44 resultados para Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS-30)
OBJETIVO: Poucos estudos no Brasil investigaram a validação de testes cognitivos em amostras populacionais de idosos e nenhum deles analisou as propriedades psicométricas do Teste do Relógio de Tuokko. O objetivo do estudo foi traduzir e adaptar o modelo desse teste ao contexto brasileiro e avaliar sua validade de construto. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com uma amostra populacional constituída por 353 sujeitos de Juiz de Fora (MG), 2004-2005. Para avaliar as validades convergente e discriminante, utilizou-se a correlação de Pearson. Os subtestes do Teste do Relógio foram correlacionados com os instrumentos de referência: cubos e dígitos, e mini-exame do estado mental para avaliar a validade convergente. A validade discriminante foi investigada por meio da correlação dos subtestes com a Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale. RESULTADOS: Da amostra, 74,1% eram do sexo feminino, com idade entre 63 e 107 anos (73,8+8,5) e média de escolaridade foi 7,4 anos (DP=4,7). Obteve-se validade convergente, com correlações estatisticamente significativas entre todos os subtestes (p<0,01). Quanto à validade discriminante, o único subteste que teve correlação significativa com a escala de referência foi o "indicação das horas" (p<0,05). CONCLUSÕES: O Teste de Relógio traduzido e adaptado em uma amostra comunitária de idosos mostrou ser um instrumento de rastreio cognitivo breve, com boa validade de construto quando analisado com outros dados da literatura. Futuros trabalhos devem investigar outras propriedades psicométricas, como as validades de critério e de conteúdo.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the validity of the Brazilian version of the World Health Organization Quality of Life Instrument - Abbreviated version (WHOQOL-BREF) in adults with major depression, using Rasch modelling. METHODS: Study analyzing data from the baseline sample of the Longitudinal Investigation of Depression Outcomes in Brazil, including a total of 208 patients with major depression recruited in a primary care service in Porto Alegre (Southern Brazil), in 1999. The Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale was used to assess intensity of depression; the WHOQOL-BREF to assess generic quality of life; and the Composite International Diagnostic Interview version 2.1 for the diagnosis of depression. RESULTS: In the Rasch analysis, the four domains of WHOQOL-BREF showed appropriate fit to this model. Some items needed adjustments: four items were rescored (pain, finances, services, and transport); two items (work and activity) were identified as having dependency of responses, and one item was deleted (sleep) due to multidimensionality. CONCLUSIONS: The validation of the WHOQOL-BREF Brazilian version using Rasch analysis complements previous validation studies, evidencing the robustness of this instrument as a generic cross-cultural quality of life measure.
IntroductionThe prevalence of sexual dysfunction (SD) and dissatisfaction with sexual life (DSL) in patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection (CHC) was jointly investigated via a thorough psychopathological analysis, which included dimensions such as fatigue, impulsiveness, psychiatric comorbidity, health-related quality of life (HRQL) and sociodemographic and clinical characteristics.MethodsMale and female CHC patients from an outpatient referral center were assessed using the Brief Fatigue Inventory, the Barrat Impulsiveness Scale, the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, the Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAM-A), and the World Health Organization Quality of Life Scale-Brief Version (WHOQOL-BREF). Structured psychiatric interviews were performed according to the Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview. SD was assessed based on specific items in the BDI (item 21) and the HAM-A (item 12). DSL was assessed based on a specific question in the WHOQOL-BREF (item 21). Multivariate analysis was performed according to an ordinal linear regression model in which SD and DSL were considered as outcome variables.ResultsSD was reported by 60 (57.1%) of the patients according to the results of the BDI and by 54 (51.4%) of the patients according to the results of the HAM-A. SD was associated with older age, female gender, viral genotype 2 or 3, interferon-α use, impulsiveness, depressive symptoms, antidepressant and benzodiazepine use, and lower HRQL. DSL was reported by 34 (32.4%) of the patients and was associated with depressive symptoms, anxiety symptoms, antidepressant use, and lower HRQL.ConclusionsThe prevalence of SD and DSL in CHC patients was high and was associated with factors, such as depressive symptoms and antidepressant use. Screening and managing these conditions represent significant steps toward improving medical assistance and the HRQL of CHC patients.
