65 resultados para Guinea-Bissau and Casamance Creole


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We had the opportunity to study 6 cases of the congenital form of toxoplasmosis, found in a series of 1200 necropsies of fetuses and newborn babies, realized at 3 different hospitals in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Among the 6 cases, 4 were premature babies liveborn at the 6th-8th gestational month and 2 were stillborn (1 premature and 1 at term). In all those cases, the diagnosis was based in the detection of the parasite in tissues and in one case it was even isolated the Toxoplasma from the necrotic material found in the cranial cavity. This strain of Toxoplasma, pathogenic to pigeons, to guinea pigs and to mice, is preserved by successive transfers in mice. Some facts observed in those cases present an interest not only strictly anatomic but also have certain value for the better acknowlegment of the disease. First, we want to call the attention to the presence of a sudden high fever, during or just before pregnancy in the 4 cases in which the maternal anamnesis was perfectly studied; this fever that was preceded by a normal beginning of pregnancy, had relatively rapid remission, but in 2 cases was immediately followed by uterine bleeding and premature delivery, although the puerperium had been apparently normal. It is known that are normal the subsequent children of the mothers that delivered a baby with toxoplasmosis and that several women have normal babies before the toxoplasmotic one. We believe that the fever observed in our cases could be indicative of the beginning of maternal infection and those are the reasons why we emphasize the need of careful anamnesis, specially in the cases actually diagnosed as inapparent infection. Another fact to notice is that in 5 of our cases the event premature delivery happened always between the 6th and the 8th months of pregnancy, and the only term fetus was delivered in advanced stage of maceration. The above mentioned facts could agree with the opinion of FRENKEL (1949), when he declared that "primary infection of the pregnant mother appears more likely to be the commoner mode of fetal toxoplasmic infection", but they would disagree with WEINMAN (1952) who believes that the transmission of Toxoplasma to the fetus is more frequent through a pregnant woman with chronic disease and who says "that infection contracted during pregnancy may and probably does happen from time to time"...Still in connection with the transmission of toxoplasmosis, we want to note the verification of inflammatory lesions in the placental villi and in the umbilical cord in 3 of the 4 cases in which such organs were examined at the microscope. In the case n. 1, we found several pseudocysts of Toxoplasma in the placenta, and the fibroblasts of Wharton's jelly were particularly rich in isolated forms and in colonies of Toxoplasma; the easy multiplication of the parasite in that tissue calls the attention and even suggests its utilisation for Toxoplasma's cultivation. The confirmation of Toxoplasma in human placenta was made only recently by CRISTEN et al. (1951) and by NEGHME et al. (1952), in Chile; it is not frequent in the literature, what gives some value to our present verification. Another observation was that provided by the case n. 6. This baby, a premature one of the 6th month, was 14 days old and-died with signs of respiratory disease, the causa mortis have been pneumonia. At the necropsy, we found no gross change that suggested toxoplasmosis, except the presence of some small necrotic focuses in the cerebral nervous substance around the ventricles. As a matter of fact, there was no enlargement of spleen or liver and neither leptomeningitis nor hydrocephalus. Such focuses were attributed to possible anoxia and in fact they are extremely similar to anoxial softenings, even when they are examined at the microscope; its structure composed of a central necrotic zone, surrounded by proliferated neuroglia and by a variable deposit of calcium salts, closely simulated the anoxial softenings, when the microscopical examination is based in the common histological preparations (hematoxilin-eosin, etc.). But when we examine preparations by the Giemsa or by the periodic acid-Schiff methods, we will note the presence of Toxoplasma, with its typical aspect or a little changed by degeneration. When we describe this observation, we wish to evidence the need of the search of Toxoplasma and closed parasites, in the cases of supposed pure anoxial softenings of nervous substance, in children. The frequency with which the congenital toxoplasmosis was anatomically verified should be emphasized, although the disease had not been clinically suspected, and it should be borne in mind that the second case of toxoplasmosis reported in the world was observed in Brazil by MAGARINOS TORRES; this case was the first to be described of the generalized congenital form of the infection, i. e. with myocardial lesions and parasites in skeletal muscles and skin.


