51 resultados para Hot spot - menetelmä
Hot spots for diversity of Magnaporthe oryzae physiological races in irrigated rice fields in Brazil
The objective of this work was to evaluate the Magnaporthe oryzae pathotype diversity in new commercial irrigated rice fields in the Araguaia River Valley, state of Tocantins, Brazil. The causal agent of rice blast has heavily affected rice production in the region. Despite the efforts of breeding programs, blast resistance breakdown has been recorded shortly after the release of new resistant cultivars developed for the region. Among the causes of resistance breakage is the capacity of the fungus to rapidly develop new pathotypes. A sample of 479 M. oryzae monosporic isolates was obtained and tested using the international rice blast differential set. Isolate collections were made in small areas designed as trap nurseries and in scattered sites in their vicinity. Analysis of 250 M. oryzae isolates from three trap nurseries indicated the presence of 45 international M. oryzae races belonging to seven pathotype groups (IA-IG). In the isolates tested, 61 M. oryzae pathotypes belonging to all but the IH group were detected. The new areas of irrigated rice in the Araguaia River Valley have the highest diversity of M. oryzae pathotypes reported so far in Brazil.
The objective of this work was to evaluate in vitro and in vivo biocontrol of bacterial spot (Xanthomonas vesicatoria) and early blight (Alternaria solani) by the epiphytic bacteria Paenibacillus macerans and Bacillus pumilus. Tomato plants were previously sprayed with epiphytic bacteria, benzalkonium chloride and PBS buffer and, after four days, they were inoculated with A. solani and X. vesicatoria. To determine the phytopathogenic bacteria population, leaflet samples were collected from each treatment every 24 hours, for seven days, and plated on semi-selective medium. The effect of epiphytic bacteria over phytopathogens was performed by the antibiosis test and antagonistic activity measured by inhibition zone diameter. The epiphytic and benzalkonium chloride drastically reduced the severity of early blight and bacterial spot in comparison to the control (PBS). In detached leaflets, the epiphytic bacteria reduced in 70% the number of phytopathogenic bacteria cells in the phylloplane. The antibiosis test showed that the epiphytic bacteria efficiently inhibit the phytopathogens growth. In all the bioassays, the epiphytic bacteria protect tomato plants against the phytopathogens
The objective of this work was to select surviving breeders of Litopenaeus vannamei from white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) outbreak, adapted to local climatic conditions and negatively diagnosed for WSSV and infectious hypodermal and hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHHNV), and to evaluate if this strategy is a viable alternative for production in Santa Catarina, Brazil. A total of 800 males and 800 females were phenotypically selected in a farm pond. Nested-PCR analyses of 487 sexually mature females and 231 sexually mature males showed that 63% of the females and 55% of the males were infected with IHHNV. Animals free of IHHNV were tested for WSSV, and those considered double negative were used for breeding. The post-larvae produced were stocked in nine nursery tanks for analysis. From the 45 samples, with 50 post-larvae each, only two were positive for IHHNV and none for WSSV. Batches of larvae diagnosed free of virus by nested-PCR were sent to six farms. A comparative analysis was carried out in growth ponds, between local post-larvae and post-larvae from Northeast Brazil. Crabs (Chasmagnathus granulata), blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus), and sea hares (Aplysia brasiliana), which are possible vectors of these viruses, were also evaluated. The mean survival was 55% for local post-larvae against 23.4% for post-larvae from the Northeast. Sea hares showed prevalence of 50% and crabs of 67% of WSSV.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of plant essential oils (EOs) on the growth of Xanthomonas vesicatoria, on bacterial morphology and ultrastructure, and on the severity of tomato bacterial spot. EOs from citronella, clove, cinnamon, lemongrass, eucalyptus, thyme, and tea tree were evaluated in vitro at concentrations of 0.1, 1.0, 10, and 100% in 1.0% powdered milk. The effect of EOs, at 0.1%, on the severity of tomato bacterial spot was evaluated in tomato seedlings under greenhouse conditions. The effects of citronella, lemongrass, clove, and tea tree EOs, at 0.1%, on X. vesicatoria cells were evaluated by transmission electron microscopy. All EOs showed direct toxic effect on the bacteria at a 10%-concentration in vitro. Under greenhouse conditions, the EOs of clove, citronella, tea tree, and lemongrass reduced disease severity. EOs of clove and tea tree, and streptomycin sulfate promoted loss of electron-dense material and alterations in the cytoplasm, whereas EO of tea tree promoted cytoplasm vacuolation, and those of citronella, lemongrass, clove, and tea tree caused damage to the bacterial cell wall. The EOs at a concentration of 0.1% reduce the severity of the disease.