29 resultados para Grohmann, Alexis
Objetivo: Fornecer uma revisão atualizada em língua portuguesa sobre a síndrome de Angelman, com ênfase nos mecanismos genéticos e moleculares dessa patologia, uma causa de deficiência mental severa que em alguns casos pode apresentar recorrência familiar. Método: Foi feita uma revisão bibliográfica utilizando a base de dados do PubMed, tendo como critérios de busca o termo "Angelman syndrome" isoladamente e combinado com "UBE3A", "clinical", "genetics" e "molecular" no título dos artigos. Dentre esses, foram selecionados artigos de revisão e artigos originais sobre a fisiopatologia da síndrome, com ênfase nos últimos dez anos. Resultados: Utilizando-se "Angelman syndrome" na busca, apareceram cerca de 1.100 artigos, incluindo 240 de revisão. Nos últimos dez anos são mais de 600 artigos, aproximadamente 120 de revisão, 50% dos quais publicados nos últimos cinco anos. Na base de dados SciELO, são apenas nove artigos sobre a síndrome, dos quais três em português e nenhum artigo atual de revisão. Conclusão: Após ter sido uma das principais causas que atraíram atenção ao estudo e ao entendimento dos mecanismos do imprinting genômico, a síndrome de Angelman está agora se revelando como uma patologia das sinapses. Apesar de o entendimento da fisiopatologia molecular da síndrome de Angelman ainda estar longe de ser compreendida, seu estudo está fornecendo uma visão extraordinária sobre os mecanismos que regem a plasticidade sináptica, novamente atraindo a atenção de pesquisadores que trabalham na fronteira do conhecimento.
FUNDAMENTO: A escassez de dados sobre a obesidade infantil e o risco cardiovascular no Brasil. OBJETIVO: Determinar a prevalência de hipertensão, dislipidemia, obesidade e suas correlações em uma amostra de escolares de Itapetininga-SP. MÉTODOS: Corte transversal com coleta sistematizada de dados antropométricos (peso, altura, cintura, índice de massa corporal e níveis pressóricos) e dosagens de glicose, colesterol (total e frações), ácido úrico e apolipoproteina A e B, em uma amostra aleatória, representativa de escolares da rede pública de Itapetininga-SP. Análise dos dados utilizando parâmetros populacionais das curvas do NCHS(2000), categorias de pressão arterial do NHBPEP(2004) e categorias dos níveis séricos de colesterol propostos pela AHA para crianças e adolescentes(2003). RESULTADOS: Um total de 494 crianças e adolescentes participaram do estudo. Dos participantes, 11,7% apresentaram HAS, 51% apresentaram aumento do colesterol total, 40,5% apresentaram aumento do LDL-colesterol, 8,5% apresentaram aumento dos triglicérides e 6,1% tiveram valores baixos de HDL-colesterol. As médias (±desvio padrão) do CT, HDL-colesterol, LDL-colesterol e triglicérides foram respectivamente 172,1(27,9), 48,1(10,0), 105,7(23,1) e 90,9(43,8). A obesidade e o sobrepeso foram detectados em 12,8% e 9,7% da amostra, sendo que a obesidade determinou uma maior chance de se detectar a dislipidemia e a hipertensão quando comparada com os demais grupos. CONCLUSÃO: Este estudo fornece subsídios para a hipótese de uma distinta prevalência de excesso de peso entre escolares da rede pública das regiões nordeste e sudeste, maior nesta última. Adicionalmente, demonstra uma associação da obesidade com a dislipidemia e a hipertensão naquele grupo. Diante da incipiência de dados no Brasil sobre a questão estudada, o nosso trabalho fornece dados importantes para futuras comparações.
During six consecutive months, sampling were made at three points located on Governador Island and three on Paquetá Island in Guanabara Bay, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Material was collected from dock pilings and rocks in the intertidal zone. In these samples, five species belonging to three families, Corynidae, Kirchenpaueriidae and Campanulariidae, were identified. The campanulariid species Obelia dichotoma Linnaeus, 1758, dominated at nearly all points sampled. The small number of species obtained in this survey is attributed to the intense pollution in the bay, which borders the second-largest industrial complex and the second-largest demographic center of Brazil.