OBJETIVO: Verificar se existe associação entre as alterações no sono dos bebês aos 12 meses de vida e a depressão pós-parto materna. MÉTODOS: Estudo do tipo transversal aninhado a uma coorte. A amostra foi constituída por mulheres que realizaram o acompanhamento pelo Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), nas unidades básicas de saúde do município de Pelotas, e que tiveram seus partos a partir de junho/2006. Os bebês de 12 meses oriundos dessa gestação também fazem parte da amostra. Para avaliar a presença de sintomas depressivos nas mães, foi utilizada a Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) e foram investigados os seguintes comportamentos do sono dos bebês: horas de sono por dia, regularidade do horário para dormir e acordar, sono agitado e despertar noturno. Para análise, foi utilizada Regressão de Poisson. RESULTADOS: 35,7% dos bebês possuem alteração no padrão de sono. Após o ajuste ao modelo hierárquico proposto, a alteração no sono infantil manteve associação com a sintomatologia depressiva da mãe (p < 0,01). CONCLUSÕES: Os profissionais de saúde devem investigar rotineiramente os comportamentos de sono dos bebês e dar atenção à saúde mental das mães, a fim de identificar os problemas precocemente e oferecer suporte no manejo do sono dos bebês.
Objetivo: Avaliar a qualidade de vida e sintomas de ansiedade e depressão em pacientes com diagnóstico de meningioma e glioma de alto grau submetidos à neurocirurgia oncológica. Métodos: Para a coleta de dados, foram aplicados dois instrumentos validados no Brasil: Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HAD) e Item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36). Resultados: Foram identificadas diferenças estatisticamente significativas quando comparados os dados do SF-36 de ambos os grupos tumorais, no pré e pós-operatório, nos aspectos: capacidade funcional (p = 0,043), aspecto emocional (p = 0,042) e saúde mental (p = 0,042) referente ao grupo meningioma. Quando comparados com respectivos grupos controle, houve diferenças significativas entre os grupos meningioma e controle, nos aspectos físico (p = 0,002) e emocional (p = 0,004), e entre os grupos glioma de alto grau e controle, nos aspectos capacidade funcional (p = 0,003) e físico (p = 0,003). Conclusão: A cirurgia oncológica gerou alterações de humor e na qualidade de vida em ambos os grupos, independente do tipo histológico do tumor. Apesar da relevância do tema, ainda são poucos os estudos sobre o tema.
Objetivo O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a associação do sono, depressão e ansiedade em pacientes com migrânea. Métodos Cinquenta pacientes do sexo feminino, provenientes de um centro terciário de tratamento de cefaleias, com o diagnóstico de migrânea segundo os critérios da International Headache Society, foram incluídas neste estudo. As pacientes foram avaliadas com os seguintes instrumentos: Migraine Disability Assessment test (MIDAS), Headache Impact Test (HIT), Hospital Anxiety (HADS-A) and Depression Scale (HAD-D), Índice de Qualidade do Sono de Pittsburgh (IQSP) e Escala de Sonolência de Epworth (ESE). Resultados As pacientes apresentaram alta prevalência de sintomas de ansiedade (60%) e de depressão (42%), má qualidade do sono (80%) e sonolência diurna (36%). Foi demonstrada correlação positiva entre a gravidade dos sintomas de ansiedade e HIT (p = 0,018; ρ = 0,334), ESE (p = 0,002; ρ = 0,426) e IQSP (p = 0,002; ρ = 0,426). Correlação positiva também foi demonstrada entre a gravidade dos sintomas depressivos e HIT (p < 0,001; ρ = 0,532), ESE (p = 0,035; ρ = 0,299) e IQSP (p = 0,016, ρ = 0,34). Não houve associação entre a qualidade do sono, a sonolência diurna e a gravidade da migrânea. A pontuação na HAD-D foi o principal preditor de impacto grave da migrânea. Conclusão Apesar da alta frequência de distúrbios do sono, o principal fator relacionado ao impacto da migrânea foi a gravidade dos sintomas depressivos.
