90 resultados para Graves family.
OBJECTIVE To analyze the prevalence of depression in older adults and associated factors. METHODS Cross-sectional study using a stratified random sample of 621 individuals aged ≥ 60 from 27 family health teams in Porto Alegre, RS, Southern Brazil, between 2010 and 2012. Community health agents measured depression using the 15-item Geriatric Depression Scale. Scores of ≥ 6 were considered as depression and between 11 and 15 as severe depression. Poisson regression was used to search for independent associations of sociodemographic and self-perceived health with both depression and its severity. RESULTS The prevalence of depression was 30.6% and was significantly higher in women (35.9% women versus 20.9% men, p < 0.001). The variables independently associated with depression were: female gender (PR = 1.4, 95%CI 1.1;1.8); low education, especially illiteracy (PR = 1.8, 95%CI 1.2;2 6); regular self-rated health (OR = 2.2, 95%CI 1.6;3.0); and poor/very poor self-rated health (PR = 4.0, 95%CI 2.9;5.5). Except for education, the strength of association of these factors increases significantly in severe depression. CONCLUSIONS A high prevalence of depression was observed in the evaluations conducted by community health agents, professionals who are not highly specialized. The findings identified using the 15-item Geriatric Depression Scale in this way are similar to those in the literature, with depression more associated with low education, female gender and worse self-rated health. From a primary health care strategic point of view, the findings become still more relevant, indicating that community health agents could play an important role in identifying depression in older adults.
Avaliou-se a eficácia do fluconazol no tratamento de infecções fúngicas em 108 pacientes imunocomprometidos. As doses iniciais variaram de 50 a mais de 400 mg/dia. Dos 108 pacientes, 57 (52,8%) tinham criptococose, 45 (41,7%) candidíase e 6 (5,5%) outras infecções fúngicas, sendo que 66,6% dos pacientes eram portadores de AIDS. Dos 57 pacientes com criptococose houve acometimento do SNC em 52 (91,2%); 39 de 43 pacientes com criptococose (90,7%) e 36 de 39 dos portadores de candidíase (92,3%) curaram ou tiveram boa evolução clínica. A erradicação do fungo ocorreu em 19 de 30 casos com criptococose (63,3%) e em 21 de 26 casos com candidíase (80,7%) que puderam ser avaliados. Onze dos 108 pacientes (10,2%) apresentaram reações adversas,principalmente gastrintestinais de pequena intensidade, porém um paciente apresentou envolvimento hepático na vigência de terapêutica com fluconazol. Conclui-se que o fluconazol é droga eficaz e de baixa toxicidade para tratar criptococose e candidíase, constituindo-se boa alternativa à terapêutica convencional com anfotericina B.
The studied family showed the presence of four different types of hemoglobin. The family member who gave rise to this study (=propositus) presented Hb C and the hybrid Hb CG-phila. The propositus has three children, all of which have Hb AC; none of the family members showed any clinical symptoms. The investigation of the hemoglobin arose from the finding of target red cells in a blood test done during the pre-operatory examination for lower limb varicose vein stripping. The hybrid Hb CG-phila is due to two gene pairs, each of which with individual expression, determining the synthesis and the particular type subunits. The hybrid Hb CG-phila is formed by the combination velocity of the subunits alpha2G-philabeta2; therefore the proportion of the hybrid Hb CG-phila is lower than Hb G-phila and Hb C. The identification and molecular characterization of Hb G-phila showed the position alpha268 Asn->Lys beta2 and Hb C showed alpha2beta26 Glu->Lys.
The authors observed an injury caused by the sting of a false tocandira ant in the hand of an amateur fisherman and they describe the clinical findings and the evolution of the envenoming, which presented an acute and violent pain, cold sweating, nausea, a vomiting episode, malaise, tachycardia and left axillary's lymphadenopathy. About three hours after the accident, still feeling intense pain in the place of the sting, he presented an episode of great amount of blood in the feces with no history of digestive, hematological or vascular problems. The intense pain decreased after eight hours, but the place stayed moderately painful for about 24 hours. In that moment, he presented small grade of local edema and erythema. The authors still present the folkloric, pharmacological and clinical aspects related to the tocandiras stings, a very interesting family of ants, which presents the largest and more venomous ants of the world.
