220 resultados para HBV DNA quantification
Anti-HBc positivity is a frequent cause of donation rejection at blood banks. Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection may also occur in HBsAg-negative patients, a situation denoted occult infection. Similarly, very low levels of HBV-DNA have also been found in the sera of patients with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection, even in the absence of serum HBsAg. Initially we searched for HBV-DNA in serum of 100 blood donors and 50 HCV-infected patients who were HBsAg negative/anti-HBc positive by nested-PCR and by an HBV monitor commercial test for HBV-DNA. Anti-HBs seroconversion rates were measured in 100 blood donors and in 22 patients with chronic HCV infection after HBV vaccination to determine if the HBV vaccination could eliminate an occult HBV infection in these individuals. Occult HBV infection was detected in proportionally fewer blood donors (6/100 = 6%) than chronic hepatitis C patients (12/50 = 24%) (P < 0.05). We noted seroconversion in 6/6 (100%) HBV-DNA(+) and in 84/94 (89.4%) HBV-DNA(-) blood donors (P > 0.05). All subjects who were HBV-DNA(+) before the first dose of HBV vaccine (D1), became HBV-DNA(-) after D1, D2, and D3. Among 22 HCV-positive patients, 10 HBV-DNA(+) and 12 HBV-DNA(-), seroconversion was observed in 9/10 (90%) HBV-DNA(+) and in 9/12 (75%) HBV-DNA(-) subjects (P > 0.05). The disappearance of HBV-DNA in the majority of vaccinated patients suggests that residual HBV can be eliminated in patients with occult infection.
OBJETIVO: Analisar se diferentes instrumentos de avaliação de qualidade, aplicados a um grupo de estudos clínicos que se correlacionam e qual seu impacto no resultado na metanálise. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados 38 estudos clínicos randomizados e controlados, selecionados para a revisão sistemática sobre a eficácia terapêutica do Interferon Alfa no tratamento da hepatite crônica pelo vírus B. Utilizaram-se os seguintes instrumentos: Maastricht (M), Delphi (D) e Jadad (J) e o método da Colaboração Cochrane (CC), considerado padrão-ouro. Os resultados definidos pelos três instrumentos foram comparados pelo teste de Correlação de Spearman. O teste de Kappa (K) avaliou a concordância entre os revisores na aplicação dos instrumentos e o teste de Kappa ponderado analisou o ordenamento de qualidade definido pelos instrumentos. O clareamento do HBV-DNA e HbeAg foi o desfecho avaliado na metanálise. RESULTADOS: Os estudos foram de regular e baixa qualidade. A concordância entre os revisores foi, de acordo com o instrumento: D=0.12, J=0.29 e M=0.33 e CC= 0,53. A correlação foi moderada e homogênea (D/J=0,51; D/M=0,53 e J/M=0,52). Os resultados da metanálise (HBV-DNA), variaram de RR=0,71; IC 95%: 0,66-0,77 a RR=0,67; IC 95%: 0,58-0,79 e (HbeAg) de RR=0,85; IC 95%: 0,80-0,90 a RR=0,85; IC 95%:0,77-0,93, dependendo da qualidade dos estudos incluídos. CONCLUSÕES: Os instrumentos de avaliação de qualidade têm boa correlação. Nas revisões sistemáticas que apontem à mesma direção do efeito, a avaliação pode não alterar significantemente seu resultado. O método da Colaboração Cochrane é o mais reprodutível e de simples aplicação.
Hepatitis B has proved to be a major health hazard in hemodialysis patients. In order to investigate the hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection profile in the hemodialysis population of Goiânia city - Central Brazil, all dialysis patients (N=282) were studied. The prevalence of any HBV marker (HBsAg, anti-HBs, and anti-HBc) was 56.7% (95% CI: 51.1-62.7), ranging from 33.3% to 77.7% depending on dialysis unit. HBV-DNA was detected in 67.6% and 88.2% of the HBsAg-positive serum samples, in 91.3% and 100% of the HBsAg/HBeAg-positive samples, and in 18.2% and 63.6% of the HBsAg/anti-HBe-reactive sera by hybridization and PCR, respectively. The length of time on hemodialysis was significantly associated with HBV seropositivity. Only 10% of the patients reported received hepatitis B vaccination. The findings of a high HBV infection prevalence in this population and the increased risk for HBV infection on long-term hemodialysis suggest the environmental transmission, emphasizing the urgent need to evaluate strategies of control and prevention followed in these units.