Fifteen albino (Sprague Dawley) rats with subcutaneous transplanted fibromas was used in the present study. The tumour was formed by typical fibroblasts in a dense collagen matrix and was provenient from a fibroma that appeared spontaneously in an albino rat of the same strain. Ultrastructurally collagen disclosed normal periodicity and the fibroblasts showed irregular notched nuclei with irregular distribution of chromatin, that suggests transitional aspects to fibrosarcoma. The 15 animals, from different passage groups, were divided into: 8 animals submitted to treatment with the drug acexamic acid (CY-168F) - N acetyl-amino-6-hexanoic acid (plastenan) and 7 untreated control animals. Three of the treated animals showed a malignant transformation to fibrosarcoma. transitional histological features from typical fibroma to highly indifferentiated fibrosarcoma could be detected in come animal subjected to repeated biopsies. Ultrastructural study disclosed nuclear alterations and hyperactive ergastoplasm and collagen containing inclusions into the cytoplasm of fibroblasts. In the group of 7 untreated naimals, no malignant transformation could be detected histologically. Two aspects deserve attention: the malignant potential of a typical fibroma and the apparent effect of an antifibrosing drug in inducing malignization of this tumour.
In an attempt to define the mouse-model for chronic Chagas' disease, a serological, histopathological and ultrastructural study as well as immunotyping of myocardium collagenic matrix were performed on Swiss mice, chronically infected with Trypanosoma cruzi strains: 21 SF and mambaí (Type II); PMN and Bolivia (Type III), spontaneously surviving after 154 to 468 days of infection. Haemagglutination and indirect immunofluorescence tests showed high titres of specific antibodies. The ultrastructural study disclosed the cellular constitution of the inflammatory infiltrate showing the predominance of monocytes, macrophages with intense phagocytic activity, fibroblasts, myofibroblasts and abundant collagen matrix suggesting the association of the inflammatory process with fibrogenesis in chronic chagasic cardiomyopathy. Artertolar and blood capillary alterations together with dissociation of cardiac cells from the capillary wall by edema and inflammation were related to ultrastructural lesions of myocardial cells. Rupture of parasitized cardiac myocells contribute to intensify the inflammatory process in focal areas. Collagen immunotyping showed the predominance of Types III and IV collagen. Collagen degradation and phagocytosis were present suggesting a reversibility of the fibrous process. The mouse model seems to be valuable in the study of the pathogenetic mechanisms in Chagas cardiomyopathy, providing that T. cruzi strains of low virulence and high pathogenecity are used.
In recent years, one of the most significant progress in the understanding of liver diseases was the demonstration that liver fibrosis is a dynamic process resulting from a balance between synthesis and degradation of several matrix components, collagen in particular. Thus, fibrosis has been found to be a very early event during liver diseases, be it of toxic, viral or parasitic origin, and to be spontaneously reversible, either partially or totally. In liver fibrosis cell matrix interactions are dependent on the existence of the many factors (sometimes acting in combination) which produce the same events at the cellular and molecular levels. These events are: (i) the recruitment of fiber-producing cells, (ii) their proliferation, (iii) the secretion of matrix constituents of the extracellular matrix, and (iv) the remodeling and degradation of the newly formed matrix. All these events represent, at least in principle, a target for a therapeutic intervention aimed at influencing the experimentally induced hepatic fibrosis. In this context, hepatosplenic schistosomiasis is of particular interest, being an immune cell-mediated granulomatous disease and a model of liver fibrosis allowing extensive studies in human and animals as well as providing original in vitro models.
This investigation was performed to verify the effect of specific chemotherapy (Benznidazole or MK-346) on the inflammatory and fibrotic cardiac alterations in mice chronically infected with the strains 21 SF (Type II) and Colombian (Type III) of Trypanosoma cruzi. To obtain chronically infected mice, two groups of 100 Swiss mice each, were infected with either the 21 SF or the Colombian strain (2x 10 [raised to the power of] 4 and 5x 10 [raised to the power of] 4 blood forms respectively). The rate of morality in the acute phase was of 80% for both groups. Twenty surviving mice chronically infected with the 21 SF strain and 20 with the Colombian strain were then divided in treated and untreated groups. Excluding those that died during the course of treatment, 14 mice chronically infected with the 21 SF strain and 15 with the Colombian strain were evaluated in the present study. Chemotherapy was performed with Benznidazole (N-benzil-2-nitro-1-imidazolacetamide) in the dose of 100mg/k.b.w/day, for 60 days, or with the MK-436(3(1-methyl-5 nitroimidazol-2-yl) in two daily doses of 250 mg/k.b.w, for 20 days. Parasitological cure tests were performed (xenodiagnosis, haemoculture, subinovulation of the blood into newborn mice), and serological indirect immunofluorescence test. The treated and untreated mice as well as intact controls were killed at different periods after treatment and the heart were submitted to histopathological study with hematoxilineosin and picrosirius staining; ultrastructural study; collagen immunotyping, fibronectin and laminin identification by immunofluorescence tests. Results: the untreated controls either infected with 21 SF or Colombian strain, showed inflammatory and fibrotic alterations that were mild to moderate with the 21 SF strain and intense with the Colombian strain. Redpicrosirius staining showed bundles of collagen in the interstitial space and around cardiac fibers. Increased deposits of mitritial components and collagen fibers, macrophages and fibroblasts appeared at the ultra structural examination. Deposits of fibronectin, laminin, pro-III and IV collagens were seen, most intense in those infected with the Colombian strain. Treated nice, parasitologically cured, presented clear-cut regression of the inflammatory lesions and of the interstitial matrix thickening. Mice infected with the Colombian strain and treated with MK-436, was parasitologically cured in 5/6 cases and showed mild inflammatory infiltration and fibrosis. The mice treated with Benznidazole (Colombian strain) did not cure and showed moderate fibrosis and inflammation. Treatment of the nice infected with the 21 SF with Benznidazole determined parasitological cure of all animals, that showed mild inflammation and fibrosis of the myocardium. The cured mice of all groups and treated but uncured showed collagen degradation at electronmicroscopy and decrease of immunofluorescence pattern of the matrix.