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o mapeamento de área de cana‑de‑açúcar por meio de série temporal, de seis anos de dados do índice de vegetação por diferença normalizada (NDVI), oriundos do sensor Vegetation, a bordo do satélite "système pour l'observation de la Terre" (SPOT). Três classes de cobertura do solo (cana‑de‑açúcar, pasto e floresta), do Estado de São Paulo, foram selecionadas como assinaturas espectro‑temporais de referência, que serviram como membros extremos ("endmembers") para classificação com o algoritmo "spectral angle mapper" (SAM). A partir desta classificação, o mapeamento da área de cana‑de‑açúcar foi realizado com uso de limiares na imagem-regra do SAM, gerados a partir dos valores dos espectros de referência. Os resultados mostram que o algoritmo SAM pode ser aplicado a séries de dados multitemporais de resolução moderada, o que permite eficiente mapeamento de alvo agrícola em escala mesorregional. Dados oficiais de áreas de cana‑de‑açúcar, para as microrregiões paulistas, apresentam boa correlação (r² = 0,8) com os dados obtidos pelo método avaliado. A aplicação do algoritmo SAM mostrou ser útil em análises temporais. As séries temporais de NDVI do sensor SPOT Vegetation podem ser utilizadas para mapeamento da área de cana‑de‑açúcar em baixa resolução.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of increased air-CO2 concentration on plant growth and on leaf-spot caused by Cylindrocladium candelabrumin Eucalyptus urophylla. Seedlings were cultivated for 30 days at 451, 645, 904, and 1,147 µmol mol-1 CO2 ; then, they were inoculated with the pathogen and kept under the same conditions for seven days. Increased CO2concentration increased plant height and shoot dry matter mass, and decreased disease incidence and severity. Stem diameter was not affected by the treatments. Increased concentrations of atmospheric CO2 favorably affect eucalypt growth and reduce leaf-spot severity.
Abstract:The objective of this work was to evaluate the suitability of the multivariate method of principal component analysis (PCA) using the GGE biplot software for grouping sunflower genotypes for their reaction to Alternaria leaf spot disease (Alternariaster helianthi), and for their yield and oil content. Sixty-nine genotypes were evaluated for disease severity in the field, at the R3 growth stage, in seven growing seasons, in Londrina, in the state of Paraná, Brazil, using a diagrammatic scale developed for this disease. Yield and oil content were also evaluated. Data were standardized using the software Statistica, and GGE biplot was used for PCA and graphical display of data. The first two principal components explained 77.9% of the total variation. According to the polygonal biplot using the first two principal components and three response variables, the genotypes were divided into seven sectors. Genotypes located on sectors 1 and 2 showed high yield and high oil content, respectively, and those located on sector 7 showed tolerance to the disease and high yield, despite the high disease severity. The principal component analysis using GGE biplot is an efficient method for grouping sunflower genotypes based on the studied variables.
This study highlighted the effect of planting coast-cross grass and forage peanut cv. Amarilis between rows of Natal oranges on spreading of Guignardia citricarpa ascospores and consequent citrus black spot control. Treatments evaluated were: 1- conventional cultivation, free of fungicides; 2- conventional cultivation, using protective fungicides; 3- inter-crop cultivation of coast-cross grass between rows of citrus crops and; 4- inter-cropping cultivation of forage peanut between the rows of citrus crops. Quest Volumetric Spore SystemTM traps were set in order to determine the number of ascospores released. A total of 33 inspections were conducted weekly, from the end of August until early September the following year. A diagrammatic scale was used to determine the severity of the disease as well as the percentage of fruits having a commercial standard. The coast-cross grass was more effective in reducing the number of ascospores produced, whose average statistics were lower than in the conventional treatments, free-fungicides. The inter-crop and conventional cultivation method coupled with fungicide treatment was more effective in reducing the severity of citrus black spot symptoms, and differs statistically from the fungicide-free control method. These methods also resulted in a higher percentage of fruits of a commercial standard, ranging from the 89% through the 91% percentile, and the cultivation, free of fungicides, fell within the 73%.
In this work we describe both a chromatographic purification procedure and a spot test for the enzyme peroxidase (POD: EC The enzyme was obtained from crude extracts of sweet potatoes and the chromatographic enzyme purification procedure resulted in several fractions. Therefore a simple, fast and economic spot test for monitoring peroxidase during the purification procedure was developed. The spot test is based on the reaction of hydrogen peroxide and guaiacol, which is catalyzed by the presence of peroxidase yielding the colored tetraguaiacol.