São apresentados 6 casos graves da síndrome de Weil. Especial atenção é dada aos 2 primeiros pacientes, desde que em ambos houve confusão inicialmente com quadros abdominais agudos de caráter cirúrgico ao lado de quadro de choque no início da sintomatologia. Um deles apresentou posteriormente na evolução hemorragia digestiva fulminante e incoercível responsável pela evolução fatal. Nos 4 restantes o quadro clínico foi dominado pela icterícia geralmente severa, insuficiência renal aguda, manifestações neuropsíquicas, necessitando todos êles terapêutica pela diálise peritoneal, ao lado de outros recursos terapêuticos que poderão ser usados nestas formas graves. Atenção também é despertada no sentido de enquadramento sistemático das leptospiroses no diagnóstico diferencial das icterícias, desde que são freqüentes entre nós.
In this paper we present a study of members of 265 nuclear families, aged six or more. This study is based of family heredograms, and takes into account the clinical form ofschistosomiasis observed before treatment with oxamniquine. The probability of occurrence of two or more cases ofhepatosplenomegaly is low, notwithstanding the fact that it was observed in 38 families. Even less frequent is the occurrence of three or more cases observed in 17 families (P=0.002). The concentration of the hepatosplenic form was higher among siblings than it was among mothers and children, or fathers and children. It was found to be not significant between husband (father) and wife (mother). These observations reinforce the evidence for the presence of a genetic component in susceptibility to the hepatosplenic form of the disease. In cases in which the mother was hepatosplenic there was a higher incidence of hepatosplenic children; the relative risk was a least five times higher than in those in which the father was the affected member (the maternal effect). In cases where both members were affected by the hepatointestinal form, the risk to the filial generation was similar to that of the population in general. Thus, in the process towards severe forms of Schistosomiasis mansoni, pre and post natal factors might be involved.
São descritas as características de 1.016 pacientes internados com leptospirose no Hospital Couto Maia, Salvador, BA, entre 1993 e 1997. Aumento na precipitação pluviométrica mostrou relação com aumento do número de internamentos no mês subsequente. Sexo masculino correspondeu a 81,1% (824/1.016); a média da idade foi 35,7±15,4 anos. Quase 94% (778/829) dos 829 com informação sobre raça eram negros ou mulatos. Para idade igual ou superior a 18 anos, quase 93% não cursaram o segundo grau. A média do período de incubação foi estimado em 6,3±3,9 dias. A duração dos sintomas foi em média 6,1±2,4 dias. Episódios hemorrágicos corresponderam a 14,3% (145/1.016). A letalidade entre 1.009 pacientes não transferidos foi de 14,2% (143/1.009). Insuficiência renal foi a causa atribuída de morte em 76,2% (109/143). Os dados indicam que leptospirose é estreitamente relacionada com baixos níveis socioeconômicos e que aumento da precipitação pluviométrica precede surtos epidêmicos.
A localidade de Taquarendi (Bahia) está situada em zona de caatinga, porém com pequena faixa de terra irrigada, onde se encontram caramujos Biomphalaria glabrata. Dos 1.532 habitantes, 1.105 (72,1%) submeteram-se ao exame clínico e, destes, 1.058 (95,7%) fizeram exame parasitológico de fezes. A prevalência da esquistossomose foi de 73,1%, sendo que 16,2% destes eliminavam mais de 1.000 ovos por grama de fezes. O exame clínico mostrou que o lobo esquerdo do fígado estava aumentado e/ou endurecido em 54% dos pacientes e o baço foi palpado em 21,8%. Foram classificados como hepatosplênicas 9,8% dos examinados e como portadores da forma hepatintestinal avançada 3,7%. Houve relação direta entre estas formas clínicas da doença e a intensidade da carga parasitária acima de 1.000 ovos de S. mansoni por grama de fezes.
Com o objetivo de descrever os fatores epidemiológicos e clínicos-laboratoriais e avaliar os fatores associados ao desenvolvimento de fibrose moderada e grave, realizou-se a revisão de 426 prontuários médicos de pacientes com infecção crônica pelo vírus da hepatite C, atendidos na Clínica de Moléstias Infecciosas e Parasitárias da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, no período de 01/01 a 31/12/2000. Dos pacientes incluídos no estudo, 56,3% eram do sexo masculino e 43,7% do sexo feminino. A idade deles variou de 18 a 69 anos. A hemotransfusão foi a forma mais freqüente de transmissão do vírus da hepatite C, encontrada em 128 (30%) dos casos e em 187 (43,9%) pacientes não foi encontrado nenhum fator de risco. A distribuição dos pacientes quanto à alteração arquitetural visto na biópsia hepática foi: grau 0 (14,1%), grau 1 (51,2%), grau 2 (20,6%), grau 3 (8%) e grau 4 (6,1%). Na análise multivariada, encontramos associação positiva entre intensidade da fibrose e idade maior que 40 anos na data da biópsia hepática, níveis séricos de albumina abaixo do limite inferior normal, gama-glutamiltransferase maior ou igual a duas vezes o limite superior da normalidade, plaquetas em número menor que 150.000/mm³ e alta atividade necro-inflamatória. Os dados foram inconclusivos para testar a associação entre gravidade da fibrose e alcoolismo.
