27 resultados para Gpi


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Wild golden lion tamarins (Leontopithecus rosalia) -- endangered primates that are native to the Brazilian Atlantic coastal forest -- were surveyed for the presence of Trypanosoma cruzi with the use of Giemsa-stained blood smears, hemocultures and an indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFAT). Positive IFAT with titers ranging from 1:20 to 1:1280 were observed in 52% of the 118 wild tamarins examined and the parasite was isolated from 38 tamarins. No patent parasitemia was observed among the tamarins from which T. cruzi was isolated. Serum conversion and positive hemoculture was observed for three animals that had yielded negative results some months earlier, which indicates that T. cruzi is actively transmitted among tamarins. In contrast to observations with other sylvatic isolates, those from the tamarins were significantly more virulent and most of them produced mortality in experimentally infected Swiss mice. Some variation in the kDNA restriction profiles among the isolates was observed. Electrophoresis with GPI, G6PDH, IDH, MDH and ME enzymes showed a Z2 profile.


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Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was used to elucidate genetic variation at 13 isozyme loci among forest populations of Lutzomyia shannoni from three widely separated locations in Colombia: Palambí (Nariño Department), Cimitarra (Santander Department) and Chinácota (Norte de Santander Department). These samples were compared with a laboratory colony originating from the Magdalena Valley in Central Colombia. The mean heterozygosity ranged from 16 to 22%, with 2.1 to 2.6 alleles detected per locus. Nei's genetic distances among populations were low, ranging from 0.011 to 0.049. The estimated number of migrants (Nm=3.8) based on Wright's F-Statistic, F ST, indicated low levels of gene flow among Lu. shannoni forest populations. This low level of migration indicates that the spread of stomatitis virus occurs via infected host, not by infected insect. In the colony sample of 79 individuals, the Gpi locus was homozygotic (0.62/0.62) in all females and heterozygotic (0.62/0.72) in all males. Although this phenomenon is probably a consequence of colonization, it indicates that Gpi is linked to a sex determining locus.


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Mexican and Colombian Taenia solium cysticerci and some species of Taenia adults were assayed using cellulose acetate electrophoresis to distinguish between isolates. Isozyme patterns for ARK, GOT, G3PD, GPI, and MPI were identical in all cysticerci suggesting homozygotic profiles. G6PD and MDH showed different patterns between Mexican and Colombian cysticerci, suggesting regional differences. ME activity was mainly detected in the adult stage suggesting that this enzyme is active in anaerobic environment, while MDH, detected in cysticerci, could be related to an environment that contains oxygen. Finally, the species of taeniid adults analyzed showed different patterns among them.


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Trypanosoma cruzi expresses mucin like glycoproteins encoded by a complex multigene family. In this work, we report the transcription in T. cruzi but not in T. rangeli of a mucin type gene automatically annotated by the T. cruzi genome project. The gene showed no nucleotide similarities with the previously reported T. cruzi mucin like genes, although the computational analysis of the deduced protein showed that it has the characteristic features of mucins: a signal peptide sequence, O-glycosylation sites, and glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor sequence. The presence in this gene of N- terminal and C- terminal coding sequences common to other annotated mucin like genes suggests the existence of a new mucin like gene family.


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Anti-glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) antibodies (Abs) may reflect and mediate, at least partially, anti-disease immunity in malaria by neutralising the toxic effect of parasitic GPI. Thus, we assessed the anti-GPI Ab response in asymptomatic individuals living in an area of the Brazilian Amazon that has a high level of malaria transmission. For comparative purposes, we also investigated the Ab response to a crude extract prepared from Plasmodium falciparum, the merozoite surface protein (MSP)3 antigen of P. falciparum and the MSP 1 antigen of Plasmodium vivax (PvMSP1-19) in these individuals and in Angolan patients with acute malaria. Our data suggest that the Ab response against P. falciparum GPI is not associated with P. falciparum asymptomatic infection in individuals who have been chronically exposed to malaria in the Brazilian Amazon. However, this Ab response could be related to ongoing parasitaemia (as was previously shown) in the Angolan patients. In addition, our data show that PvMSP1-19may be a good marker antigen to reflect previous exposure to Plasmodium in areas that have a high transmission rate of P. vivax.


