the material examined can be deemed low.
ELISA in situ can be used to titrate hepatitis A virus (HAV) particles and real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) has been shown to be a fast method to quantify the HAV genome. Precise quantification of viral concentration is necessary to distinguish between infectious and non-infectious particles. The purpose of this study was to compare cell culture and RT-PCR quantification results and determine whether HAV genome quantification can be correlated with infectivity. For this purpose, three stocks of undiluted, five-fold diluted and 10-fold diluted HAV were prepared to inoculate cells in a 96-well plate. Monolayers were then incubated for seven, 10 and 14 days and the correlation between the ELISA in situ and RT-PCR results was evaluated. At 10 days post-incubation, the highest viral load was observed in all stocks of HAV via RT-PCR (10(5) copies/mL) (p = 0.0002), while ELISA revealed the highest quantity of particles after 14 days (optical density = 0.24, p < 0.001). At seven days post-infection, there was a significant statistical correlation between the results of the two methods, indicating equivalents titres of particles and HAV genome during this period of infection. The results reported here indicate that the duration of growth of HAV in cell culture must be taken into account to correlate genome quantification with infectivity.
The construction of a soil after surface coal mining involves heavy machinery traffic during the topographic regeneration of the area, resulting in compaction of the relocated soil layers. This leads to problems with water infiltration and redistribution along the new profile, causing water erosion and consequently hampering the revegetation of the reconstructed soil. The planting of species useful in the process of soil decompaction is a promising strategy for the recovery of the soil structural quality. This study investigated the influence of different perennial grasses on the recovery of reconstructed soil aggregation in a coal mining area of the Companhia Riograndense de Mineração, located in Candiota-RS, which were planted in September/October 2007. The treatments consisted of planting: T1- Cynodon dactylon cv vaquero; T2 - Urochloa brizantha; T3 - Panicum maximun; T4 - Urochloa humidicola; T5 - Hemarthria altissima; T6 - Cynodon dactylon cv tifton 85. Bare reconstructed soil, adjacent to the experimental area, was used as control treatment (T7) and natural soil adjacent to the mining area covered with native vegetation was used as reference area (T8). Disturbed and undisturbed soil samples were collected in October/2009 (layers 0.00-0.05 and 0.10-0.15 m) to determine the percentage of macro- and microaggregates, mean weight diameter (MWD) of aggregates, organic matter content, bulk density, and macro- and microporosity. The lower values of macroaggregates and MWD in the surface than in the subsurface layer of the reconstructed soil resulted from the high degree of compaction caused by the traffic of heavy machinery on the clay material. After 24 months, all experimental grass treatments showed improvements in soil aggregation compared to the bare reconstructed soil (control), mainly in the 0.00-0.05 m layer, particularly in the two Urochloa treatments (T2 and T4) and Hemarthria altissima (T5). However, the great differences between the treatments with grasses and natural soil (reference) indicate that the recovery of the pre-mining soil structure could take decades.
Este trabalho foi desenvolvido com os objetivos de testar as equações globais obtidas por Macedo para determinar a capacidade de campo (CC) in situ em um solo Podzólico Vermelho-Amarelo; avaliar a câmara de fluxo desenvolvida por Fabian & Ottoni Filho; e verificar se os valores de CC obtidos com esse equipamento se comparam aos determinados pelo método da Embrapa. Os testes foram realizados em 1994, num Podzólico Vermelho-Amarelo, em Itaguaí, RJ. A motivação desta comparação é o fato de o movimento lateral da água ser praticamente eliminado dentro da câmara. Confirmou-se que os valores medidos de CC em tal equipamento reproduziram as determinações de CC obtidas pelo método da Embrapa. Como a área da câmara é de 0,50 m², o resultado sugere a possibilidade de reduzir a dimensão dos tabuleiros de inundação. Foram também validadas as equações globais de regressão para determinar a CC a partir de porcentagens texturais e de matéria orgânica, ou a partir da microporosidade (umidade a 60 cm de tensão).
O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar os parâmetros cinéticos da degradação, in situ, da matéria seca, da proteína bruta e da fibra em detergente neutro das silagens de milho e de capim-elefante, do feno de capim-Tifton 85 e do farelo de soja. Foram utilizados três bovinos adultos, fistulados no rúmen, com peso vivo médio de 400 kg. Os alimentos foram pesados em sacos de náilon, incubados todos de uma vez e retirados nos tempos 0, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24, 48 e 72 horas, após a incubação dos volumosos, e 0, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24 e 48 horas, após incubação do farelo de soja. Os resíduos dos sacos foram analisados quanto ao conteúdo de matéria seca, proteína bruta e fibra em detergente neutro. A matéria seca e a proteína bruta do farelo de soja apresentaram potencial de degradação elevado, assim como a proteína bruta da silagem de milho. Destacou-se a elevada fração não-degradável da fibra em detergente neutro do feno de capim-Tifton 85 e, portanto, sua baixa degradabilidade potencial da matéria seca. O teor de fibra em detergente neutro e suas características cinéticas exercem acentuado efeito sobre a digestão dos alimentos.
