53 resultados para Geometria - Fundamentos


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FUNDAMENTO: A regurgitação mitral é a doença valvar cardíaca mais comum em todo o mundo. A ressonância magnética pode ser uma ferramenta útil para analisar os parâmetros da valva mitral. OBJETIVO: diferenciar padrões geométricos da valva mitral em pacientes com diferentes gravidades por regurgitação mitral (RM) com base na ressonância magnética cardiovascular. MÉTODOS: Sessenta e três pacientes foram submetidos à ressonância magnética cardiovascular. Os parâmetros da valva mitral analisados foram: área (mm2) e ângulo (graus) de tenting, altura do ventrículo (mm), altura do tenting (mm), folheto anterior, comprimento posterior do folheto (leaflet) e diâmetro do anulo (mm). Os pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos, um incluindo pacientes que necessitaram de cirurgia da valva mitral e o outro os que não. RESULTADOS: Trinta e seis pacientes apresentaram de RM discreta a leve (1-2+) e 27 RM de moderada a grave (3-4+). Dez (15,9%) dos 63 pacientes foram submetidos à cirurgia. Pacientes com RM mais grave tiveram maior diâmetro sistólico final do ventrículo esquerdo (38,6 ± 10,2 vs. 45,4 ± 16,8, p < 0,05) e diâmetro diastólico final esquerdo (52,9 ± 6,8 vs. 60,1 ± 12,3, p = 0,005). Na análise multivariada, a área de tenting foi a determinante mais forte de gravidade de RM (r = 0,62, p = 0,035). Comprimento do anulo (36,1 ± 4,7 vs. 41 ± 6,7, p< 0,001), área de tenting (190,7 ± 149,7 vs. 130 ± 71,3, p= 0,048) e comprimento do folheto posterior (15,1 ± 4,1 vs. 12,2 ± 3,5, p= 0,023) foram maiores em pacientes que precisaram de cirurgia da valva mitral. CONCLUSÕES: Área de tenting, anulo e comprimento do folheto posterior são possíveis determinantes da gravidade da RM. Estes parâmetros geométricos podem ser usados para individualizar a gravidade e, provavelmente, no futuro, orientar o tratamento do paciente com base na anatomia individual do aparelho mitral.


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O fenômeno das interações medicamentosas constitui na atualidade um dos temas mais importantes da farmacologia, para a prática clínica dos profissionais da saúde. O uso concomitante de vários medicamentos, enquanto estratégia terapêutica, e o crescente número destes agentes no mercado são alguns dos fatores que contribuem para ampliar os efeitos benéficos da terapia, mas que também possibilitam a interferência mútua de ações farmacológicas podendo resultar em alterações dos efeitos desejados. Este artigo, de revisão, tem por objetivos rever os princípios farmacológicos relacionados aos mecanismos das interações medicamentosas; descrever as classes dos medicamentos interativos, os grupos de pacientes expostos ao risco e sugerir medidas práticas para a equipe de enfermagem, no intuito de prevenir a ocorrência de reações adversas decorrentes de interações fortuitas.


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Apresenta-se uma reflexão sobre elementos que estruturam o processo de trabalho em saúde e o agir do enfermeiro. Abordam-se o processo de trabalho em saúde, as tecnologias em saúde e o gerenciamento do cuidado como construtos que fundamentam a reflexão, com o objetivo de auxiliar na ampliação da visibilidade dos atos do enfermeiro. Ressalta-se a importância da utilização desses fundamentos para o exercício de práticas do cuidado nos processos gerenciais.


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Este trabalho teve por objetivo explorar a aplicabilidade da teoria de fractais no estudo da variabilidade espacial em agregação de solo. A geometria de fractais tem sido proposta como um modelo para a distribuição de tamanho de partículas. A distribuição do tamanho de agregados do solo, expressos em termos de massa, é apresentada. Os parâmetros do modelo, tais como: a dimensão fractal D, medida representativa da fragmentação do solo (quanto maior seu valor, maior a fragmentação), e o tamanho do maior agregado R L foram definidos como ferramentas descritivas para a agregação do solo. Os agregados foram coletados em uma profundidade de 0-10 cm de um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico típico álico textura argilosa, em Angatuba, São Paulo. Uma grade regular de 100 x 100 m foi usada e a amostragem realizada em 76 pontos nos quais se determinou a distribuição de agregados por via úmida, usando água, álcool e benzeno como pré-tratamentos. Pelo exame de semivariogramas, constatou-se a ocorrência de dependência espacial. A krigagem ordinária foi usada como interpolador e mapas de contorno mostraram-se de grande utilidade na descrição da variabilidade espacial de agregação do solo.


