284 resultados para III V material


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Estudaram-se os aspectos histopatológicos relativos à evolução da infecção experimental produzida em Cebus apella (Primates: Cebidae) por Leishmania (V.) lainsoni, L. (V.) braziliensis e L. (L.) amazonensis. O exame microscópico de biópsias seqüênciais, obtidas dos animais a intervalos definidos de tempo (a primeira, às 48 ou 72 horas após a inoculação, e as seguintes, a cada 30 dias), mostrou que o desenvolvimento das lesões, independentemente da espécie de Leishmania inoculada, passa por uma seqüência de etapas a nível tecidual - 1) infiltrado inespecífico crônico; 2) nódulo macrofágico (com numerosos parasitas); 3) necrose das células parasitadas; 4) granuloma epitelióide; 5) absorção da área necrosada (às vezes formando granuloma de corpo estranho); 6) infiltrado inespecífico crônico residual); e 7) cicatrização - que representaria a formação e a resolução das lesões. Discutiram-se também os prováveis mecanismos imunopatológicos que determinam esta seqüência de eventos e sua possível semelhança com a evolução das lesões na leishmaniose tegumentar humana.


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A bacia do Rio Aurá está situada na região metropolitana de Belém, entre os municípios de Belém e Ananindeua, onde a taxa populacional tem aumentado sem qualquer medida de controle social ou ambiental. A região é intensamente explorada, sendo que os principais problemas ambientais são o desmatamento, erosão, inundação, poluição e contaminação das águas, especialmente por metais pesados e compostos orgânicos. O comportamento geoquímico dos elementos Al, Fe, Mn, Cr, Ni e Cu e os teores de compostos orgânicos foram avaliados em 30 pontos de amostragem no período entre 2008 e 2010 nos sedimentos fluviais. O aterro sanitário não controlado localizado nas proximidades da bacia do Rio Aurá é responsável, em parte, pela contaminação dos sedimentos. O estresse ambiental é resultado das atividades antrópicas locais, que contribuem no transporte de material clástico contendo metais para o rio. As variáveis estudadas foram classificadas segundo mecanismos de transporte e fonte (autóctone ou alóctone). Os resultados demonstraram que a principal contribuição de íons Al e Fe foi o aterro sanitário; Mn e Ni vieram principalmente dos solos adjacentes; Cr foi modificado (III/VI) por processo alobioquímico e Cu por processo bioinduzido.


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As minhas primeiras observações sobre a ocorrência das cédulas anexas dos estômatos na família Rubiaceae foram feitas na epiderme foliar de Coffea arabica L.. Em seguida, examinei a epiderme de 20 espécies, pertencentes a 9 gêneros e cultivadas no Parque da E. S. A. "Luiz de Queiroz". Em virtude da constância das células anexas, analisei, a princípio, as espécies e variedades de Coffea (ao todo 28 indivíduos) existentes na coleção de cafés do Instituto Agronômico de Campinas e, depois, o maior número de gêneros e espécies da família. Para a realização desse trabalho, solicitei de várias instituições material botânico, tanto vivo como herborizado, constante de folhas; consegui reunir, assim, copiosa quantidade de espécies. Feita a separação das duplicatas e das fôlhas de epiderme de difícil extração, as espécies se reduziram a 553. Do exposto neste e nos trabalhos que publiquei (1,2), posso concluir que as duas células anexas dos estômatos, na família Rubiaceae, constituem um caráter anatômico de família, muito embora me faltem alguns gêneros para seu estudo completo. Minha conclusão se apoia nos três pontos básicos seguintes: 1 - Que as duas células anexas dos estômatos, com as ca- racterísticas descritas, ocorrem entre as Rubiales sómente na família Rubiaceae. 2 - Que as espécies estudadas até agora revelaram, sem exceção, as duas células anexas nos estômatos. 3 - Que as células anexas poderão constituir, no caso de sua inconstância, um caráter diferencial de espécie ou de gênero.


