45 resultados para Headless Relatives
IntroductionThis study investigated the occurrence of Strongyloides stercoralis infestation and coinfection with HTLV-1/2 in Belém, Brazil.MethodsS. stercoralis was investigated in stool samples obtained from individuals infected with HTLV-1/2 and their uninfected relatives.ResultsThe frequency of S. stercoralis was 9% (9/100), including six patients infected with HTLV-1 (14.3%), two patients infected with HTLV-2 (11.1%), and one uninfected relative. Two cases of hyperinfestation by S. stercoralis were characterized as HTLV-1.ConclusionsThese results support the need for the routine investigation of S. stercoralis in patients with HTLV-1, in an attempt to prevent the development of severe forms of strongyloidiasis.
Noonan syndrome is a multiple congenital anomaly syndrome, inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern. We studied 31 patients (18 males and 13 females) affected by this disorder regarding their clinical and genetic characteristics. The most frequent clinical findings were short stature (71%); craniofacial dysmorphisms, especially hypertelorism, ptosis, downslanting of the palpebral fissures; short or webbed neck (87%); cardiac anomalies (65%), and fetal pads in fingers and toes (70%). After studying the probands' first-degree relatives, we made the diagnosis of Noonan syndrome in more than one family member in three families. Therefore, the majority of our cases were sporadic.
OBJECTIVE AND METHODS: Screening for abdominal aortic aneurysms may be useful to decrease mortality related to rupture. We conducted a study to assess the prevalence of abdominal aortic aneurysms in southern Brazil and to define risk factors associated with high prevalence of this disorder. The screening was conducted using abdominal ultrasound. Three groups were studied: Group 1 - cardiology clinic patients; Group 2 - individuals with severe ischemic disease and previous coronary surgery, or important lesions on cardiac catheterism; Group 3 - individuals without cardiac disease selected from the general population. All individuals were male and older than 54 years of age. The ultrasonographic diagnosis of aneurysm was based on an anteroposterior abdominal aorta diameter of 3 cm, or on an abdominal aorta diameter 0.5 cm greater than that of the supra-renal aorta. RESULTS: A total of 2.281 people were screened for abdominal aortic aneurysms in all groups: Group 1 - 768 individuals, Group 2 - 501 individuals, and Group 3 - 1012 individuals. The prevalence of aneurysms was 4.3%, 6.8% and 1.7%, respectively. Age and cigarette smoking were significantly associated with increased prevalence of aneurysms, as was the diagnosis of peripheral artery disease. DISCUSSION: We concluded that screening may be an important tool to prevent the mortality associated with abdominal aortic aneurysms surgery. Additionally, the cost of screening can be decreased if only individuals presenting significant risk factors, such as coronary and peripheral artery disease, smokers and relatives of aneurysm patients, are examined.
A new species, Hibiscus amazonicus, is described from the Amazon Basin. Characters distinguishing the new species from its nearest relatives presented.
A new Amazonian species of Justicia, J. zarucchii from the region oif the Rio Abacaxis is described, illustrated, and compared with J. schultesii and J. gutierrezii, its closest relatives.
Twenty-eoght algal samples were collected in September-October, 1984, from two distinct habitats in the state of Acre, Brazil. Eleven were from the Moa River, and 17 were from a sulfur water spring which flows into the Moa River. A total of 74 species, representing 48 genera of algae, were identified from these samples. Forty-nine species were found in the Moa River and 67 in the sulfur water spring. Both coolection site had rich assemblages of cyanophycean algae, chlorophycean algae, and diatoms. Chlorophycean species dominated the algae flora at both sites, cut were more numerous at the sulfur water spring. There was also a definite difference in the relatives proportions of desmids to filamentous chlorophycean algae at the two sites.
