33 resultados para Gráfik, Imre: Vas megye népmuvészete
The present morphological study of A. glabratus was based on the observation of shell, radula, renal region and genitalia of 50 specimens having a shell diameter of 18 mm. In this summary we record the data pertaining to the chracteristics that can be used in systematics. The numerals refere to the mean and their standard deviation; no special reference being made, they correspond to length measurements. Shell: 18 mm in diameter, 5.59 ± 0.24 mm in greatest width, 5 to 6 whorls. Right side umbilicated, left one weakly depressed. Last whorl about thrice as tall as the penultimate one at the aperture, the measurements being taken on the right side. Aperture perpendicular or a little oblique. Body, extended: 47.06 ± 3.31 mm. Renal tube: Narrow and elongated, 23.84 ± 1.90 mm, showing a pigmented ridge along its ventral surface. Ovotestis: 12.78 ± 1.50 mm. Mainly trifurcate diverticula attaching in fan-like manner to the collecting canal (this arrangement is seen to best advantage in the cephalic middle of the ovotestis). The collecting canal greatly swells at the cephalic end, narrowing suddenly as it leaves the ovotestis. Ovisperm duct: 13.70 ± 1.68 mm, including the non-unwound seminal vesicle. The latter, situated about 1 mm from the beginning af the ovisperm duct, was 1.14 ± 0.29 mm in greatest diameter, and is beset by numerous short diverticula. Sperm duct: 14.16 ± 1.27 mm, pursuing a sinous course along the oviduct. Prostate: Prostate duct 5.53 ± 0.74 mm, collecting a row of long diverticula, the latter 21.6 ± 3.5 in number. Last diverticulum generally simple or bifurcate, penultimate generally arborescent, bifurcate or simple, antepenultimate nearly always arborescent, the remaining ones arborescent. The arborescent diverticula frequently give off secondary branches. Vas deferens: 17.50 ± 2.05 mm. The ratio vas deferens/vergic sac was 4.7 ± 0.6. Verge: 3.70 ± 0.54 mm long, 0.12 ± 0.03 mm wide. Free end tapering to a point where the sperm canal opens. No penial stylet. Vergic sac: 3.77 ± 0.50 mm long, 0.19 ± 0.01 mm wide. The length ratio vergic sac/preputium was 1 ± 0.02. Preputium: Deeply pigmented, 3.79 ± 0.40 mm long, 0.89 ± 0.12 mm wide in the middle. Muscular diaphragm between it and the vergic sac. Two muscular pilasters along its lateral walls. Oviduct: 10.24 ± 1.29 mm, suddenly swollen at the cephalic end so that it forms a folded pouch capping the beginning of the uterus. Uterus: 10.58 ± 1.18 mm. Vagina: 2.06 ± 0.15 mm long, 0.32 ± 0.05 mm wide, showing a swelling at its caudal portion, just above the opening of the spermathecal duct. Spermatheca: 1.57 ± 0.41 mm long, 0.92 ± 0.23 mm wide. Spermathecal duct 1.15 ± 0.23 mm. Radula: 125 to 163 rows of teeth (mean 141.4 ± 9.8). Radula formula 27-1-27 to 34-1-34 (mean 30.9 ± 1.7).