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Interleukin 5 (IL-5) is a critical cytokine for the maturation of eosinophil precursors to eosinophils in the bone marrow and those eosinophils then accumulate in the lungs during asthma. We have studied anti IL-5 antibodies on allergic responses in mice, guinea pigs and monkeys and are extending this experiment into humans with a humanized antibody. In a monkey model of pulmonary inflammation and airway hyperreactivity, we found that the TRFK-5 antibody blocked both responses for three months following a single dose of 0.3 mg/kg, i.v. This antibody also blocked lung eosinophilia in mice by inhibiting release from the bone marrow. To facilitate multiple dosing and to reduce immunogenicity in humans, we prepared Sch 55700, a humanized antibody against IL-5. Sch 55700 was also active against lung eosinophilia in allergic monkeys and mice and against pulmonary eosinophilia and airway hyperresponsiveness in guinea pigs. Furthermore, as opposed to steroids, Sch 55700 did not cause immunosuppression in guinea pigs. Studies with this antibody in humans will be critical to establishing the therapeutic potential of IL-5 inhibition.


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Mycobacteria, specially Mycobacterium tuberculosis are among the micro-organisms that are increasing dramatically the number of infections with death, all over the world. A great number of animal experimental models have been proposed to investigate the mechanisms involved in the host response against these intracellular parasites. Studies of airway infection in guinea-pigs and rabbits, as well as, in mice intravenously infected with BCG have made an important contribution to our understanding of the virulence, pathogenesis and the immunology of mycobacterial infections. Although, there are few models to study the mechanisms of the initial inflammatory process induced by the first contact with the Mycobacteria, and the relevance of the acute generation of inflammatory mediators, cytokines and leukocyte infiltration to the development of the mycobacterial infection. In this work we reviewed our results obtained with a model of M. bovis BCG-induced pleurisy in mice, describing the mechanisms involved in the leukocyte influx induced by BCG at 24 hr. Different mechanisms appear to be related with the influx of neutrophils, eosinophils and mononuclear cells and distinct inflammatory mediators, cytokines and adhesion molecules are involved in the BCG-induced cell accumulation.


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The excavations of Chiribaya culture sites in the Osmore drainage of southern Peru focused on the recovery of information about prehistoric disease, including parasitism. The archaeologists excavated human, dog, guinea pig, and llama mummies. These mummies were analyzed for internal and external parasites. The results of the analysis and reconstruction of prehistoric life from the excavations allows us to interpret the pathoecology of the Chiribaya culture.


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Observational studies on the humoural immune responses of the Warao indigenous people from Delta Amacuro, an isolated area, were compared with urban residents of the Venezuelan capital. Mycobacterium tuberculosis-specific reactivities (IgM, IgE, sIgA, IgG and IgG subclasses) were measured by ELISA using PPD and 38-kDa M. tuberculosis antigens. A total of 294 individuals were studied, 162 Warao (indigenous people) and 132 Creole (non-indigenous people). The patient group consisted of 87 Warao patients and 58 Creole patients, while the control group consisted of 75 Warao controls and 74 Creole controls. Combinations among the isotypes studied were performed. The findings showed that for the Warao people, sensitivity to the combination including anti-PPD IgG and IgE was 92.0%, while for the Creole people, sensitivity to the combination including anti-PPD IgG but more so anti-PPD IgG1 and IgG2 was 90.0%. Simple tests were able to show higher specificities, which were population-specific; specificities were anti-PPD IgG3, 100.0% and anti-PPD IgM, 97.4% for the Warao and Creole peoples, respectively. In conclusion, while simple tests reached high specificity, the multi-isotype tests improved sensitivity; the latter shows this approach may be useful in diagnostic testing.