The first case of Kala-azar in Colombia was discovered in Soledad, S. Vicente do Chucuri, Dept. Santander, by Gast-Galvis who viscerotomized a three year old girl deceased in December, 1943. In 1944, fifty-three Phlebotominae were collected in the chicken pen of the girl's house, two new species included. Mangabeira helped by A. Gast Galvis, Juan Antonio Montoya and E. Osorno Mesa, collected some Phlebotomus in that country. The geographical distribution of the species of Phlebotomus collected in Colombia (P. abonnenci, P. camposi, P. columbianus, P. dubitans, P. gasti, P. montoyai, P. saulensis, P. serranus, P. triramulus) and two species of Brumptomyia (B. beaupertuyi and b mesari), are included. our description of the male P. columbianus is based on some specimens found in association with females. However, doubts exist about such association of sexes. There is no correspondence between the length of the spicules and the ducts of spermathecae. Besides, the specimens were not obtained by raising. The following new species are described and compared with previously known ones: a) Phlebotomus gasti sp. n. differs from the other species by a protruding tubercle in the gubernaculum. It has also fewer setae in the tuft of the basistyle, a different length of the inferior gonapophyses, and a differently shaped clasper. b) Phlebotomus dubitans sp. n. differs from P. walkeri and P. deanei (according to personal information from O. Theodor, who examined the types, they are identical to P. williamsi and P. sericeus respectively), mainly because these species have the inferior gonapophyses larger than the basistyle and fewer setae in the basistyle. P. evandroi is separated by the shape of the claspers and by the tuft of setae of the basistyle. P. marajoensis is the closest relative to P. dubitans. There is a possibility of their being synonymous. On the other hand, they can be differentiated by the existence of three extra distal spines in P. marajoensis. There is also a difference in their palpal indexes: for marajoensis I - II - IV - III - V, and for dubitans I - IV (III - II) - V. We notice, too, that the inferior gonapophyses in P. marajoensis is a little shorter. P. marajoensis has a long seta in the basistyle (clearly shown in the original drawing), not found in the new species. c) Phlebotomus montoyai sp. n.: The closest relatives are P. noguchii, P. peruensis, P. pescei, P. quinquifer and P. rickardi. They differ from the new species by the number and length of the setae of the basistyle tuft which are more numerous and longer in the new species. The shapes of their claspers are also different. Other differences are: the basal portion of the basistyle in P. noguchii is very wide (in montoyai it is narrower); the intermediate spine of the dististyle is located on a protruding tubercle ( in the new species there is hardly a tubercle); the spicules are long, and the inferior gonapophyses is longer than the basistyle. P. quinquifer and P. rickardi have a shorter dististyle and narrower wings, with different venation. The main difference, however lies, in the M4, which ends almost at the level of the junction of M1 with M2 (in P. montoyai the M4 ends far behind). In P. peruensis and P. pescei the intermediary spine of the dististyle is closer to the distal spine than to the basal one, whereas in the new species it is situated between the two pairs. Their inferior gonapophyses is longer than the basistyle. d) Brumptomyia mesai sp. n. - Closest relatives are: B. hamatus, B. pentacanthus, B. beaupertuyi which are easily separated from the new species because the tufts of their basistyle have thin and differently shaped hairs. Also their claspers are shaped differently. B. avellari is also easily recognized on account of the twisted aspect of its clasper and because the basal tuft of the basistyle has few setae, B. brumpti tuft of setae arise directly from the basistyle; these setae are stronger than those of the new species. It has 8 blade-like setae located on the inner surface of the distal half, whereas the new species has only six setae. In B. brumpti, there are three median and two terminal spines in the dististyle; in the new species, there are two median and two terminal spines and one between them, which is closer to the two median spines. The comparison with B. galindoi is based in a specimen determined by Fairchild and deposited in the entomological collection of the "Faculdade de Higiene e Saúde Pública da Universidade de S. Paulo". The genitalia of the new species is much shorter, in galindoi the inferior gonapophyses is 0,8 mm long whereas in B. mesai it hardly reaches 0,6 mm. The shape of the clasper and the distribution of its setae are different. The sub-median lamellae, besides being longer in B. galindoi are also longer in comparison with the other parts of the genitalia. The gubernaculum of the new species is longer, thinner, and more pointed; in B. galindoi it is shorter and triangular. In the drawing published by Fairchild and Hertig 91947), the basistyle shows 8 blade-like setae on the distal half, whereas in the new species only six are found.