A morphological study was done on A. nigricans, based on the observation of shell, radula, renal region and genitalia of 50 specimens measuring 18 mm in diameter. The data obtained are to be compared with those recorded in our previous paper (PARAENSE & DESLANDES, 1955) on A. glabratus. The characteristics common to both species will not be mentioned here. The numerals refere to the means and their standard deviations: no special reference being done, they correspond to length measurementes. Shell - 18 mm in diameter, 6.37 ± 0.29 mm in greatest width, 6 whorls. Prevailing colur ferruginous sepia, a minority of olivaceous, ochreous, nigrescent and deeply black specimens being found. Right side variously depressed, umbilicated, 1.5 to 3.5 mm deep from the bottom of the umblicus to the highest level of the last whorl. Left side more depressed than the right one, broadly concave, 1.5 to 3.5 mm deep. Both sides show a varously distinct keel, that looks sharper at the left. Aperture deltoid, varying in outline and width. Body, extended - 60.26 ± 3.62 mm, less pigmented than in glabratus. Renal tube - 30.68 ± 1.69 mm, showing neither ridge nor pigmented line along its ventral surface, this negative character affording a sure means of separation from glabratus. Ovotestis - 14.48 ± 1.93 mm. Ovisperm duct - 13.04 ± 1.60 mm, including the non-unwound seminal vesicle. The latter was 0.97 ± 0,21 mm in greatest width. Carrefour - Resembling that of glabratus. Sperm duct - 21.36 ± 1.53 mm. Prostate - Prostate duct 7.14 ± 0.74 mm, collecting a row of long diverticula numbering 19.6 ± 3.1 and more separate than in glabratus. Last diverticulum generally bifurcate or arborescent, the remaining ones arborescent. Vas deferens - 28.68 ± 1.38. Ratio vas deferens/vergic sac = 6.8±0.8. Verge - 3.08 ± 0.28 mm long, 0.11 ± 0.02 mm wide. Vergic sac - 3.07 ± 0.28 mm long, about 0.20 mm wide. Ratio vergic sac/preputium = 0.84 ± 0.12. Preputium - 3.69 ± 0.47 mm long, 0.85 ± 0.10 mm wide. Albumen gland - Resembling taht of glabratus. Oviduct - 16.26 ± 1.41 mm, swollen at the cephalic end. Uterus - 13.24 ± 1.19 mm. Vagina - 1.70 ± 0.22 mm, swolen at the caudal portion. Spermatheca - 2.78 ± 0.40 mm long, 0.86 ± 0.16 mm wide. Spermathecal duct 1.11 ± 0.20 mm. Radula - 125 to 168 horizontal rows of teeth (mean 153.9 ± 8.4). Radula formula 28-1-28 to 36-1-36 (mean 31.8 ± 1.9). Mode formula 31-1-31. The morphological characteristics of the renal region and shell, and the great body length in the same condition of shell diameter, distinguish A. nigricans from the most related species A. glabratus, giving support to considering it a good species from a txonomic or phenotypic standpoint (morphospecies).
Neste trabalho, faz-se o estudo das estruturas anatômica e histológica do testículo de Triatoma infestans. Da espermiogênese, descrevem-se apenas as fases que medeiam entre a formação dos espermiogônios e a dos espermídeos (espermiocitogênese). A espermiohistogênese bem como as anatomias do vas deferens e das glândulas anexas serão tratados na segunda parte dêste trabalho, já em preparo. O testículo de Triatoma infestans possui 7 folículos dos quais cada um se abre num vas efferens próprio, curto, desembocando êstes num único vas deferens geral. Na zona de transição entre vas efferens e vas deferens, encontra-se sempre um conjunto de massas tissulares que se estão necrosando em virtude da decomposição das paredes dos cistos. Em conseqüência, os feixes de espérmios são libertados e passam através do vas efferens para o vas deferens. As substâncias líquidas que então se formam, resultado da necrose, são reabsorvidas pelo epitélio do vas efferens, entrando novamente em circulação na hemolinfa; o epitélio possui um rabdório muito longo. A parte superior do conteúdo de cada folículo dispõe-se ao redor de grande célula apical cuja função principal deve ser a de uma atividade reguladora que está relacionada com a diferenciação das células do conjunto germinativo em espermiogônios primários e em núcleos das paredes dos cistos. Nos espermiogônios, serão verificadas 8 divisões de multiplicação, o que vai dar a formação de 256 espermiócitos, número êsse que depois das duas divisões de maturação, que se seguem, originará 1 024 espermídeos. Em seguida, são descritos os fenômenos que ocorrem durante a prófase e as duas divisões de maturação. Temos que admitir a existência de uma parasíndese. Pela formação das tétrades, pode-se concluir que a primeira divisão é reducional e a segunda equacional, existindo, pois, uma pré-redução. Triatoma infestans possui 22 cromosomas no espermiogônio, dos quais 2 são heterocromosomas, sendo X, o maior e Y, o menor, pois, por observações comparadas de oogônios, verificou-se que o grande está ausente, enquanto o pequeno existe em número duplo. Os autosomas da guarnição equatorial, reduzidos pela primeira e segunda divisões de maturação, podem ser distribuídos, quanto ao seu tamanho, em três grupos: 3 grandes (A,B e C), 2 médios (D e E e 5 pequenos (F, G, H, I e K). A, B e C, bem como os heterocromosomas, são heteropicnóticos, formando, tanto nos espermiogônios como nos espermiócitos, depois da sinapsis, um corpo de 8 valores, respectivamente de 5 valores, corpos êsses que permanecem fortemente condensados, mesmo quando os outros cromosomas se individualizam ou quando formam os cromosomas difusos. O estádio dos cromosomas é analisado e considerado como uma fase ativa durante o tempo do crescimento intensivo dos espermiócitos.