Apple leaf spot (ALS) caused by Colletotrichum spp. is a major disease of apple (Malus domestica) in Southern Brazil. The epidemiology of this disease was studied in experiments carried out in the counties of Passo Fundo and Vacaria, State of Rio Grande do Sul, from February 1998 to October 2000. The disease was found in all the six apple orchards sampled in the growing seasons of 1997/98 and 1998/99. The fungus isolates associated with ALS fit the characteristics of C. gloeosporioides (75%), C. acutatum (8%), and Colletotrichum sp. (17%). The pathogen overwintered in dormant buds and twigs but not in dropped leaves or fruit mummies. Two sprays of copper oxychloride (at 0.3%) reduced the fungus initial inoculum by 65-84.6% in buds and 85.6-93.7% in twigs, but had no effect on the early season progress of the disease. Disease severity increased proportionally to elevation of temperature from 14 to 26-28 °C. At 34 °C, however, infection was completely inhibited. The duration of leaf wetness required for infection ranged from two hours at 30 °C to 32 h at 16 °C. The relationship of temperature (T) and leaf wetness (W) to disease severity (Y) was represented by the model equation Y = 0.00145[((T-13)1.78)((34.01-T )1.09)] * 25/[1+14 exp(-0.137W)], R² = 0.73 and P < 0.0001. Currently, this information is being used to manage the disease and to validate a forecast system for ALS.
Os tospovírus são responsáveis por perdas significativas em diversas culturas, principalmente solanáceas. No município de São José dos Campos (SP), plantas de jiló (Solanum gilo) apresentando sintomas de mosaico, bolhosidades, nanismo e queda acentuada da produção foram coletadas para análise. Visando a caracterização do agente causador dos sintomas, testes biológicos, elétrono microscópicos, sorológicos e moleculares foram realizados. Através de inoculação mecânica em plantas indicadoras das famílias Amaranthaceae, Chenopodiaceae e Solanaceae obtiveram-se resultados típicos aos esperados para tospovírus. Ao microscópio eletrônico de transmissão, observaram-se, em contrastação negativa, partículas pleomórficas com diâmetro entre 80 e 110 nm e em cortes ultra-finos partículas presentes em vesículas do retículo endoplasmático. Através de DAS-ELISA, identificou-se o Tomato chlorotic spot virus (TCSV). A partir de RNA total extraído de folhas infetadas, amplificaram-se, via RT-PCR, fragmentos correspondentes ao gene da proteína do capsídeo (cp) os quais foram seqüenciados e comparados com outros depositados no "GenBank". A homologia de nucleotídeos e aminoácidos deduzidos foi respectivamente de 99 e 95% quando comparada com seqüências de isolados de TCSV. A comparação com as outras espécies do gênero Tospovirus apresentou valores de homologia entre 72 e 84%. Estes resultados confirmam a identidade deste vírus como pertencente à espécie TCSV, que é predominante no Estado de São Paulo e importante patógeno de outras plantas cultivadas. Além disso, variedades de jiló quando inoculadas foram susceptíveis tanto ao TCSV como às espécies Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) e Groundnut ringspot virus (GRSV).
This is a description of the new species Mycovellosiella robsii, a cercosporoidal hyphomycete, associated with leaf spots on Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia, an important hedge plant with multiple uses in Brazil. The new species was compared to other cercosporoid species associated with plants of the genus Mimosa and other species of the genus Mycovellosiella described on legumes, and is recognized as a distinct taxon. Koch's postulates were carried out and the disease was reproduced by inoculating healthy plants with mycelial suspension or disk, confirming the pathogenicity. This is the first report of a fungal disease on this host.
In the regions of Campinas and Sumaré, São Paulo, Brazil, hidroponically grown crops of Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) cv. Verônica, which showed virus-like symptoms were examined by electron microscope, biological, serological and molecular tests. Pleomorphic, enveloped particles (80-100 nm in diameter) were always detected in these samples. Experimentally inoculated host plants, including lettuce, reacted with tospoviruses-induced symptoms. Some differences were observed in Gomphrena globosa, which reacted by showing local lesions and systemic mosaic. Two isolates of Tomato chlorotic spot virus (TCSV) were identified by DAS-ELISA and by RT-PCR. The sequencing and alignment of the RT-PCR coat protein amplified fragments have indicated a high degree of homology with the TCSV sequences stored in the GenBank. This is the first report of losses due to a virus from the genus Tospovirus in commercial hydroponic lettuce crops in Brazil. Further epidemiological studies are needed for better understanding the spread of the virus in hydroponic crops, since Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) is reported to spread through the nutritive solution.