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Four years of inbreeding and its effects on fertility, hatchability, viability and egg production in the new bred "PPPP" (Pescoço Pelado Preta Piracicaba) (naked neck and black plumage, Piracicaba) were reported in this paper. It was observed a decrease in fertility, hatchability, viability and egg production as the inbreeding increases. The black plumage naked neck homozygozous chickens are now submitted to a system of uncontrolled mating in the hope that the natural selection will reduce some of the undesirable factors providing abundant material for pedigree control.


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1 - The Author, in this 3 thd. contribution, concludes the study of the biology and ecology of the species Tristicha trifaria (Willd.) Spreng. and Mourera aspera (Bong.) Tul., both of the Piracicaba Fall. 2 - According to the results of Dr. Peter van Royen (State Herbarium of Leiden, Holland), who made a complete revision of Podostemaceae of the Piracicaba Fall, the species Tristicha hypnoides (St. Hil.) Spreng. var. Hilarii Tul. and Mnioppsis Glazioviana Warm, correspond, respectively, to theTristicha trifaria (Willd.) Spreng. and Mniopsis weddelliana Tul. Apinagia Accorsii Toledo was transferred by Royen to the genus Wettsteiniola. So, its new name is Wettsteiniola accorsii (Toledo) v. Royen. 3 - Propagation by seeds may occur in the following places: a) placenta of partially open fruits; b) external and internal walls of the open capsules; c) pedicels of the fruits; d) remains of rhizomes, branches, etc. e) organic residues accumulated in water holes in the fall; f) clean rocks, in which the little groups of seedlings seems to be a colony of algae. Seeds adhere to the substrata above by means, of a mucilage produced by the transformation of the external integuments in contact with water. 4 - In the growth of the four species below it was found in Piracicaba Fall conspicuous zoning so scattered: a) Wettsteiniola accorsii (Toledo) v. Royen, in rocks situated just within the water fall, where velocity of the current and aeration of the water are very high. b) Tristicha trifaria (Willd.) Spreng. and Mniopsis weddelliana Tul., in rocks at some distance (100 m more or less) upstream until near the bridge across the river. c) Mourera aspera (Bong.) Tul., 300 m upwards the bridge. 5- During 1949, the ecological conditions of the Piracicaba Fall were changed due to the following factors: a) dry season very long, begining from last period of June until 30 november; b) stopping, during four months, of water from the Atibaia river (one of the components of Piracicaba river) near to the city of Americana, in the place where a new station of the Companhia Paulista de Força e Luz was build. In consequence, most of the Podostemaceae died. On the dry rocks there were only fruits and dried plants. 6 - Tristicha trifaria has the same biological and ecological behavior as the Mniopsis weddelliana,. 7 - The vegetative propagation of Tristicha trifaria is made by increasing of its branches, production of stolons with vegetatives buds and regeneration of old parts in especial conditions of water and aeration. 8 - Mourera aspera has the same vegetative propagation as the Wettsteiniola accorsii; it produces stolons (in very little percentage) with vegetative buds, branches of the rhizomes and regeneration of active old parts. 9 - Frequently, there is, on the plants an accumulation of sand, silt, loam, organic substances, and so on. The quantity of material stored depends of the purity of the water, of the morphology of the plants and of the situation on the fall. 10 - In extrem conditions of dry heat, the surviving of the species in its habitat depends exclusively from germination of seeds in the mentioned substrata. Exceptionally, some plants survive in a few water pockets full with the weak remaining current.