Se evaluó el efecto de un preparado de enzimas fibrolíticas exógenas (celulasas y xilanasas) en la degradabilidad in situ de la materia seca (DisMS), fibra detergente neutro (DFDNr) y fibra detergente ácido residual (DFDAr), en dietas altas o bajas en harina de nopal deshidratado. Se aplicaron concentraciones de 0, 1, 2 y 3 g de enzima por kilogramo de materia seca al inicio y 24 horas antes de la degradación in situ. Se determinó la concentración de ácidos grasos volátiles totales y de nitrógeno amoniacal a las 0, 3, 6, 9, 12 y 24 horas después de aplicarse la enzima. No se observaron efectos en DisMS, DFDNr y DFDAr; la aplicación al inicio de la degradación in situ mostró valores más altos que a 24 horas para DisMS y DFDNr, pero fue menor para DFDAr. No se observaron diferencias en las interacciones entre niveles de enzima, tipo de dieta y tiempo de pretratamiento. La aplicación de 1 y 3 g de enzima, en la dieta con bajo contenido de harina de nopal, tuvo efectos en el incremento de los ácidos grasos volátiles totales; para el nitrógeno amoniacal, los mejores resultados ocurrieron con 0 y 1 g de enzima.
The objective of this work was to characterize the populations of Gossypium barbadense in the states of Amapá and Pará, Brazil. In situ characterization was conducted through interviews with the owners of the plants and environmental observations. Leaf or petal tissue as well as seed samples were collected for genetic characterization by single sequence repeats markers and for storage in germplasm banks, respectively. The plants were maintained in dooryards and used mainly for medical purposes. The genetic analysis showed no heterozygous plants at the loci tested (f = 1), indicating that reproduction occurs mainly through selfing. The total genetic diversity was high (He = 0.39); and a high level of differentiation was observed between cotton plants from the two states (F ST = 0.36). Conventional methods of in situ maintenance of G. barbadense populations are not applicable. The conservation of the genetic variability of populations present in the two states could be achieved through germplasm collection and establishing of ex situ seed banks.
Abstract Objective: To determine the rates of diagnostic underestimation at stereotactic percutaneous core needle biopsies (CNB) and vacuum-assisted biopsies (VABB) of nonpalpable breast lesions, with histopathological results of atypical ductal hyperplasia (ADH) or ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) subsequently submitted to surgical excision. As a secondary objective, the frequency of ADH and DCIS was determined for the cases submitted to biopsy. Materials and Methods: Retrospective review of 40 cases with diagnosis of ADH or DCIS on the basis of biopsies performed between February 2011 and July 2013, subsequently submitted to surgery, whose histopathological reports were available in the internal information system. Biopsy results were compared with those observed at surgery and the underestimation rate was calculated by means of specific mathematical equations. Results: The underestimation rate at CNB was 50% for ADH and 28.57% for DCIS, and at VABB it was 25% for ADH and 14.28% for DCIS. ADH represented 10.25% of all cases undergoing biopsy, whereas DCIS accounted for 23.91%. Conclusion: The diagnostic underestimation rate at CNB is two times the rate at VABB. Certainty that the target has been achieved is not the sole determining factor for a reliable diagnosis. Removal of more than 50% of the target lesion should further reduce the risk of underestimation.
Among in situ techniques, the electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance (EQCM) is a powerful tool for the study of electrochemical reactions that produce mass changes in the electrode/solution interface. This review present some systems in which the EQCM combined with classical electrochemical techniques, gives relevant information for understanding the charge transport process at a molecular level. The aim of this review is to do a brief description of experimental arrangements, with emphasis on some special cares that must be considered by the users. Secondly, some chosen electrochemical systems where the technique was successfully applied are discussed. Finally, a brief analysis of electroacoustic impedance experiments was done in order to show when the Sauerbrey equation can be used.
Electrocatalytic hydrogenation (HEC) may be compared to catalytic hydrogenation (HC). The difference between these methods is the hydrogen source: HC needs a hydrogen gas supply; HEC needs a source of protons (solvent) to be reduced at a cathode surface. HEC has presented interesting advances in the last decades due to investigation of the influence of the supporting electrolyte, co-solvent, surfactant, presence of inert gas and the composition of the electrode on the reaction. Several classes of organic compounds have been hydrogenated through HEC: olefins, ketones, aldehydes, aromatics, polyaromatics and nitro-compounds. This paper shows some details about the HEC which may be regarded as a promising technique for the hydrogenation of organic compounds both in industrial processes and in laboratories.
The electrochemical study of glass like tungsten oxide derivatives requires the construction of special electrodes due to the fact that these glasses are not conductive. Electrodes modified with WO3 change their color when submitted to some potential perturbation. The color change of the electrochromic materials was observed in situ by coupling an electrochemical cell to a stereomicroscope. The constructed cell is versatile and may represent a great contribution to the electrochemical studies of materials, especially in the systems where it is interest to observe the working electrode surface during the electrochemical experiment.
The objective of this work is to show the results of the in situ transesterification of sunflower seed oil with methanol on basic homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis for the production of biodiesel. In homogeneous catalysis, the activity of KOH and K2CO3 were evaluated using the same oil:methanol ratio of 1:90. KOH showed to be more active than K2CO3, leading to total conversion in biodiesel after 1h reaction time. In the heterogeneous catalysis the activity of K2CO3/Al2O3 was comparable to the activity of K2CO3 bulk: 53.0 and 66.6% resp. The properties of samples of biodiesel produced by homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis were evaluated and are in accordance with the recommended fuel properties.
A portable microcontrolled system is proposed to monitor conductivity, temperature and pH in on-line, in situ and remote way from a water reservoir faraway 200 m. The system comprises two modules: one for data reception (located in laboratory) and another for data acquisition/transmission (located near water reservoir). It uses a microcontroller and a transceiver to remote data transmission/reception by radio frequency. Variations of water parameters were simultaneously monitored without interruption during a period of ten hours with a relative error about 4.0 %. The developed system showed simple, stable, accurate, robust and low-cost to determine parameters of water in field.