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Foram caracterizados 212 isolados de Phytophthora infestans obtidos de 51 lavouras de tomate (Lycopersicon esculentum)e batata (Solanum tuberosum), em sete municípios da Zona da Mata, MG. Todos os isolados tiveram o grupo de compatibilidade determinado; 96 isolados foram caracterizados para a isoenzima glucose 6-fosfato-isomerase (Gpi); 71 isolados foram analisados quanto à resistência ao metalaxyl; e determinou-se o espectro de virulência de 46 isolados. Todos os 212 isolados testados foram classificados como do grupo A1 de compatibilidade. A maioria dos isolados testados para Gpi (95) apresentou o fenótipo 86/100, típico da linhagem clonal US-1. Apenas um isolado apresentou o fenótipo 100/100 para Gpi. Quanto à resistência ao metalaxyl, em 1998 a freqüência de isolados sensíveis, intermediários e resistentes foi de 40%, 40% e 20%, respectivamente, e em 2000 de 3,2%; 61,3% e 35,5%, respectivamente. Quanto ao espectro de virulência, todos os 46 isolados analisados foram virulentos sobre a cultivar de tomate 'Kada'. A maioria foi virulenta em plantas de tomate com os genes Ph1 (91%) ou Ph2 (95 %). Todos os isolados foram virulentos em batata 'Bintje'. Houve pequena variação do espectro de virulência sobre clones de batata, quando esses foram inoculados com isolados coletados em diferentes anos. Há evidências que a população de P. infestans da Zona da Mata, MG é constituída de isolados da linhagem clonal US-1, de várias raças e baixa sensibilidade ao fungicida metalaxyl.


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Foram caracterizados 123 isolados de Phytophthora infestans obtidos de 21 lavouras de tomateiro e oito de batateira, em municípios do Estado de Goiás e Cidades Satélites de Brasília, no período de abril de 2001 a setembro de 2003. Os isolados foram caracterizados para os marcadores grupo de compatibilidade (123 isolados); isoenzima glucose 6-fosfato-isomerase (Gpi) (34 isolados) e resistência aos fungicidas mefenoxam (77 isolados) e metalaxyl (32 isolados de batateira), usando o método de disco de folhas. Todos os 78 isolados de tomateiro foram classificados no grupo de compatibilidade A1, enquanto os 45 de batateira foram do grupo A2. Os fenótipos para Gpi dos isolados de tomateiro (19) e de batateira (15) foram 86/100, típico da linhagem clonal US-1, e 100/100, típico da linhagen clonal BR-1, respectivamente. Quanto à resistência a mefenoxam, constataram-se isolados de tomateiro resistentes (36%), intermediários (48%) e sensíveis (16%). A maioria dos isolados de batateira foi classificada como sensível (82%) e apenas 9% de intermediários e resistentes. Dos isolados de batateira avaliados para resistência ao metalaxyl, 25% foram resistentes, 62% intermediários e 13% sensíveis. A população de P. infestans no Distrito Federal e no Estado de Goiás é constituída de duas linhagens clonais, com especificidade por hospedeiro.


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Crescente interesse tem se estabelecido para a análise da diversidade genética de espécies Conyza bonariensis, C.canadensis e C.sumatrensis, popularmente conhecidas como buva ou voadeira, que nos últimos anos vêm causando vários prejuízos nas lavouras do Brasil e do mundo, principalmente nas plantações de soja. A proposta do presente estudo foi estimar a variabilidade genética de amostras de C.sumatrensis provenientes da região noroeste do Estado do Paraná. A análise de isozimas em tecidos de folhas das plantas de C. sumatrensis foi realizada para estimar a variabilidade genética dentro de cada população e entre populações diferentes, no sentido de recomendar um tratamento diferencial ou uniforme para o controle dessas plantas daninhas na referida região. Foram analisados quatro sistemas enzimáticos (ACP, GPI, MDH e PGM) e detectados 10 locos com 10 alelos, os quais não apresentaram diversidade genética dentro e entre as populações analisadas, comprovado pela presença de apenas indivíduos homozigotos. As enzimas analisadas no presente estudo indicaram que as plantas das três regiões são geneticamente uniformes, e a uniformidade genética verificada para os referidos locos é um indicativo prévio de que é possível utilizar doses equivalentes do glifosato para controlar o crescimento desses biótipos.