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I. This paper deals with an experiment carried out to evaluate the effect of sugar cane upper end on the composition of the stalks and juice of sugar cane harvest as a raw material for the sugar industry. The variety studied was CB 41-76. The data were collected from plant cane at intervals of a two weeks, always from the same field, from a small central area of 3.000 square meters approximately, 60 stalks were cut in each occasion, randomly chosen from the whole area. They were afterwards separated into three groups of 20 stalks one for each of the treatments, namely: a) Complete stalk, with no leaves or sheaths. b) Stalks harvested by the technique of REYNOSO, that is, as usually done in practice. c) Stalks with the tops completely cut out, that is, cut by the techinique of REYNOSO and then with 3 other top internodes eliminated. The treatments caused significant differences on the weight of cane and coefficient of purity of juice, but the percentual differences between the average treatments a and c is 13% and 2%, respectively. II. Treatment differences for cane pol, cane fibre, brix, juice pol, reducing sugars, juice ashes, glucose coefficient, saline coefficient and available sucrose (pol) per cent were not significant. III. Time of harvest was an important factor affecting the composition of the cane and the juice. This paper shows that there is no sound basis for the heavy fines applied some sugar mills to planters who do not cut low enough the tops of the cane stalks.


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Neste trabalho, o terceiro de uma série sobre o assunto, divulgamos os estudos feitos em 57 novas variedades híbridas IAC, pertencentes à família Vitaceae. Deste total, 24 apresentaram domácias as quais se enquadram nos tipos: "em tufo de pêlos" e variações, e em "bolsas", segundo a classificação de CHEVALIER & CHESNAIS (1941). O material estudado constou de folhas não herborizadas, vindas do Instituto Agronômico de Campinas - Secção de Viticultura. As fôlhas, ainda frescas, foram examinadas em ambas as faces, superior e inferior, na junção do pecíolo, anotando-se a presença das domácias e suas particularidades tais como: aspecto, localização, tamanho, forma, etc. Pudemos observar uma pequena variação nas domácias do tipo em "tufo de pêlos", que ora aparecem como "pêlos esparsos", ora como aglomerado de pêlos e ainda como "tufo de pêlos" propriamente dito. As domácias encontradas nos 24 híbridos, estão assim distribuidas: a) domácias em "tufo de pêlos" e suas variações: 18 b) domácias "em bolsas": 6 Quanto à côr, os pêlos podem ser claros ou escuros, lisos ou crespos.


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This report belongs to the series of works carried out Oswaldo Cruz Ins¬titute, on the treatment of treponematosis with penicillin. The present report deals with investigations performed in order to ascer¬tain the following points: 1) the mininal curative dosis for the initial lesions of yaws; 2) the effect of reduction of the number of injections each day, to verifie the possibility of application of penicillin in the prophylaxis of yaws in rural zones; 3) reduction of the time of treatment by application of high dosis. 1) With dosis of 150 and 100 Oxford units each four hours, clinical reco¬very was obtained after 17 days of treatment. With 50 O.u. during 40 days clinical recovery was not obtained. 2) a) With 3 injections of 400 O.u. each day (6,12 and 18 hoórs clocks) clinical recovery was obtained after 14 to 16 days; b) with 2 injections of 400 O.u. each day (6 and 18 hoors clocks), clinical recovery was obtained after 16 to 23 days; c) with 1 injection of 1.600 and 3.200 each day, clinical recovery was obtained after 30 and 20 days. 3) With dosis of 33.3 and 46.7 O.u. by each kilo of weight each four hours, during 15 days, clinical recovery was obtained more or less in 25 days. The same result was obtained with the dosis of 61.5 and 166.7 O.u. by each kilo of weight, each four hours, during 4 days. But with 100.000 O.u. in fine dosis of 20.000 in a day ou by, clinical recovery was not obtained.


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After comparison of the types of Ixodes ricinus aragãoi Fonseca, 1935, with a lot of Ixodes affinis Neumann, 1899, kindly loaned by Dr. Kohls, it was observed that both species differ by the aspect of the dorsal scutm, no large punctations being in the posterior border in the Brazilian material. Therefore is FONSECA'S species maintened as Ixodes aragãoi Fonseca, 1935. Ixodes amarali Fonseca, 1935 was reexamined and confirmed as a valid species. A list of Brazilian species of the genus Ixodes studied by the authors is presented.