BACKGROUND: Lamivudine has been shown to be an efficient drug for chronic hepatitis B (CHB) treatment. AIM: To investigate predictive factors of response, using a quantitative method with high sensitivity. METHODS: We carried out a prospective trial of lamivudine in 35 patients with CHB and evidence for viral replication, regardless to their HBeAg status. Lamivudine was given for 12 months at 300 mg daily and 150 mg thereafter. Response was considered when DNA was undetectable by PCR after 6 months of treatment. Viral replication was monitored by end-point dilution PCR. Mutation associated with resistance to lamivudine was detected by DNA sequencing in non-responder patients. RESULTS: Response was observed in 23/35 patients (65.7%) but only in 5/15 (33.3%) HBeAg positive patients. Only three pre-treatment variables were associated to low response: HBeAg (p = 0.006), high viral load (DNA-VHB > 3 x 10(6) copies/ml) (p = 0.004) and liver HBcAg (p = 0.0028). YMDD mutations were detected in 7/11 non-responder patients. CONCLUSIONS: HBeAg positive patients with high viral load show a high risk for developing drug resistance. On the other hand, HBeAg negative patients show a good response to lamivudine even with high viremia.
The clinical significance of isolated anti-HBc is still a challenge. To elucidate the real importance of this finding in our blood donors, an investigation algorithm was tested. One hundred and twelve isolated anti-HBc seropositive blood donors underwent clinical evaluation and retesting of HBV markers. Those who presented repeatedly reactive isolated anti-HBc, received a single dose of hepatitis B recombinant vaccine to verify anti-HBs early response. A HBV-DNA determination by PCR was done for those who did not test positive to anti-HBs after vaccine. The level of anti-HBc was recorded as a ratio of the sample-to-cut-off values (S:C ratio) in 57 candidates at donation. Comparing true and false-positive anti-HBc results, the different S:C ratios of them were statistically significant and when less than 2, implying in a false-positive result probability over 80%. A high percent of false-positive results (16.07%) was verified after anti-HBc retesting. HBV immunity was characterized in 49.11%, either by anti-HBs detection in retesting (15.18%), or after a single dose HBV vaccination (33.93%). HBV-DNA was negative in all tested donors. In conclusion, this algorithm was useful to clarify the meaning of isolated anti-HBc in most of our blood donors.
The objective of the present study was to evaluate the serum viral load in chronically infected Hepatitis B virus (HBV) patients and to investigate the distribution of HBV genotypes in São Paulo city. Quantitative HBV-DNA assays and HBV genotyping have gained importance for predicting HBV disease progression, have been employed for assessing infectivity, for treatment monitoring and for detecting the emergence of drug resistance. Twenty-nine Brazilian patients with suspected chronic hepatitis B were studied, using real time PCR for viral load determination and direct DNA sequencing for the genotyping. The serology revealed chronic HBV infection in 22 samples. The HBV-DNA was positive in 68% samples (15/22). The phylogenetic analysis disclosed that eleven patients were infected with HBV genotype A, two with genotype F and two with genotype D. Thus, the genotype A was the most prevalent in our study.
The present study investigated if hepatitis B virus (HBV) mutants circulate in the southwestern region of the State of Paraná, Brazil, by analyzing samples from children who received immunoprophylaxis but were born to HBV carrier mothers. Samples from 25 children were screened for HBV serum markers and for HBV DNA by PCR. Only one sample was positive for HBsAg, anti-HBs and HBV DNA, although the child had been vaccinated. Analysis of the S gene sequence of this sample showed the presence of a proline at position 105, a serine at position 114, three threonines at positions 115, 116 and 140, and a glutamine at position 129. The presence of these amino acids, except for serine at position 114, has been related to monoclonal or polyclonal therapy with anti-HBs after liver transplantation, whereas the presence of threonine at position 116 has been described in immunized children from Singapore. This finding demonstrates the possible circulation of HBV strains resistant to hepatitis B immunoprophylaxis in southwestern Paraná, Brazil. The genotype of the sample was identified as genotype D, which is frequently found in the region studied. Since 36% of the children had received incomplete or no immunoprophylaxis, more extensive follow-up of children born to HBsAg-positive mothers is needed.