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Movement of transmigrants and livestock from western Indonesia to southeastern areas of Irian Jaya near the border with Papua New Guinea may pose a risk of introducing Trypanosoma evansi into Papua New Guinea via feral Rusa deer (Cervus timorensis russa) and wild pigs which inhabit these areas in large numbers. Pilot experimental studies were conducted to observe infection in pigs and Rusa deer with a strain of T. evansi isolated in Indonesia. Parasitaemia and signs of clinical disease were monitored each second day for 120 days. Trypanosomes were observed in haematocrit tubes at the plasma-buffy coat interface of jugular blood of deer and pigs on 86% and 37% of sampling occasions respectively. Parasitaemia was at a high level in deer for 35% of the time but for only 11.5% of the time in pigs. Results indicate that both Rusa deer and pigs have a high tolerance for infection with T. evansi. The deer suffered mild anaemia evidenced by a 25% reduction in packed cell volume (PCV) 14 days after infection which coincided with the initial peak in parasitaemia. However, PCV had returned to pre infection values by the end of the experiment. The pigs showed no change in PCV. There were no visual indications of disease in either species and appetite was not noticeably affected. It was concluded that both Rusa deer and pigs were capable reservoir hosts for T. evansi but that Rusa deer, with their more persistent higher levels of parasitaemia, have more potential to spread T. evansi into Papua New Guinea from West Irian than pigs.


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The protein profiles of the New Guinea "C" dengue virus type 2 (DENV-2)prototype and those of a Brazilian DENV-2 isolated in the State of Rio de Janeiro in 1995 were compared. SDS-PAGE analysis showed that the virus from Rio de Janeiro expresses NS5 (93.0 kDa), NS3 (66.8 kDa) E (62.4 kDa) and NS1 (41.2 kDa) proteins differently from the New Guinea "C" virus. The immunoblot revealed specificity and antigenicity for the NS3 protein from DENV-2 Rio de Janeiro mainly in primary infections, convalescent cases, and in secondary infections in both cases and only antigenicity for E and NS1 proteins for both viruses in primary and secondary infections.


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Chagas disease, which is caused by Trypanosoma cruzi, affects nearly 16 million people in Latin America and causes 75-90 million people to be at risk of infection. The disease is urbanizing and globalizing due to frequent migrations. There are regions of high prevalence of infection, including the north-eastern provinces of Argentina and the entire phytogeographic region known as the Gran Chaco. In the province of Chaco, Argentina, there are places inhabited by native populations such as the Wichi and Toba communities, among others. Many Creole populations resulting from miscegenation with European colonists and immigrants coexist within these communities. It has been widely accepted that in the chronic phase of the disease, between 25-30% of individuals develop some form of cardiac disease, with the right bundle-branch block being the most typical condition described so far. The aim of this work was to study the prevalence of Chagas infection and its electrocardiographic profile in the Wichi and Creole populations of Misión Nueva Pompeya, in the area known as Monte Impenetrable in Chaco, to determine the prevalence and the pattern of heart diseases produced by Chagas disease in this region.


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Nitrogen and K deficiency are among the most yield limiting factors in Brazilian pastures. The lack of these nutrients can hamper the chlorophyll biosynthesis and N content in plant tissues. A greenhouse experiment was carried out to evaluate the relationship among N and K concentrations, the indirect determination of chlorophyll content (SPAD readings), nitrate reductase activity (RNO3-) in newly expanded leaf lamina (NL) and the dry matter yield for plant tops of Mombaça grass (Panicum maximum Jacq.). A fractionated 5² factorial design was used, with 13 combinations of N and K rates in the nutrient solution. The experimental units were arranged in a randomized block design, with four replications. Plants were harvested twice. The first harvest occurred 36 days after seedling transplanting and the second 29 days after the first. Significance occurred for the interaction between the N and K rates to SPAD readings and to RNO3- assessment taken on the NL during the first growth. Besides, RNO3- and SPAD readings increased only with the NL N concentration, reaching the highest values of both variables up to about 25 g kg-1, but were ratively constant at higher leaf N. Significant relationships either between SPAD readings or RNO3- activity and shoot dry mass weight were also observed. The critical levels of N concentration in the NL were, respectively, 22 and 17g kg-1 in the first and second harvest. Thus, SPAD instrument and RNO3- assessment can be used as complementary tools to evaluate the N status in forage grass.