Neste trabalho descreve-se o aparelho condutor, do testículo até o ductus ejaculatorius, incluindo as glândulas anexas, do macho de Triatoma infestans. O vas deferens compõem-se de três regiões: a) parte proximal do vas deferens; b) vesícula seminalis; c) parte distal do vas deferens com uma região glândular no ponto de saída da vesícula seminalis. As partes finais do vas deferens desembocam nos lados internos de dois ramos terminais do ductus ejaculatorius. O sistema das glândulas anexas consta de 4 mesadênias. Estas são glândulas vesiculares das quais duas são ragiócrinas e duas lipócrinas. A terceira e a quarta glândula possuem a mesma formação e função, enquanto que a primeira se difere profundamente da segunda. As secreções das glândulas misturam-se num hilo de onde o líquido passa ao ductus glandularum que o conduz ao ductus ejeculatorius. Êste possui nos seus ramos terminais uma glândula mesodérmica de natureza ragiócrina (mesadênia modificada em posição extremamente distal) e uma origem ectedérmica (ectadênia modificada em posição extremamente proximal). As secreções são expulsas das vesículas glandulares por contração da musculatura das suas paredes. O transporte dos líquidos misturados, através do ductus glandularum, verifica-se por ondas peristálticas da musculatura da membrana peritoneal do próprio ducto. As glândulas não possuem válvulas. Um refluxo das secreções é evitado pelo turgor das células epiteliais dos canais condutores. O esperma, ao entrar no ductus ejaculatorius, recebe uma mistura de 5 diferentes secreções, na qual o mesmo diluido, formando, finalmente, uma suspensão. Os aspectos histológicos estão apresentados nas figuras.
Os autores, continuando com o estudo dos Procamallanus brasileiros, propõem Procamallanus (S.) solaini como espécie nova para o gênero. Redescrevem Procamallanus (S.) iheringi Travassos, Artigas & Pereira, 1928, depois de terem tido acesso ao material tipo e elucidado dúvidas a respeito de sua morfologia. Para Procamallanus (S.) inopinatus Travassos, Artigas & Pereira, 1928, tiveram a descrição de Pinto & Noronha, 1972 adaptada. De Procamallanus (S.) amarali Vas & Pereira, 1934, tornam conhecida a fêmea da espécie e fazem uma breve redescrição do macho. Listam amostras de Procamallanus sp. que não conduziram a um diagnóstico preciso, devido ao seu precário estado de conservação. Foram examinadas amostras de helmintos que fazem parte da Coleção Helmintológica do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz.