A infecção pelo virus da hepatite B apresenta amplo espectro de manifestações clínicas. Objetivando conhecer os genótipos do HBV mais prevalentes e determinar a ocorrência da mutação pré-core A-1896, em uma população da Amazônia oriental, correlacionando com o diagnóstico clínico, foram selecionados 51 pacientes portadores crônicos de HBsAg e HBV-DNA positivos e divididos em três grupos: grupo A (n=14, pacientes assintomáticos); grupo B (n=20, sintomáticos HBeAg positivos) e grupo C (n=17, sintomáticos HBeAg negativos), sendo usado o sequenciador automático ABI modelo 377 para identificação de genótipos e mutantes pré-core. Os resultados evidenciaram o genótipo A como o mais prevalente, 81,8%, 89,5% e 93,7%, nos grupos A, B e C, respectivamente. A mutação pré-core A-1896 foi encontrada em 11,5% (3/26), sendo todos assintomáticos. Concluiu-se que na população estudada o genótipo A foi o mais prevalente e houve baixa ocorrência do mutante pré-core A-1896, ambos não se constituindo fatores agravantes da doença hepática.
Com o objetivo de contribuir para um melhor conhecimento do envolvimento das infecções pelos vírus das hepatites B e C, na etioepidemiologia do CHC na Amazônia Oriental, estudou-se 36 pacientes em Belém-PA. Foram avaliados marcadores sorológicos e a pesquisa do HBV-DNA e HCV-RNA pela reação em cadeia da polimerase. Observou-se etilismo em 33,3% e cirrose em 83,3%. Marcadores sorológicos das infecções pelo HBV e HCV foram encontrados respectivamente em 88,9% e 8,3%. O HBsAg foi encontrado em 58,3%; anti-HBc em 86%; anti-HBe em 85,7; HBeAg em 9,5%; anti-HBc IgM em 57,1%. O HBV-DNA foi detectado em 37,7% e em 65% dos HBsAg positivos; o HCV-RNA em 8,5% e em 100% dos anti-HCV positivos. AFP esteve alterada em 88,9% e acima de 400ng/ml em 75% dos casos. Conclui-se que a infecção pelo HBV parece ter importância na etiologia do CHC e ressalta-se a importância de implementar programas de vacinação e detecção precoce do tumor.
Estima-se que existam 350 milhões de portadores crônicos do VHB distribuídos ao redor do mundo. Três fases de infecção crônica pelo VHB são reconhecidas: fase de imunotolerância (HBsAg e HBeAg positivos, altos títulos de HBV-DNA, ALT normal e não evidência de doença hepática ativa); fase imunoativa ou de hepatite crônica B (HBsAg e HBeAg positivos, altos títulos de HBV-DNA, ALT elevada e evidência de doença hepática ativa); fase de portador inativo do VHB ou assintomático (HBsAg no soro sem o HBeAg , títulos do HBV-DNA < 10(5) cópias p/ml, ALT normal). Hepatite crônica B é dividida em duas formas maiores: doença HBeAg positiva (VHB tipo selvagem); doença HBeAg negativa (pré-core, core promoter VHB variante). As duas formas podem evoluir para cirrose hepática, descompensação hepática e câncer hepático. A proposta deste artigo foi o de rever os principais aspectos da história natural da hepatite crônica B.
INTRODUCTION: Lamivudine is a nucleoside analogue that is used clinically for treating chronic hepatitis B infection. However, the main problem with prolonged use of lamivudine is the development of viral resistance to the treatment. Mutations in the YMDD motif of the hepatitis B virus DNA polymerase gene have been associated with resistance to drug therapy. So far, there have not been many studies in Brazil reporting on genotype-dependent development of resistance to lamivudine. Thus, the aim of the present study was to determine the possible correlation between a certain genotype and increased development of resistance to lamivudine among chronic hepatitis B patients. METHODS: HBV DNA in samples from 50 patients under lamivudine treatment was amplified by means of conventional PCR. Samples were collected at Hospital das Clínicas, FMRP-USP. The products were then sequenced and phylogenetic analysis was performed. RESULTS: Phylogenetic analysis revealed that 29 (58%) patients were infected with genotype D, 20 (40%) with genotype A and one (2%) with genotype F. Mutations in the YMDD motif occurred in 20% of the patients with genotype A and 27.6% of the patients with genotype D. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the small number of samples, our results indicated that mutations in the YMDD motif were 1.38 times more frequent in genotype D than in genotype A.