We studied hantavirus seroprevalence and virus variability in rodent populations in Diego Gaynor, northwest of Buenos Aires province, Argentina. Rodent samplings were conducted in railroads and cropfield borders in March and July 1999, September and December 2000, and March 2001. Antibody detection was performed by an enzyme link immunosorbent assay (ELISA), using the recombinant nucleoprotein of Andes (AND) virus as antigen. Tissue samples were taken from positive antibody individuals in order to confirm the presence of hantavirus genomic material and to identify virus genotypes. Akodon azarae was the most abundant species, followed by Oligoryzomys flavescens, while Calomys laucha and C. musculinus were rarely caught. We found a rate of seroprevalence of 9.3% for a total sample of 291 A. azarae and 13.5% for 37 O. flavescens. After molecular analyses of hantavirus, we confirmed the presence of hantavirus genomic material in 16 individuals with ELISA (+) results and two individuals with ELISA (-). Four amplimers for each species were sequenced and compared to the corresponding sequences of representative hantaviruses. We identified the AND Cent Lec from three O. flavescens, and the Pergamino virus from four A. azarae and from one O. flavescens. A. azarae males had higher seroprevalence than females, and heavier individuals showed higher seroprevalence than lighter ones. We did not find seroprevalence differences according to sex in O. flavescens, although this result may have been produced by the low sample size. The lowest seroprevalence was found in a period of high rodent density, when juveniles prevailed in the population. We found higher seroprevalences than those detected in previous studies for other localities of central Argentina where cases of hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS) have been reported. The presence of AND Cent Lec virus in rodent populations of the study area, which is responsible of HPS cases in central Argentina, suggests that human populations are at risk of HPS disease, although there were not reported cases of this disease until today.
Trypanosoma cruzi expresses mucin like glycoproteins encoded by a complex multigene family. In this work, we report the transcription in T. cruzi but not in T. rangeli of a mucin type gene automatically annotated by the T. cruzi genome project. The gene showed no nucleotide similarities with the previously reported T. cruzi mucin like genes, although the computational analysis of the deduced protein showed that it has the characteristic features of mucins: a signal peptide sequence, O-glycosylation sites, and glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor sequence. The presence in this gene of N- terminal and C- terminal coding sequences common to other annotated mucin like genes suggests the existence of a new mucin like gene family.
This paper examines the synergism among diet, disease, and ecology at two related coastal Maya sites in Belize (Marco Gonzalez and San Pedro) for the Postclassic and Historic periods (1350-1650 AD), which immediately follow the Classic period collapse. Stable carbon- and nitrogen-isotope ratios in collagen and stable carbon-isotope ratios in structural carbonate were analysed for bones from 65 humans and a wide variety of faunal species. There are no apparent differences in whole diets or degree of carnivory between individuals with lesions indicative of anemia and those without, but those with lesions appear to have consumed significantly more C4 foods and protein from lower trophic levels. Non-specific infection (periostitis) and vitamin C deficiency (scurvy) are also present in high frequencies and appear to co-occur with lesions indicative of anemia, particularly in childhood. Individuals with scurvy also appear to have consumed significantly more C4 foods than normal individuals. Spondyloarthropathy is common in adults. These findings are discussed in light of: (1) the debate on how anemia versus scurvy are manifest and diagnosed, (2) Spanish ethnohistoric descriptions of the poor state of Maya health at the time of contact, and (3) the Osteological Paradox. We suggest that although this coastal environment exacerbated morbidity because of possible parasitic infection, the inhabitants were probably able to survive physiological stresses better than either their inland contemporaries or their modern counterparts.