A description of Physa cubensis Pfeiffer, 1839, based on 15 speciments collected in Havana, Cuba, is presented. The shell, measuring 9.0 x 4,8mm to 12.3 x 6.4mm, is ovate-oblong, thin, diaphanous, horncolored, shining. Spire elevated, broadly conical; protoconch distinct, roundish, reddish-brown. About five moderately shouldered, roundly convex whorls, penultimate whorl expanded; spiral striation subobsolete; growth line faint on the intermediate whorls, clearly visible on the body whorl, crowded here and there. Suture well impressed. Aperture elongated 2.05 - 2.67 (mean 2.27) times as long as the remaining length of the shell, narrow obovulate-lunate; upper half acute-angled, lower half oval, narrowly rounded at the base; outer lip sharp, inner lip completely closing the umbilical region; a thick callus on the parietal wall; columellar plait well marked. Ratios: shell width/shell length - 0.52-0.61 (mean 0.55); spire length/shell length = 0.27 - 0.33 (mean 0.31); aperture length/shell length = 0.67 - 0.73 (mean 0.69). Oral lappets laterally mucronate; foot spatulate with acuminate tail. Mantle relection with 6 - 8 short triangular dentations in the right lobe (columellar side) and 4 - 6 in the left lobe (near the pneumostome). Renal tube tightly folded into a zigzag course. Ovotestis, ovispermiduct, seminal vesicle, oviduct, nidamental gland, uterus and vagina as in Physa marmorata (see Paraense, 1986, Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz, 81: 459-469). Spermathecal body egg-shaped or pear-shaped; spermathecal ducta uniformly narrow with expanded base, a little longer than the body. Spermiduct, prostate and vas deferens as in P. marmorata (Paraense, loc. cit.). Penis wide proximally, narrowing gradually apicad; penial canal with subterminal outlet. Penial sheath following the width of the penis and ending up by a bulbous expansion somewhat narrower than the proximal portion. Penaial sheath/prepuce ration = 1,25 - 1,83 (mean 1.49). Prepuce much wider than the bulb of the penial shealth, moderately shouldered owing to the intromission of the bulb, and with a large gland in one side of its proximal half occupating about a third of its length. Extrinsic muscles of the penial complex as in P. marmorata. Jaw a simple obtusely V-shaped plate. Radula to be described separetely.
The freshwater snails Biomphalaria straminea, B. intermedia, B. kuhniana and B. peregrina, are morphologically similar; based on this similarity the first three species were therefore grouped in the complex B. straminea. The morphological identification of these species is based on characters such as vaginal wrinkling, relation between prepuce: penial sheath:deferens vas and number of muscle layers in the penis wall. In this study the polymerase chain reaction restriction fragment length polymorphism technique was used for molecular identification of these molluscs. This technique is based on the amplification of the internal transcribed spacer regions ITS1 e ITS2 of the ribosomal RNA gene and subsequent digestion of these fragments by restriction enzymes. Six enzymes were tested: Dde I, Mnl I, Hae III, Rsa I, Hpa II e Alu I. The restriction patterns obtained with DdeI presented the best profile for separation of the four species of Biomphalaria. The profiles obtained with all the enzymes were used to estimate the genetic distances among the species through analysis of common banding patterns.
Trypanosoma cruzi is usually transmitted by contact with the excreta of infected Triatominae; among non-vectorial infections, direct transmission through coitus has been proposed. We investigated this possibility by instilling, through the external meatus of the vagina and the penis of previously anesthetized NMRI albino mice, blood of mice infected with strains isolated from Didelphis marsupialis (opossum, strain CO57), Rattus rattus (rat, strain CO22) and human (strain EP). Some animals were allowed to copulate the same day of the instillation. In other experiments, the strains were inoculated in the scrotum. To determine the effect of immunosuppression, some mice were treated with cyclophosphamide 30 days post-instillation. Controls were instilled orally and ocularly. Vaginal instillation with strain CO22 produced systemic infection with tropism to the heart, skeletal muscle, skin, duodenum, pancreas, ovary and sternum. Scrotal inoculation with strain EP likewise invaded liver, spleen, lung, lymph nodes and urogenital organs; while strain CO57 invaded skeletal and cardiac muscle, pancreas, testis, and vas deferens. Penile infection with strain CO22 was detected by xenodiagnosis. Immunosuppression did not increase parasitemia of vaginally infected mice or controls. Mating did not produce infection. Our results show that contact of blood trypomastigotes of T. cruzi with genital mucosa can produce blood and tissue infections. These results are discussed in relation to reports of frequent experimental tropism of T. cruzi toward urogenital organs.