OBJETIVOS: estimar a prevalência de depressão puerperal (DP) sua associação com transtorno mental comum (TMC) nas mulheres atendidas por duas unidades do Programa de Saúde da Família (PSF) da cidade de São Paulo e identificar os fatores de risco associados à DP. MÉTODOS: estudo de corte transversal com 70 puérperas atendidas nas Unidades do PSF, Fazenda da Juta II e Jardim Sinhá, entre outubro de 2003 e fevereiro de 2004. Como instrumentos utilizaram-se: questionário com informações sociodemográficas econômicas e dados obstétricos e perinatais; Self-Report Questionnaire 20 (SRQ-20), para rastreamento de TMC e a Edinburgh Post-Natal Depression Scale (EPDS), para avaliação de DP. Para testar as associações entre variáveis explicativas (fatores de risco) e a presença de DP foram utilizados os testes t de Student, chi2 e chi2 de tendência linear, quando indicados. Para avaliar a concordância entre a EPDS e o SRQ foi utilizado o coeficiente de concordância kappa (kapa). RESULTADOS: a prevalência de TMC e de DP foi de 37,1%. As escalas apresentaram boa concordância (kapa = 0,75). As variáveis explicativas idade materna, cor, escolaridade, ocupação e estado civil, além de idade, ocupação e instrução do companheiro, renda familiar, número de gestações, paridade, abortamentos, filhos vivos, partos prematuros, idade gestacional, tipo do parto, planejamento da gestação, Apgar de 1º e 5º minuto, sexo e peso do recém-nascido e aleitamento materno não apresentaram significância estatística. Quanto maior a percepção de suporte social do marido, menor a prevalência de DP (p=0,03). CONCLUSÃO: devido à alta prevalência e impacto negativo sobre a mãe e seu filho, é valioso sensibilizar o profissional de saúde para a importância da DP.
OBJETIVO: apurar a freqüência de risco para depressão pós-parto (DP) em puérperas de hospital de São Paulo, região Sudeste do Brasil, e determinar fatores associados - entre eles a violência doméstica (VD). MÉTODOS: estudo descritivo, tipo corte transversal. Participaram 133 mulheres, que tiveram partos com idade gestacional de 20 semanas ou mais, no período de agosto a setembro de 2005, em maternidade terciária em São Paulo (Brasil). Foram entrevistadas empregando-se a versão em português do Abuse Assessment Screen para o diagnóstico de violência e responderam questionário de auto-avaliação do risco de DP (Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale). As variáveis foram representadas por freqüências absoluta e relativa. A associação entre as variáveis de interesse e DP foi avaliada pelo teste do chi2 ou exato de Fisher. Adotou-se o nível de significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: o risco de DP foi identificado em 24 puérperas (18%). Das mulheres entrevistadas, 38,3% referiram história de abusos. Observou-se associação entre a ocorrência de VD após os 15 anos de idade e o risco de depressão (p=0,03). A ocorrência de abusos no grupo de mulheres com probabilidade de apresentar DP foi de 58,3%, proporção significativamente maior do que a observada no grupo controle com 33,9%. CONCLUSÕES: a probabilidade de apresentar depressão foi alta entre as puérperas assistidas em maternidade terciária da região Sudeste do Brasil. A VD sofrida após os 15 anos de idade esteve estatisticamente associada ao risco de DP.
