30 resultados para Haig, Douglas Haig, Earl, 1861-1928.


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Creptotrema creptotrema Travassos, Artigas & Pereira, 1928, a digenetic trematode parasite of Leporinus elongatus, is redescribed from the type-material with additional morphological data and original figures.


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Teratotrema dubium Travassos, Artigas & Pereira, 1928, a digenetic trematode parasite of Pseudocurimata plumbea (Curimatidae: Pisces) is redescribed with additional morphological data, confirming the presence of a single testis.


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Searching for the natural vector of Plasmodium juxtanucleare in an enzootic locality: Granjas Calábria (33% of the chickens infected), Jacarepaguá, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 13 comparative captures of mosquitoes were carried out, simultaneously on man (out-doors) and on chiken (in a poultry-yard), between 6 and 9 p.m., from September to March 1989. Culex saltanensis was the most frequent species in captures on chicken, accounting for 41.7% of the mosquitoes collected on this bait, showing to be highly ornithophilic (90% captured on chicken versus 10% on man). Seven specimens of Cx. saltanensis were found naturally infected in granjas Calábria: five with mature pedunculate oocysts and two with sporozoites (on in the haemocoele and one in the salivary glands). These sporozoites porudced an infection by P. juxtanucleare in a chick, which had parasitemia on day 41 after inoculation. One Cx. coronator was found with mature pedunculate oocysts. Culex saltanensis was regarded as primary vector of P. juxtanucleare in Rio de Janeiro for being highly ornithophilic and in enough density to maintain the transmission, having been found with infective sporozoites in its salivary glands, and being susceptible to the parasite and able to transmit experimentally it by the bite.


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A flagellte trypanosomatid was isolated in culture from the digestive tract of the mosquito Culex saltanensis Dyar, 1928. It grows exuberantly in liver infusion in the form of epimastigotes and choanomastigotes typical of the genus Crithidia. The trypanosomatid was compared to C. deanei, C. fasciculata, C. luciliae, C. oncopelti and C. guilhermei. The techniques used for comparison were electron transmission microscopy, isoenzymes and kDNA restriction profiles. No endosymbionts were found at electron microscopy. Results for the biochemical methods employd indicate that the trypanosomatid isolated from C. saltanensis is a new species of Crithidia. The name C. ricardoi sp. n. is proposed for thes new species.


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During investigation on the helminth parasites from Brycon hilarii Valenciennes, 1850 (Characiformes, Characidae), from River Juba, Tangará da Serra, state of Mato Grosso, Brazil, several specimens of the nematode Neocucullanus Travassos, Artigas et Pereira, 1928 were detected. A detailed study of this material, including scanning electron microscopy, allowed to identify these nematodes as N. neocucullanus Travassos, Artigas et Pereira, 1928 and to confirm N. multipapillatus Petter, 1989 as a junior synonym of N. neocucullanus.


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The life history of the trematode Pygidiopsis macrostomum Travassos, 1928 is described for the first time. Rediae and cercariae were obtained from naturally infected snails Heleobia australis (d´Orbigny), a new first intermediate host. Metacercariae were found encysted in the mesenteries of three naturally infected guppies, Phalloptychus januarius (Hensel), Jenynsia multidentata (Jenyns) (new host records) and Poecilia vivipara Bloch and Schneider. Experimental infections were successfully completed in the intermediate hosts H. australis and Poe. vivipara reared in the laboratory and hamsters Mesocricetus auratus Waterhouse were utilised as a definitive host.


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Searching and handling time of Chrysoperla externa (Hagen, 1861) (Neuroptera, Chrysopidae) larvae fed on Uroleucon ambrosiae (Thomas, 1878) (Hemiptera, Aphididae). The objective of this research was to determine the searching and handling times of three larval instars of C. externa fed on U. ambrosiae at densities of 30, 40 and 50 per vial, with the feeding of the larvae at the preceding instars being U. ambrosiae nymphs or Sitotroga cerealella (Olivier, 1819) eggs. The larvae were maintained at 25 ± 2 ºC, 70 ± 10% RH and a 14-h photophase. A completely randomized design in a 6 x 3 factorial scheme with 12 replicates was adopted. The shortest searching time was found for the 2nd and 3rd instar larvae of C. externa, and this parameter was variable depending on the feeding given to the larvae previously. The handling time was similar for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd instar larvae. The longest searching time was found at an aphid density of 30, as compared to densities of 40 and 50 prey, with which there were no significant differences. Prey density did not have any influence on handling time.