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The pentavalent antimonies, mainly the meglumine antimoniate, are recommends as first-choice medicines for leishmaniasis therapy. In this work we described the development of formulations of meglumine antimoniate injectable medication, as well as the analytical methodology used in the selective determination of Sb(III) and Sb(Total) by hydride generation - inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (HG-ICP-AES) and ICP-AES, respectively. On that purpose the analytical methodology was developed focusing on the HG-ICP-AES technique. The formulations using propylene glycol/water as vehicles in a 20:80 proportion were more appropriate for subsequent use in industrial scale. These formulations also showed a lower variation on Sb(III) percentage, no need of buffer solution to stabilize the formulation and no influence of the autoclaving in the quality of the product. The results of the development of the analytical methodology point out the proposed method as an efficient alternative for the determination of Sb(III) in the presence of large quantities of Sb(V) in injectable solutions of meglumine antimoniate, in a selective, linear, accurate and precise manner. In addition, the method showed a low limit of quantification, less interference of the matrix, and more resilience than batch techniques proposed in the Brazilian Pharmacopeia.


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The reintroduction of dengue virus type 3 (DENV-3) in Brazil in 2000 and its subsequent spread throughout the country was associated with genotype III viruses, the only DENV-3 genotype isolated in Brazil prior to 2002. We report here the co-circulation of two different DENV-3 genotypes in patients living in the Northern region of Brazil during the 2002-2004 epidemics. Complete genomic sequences of viral RNA were determined from these epidemics, and viruses belonging to genotypes V (Southeast Asia/South Pacific) and III were identified. This recent co-circulation of different DENV-3 genotypes in South America may have implications for pathological and epidemiological dynamics.


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The removal of As(V) by a crosslinked iron(III)-chitosan adsorbent was evaluated under various conditions. The adsorption capacity of CH-FeCL was around 54 mg/g of As(V). The kinetics of adsorption obeys a pseudo-first-order model with rate constants equal to 0.022, 0.028, and 0.033 min-1 at 15, 25 and 35 ºC respectively. Adsorption data were well described by the Langmuir model, although they could be modeled also by the Langmuir-Freundlich equation. The maximum adsorption capacity, calculated with the Langmuir model, was 127 mg g-1 of As(V). The inhibition by competing anions is dependant on their kind and valence.


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The clay mineral montmorillonite-K10 (MT), treated under acidic medium and saturated with potassium ions (MTK), was employed in sorption and desorption studies aiming the preconcentration of Cr(III) and the speciation analysis of chromium. The sorption process of Cr(III) was close to 100%, suggesting that MTK was a good material for Cr(III) preconcentration, although, the maximum recovery in HNO3 solution was near 89%. On the other hand, Cr(VI) practically was not retained in MTK, suggesting this material as an appropriate mineral phase to be used in speciation analysis of chromium in aqueous medium.


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A complex cation, diNOsarcobalt(III), [Co(diNOsar)]3+, (diNOsar = 1,8-dinitro-3,6,10,13,16,19-hexaazabicyclo-[6.6.6]eicosane), was synthesized and immobilized in the cavities of a Y zeolite by the reaction of precursor species in the pores of the zeolite. The encapsulated material was compared to the compound diNOsarcobalt(III) chloride, [Co(diNOsar)]Cl3. Both diNOsarcobalt(III) chloride and the zeolite-encapsulated complex, [Co(diNOsar)]3+/zeolite, were obtained in high yield and characterized by ultraviolet-visible and infrared spectroscopy. X-ray diffraction demonstrated the incorporation of the complex cation into the pores of the zeolite. The catalytic production of hydrogen peroxide from oxygenated water confirmed the successful synthesis of the complex diNOsarcobalt(III) immobilized in the zeolite.