Psychological depression is an independent risk factor for coronary artery disease. C-reactive protein has been implicated as a mediator of the effect of psychological depression. Several studies have found that individuals, especially men, who report higher levels of psychological depression also have higher levels of C-reactive protein. The current study was undertaken to replicate these results in a Brazilian population, in which there is a much wider range of variation in both background characteristics (such as socioeconomic status) and coronary artery disease risk factors. A sample of 271 individuals was interviewed using the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale. Fasting blood samples were obtained and evaluated for C-reactive protein (assessed by a turbidimetric immunoassay using a Dade Behring kit) analysis in a subsample (N = 258) of individuals. The mean ± SD C-reactive protein for the entire sample was 0.43 ± 0.44, with 0.42 ± 0.48 for men and 0.43 ± 0.42 mg/L for women. Data were analyzed using multiple regression analysis, controlling for age, sex, body mass index, socioeconomic status, tobacco use, and both total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. Higher reported depressive symptoms were correlated with higher C-reactive protein for men (partial r = 0.298, P = 0.004) and with lower C-reactive protein for women (partial r = -0.154, P = 0.059). The differences in the associations for men and women could be a result of differential effects of sex hormones on stress reactivity and immune response. On the other hand, this difference in the associations may be related to gender differences in the disclosure of emotion and the effect that self-disclosure has on physical health and immune response.
The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of attribution retraining group therapy (ARGT) with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) in the treatment of major depressive disorder (MDD), generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Subjects were sequentially recruited and randomized into two groups, one receiving ARGT (n = 63) and the other SSRIs (n = 66) for 8 weeks. Fifty-four ARGT outpatients with MDD (n = 19), GAD (n = 19), and OCD (n = 16) and 55 SSRI outpatients with MDD (n = 19), GAD (n = 19), and OCD (n = 17) completed the study. All subjects were assessed using the Hamilton Depression Scale and Hamilton Anxiety Scale before and after treatment. The 10-item Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale was employed only for OCD subjects. Plasma levels of serotonin, norepinephrine, cortisol, and adrenocorticotropic hormone were also measured at baseline and 8 weeks after completion of treatment. Symptom scores were significantly reduced (P < 0.001) in both the ARGT and SSRI groups at the end of treatment. However, MDD, GAD and OCD patients in the ARGT group had significantly lower plasma cortisol concentrations compared to baseline (P < 0.05), whereas MDD and OCD patients receiving SSRIs showed significantly increased plasma levels of serotonin (P < 0.05). These findings suggest that ARGT may modulate plasma cortisol levels and affect the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis as opposed to SSRIs, which may up-regulate plasma serotonin levels via a different pathway to produce an overall improvement in the clinical condition of the patients.
The psychometric properties of the Portuguese version of the trait form of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI-T) and its relation to the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) were evaluated in a large Brazilian college student sample containing 845 women and 235 men. STAI-T scores tended to be higher for women, singles, those who work, and subjects under 30 years. Factor analysis of the STAI-T for total sample and by gender yielded two factors: the first representing a mood dimension and the second being related to worrying or cognitive aspects of anxiety. In order to study the relation between anxiety and depression measures, factor analysis of the combination of the 21 BDI items and the 20 STAI-T items was also carried out. The analysis resulted in two factors that were analyzed according to the tripartite model of anxiety and depression. Most of the BDI items (measuring positive affectivity and nonspecific symptoms of depression) were loaded on the first factor and four STAI-T items that measure positive affectivity. The remaining STAI-T items, all of them measuring negative affect, remained in the second factor. Thus, factor 1 represents a depression dimension and factor 2 measures a mood-worrying dimension. The findings of this study suggest that, although widely used as an anxiety scale, the STAI-T in fact measures mainly a general negative affect.
Higher prevalence rates of anxiety and depression have been reported in parents of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The interaction between the burden of ADHD in offspring, a higher prevalence rate of this highly inherited disorder in parents, and comorbidities may explain this finding. Our objective was to investigate levels of ADHD, anxious and depressive symptomatology, and their relationship in parents of ADHD children from a non-clinical sample using a dimensional approach. The sample included 396 students enrolled in all eight grades of a public school who were screened for ADHD using the SNAP IV rating scale. Positive cases were confirmed through a semi-structured interview. Parents of all 26 ADHD students and 31 paired controls were enrolled. A sample of 36 parents of ADHD children (21 mothers, 15 fathers) and 30 parents of control children (18 mothers, 12 fathers) completed the Adult Self Report Scale, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, and Beck Depression Inventory in order to investigate anxious and depressive symptomatology. Probands' mothers presented a higher level of ADHD symptomatology (with only inattention being a significant cluster). Again, mothers of ADHD children presented higher depressive and anxiety levels; however, these did not correlate with their own ADHD symptomatology. Only trait-anxiety levels were higher in ADHD mothers. Our findings suggest that: 1) anxious and depressive symptoms might be more prevalent in mothers of ADHD students; 2) anxious and depressive symptomatology might be independent of impairment associated with ADHD symptoms; 3) anxious and depressive symptoms are independent of the presence of ADHD.