INTRODUCTION: White piedra is a superficial mycosis caused by the genus Trichosporon and characterized by nodules on hair shaft. METHODS: The authors report a family referred to as pediculosis. Mycological culture on Mycosel® plus molecular identification was performed to precisely identify the etiology. RESULTS: A Trichosporon spp. infection was revealed. The molecular procedure identified the agent as Trichosporon inkin. CONCLUSIONS: White piedra and infection caused by T. inkin are rarely reported in Southern Brazil. The molecular tools are essentials on identifying the Trichosporon species.
IntroductionDetermining the genetic similarities among Trypanosoma cruzi populations isolated from different hosts and vectors is very important to clarify the epidemiology of Chagas disease.MethodsAn epidemiological study was conducted in a Brazilian endemic area for Chagas disease, including 76 chronic chagasic individuals (96.1% with an indeterminate form; 46.1% with positive hemoculture).ResultsT. cruzi I (TcI) was isolated from one child and TcII was found in the remaining (97.1%) subjects. Low-stringency single-specific-primer-polymerase chain reaction (LSSP-PCR) showed high heterogeneity among TcII populations (46% of shared bands); however, high similarities (80-100%) among pairs of mothers/children, siblings, or cousins were detected.ConclusionsLSSP-PCR showed potential for identifying similar parasite populations among individuals with close kinship in epidemiological studies of Chagas disease.
INTRODUCTION : Toxoplasmosis is a zoonotic infection caused by Toxoplasma gondii. It is transmitted by the ingestion of contaminated water and foods, by soil contaminated with cat feces, especially while handling it, and congenitally via the placenta. The diagnosis of maternal infection is made by serological detection of either IgM or IgG antibodies. This study assessed the seropositivity in pregnant women followed up by the Family Health Strategy (FHS) in Lages, Santa Catarina, Brazil. METHODS: The study was performed in 19 FHS units and included 148 childbearing women. The outcomes evaluated were IgM and IgG seropositivity and behavioral variables. RESULTS: IgG yielded positive results in 16% of the pregnant women, whereas IgM was positive in only 1%. CONCLUSIONS: The 1% IgM positivity rate for T. gondii indicates congenital toxoplasmosis is not common in Lages.
The family Trypetheliaceae is redefined including a key to the genera. Exiliseptum gen. nov. is described. Keys to the species are provided for the six genera which occur in Amazonian Brazil along with brief comments on the three other genera. Thirty-five species are included, tem new species described and ten new combinations proposed.
Pressures on the Brazilian Amazon forest have been accentuated by agricultural activities practiced by families encouraged to settle in this region in the 1970s by the colonization program of the government. The aims of this study were to analyze the temporal and spatial evolution of land cover and land use (LCLU) in the lower Tapajós region, in the state of Pará. We contrast 11 watersheds that are generally representative of the colonization dynamics in the region. For this purpose, Landsat satellite images from three different years, 1986, 2001, and 2009, were analyzed with Geographic Information Systems. Individual images were subject to an unsupervised classification using the Maximum Likelihood Classification algorithm available on GRASS. The classes retained for the representation of LCLU in this study were: (1) slightly altered old-growth forest, (2) succession forest, (3) crop land and pasture, and (4) bare soil. The analysis and observation of general trends in eleven watersheds shows that LCLU is changing very rapidly. The average deforestation of old-growth forest in all the watersheds was estimated at more than 30% for the period of 1986 to 2009. The local-scale analysis of watersheds reveals the complexity of LCLU, notably in relation to large changes in the temporal and spatial evolution of watersheds. Proximity to the sprawling city of Itaituba is related to the highest rate of deforestation in two watersheds. The opening of roads such as the Transamazonian highway is associated to the second highest rate of deforestation in three watersheds.