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The inflammatory response elicited by various stimuli such as microbial products or cytokines is determined by differences in the pattern of cellular gene expression. We have used the differential display RT-PCR (DDRT-PCR) strategy to identify mRNAs that are differentially expressed in various murine cell types stimulated with pro-inflammatory cytokines, microbial products or anti-inflammatory drugs. Mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) were treated with IFNs, TNF, or sodium salicylate. Also, peritoneal macrophages from C3H/Hej mice were stimulated with T. cruzi-derived GPI-mucin and/or IFN-g. After DDRT-PCR, various cDNA fragments that were differentially represented on the sequencing gel were recovered, cloned and sequenced. Here, we describe a summary of several experiments and show that, when 16 of a total of 28 recovered fragments were tested for differential expression, 5 (31%) were found to represent mRNAs whose steady-state levels are indeed modulated by the original stimuli. Some of the identified cDNAs encode for known proteins that were not previously associated with the inflammatory process triggered by the original stimuli. Other cDNA fragments (8 of 21 sequences, or 38%) showed no significant homology with known sequences and represent new mouse genes whose characterization might contribute to our understanding of inflammation. In conclusion, DDRT-PCR has proven to be a potent technology that will allow us to identify genes that are differentially expressed when cells are subjected to changes in culture conditions or isolated from different organs.


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Prions are an unconventional form of infectious agents composed only of protein and involved in transmissible spongiform encephalopathies in humans and animals. The infectious particle is composed by PrPsc which is an isoform of a normal cellular glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchored protein, PrPc, of unknown function. The two proteins differ only in conformation, PrPc is composed of 40% a helix while PrPsc has 60% ß-sheet and 20% a helix structure. The infection mechanism is trigged by interaction of PrPsc with cellular prion protein causing conversion of the latter's conformation. Therefore, the infection spreads because new PrPsc molecules are generated exponentially from the normal PrPc. The accumulation of insoluble PrPsc is probably one of the events that lead to neuronal death. Conflicting data in the literature showed that PrPc internalization is mediated either by clathrin-coated pits or by caveolae-like membranous domains. However, both pathways seem to require a third protein (a receptor or a prion-binding protein) either to make the connection between the GPI-anchored molecule to clathrin or to convert PrPc into PrPsc. We have recently characterized a 66-kDa membrane receptor which binds PrPc in vitro and in vivo and mediates the neurotoxicity of a human prion peptide. Therefore, the receptor should have a role in the pathogenesis of prion-related diseases and in the normal cellular process. Further work is necessary to clarify the events triggered by the association of PrPc/PrPsc with the receptor.


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Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) is an acquired clonal syndrome characterized by intravascular hemolysis mediated by complement, thrombotic events and alterations in hematopoiesis. Basically, the molecular events which underlie the complexity of the syndrome consist of the absence of the glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor as a consequence of somatic mutations in the PIG-A gene, located on the X chromosome. The GPI group is responsible for the attachment of many proteins to the cytoplasmic membrane. Two of them, CD55 and CD59, have a major role in the inhibition of the action of complement on the cellular membrane of blood cells. The absence of GPI biosynthesis can lead to PNH. Since mutations in the PIG-A gene are always present in patients with PNH, the aim of this study was to characterize the mutations in the PIG-A gene in Brazilian patients. The analysis of the PIG-A gene was performed using DNA samples derived from bone marrow and peripheral blood. Conformation-sensitive gel electrophoresis was used for screening the mutation and sequencing methods were used to identify the mutations. Molecular analysis permitted the identification of three point mutations in three patients: one G->A transition in the 5' portion of the second intron, one T->A substitution in the second base of codon 430 (Leu430->stop), and one deletion deltaA in the third base of codon 63. This study represents the first description of mutations in the PIG-A gene in a Brazilian population.


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Infection with the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi leads to Chagas disease, which affects millions of people in Latin America. Infection with T. cruzi cannot be eliminated by the immune system. A better understanding of immune evasion mechanisms is required in order to develop more effective vaccines. During the acute phase, parasites replicate extensively and release immunomodulatory molecules that delay parasite-specific responses mediated by T cells. This immune evasion allows the parasite to spread in the host. In the chronic phase, parasite evasion relies on its replication strategy of hijacking the TGF-β signaling pathway involved in inflammation and tissue regeneration. In this article, the mechanisms of immune evasion described for T. cruzi are reviewed.