We evaluated the frequency of fatigue in geriatric patients with and without Parkinson's disease (PD) and correlated it with depression and excessive daytime sleepiness. We evaluated 100 patients from Hospital São Paulo, 50 with PD from the Neurologic Outpatient Clinic and 50 with non-neurologic diseases or oncologic diseases from the Geriatric Outpatient Clinic (controls). All patients who scored 28 or more on the Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS) were considered to have fatigue. Also, all patients were submitted to a structured interview to diagnose depression by the criteria of the American Psychiatric Association (DSM-IV, 4th version) and were evaluated by the Modified Impact of Fatigue Scale and the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESE) to detect excessive daytime sleepiness. Demographic and disease details of all PD patients were recorded and the patients were examined and rated by the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Sale (UPDRS) and Hoehn-Yahr staging. Frequency of fatigue (FSS ≥28) was 70% for PD and 22% for controls. Twenty of 35 PD patients with fatigue had concomitant depression. Compared to controls, PD patients were found more frequently to have depression by DSM-IV criteria (44 vs 8%, respectively) and excessive daytime sleepiness by the ESE (44 vs 16%), although only depression was associated with fatigue. Fatigue was more frequent among depressed PD and control patients and was not correlated with PD duration or with UPDRS motor scores. ESE scores did not differ between patients with or without fatigue.
OBJECTIVE To analyze evidence of the validity and reliability of a Brazilian Portuguese version of the Quality of Care Scale from the perspective of people with physical and intellectual disabilities.METHODS There were 162 people with physical disabilities and 156 with intellectual disabilities from Porto Alegre and metropolitan region, who participated in the study in 2008. Classical psychometrics was used to independently analyze the two samples. Hypotheses for evidence of criterion validity (concurrent type) were tested with the Mann-Whitney test for non-normal distributions. Principal components analysis was used to explore factorial models. Evidence of reliability was calculated with Cronbach alpha for the scales and subscales. Test-retest reliability was analyzed for individuals with intellectual disabilities through intra-class correlation coefficient and the Willcoxon test.RESULTS The principal components in the group with physical disabilities replicated the original model presented as a solution to the international project data. Evidence of discriminant validity and test-retest reliability was found.CONCLUSIONS The transcultural factor model found within the international sample project seems appropriate for the samples investigated in this study, especially the physical disabilities group. Depression, pain, satisfaction with life and disability may play a mediating role in the evaluation of quality of care. Additional research is needed to add to evidence of the validity of the instruments.
OBJECTIVE To analyze the association between unintended pregnancy and postpartum depression.METHODS This is a prospective cohort study conducted with 1,121 pregnant aged 18 to 49 years, who attended the prenatal program devised by the Brazilian Family Health Strategy, Recife, PE, Northeastern Brazil, between July 2005 and December 2006. We interviewed 1,121 women during pregnancy and 1,057 after childbirth. Unintended pregnancy was evaluated during the first interview and postpartum depression symptoms were assessed using the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Screening Scale. The crude and adjusted odds ratios for the studied association were estimated using logistic regression analysis.RESULTS The frequency for unintended pregnancy was 60.2%; 25.9% presented postpartum depression symptoms. Those who had unintended pregnancies had a higher likelihood of presenting this symptoms, even after adjusting for confounding variables (OR = 1.48; 95%CI 1.09;2.01). When the Self Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20) variable was included, the association decreased, however, remained statistically significant (OR = 1.42; 95%CI 1.03;1.97).CONCLUSIONS Unintended pregnancy showed association with subsequent postpartum depressive symptoms. This suggests that high values in Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Screening Scale may result from unintended pregnancy.