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Feeding potential of Chrysoperla externa (Hagen) (Neuroptera, Chrysopidae) in different densities of Uroleucon ambrosiae (Thomas) (Hemiptera, Aphididae). The feeding potential of 2nd and 3rd instar larvae of Chrysoperla externa (Hagen, 1861) in relation to different densities of 30, 40 and 50 nymphs of Uroleucon ambrosiae (Thomas, 1878) at 3rd and 4th instars was evaluated. The treatments were individualized into 2.5 cm in diameter and 8.5 cm tall flat bottom glass vials and maintained in a controlled environmental chamber at 25±2 ºC temperature, 70±10% RH and 14 h photophase. A completely randomized experimental design with 10 replications was used. The consumption of the prey nymphs by the predator larvae was evaluated after 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 24 h from the beginning of the experiment and at every subsequent 24 h period until 2nd instar larvae molted or 3rd instar larvae pupated. Results have shown that for 2nd instar larvae, during the 1 h to 24 h period, there was a decreasing prey consumption at the 30 and 40 prey densities. However an increase in the consumption at the 50 prey density was observed. After this period, C. externa larvae presented a progressive increase on nymphs consumption as a function of the prey density. The same occurred with de 3rd instar predator larvae in all treatments. When daily mean consumption was evaluated the predator/prey ratio was 1:23, 1:27 and 1:33 for 2nd instar larvae and 1:27, 1:33 and 1:41 for 3rd instar larvae at 30, 40 and 50 nymph densities, respectively.


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Pineus boerneri Annand, 1928 (Hemiptera, Adelgidae) _ a new species to Brazil: morphology of eggs, nymphs and adults. Pineus boerneri represents the first Adelgidae species recorded in Brazil. This aphid species forms extensive colonies on branches and trunk of Pinus spp., with apterous oviparous females, eggs and nymphs covered with white wax. The aim of this research is to study the morphology of eggs, nymphs, and adults to provide useful data for species identification in order to solve taxonomic issues. The study was based on morphometric data and optical and scanning electron microscopy images. First instar nymphs are active and can be easily distinguished from the others by their elongate minute yellowish body; well developed legs bearing a pair of sensorial setae at the apex of the second tarsomere; and antenna with three segments with a large rhinarium and distinct apical setae on the last segment. From the second to the fourth instar, nymphs are sessile, with round red body; they loose the third antennal segment and its sensorial structures, as well as the setae on the second tarsomere. The oviparous female is reddish-brown, with round body with about 0.76 mm diameter; legs reduced; antennae one-segmented; ovipositor distinct; numerous wax glands are present, mainly on the head. Accurate characterization of the species and distinction of the nymphal instars of P. boerneri were made possible by canonical analysis of morphometric data and morphological characters.


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A cochonilha O. praelonga é considerada uma importante praga dos citros no Brasil, e informações sobre a sua dispersão estão baseadas apenas em observações empíricas. Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito de equipamentos de pulverização comumente utilizados pelos citricultores na dispersão da praga. Armadilhas adesivas foram instaladas no solo e em vergalhões dispostos verticalmente às plantas de três linhas adjacentes em um talhão de citros contendo plantas infestadas pela praga. Foram adotados equipamentos utilizados para controle de pragas dos citros. A avaliação da dispersão foi realizada por meio da contagem de fêmeas, ninfas ou partes dos insetos aderidas às armadilhas adesivas. Os equipamentos Martignani e Bié foram capazes de lançar a praga a até 15 m, enquanto, para o equipamento Turbo Valência, detectaram-se fragmentos cerosos a até 22 m da máquina. Os equipamentos dotados de pistola não causaram qualquer dispersão da praga. Portanto, evidenciou-se que mesmo a utilização de equipamentos para controle de outras pragas pode favorecer a dispersão da cochonilha O. praelonga em pomares de citros, e isso deve ser considerado no aprimoramento do programa de manejo integrado de pragas dos citros.


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A seletividade de dezesseis agrotóxicos utilizados na produção integrada e convencional de pêssego foi avaliada sobre a fase adulta de Chrysoperla externa através de bioensaios de exposição residual conduzidos em laboratório (temperatura de 25±1ºC, umidade relativa 70±10% e fotofase 14 horas), utilizando-se de metodologia prescrita pela "International Organization for Biological Control" (IOBC). Os agrotóxicos (% de ingrediente ativo na calda) azoxystrobina (0,016), captana (0,192), dodina (0,126), folpete (0,200), mancozebe (0,256), mancozebe + oxicloreto de cobre (0,140 + 0,096), tebuconazole (0,320), abamectina (0,002), óleo mineral 1 (2,420), óleo mineral 2 (1,920), dicloreto de paraquate (0,300) e glifosato (1,440) foram inócuos; deltametrina (0,002) foi levemente nocivo e dimetoato (0,160), fosmete (0,160) e malationa (0,240) foram nocivos a adultos de C. externa.


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Trata-se de uma resenha crítica da controvertida correspondência entre Theodor W. Adorno e Walter Benjamin - dois dos mais expressivos representantes da chamada primeira geração de teóricos críticos associados ao Instituto de Pesquisa Social. Além de remeter suas cartas à respectiva experiência intelectual de cada um deles, este artigo busca oferecer uma análise fundamentada dessa instigante interlocução filosófica, para além da rígida bipolarização entre "adornianos" e "benjaminianos", que, via de regra, tem predominado em sua recepção especializada, dentro e fora do Brasil. Para isso, procura-se enfatizar o contraponto produtivo entre a Dialética negativa de Adorno e o projeto das Passagens de Benjamin, tomando como centro gravitacional o processo construtivo deste último trabalho - cerne tanto das afinidades, quanto das insolúveis dissonâncias entre os dois autores. Esta pesquisa tem o apoio da FAPESP.