INTRODUCTION: This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of HBV infection and associated factors among prison inmates in Campo Grande, MS. METHODS: A total of 408 individuals were interviewed regarding sociodemographic characteristics, associated factors and HBV vaccination using a standardized questionnaire. Blood samples were collected from all participants and serological markers for HBV were detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) and/or antibodies against hepatitis B core antigen (anti-HBc) positive samples were tested for HBV-DNA by polymerase chain reaction. RESULTS: The overall prevalence of HBV infection was 17.9% (95%CI: 14.4-22.0). The HBsAg carrier rate was 0.5%; 56 (13.7%) individuals had been infected and developed natural immunity and 15 (3.7%) were positive for anti-HBc only. Ninety eight (24%) prisoners had only anti-HBs, suggesting that they had low vaccine coverage. An occult HBV infection rate of 0% was verified among anti-HBc-positive individuals. Multivariate analysis of associated factors showed that age > 35 years-old, low schooling level and illicit drug use are significantly associated with HBV infection. CONCLUSIONS: Analysis of the data showed HBV infection prevalence similar or slightly lower than that reported in other of Brazilian prisons. Independent predictors of HBV infection in this population include older age, low schooling level and illicit drug use.
INTRODUCTION: Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is a serious public health issue worldwide. Hepatitis B virus is classified into eight genotypes, varying from A to H, with distinct geographical distributions. In Brazil, the most frequent genotypes are A, D, and F. METHODS: This study aimed to characterize the HBV genotypes in cases of hepatitis B virus and hepatitis D virus (HDV) co-infections in an endemic area in the Western Brazilian Amazon. We analyzed 86 serum samples reactive for HBsAg from indigenous and non-indigenous populations obtained from previous serological surveys. RESULTS: Of the 86 reactive serum samples, 39 were found to be HBV-DNA-positive by semi-nested PCR. The genotypes were established by sequencing the amplified S gene region. We obtained 20 sequences classified into three genotypes: A, D, and F. Genotype A was the most frequent (60%), followed by D (35%) and F (5%). CONCLUSIONS: The distribution of the HBV genotypes reflected the pattern of historical occupation of the region.
INTRODUCTION: Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is one of the most serious public health problems in the world. In Brazil, HBV endemicity is heterogeneous, with the highest disease prevalence in the North region. METHODS: A total of 180 samples were analyzed and subjected to polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and semi-nested PCR of the HBV S-gene, with the aim of determining the prevalence of HBV-DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) in indigenous groups inhabiting the areas near the Curuçá and Itaquaí Rivers in the Javari Valley, State of Amazonas, Brazil. RESULTS: The prevalence of the HBV-DNA S-gene was 51.1% (92/180). The analysis found 18 of 49 (36.7%) samples from the Marubo tribe, 68 of 125 (54.4%) from the Kanamary, and 6 of 6 (100%) from other ethnic groups to be PCR positive. There was no statistically significant difference in gender at 5% (p=0.889). Indigenous people with positive PCR for HBV-DNA had a lower median age (p<0.001) of 23 years. There was no statistical difference found in relation to sources of contamination or clinical aspects with the PCR results, except for fever (p<0.001). The high prevalence of HBV-DNA of 75% (15/20) in pregnant women (p=0.009) demonstrates an association with vertical transmission. CONCLUSIONS: The results confirm the high prevalence of HBV-DNA in the Javari Valley, making it important to devise strategies for control and more effective prevention in combating the spread of HBV.
INTRODUCTION: Persistence of the hepatitis B virus (HBV) genome in individuals negative for the HBV surface antigen (HBsAg) reflects occult infection. The aim of this study was to identify occult HBV infection among hemodialysis patients at 5 clinics in Recife, State of Pernambuco, Brazil, between August 2006 and August 2007. METHODS: Serum samples underwent enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to investigate total antibodies against HBcAg (anti-HBc), HBsAg, and antibodies against HBsAg (anti-HBs). Samples that were HBsAg-negative were tested for total anti-HBc, and those that were positive for total anti-HBc were tested for anti-HBs. HBV DNA was investigated with an in-house PCR technique to identify samples positive for total anti-HBc. Subsequently, the samples positive for HBV DNA were sequenced to identify the genotype and mutations. RESULTS: The study population (n = 752) had a mean age of 50 15.1 years and included both sexes. All samples analyzed were negative for HBsAg. The seroprevalence of total anti-HBc was 26.7% (201/752), while that of anti-HBs was 67.2% (135/201). Total anti-HBc alone was detected in 5.7% of the patients. Occult infection was found in 1.5%, comprising genotypes A (33.3%, 1/3) and D (66.7%, 2/3). No mutations were found. CONCLUSIONS: The study detected occult hepatitis B virus infection in hemodialysis patients. Molecular studies on HBV are of fundamental importance because they identify patients that had been considered virus-negative but who, in reality, host the virus and have the ability to transmit it to other patients and staff.