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The main scope of this work was to detect (Panicum maximum Jacq.) genotype differences as to morphoagronomic and seed quality indices, and to establish character correlations useful for determining vegetative and reproductive trends. Besides the flowering cycle, eight phenological and two seed quality traits were scored in a greenhouse randomized complete block experiment, as follows: plant height (PH), reproductive tiller number/overall tiller number (RTN/OTN), panicle number/reproductive tillers (PN/RT), leaf length (LL), leaf width (LW), panicle length (PL), fresh weight (FW), dry weight (DW), number of seeds/g (NS/G) and seed sample physical purity (SPP). Very-early and early-flowering hybrids consistently showed the highest correlation values among flowering cycle and RTN/OTN (r = -0.59**), PN/RT (r = -0.48**), NS/G (r = -0.88**) and SPP (r = -0.80**) (reproductive parameters) while intermediate and late-flowering hybrids presented the highest values for LL (r = 0.53**), LW (r = 0.60**), PL (r = 0.77**), FW (r = 0.78**) and DW (r = 0.85**) (vegetative traits). The implications of these results for plant breeding and forage management purposes are discussed.


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The phytochemical investigation of Bakeridesia pickelii Monteiro led to the isolation of seven compounds: beta-sitosterol, a mixture of sitosteryl-3-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside and stigmasteryl-3-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside, vanillic acid, p-coumaric acid, quercetin 3-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside (isoquercitrin) and kaempferol-3-O-beta-D-(6"-E-p -coumaroyl) glucopyranoside (tiliroside), which was isolated as the major component. Their structures were elucidated on the basis of spectroscopic data such as IR, ¹H and 13C NMR, including two-dimensional techniques. Tiliroside relaxed the guinea-pig ileum pre-contracted with KCl 40 mM (EC50 = 9.5 ± 1.0 x 10-5 M), acetylcholine 10-6 M (EC50 = 2.3 ± 0.9 x 10-5 M) or histamine 10-6 M (EC50 = 4.1 ± 1.0 x 10-5 M) in a concentration-dependent manner.


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Gene frequencies at the k-casein locus were estimated in six different herds (N = 180) of Argentinean Creole cattle. The results showed a strong influence of subdivision and independent evolution on the divergence of the observed gene frequencies. These results suggest that the population structure of these herds favor the maintenance of polymorphism, which is of crucial importance for the long-time survival of populations.


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Tx1, a neurotoxin isolated from the venom of the South American spider Phoneutria nigriventer, produces tail elevation, behavioral excitation and spastic paralysis of the hind limbs after intracerebroventricular injection in mice. Since Tx1 contracts isolated guinea pig ileum, we have investigated the effect of this toxin on acetylcholine release, as well as its binding to myenteric plexus-longitudinal muscle membranes from the guinea pig ileum. [125I]-Tx1 binds specifically and with high affinity (Kd = 0.36 ± 0.02 nM) to a single, non-interacting (nH = 1.1), low capacity (Bmax 1.1 pmol/mg protein) binding site. In competition experiments using several compounds (including ion channel ligands), only PhTx2 and PhTx3 competed with [125I]-Tx1 for specific binding sites (K0.5 apparent = 7.50 x 10-4 g/l and 1.85 x 10-5 g/l, respectively). PhTx2 and PhTx3, fractions from P. nigriventer venom, contain toxins acting on sodium and calcium channels, respectively. However, the neurotoxin PhTx2-6, one of the isoforms found in the PhTx2 pool, did not affect [125I]-Tx1 binding. Tx1 reduced the [3H]-ACh release evoked by the PhTx2 pool by 33%, but did not affect basal or KCl-induced [3H]-ACh release. Based on these results, as well as on the homology of Tx1 with toxins acting on calcium channels (w-Aga IA and IB) and its competition with [125I]-w-Cono GVIA in the central nervous system, we suggest that the target site for Tx1 may be calcium channels.