DNA samples from blood and nasal swabs of 125 healthy household contacts was submitted to amplification by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using a Mycobacterium leprae-specific sequence as a target for the detection of subclinical infection with M. leprae.All samples were submitted to hybridization analysis in order to exclude any false positive or negative results. Two positive samples were confirmed from blood out of 119 (1.7%) and two positive samples from nasal secretion out of 120 (1.7%). The analysis of the families with positive individuals showed that 2.5% (n = 3) of the contacts were relatives of multibacilary patients while 0.8% of the cases (n = 1) had a paucibacilary as an index case. All positive contacts were followed up and after one year none of them presented clinical signs of the disease. In spite of the PCR sensitivity to detect the presence of the M. leprae in a subclinical stage, this molecular approach did not seem to be a valuable tool to screen household contacts, since we determined a spurious association of the PCR positivity and further development of leprosy.
The seroprevalence of toxoplasmosis in 832 pregnant women in Miracema, Rio de Janeiro, was determined and 75.1% (625) and 2.0% (17) were anti-Toxoplasma gondii IgG and IgM positive, respectively. Out of the 17 IgM positive pregnant women, only one had low avidity IgG corresponding to the acute phase of the infection. All the other women presented with high avidity IgG and also presented with residual IgM anti-T. gondii. Of this sample, 106 received home visits (this includes 11 family nuclei of pregnant women with residual IgM anti-T. gondii, 68 nuclei of only IgG positive pregnant women and 27 nuclei of pregnant women with no antibodies to anti-T. gondii), resulting in 267 individuals visited. Out of these 267 individuals, 21 were positive for IgG and IgM anti-T. gondii and were candidates for the IgG avidity test. All of them presented with high avidity IgG and residual IgM. Five of these IgM+ individuals were (5/238; 2.1%) relatives of IgM negative pregnant women. The other 16 (16/29; 55.2%) were relatives of IgM+ pregnant women who were positive for residual IgM anti-T. gondii. This association was statistically significant (p = 0.0000). The analysis presented herein raises questions regarding the presence of residual IgM anti-T. gondii such as genetic determinants or even constant antigenic stimuli for the same family cluster.
Previous studies have reported genetic differences between wild-caught sylvatic, domestic and laboratory pop-ulations of several Triatominae species. The differences between sylvatic and laboratory colonies parallel are similar to the differences observed between sylvatic and domestic populations. Laboratory colonies are frequently used as references for field populations, but the consequences of founder events on the genetic makeup of laboratory or domestic populations are rarely quantified. Our goal was to quantify the genetic change in Rhodnius pallescens populations artificially submitted to founder effects via laboratory colonization. We compared the genetic makeup of two sylvatic populations and their laboratory descendants using a panel of 10 microsatellite markers. Both sylvatic populations were initially collected from palm trees, but the colonies differed in the number of founder insects and amount of time kept in the laboratory. We evaluated allelic polymorphism, differences between expected and observed heterozygosity, estimates of population differentiation (Fst) and inbreeding (Fis, Fit) and cluster analyses based on Nei's distances. We found a unique genetic structure for each sample population, with significant differentiation between the field insects and each of the laboratory generations. These analyses showed strong founder effects and showed that genetic drift had led to a genetic equilibrium over several generations of isolation. Our results suggest that laboratory colonies of R. pallescens have a different genetic structure than their wild relatives and similar processes likely affect other Triatominae laboratory stocks.
We studied the ectoparasitic bat flies of three phyllostomid vampire bat species. Bats were collected monthly from April 2004-March 2005 in caves within the Cafuringa Environmental Protection Area in the Federal District of Brazil. A total of 1,259 specimens from six species in the Streblidae family were collected from 332 bats. High host affinity from the sampled bat fly species and high prevalence of bat flies confirms the primary fly-host associations (Strebla wiedemanni, Trichobius parasiticus and Trichobius furmani with Desmodus, Trichobius diaemi and Strebla diaemi with Diaemus and T. furmani with Diphylla). Male flies outnumbered females in several associations. Some of the observed associations (e.g., Strebla mirabilis with Desmodus and S. mirabilis, Trichobius uniformis and S. wiedemanni with Diphylla) were inconclusive and the causes of the associations were unclear. There are several explanations for these associations, including (i) accidental contamination during sampling, (ii) simultaneous capture of several host species in the same net or (iii) genuine, but rare, ecological associations. Although various species of vampire bats share roosts, have similar feeding habits and are close phylogenetic relatives, they generally do not share ectoparasitic streblid bat flies. T. diaemi and S. diaemi associations with Diaemus youngi have not been previously reported in this region.