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo desenvolver um equipamento para coletar amostras indeformadas de solo de 75 mm de diâmetro a uma profundidade de até 0,60 m, bem como avaliar a qualidade das amostras retiradas. O amostrador foi constituído por um tubo de PVC, acondicionado dentro de um tubo cravador de alumínio equipado com uma ponteira de aço, formando um conjunto sem movimento rotativo. Envolveu este conjunto uma rosca-sem-fim, equipada com três lâminas de corte na sua extremidade. O conjunto foi adaptado a um veículo especificamente projetado para o tráfego no campo (VAS - Veículo Amostrador de Solo). As amostras obtidas pelo VAS foram comparadas com as testemunhas, obtidas pelo método do bloco da parafina, por meio de testes laboratoriais, para verificar a ocorrência de alterações estruturais. Os testes foram: inspeção visual, densidade do solo, ensaio de compressão triaxial rápido e ensaio de adensamento. As amostras obtidas pelo VAS em solo argiloso (Latossolo Roxo) apresentaram confiabiliade (95%) dos valores de densidade do solo, características de resistência à compressão e adensamento iguais à testemunha. O equipamento mostrou-se prático, versátil e adequado para retirar amostras de solos argilosos, sendo a qualidade das amostras semelhante à obtida pelos métodos tradicionais de extração do anel volumétrico e de bloco de solos. O equipamento desenvolvido pode ser útil na coleta de dados para mapeamento de solos, com o auxílio de uma antena de GPS.
Los problemas que el gran desarrollo de la información digital e Internet están provocando al derecho de autor se están intentando solucionar a través de tres vías: legislativa, tecnológica y contractual. La protección proporcionada a las obras con derecho de autor mediante medidas tecnológicas complementa a las condiciones de uso establecidas en las licencias y, además, ambos tipos de protección están respaldados por las nuevas leyes surgidas para adaptarse al nuevo contexto tecnológico. Como resultado de esta triple protección se están poniendo en grave peligro las excepciones y limitaciones a los derechos de autor reconocidas por las leyes de derecho de autor para beneficiar a las bibliotecas, sus usuarios y los ciudadanos en general, dando lugar a una fuerte y peligrosa privatización del acceso a la información.
The aim of this work was to explore the possibility of the application of a non-ionic resin obtained by impregnation of Alizarin Red S (VAS) in Amberlite XAD-7 for manganese, copper and zinc separation and preconcentration in saline matrices. For these system, the metals were quantitatively retained, in the pH range 8.5-10.0, by using 0.50 g of solid phase, stirring time of five minutes and a total mass up to 200 mug of each cation. The sorbed elements were subsequently eluted and a fifty-fold, ten-fold and ten-fold preconcentration factor for to Zn, Cu and Mn were obtained, respectively.
Estudo sobre o desenvolvimento de linhagens avançadas de algodoeiro (Gossypium hisrutum) com resistência múltipla a cinco doenças - murcha de Fusarium e de Verticillium, mancha-angular, ramulose e nematóides - revelou um processo acumulativo gerador de resultados expressivos, do ponto de vista agronômico, depois de decorridos 15 anos de trabalho. Baseado num esquema interativo compreendendo a eleição de linhagens apresentando resistência a uma ou mais dessas doenças e resseleção posterior dentro delas, o processo mostrou-se eficiente para aproveitar a variabilidade genética natural existente em genótipos estabilizados para outras características agronômicas e industriais. Tendência para estabelecimento de correlações positivas foi verificada apenas entre a resistência das plantas a nematóides e à mancha-angular. Por outro lado, a persistência de correlações negativas - principalmente entre a resistência a nematóides e à ramulose e entre esta e mancha-angular - mesmo nos materiais mais resistentes, indicou a possibilidade de perdas de resistência a algumas doenças se pressões excessivas de seleção forem realizadas para outras.