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We examined some of the mechanisms by which the aspirin metabolite and the naturally occurring metabolite gentisic acid induced relaxation of the guinea pig trachea in vitro. In preparations with or without epithelium and contracted by histamine, gentisic acid caused concentration-dependent and reproducible relaxation, with mean EC50 values of 18 µM and Emax of 100% (N = 10) or 20 µM and Emax of 92% (N = 10), respectively. The relaxation caused by gentisic acid was of slow onset in comparison to that caused by norepinephrine, theophylline or vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP). The relative rank order of potency was: salbutamol 7.9 > VIP 7.0 > gentisic acid 4.7 > theophylline 3.7. Gentisic acid-induced relaxation was markedly reduced (24 ± 7.0, 43 ± 3.9 and 78 ± 5.6%) in preparations with elevated potassium concentration in the medium (20, 40 or 80 mM, respectively). Tetraethylammonium (100 µM), a nonselective blocker of the potassium channels, partially inhibited the relaxation response to gentisic acid, while 4-AP (10 µM), a blocker of the voltage potassium channel, inhibited gentisic acid-induced relaxation by 41 ± 12%. Glibenclamide (1 or 3 µM), at a concentration which markedly inhibited the relaxation induced by the opener of ATP-sensitive K+ channels, levcromakalim, had no effect on the relaxation induced by gentisic acid. Charybdotoxin (0.1 or 0.3 µM), a selective blocker of the large-conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channels, caused rightward shifts (6- and 7-fold) of the gentisic acid concentration-relaxation curve. L-N G-nitroarginine (100 µM), a NO synthase inhibitor, had no effect on the relaxant effect of gentisic acid, and caused a slight displacement to the right in the relaxant effect of the gentisic acid curve at 300 µM, while methylene blue (10 or 30 µM) or ODQ (1 µM), the inhibitors of soluble guanylate cyclase, all failed to affect gentisic acid-induced relaxation. D-P-Cl-Phe6,Leu17[VIP] (0.1 µM), a VIP receptor antagonist, significantly inhibited (37 ± 7%) relaxation induced by gentisic acid, whereas CGRP (8-37) (0.1 µM), a CGRP antagonist, only slightly enhanced the action of gentisic acid. Taken together, these results provide functional evidence for the direct activation of voltage and large-conductance Ca+2-activated K+ channels, or indirect modulation of potassium channels induced by VIP receptors and accounts for the predominant relaxation response caused by gentisic acid in the guinea pig trachea.


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In several rodent species, an increase or recovery of sexual behavior can be observed when sexually satiated males are placed in contact with a novel mate. In order to assess the influence of female novelty on the courtship behavior of guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus), four adult males were observed during four daily 15-min sessions while interacting with the same pregnant female (same-female sessions). A new female was presented during the fifth session (switched-female session). The duration of behavioral categories was obtained from videotape records using an observational software. From the first to the second session, all males decreased the time allocated to investigating (sniffing and licking), following, and mounting the female, and that response did not recover by the end of the same-female sessions. No similar decreasing tendencies were detected in the circling or rumba categories. A marked increase of investigating occurred in all males from the last same-female session (8.1, 11.9, 15.1 and 17.3 percent session time) to the switched-female one (16.4, 18.4, 37.1 and 28.9 percent session time, respectively). Increases in following and circling were recorded in three of four males, and full-blown recovery of mounting in one male. No consistent changes in the females' responses to males (following or attacking) were observed throughout testing. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that guinea pig males recognize individual females and that courtship responses may suffer a habituation/recovery process controlled by mate novelty.