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The Potentiometric Stripping Analysis (PSA) is described with emphasis on ultramicroelectrode applications with a laboratory developed computer based instrumentation. The technique potentialities as compared with the voltammetric approach are pointed out based on the current literature. Some results of trace metals analysis including zinc, cadmium, lead and copper in vinegar and canned food samples are presented. The mainly advantage found in our laboratory was the technique capability to analyse natural samples with minimum matrix interference and the low level of noise found in our determinations.


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The ability of enzymes to function in aquo-restricted media (commonly reported as non-aqueous media) has greatly enlarged the applications in numerous fields. The development of biosensors was also benefited with this area, expanding their applications toward many previously inaccessible analytes, enlarging significantly the scope of applications. In this review, some basic factors that influence biocatalytical reactions in aquo-restricted media is discussed. Attention is focused on the development, advantages and analytical applications of biosensors in non-aqueous media. Recent examples and relevant applications of their use are presented.


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This article presents the basic ideas that oriented the elaboration of the new Chemistry Curriculum for the High Schools in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The main features of traditional Brazilian Chemistry Curriculum are critically discussed, namely, the excessive number of concepts, the overemphasis in procedures and rituals instead of chemical principles and the lack of relationship between the concepts and the social, technological and environmental contexts. Trying to overcome these features, the proposed curriculum deals with a fewer number of concepts, clearly related in a conceptual structure, opening space to a balanced emphasis on phenomena, theory and representation, and on conceptual and contextual aspects of chemical knowledge.


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In this work, the analysis of cations by capillary electrophoresis is reviewed from the theoretical and practical point of view. Separation mechanisms and detection modes are discussed and illustrated. A thorough compilation of the literature over the last ten years, regarding applications of the technique to the analysis of cations in real matrices, is presented.


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A study was carried out on the urea geometries using ab initio calculation and Monte Carlo computational simulation of liquids. The ab initio calculated results showed that urea has a non-planar conformation in the gas phase in which the hydrogen atoms are out of the plane formed by the heavy atoms. Free energies associated to the rotation of the amino groups of urea in water were obtained using the Monte Carlo method in which the thermodynamic perturbation theory is implemented. The magnitude of the free energy obtained from this simulation did not permit us to conclude that urea is non-planar in water.


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The aim of this work was to compare the performances of the L'vov and integrated platforms in order to overcome the interferences found on lead determination in zidovudine by ET AAS. Pyrolysis and atomization temperatures found with integrated platform were 700 and 1400°C, respectively. The characteristic masses were 12.7 ± 1.2 pg with integrated platform and 11.1 ± 1.3 pg with grooved platform. The ratio between the slopes of zidovudine and aqueous curves shows a decrease in the interferences when the L'vov platform is used (bAZT/b aq = 0.97 ± 0.10) and the detection limit found was 0.03 µg.g-1. That ratio was 0.85 ± 0.07 with the integrated platform.


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This paper is a translation from IUPAC nomenclature document by K. Danzer and L. A. Currie (Pure Appl. Chem., 1998, 70(4), 993-1014). Its goal is to establish an uniform and meaningful approach to terminology (in Portuguese), notation, and formulation for calibation in analytical chemistry. In this first part, general fundamentals of calibration are presented, namely for both relationships of qualitative and quantitative variables (relations between variables characterizing certain types analytes of the measured function on the other hand and between variables characterizing the amount or concentration of the chemical species and the intensities of the measured signals, on the other hand). On this basis, the fundamentals of the common single component calibration (Univariate Calibration) which models the relationship y = f(x) between the signal intensities y and the amounts or concentrations x of the analyte under given conditions are represented. Additional papers will be prepared dealing with extensive relationships between several intensities and analyte contents, namely with multivariate calibrations and with optimization and experimental design.


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The experiment introduces the undergraduate students to the crystal field theory. The electronic spectra of the octahedral complexes of [Ni(L)n]2+ (L = H2O, dmso, NH3 and en) obtained in the experiment are used to calculate 10Dq and B parameters. The experiment shows how the parameters can be calculated and correlated with the nature of the ligands and the field intensities produced.


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Combinatorial chemistry refers to techniques to rapidly fabricate tens, hundreds or even thousands of different micro samples. The analysis of the large number of samples generated by combinatorial methods requires highly efficient analytical methods. In this case, the challenges are due not only to the large number of samples to be analyzed, but also to the small amount of sample available for analysis. This paper describes the fundamentals of combinatorial chemical methods applied to discover of materials and the development in x-ray diffraction to analyze micro samples.


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This paper presents the basic theory of generalized two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy. This method is applicable to various types of spectroscopy, including Infrared, Near Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy and it emphasizes spectral features not readily observable in conventional one-dimensional spectra. Some applications are cited, including work developed in Brazil.