The effectiveness of methylene blue (MB) combined with pyrimethamine (PYR), chloroquine (CQ) or quinine (Q) was examined in a classical four-day suppressive test against a causative agent of rodent malaria, Plasmodium berghei. A marked potentiation was observed when MB was administered at a non-curative dose of 15 mg/kg/day in combination with PYR (0.19 mg/kg/day) or Q (25 mg/kg/day). No synergy was found between MB (15 mg/Kg) and CQ (0.75 mg/Kg). Our results suggest that the combination of MB with PYR or Q may improve the efficacy of these currently used antimalarial drugs.
Solos tropicais são geralmente considerados altamente intemperizados, o que é atribuído às condições climáticas de altas temperaturas e precipitação pluvial. Entretanto, no ambiente de Mar de Morros, a intensidade dos processos pedogenéticos pode ser alterada pela remoção de material, em consequência do relevo movimentado, rejuvenescendo as superfícies. Este trabalho teve como objetivos caracterizar e classificar solos, formados a partir de muscovita-biotita gnaisse, em uma topossequência em Pinheiral (RJ). Os perfis localizam-se nos seguintes pontos da topossequência: (P1) topo de elevação, (P2) terço superior, (P3) terço médio, (P4) terço inferior e (P5) em área plana de várzea. Os perfis foram descritos, caracterizados e classificados segundo o Sistema Brasileiro de Classificação de Solos (SiBCS). As características edáficas que se destacaram foram: relação silte/argila; valor V %; valor T; ki; mineralogia da fração argila; e formas de Fe pedogênicas de alta cristalinidade (Fed). Ao longo da topossequência encontrou-se Cambissolo Háplico Tb distrófico típico no topo e no terço médio da topossequência. No terço superior foi identificado um Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo distrófico típico e, no terço inferior, um Argissolo Amarelo eutrófico típico. Já na área plana de várzea foi observado um Gleissolo Háplico Tb distrófico típico. O relevo e o material de origem gnáissico estratificado foram os principais fatores que alteram a pedogênese.
A mosca-minadora é a principal praga do cultivo do melão no Nordeste brasileiro. Dentro de um programa do manejo integrado de pragas, o uso de resistência genética é um método de fácil adoção, ecológico e que proporciona a redução dos custos com aplicação de defensivos. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar a resistência de acessos de meloeiro à mosca-minadora. Vinte e dois acessos e três híbridos foram avaliados em casadevegetação e em dois experimentos conduzidos em condições de campo. Em casa de vegetação, os acessos foram avaliados com chance de escolha para as características número de larvas, número de pupários e número de moscas em um delineamento em látice, com cinco repetições. Em condições de campo, os acessos foram avaliados em dois experimentos conduzidos nos anos de 2009 e 2010, no delineamento em blocos completos casualizados, com três repetições. Contabilizou-se o número de minas por folha. Há variabilidade entre os acessos de meloeiro para resistência à mosca-minadora nos acessos avaliados. O acesso AC-22 é o mais promissor como fonte de resistência à mosca- minadora nas avaliações em campo e casa de vegetação, seguido do acesso AC-10. Os demais acessos são suscetíveis.
RESUMOA utilização de métodos de inoculação constitui uma medida estratégica no estudo de resistência das cucurbitáceas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar dois métodos de inoculação de Rhizoctonia solani e Macrophomina phaseolina em meloeiro, visando o estudo de resistência. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação na Universidade Federal Rural do Semiárido, em Mossoró-RN, Brasil. Foram avaliados 05 acessos: A-09, A-16, A-18, A-22 e A-33 para R. solani e A-09, A-16, A-24, MR-1 e 'Olimpic' para M. phaseolina. Foram estudados os métodos areno-orgânico e palito de dente. Utilizou-se o delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com 5 repetições. Os isolados utilizados foram: Me 242, Me 243, Me 244 de R. Solani e I-248, I-249 e I-250 de M. phaseolina. Os acessos de meloeiro foram avaliados quanto à severidade da doença por uma escala de nota de 1 a 5. O método do palito de dente foi o mais eficiente em discriminar acessos de melão resistentes e suscetíveis e os isolados de R. solani e M. phaseolina quanto à virulência.