From an epidemiological point of view, Chagas disease and its reservoirs and vectors can present the following characteristics: (i) enzooty, maintained by wild animals and vectors, with broad occurrence from southern United States of America (USA) to southern Argentina and Chile (42ºN 49ºS), (ii) anthropozoonosis, when man invades the wild ecotope and becomes infected with Trypanosoma cruzi from wild animals or vectors or when the vectors and wild animals, especially marsupials, invade the human domicile and infect man, (iii) zoonosis-amphixenosis and exchanged infection between animals and humans by domestic vectors in endemic areas and (iv) zooanthroponosis, infection that is transmitted from man to animals, by means of domestic vectors, which is the rarest situation in areas endemic for Chagas disease. The characteristics of Chagas disease as an enzooty of wild animals and as an anthropozoonosis are seen most frequently in the Brazilian Amazon and in the Pan-Amazon region as a whole, where there are 33 species of six genera of wild animals: Marsupialia, Chiroptera, Rodentia, Edentata (Xenarthra), Carnivora and Primata and 27 species of triatomines, most of which infected with T. cruzi . These conditions place the resident populations of this area or its visitors - tourists, hunters, fishermen and especially the people whose livelihood involves plant extraction - at risk of being affected by Chagas disease. On the other hand, there has been an exponential increase in the acute cases of Chagas disease in that region through oral transmission of T. cruzi , causing outbreaks of the disease. In four seroepidemiological surveys that were carried out in areas of the microregion of the Negro River, state of Amazonas, in 1991, 1993, 1997 and 2010, we found large numbers of people who were serologically positive for T. cruzi infection. The majority of them and/or their relatives worked in piassava extraction and had come into contact with and were stung by wild triatomines in that area. Finally, a characteristic that is greatly in evidence currently is the migration of people with Chagas disease from endemic areas of Latin America to non-endemic countries. This has created a new dilemma for these countries: the risk of transmission through blood transfusion and the onus of controlling donors and treating migrants with the disease. As an enzooty of wild animals and vectors, and as an anthropozoonosis, Chagas disease cannot be eradicated, but it must be controlled by transmission elimination to man.
The objective of this study was to compare the perceptions of two families living in two different neighborhoods (rated according to risk levels) regarding social support. A questionnaire was designed to assess social support according to the following dimensions: instrumental, emotional, religious, and support from friends, neighbors and family. The sample was comprised as follows: considering the 114 families living in neighborhood 1, 52 families were interviewed; and among the 162 families living in neighborhood 2, 60 families were interviewed. No significant difference was found related to instrumental, religious and emotional support, including the support from relatives among the families from both neighborhoods. The results disagree with the reviewed literature, which indicated a strong association between social support and families living at socioeconomic risk. In conclusion, social support is important for families, regardless of their risk stratification.
This study aimed to identify the level of comfort of families of patients in a critical health condition related to the welcoming practices performed by the hospital staff. Interviews were conducted with 250 relatives in hospitals of the state Bahia, using a Likert scale. Data were analyzed as percentages and quartiles. For nine of the 12 statements of the scale, most relatives scored their comfort level between very and totally comfortable, median of 4,revealing kindness, tranquility and friendly communication with family members. More than half of the sample scored its level as not at all to more or less comfortable, median of 3, for statements about demonstration of interest towards the relative by the staff and flexible visiting of the patient. The necessity of greater interest of the team in the condition and needs of the family was observed. Promoting comfort from the dimension of welcoming demands interdisciplinary actions grounded in humanistic philosophy, in which the nurse has an important role to play.
Cross-sectional study that used the Social Network Index and the genogram to assess the social network of 110 family caregivers of dependent patients attended by a Home Care Service in São Paulo, Brazil. Data were analyzed using the test U of Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis and Spearman correlation. Results were considered statistically significant when p<0,05. Few caregivers participated in activities outside the home and the average number of people they had a bond was 4,4 relatives and 3,6 friends. Caregivers who reported pain and those who had a partner had higher average number of relatives who to trust. The average number of friends was higher in the group that reported use of medication for depression. Total and per capita incomes correlated with the social network. It was found that family members are the primary caregiver’s social network.