Intersexuality is a reproductive pathology that has been described in wild animals in recent years. However, its occurrence and consequences remain obscure and therefore all aspects of this reproductive disorder deserve attention. The aim of this study is to report a case of intersexuality with probable absence of gonadal tissue in the crab-eating fox (Cerdocyon thous) native to Brazil. The animal has male external genitalia, but its prepuce and penis were both hypoplastic. Because of a clinical suspicion of bilateral cryptorchidism, a laparotomy was performed and the absence of prostate and gonads were revealed. The procedure also revealed vas deferentia, extending laterally from the each side of the bladder basis to the right and left abdominal wall muscles. The animal died one month later, and post mortem examination confirmed the absence of prostatic and gonadal tissues. Muscular structures similar to uterine horns and cervix were founded macroscopically and confirmed by optic microscopy. In addition, post mortem findings corroborate with penis hypoplasia, since penile bone presence was observed. The vasa deferentia had a normal tissue structure, although hypoplastic. In conclusion, the case of a crab-eating fox (Cerdocyon thous) reported here represents a proved intersexual animal with probable absence of gonadal tissue.
Twenty-four surgical patients of both sexes without cardiac, hepatic, renal or endocrine dysfunctions were divided into two groups: 10 cardiac surgical patients submitted to myocardial revascularization and cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB), 3 females and 7 males aged 65 ± 11 years, 74 ± 16 kg body weight, 166 ± 9 cm height and 1.80 ± 0.21 m2 body surface area (BSA), and control, 14 surgical patients not submitted to CPB, 11 female and 3 males aged 41 ± 14 years, 66 ± 14 kg body weight, 159 ± 9 cm height and 1.65 ± 0.16 m2 BSA (mean ± SD). Sodium diclofenac (1 mg/kg, im Voltaren 75® twice a day) was administered to patients in the Recovery Unit 48 h after surgery. Venous blood samples were collected during a period of 0-12 h and analgesia was measured by the visual analogue scale (VAS) during the same period. Plasma diclofenac levels were measured by high performance liquid chromatography. A two-compartment open model was applied to obtain the plasma decay curve and to estimate kinetic parameters. Plasma diclofenac protein binding decreased whereas free plasma diclofenac levels were increased five-fold in CPB patients. Data obtained for analgesia reported as the maximum effect (EMAX) were: 25% VAS (CPB) vs 10% VAS (control), P<0.05, median measured by the visual analogue scale where 100% is equivalent to the highest level of pain. To correlate the effect versus plasma diclofenac levels, the EMAX sigmoid model was applied. A prolongation of the mean residence time for maximum effect (MRTEMAX) was observed without any change in lag-time in CPB in spite of the reduced analgesia reported for these patients, during the time-dose interval. In conclusion, the extent of plasma diclofenac protein binding was influenced by CPB with clinically relevant kinetic-dynamic consequences
The purpose of the present study was to translate the Roland-Morris (RM) questionnaire into Brazilian-Portuguese and adapt and validate it. First 3 English teachers independently translated the original questionnaire into Brazilian-Portuguese and a consensus version was generated. Later, 3 other translators, blind to the original questionnaire, performed a back translation. This version was then compared with the original English questionnaire. Discrepancies were discussed and solved by a panel of 3 rheumatologists and the final Brazilian version was established (Brazil-RM). This version was then pretested on 30 chronic low back pain patients consecutively selected from the spine disorders outpatient clinic. In addition to the traditional clinical outcome measures, the Brazil-RM, a 6-point pain scale (from no pain to unbearable pain), and its numerical pain rating scale (PS) (0 to 5) and a visual analog scale (VAS) (0 to 10) were administered twice by one interviewer (1 week apart) and once by one independent interviewer. Spearman's correlation coefficient (SCC) and intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) were computed to assess test-retest and interobserver reliability. Cross-sectional construct validity was evaluated using the SCC. In the pretesting session, all questions were well understood by the patients. The mean time of questionnaire administration was 4 min and 53 s. The SCC and ICC were 0.88 (P<0.01) and 0.94, respectively, for the test-retest reliability and 0.86 (P<0.01) and 0.95, respectively, for interobserver reliability. The correlation coefficient was 0.80 (P<0.01) between the PS and Brazil-RM score and 0.79 (P<0.01) between the VAS and Brazil-RM score. We conclude that the Brazil-RM was successfully translated and adapted for application to Brazilian patients, with satisfactory reliability and cross-sectional construct validity.