79 resultados para GIS-järjestelmät
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the association between dietary patterns and oral cancer. METHODS: The study, part of a Latin American multicenter hospital-based case-control study, was conducted in São Paulo, Southeastern Brazil, between November 1998 and March 2002 and included 366 incident cases of oral cancer and 469 controls, frequency-matched with cases by sex and age. Dietary data were collected using a food frequency questionnaire. The risk associated with the intake of food groups defined a posteriori, through factor analysis (called factors), was assessed. The first factor, labeled "prudent," was characterized by the intake of vegetables, fruit, cheese, and poultry. The second factor, "traditional," consisted of the intake of rice, pasta, pulses, and meat. The third factor, "snacks," was characterized as the intake of bread, butter, salami, cheese, cakes, and desserts. The fourth, "monotonous," was inversely associated with the intake of fruit, vegetables and most other food items. Factor scores for each component retained were calculated for cases and controls. After categorization of factor scores into tertiles according to the distribution of controls, odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals were calculated using unconditional multiple logistic regression. RESULTS: "Traditional" factor showed an inverse association with cancer (OR=0.51; 95% CI: 0.32; 0.81, p-value for trend 0.14), whereas "monotonous" was positively associated with the outcome (OR=1.78; 95% CI: 1.78; 2.85, p-value for trend <0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The study data suggest that the traditional Brazilian diet, consisting of rice and beans plus moderate amounts of meat, may confer protection against oral cancer, independently of any other risk factors such as alcohol intake and smoking.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the association between oral health and hygiene practices and oral cancer. METHODS: Hospital-based case-control study in the metropolitan area of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil, from 1998 to 2002. A total 309 patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the mouth and the pharynx and 468 controls matched by sex and age were included in the study. Cases were recruited in seven reference hospitals and controls were selected in five out of the seven participating hospitals. Detailed information on smoking, alcohol consumption, schooling, oral health status and hygiene practices were obtained through interviews. Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI), adjusted by sex, age, schooling, smoking, alcohol consumption as well as the variables oral health status and hygiene practices were estimated using unconditional logistic regression analyses. RESULTS: The use of complete dental prosthesis was not associated with oral cancer but regular gum bleeding showed a strong association (OR 3.1; 95% CI 1.2-7.9). Those who never attended a dental visit were more likely to have oral cancer (OR 2.5; 95% CI 1.3-4.8). Daily mouthwash use showed a stronger association to pharynx (OR 4.7; 95% CI 1.8-12.5) than mouth cancer (OR 3.2; 95% CI 1.6-6.3). CONCLUSIONS: Gum bleeding, no dental care, and daily mouthwash use were factors associated with oral cancer regardless of tobacco and alcohol consumption.
IntroductionThe objective of this study was to analyze the spatial behavior of the occurrence of trachoma cases detected in the City of Bauru, State of São Paulo, Brazil, in 2006 in order to use the information collected to set priority areas for optimization of health resources.Methodsthe trachoma cases identified in 2006 were georeferenced. The data evaluated were: schools where the trachoma cases studied, data from the 2000 Census, census tract, type of housing, water supply conditions, distribution of income and levels of education of household heads. In the Google Earth® software and TerraView® were made descriptive spatial analysis and estimates of the Kernel. Each area was studied by interpolation of the density surfaces exposing events to facilitate to recognize the clusters.ResultsOf the 66 cases detected, only one (1.5%) was not a resident of the city's outskirts. A positive association was detected of trachoma cases and the percentage of heads of household with income below three minimum wages and schooling under eight years of education.ConclusionsThe recognition of the spatial distribution of trachoma cases coincided with the areas of greatest social inequality in Bauru City. The micro-areas identified are those that should be prioritized in the rationalization of health resources. There is the possibility of using the trachoma cases detected as an indicator of performance of micro priority health programs.
Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Geographic information systems (GIS) enable public health data to be analyzed in terms of geographical variability and the relationship between risk factors and diseases. This study discusses the application of the geographic weighted regression (GWR) model to health data to improve the understanding of spatially varying social and clinical factors that potentially impact leprosy prevalence. METHODS: This ecological study used data from leprosy case records from 1998-2006, aggregated by neighborhood in the Duque de Caxias municipality in the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In the GWR model, the associations between the log of the leprosy detection rate and social and clinical factors were analyzed. RESULTS: Maps of the estimated coefficients by neighborhood confirmed the heterogeneous spatial relationships between the leprosy detection rates and the predictors. The proportion of households with piped water was associated with higher detection rates, mainly in the northeast of the municipality. Indeterminate forms were strongly associated with higher detections rates in the south, where access to health services was more established. CONCLUSIONS: GWR proved a useful tool for epidemiological analysis of leprosy in a local area, such as Duque de Caxias. Epidemiological analysis using the maps of the GWR model offered the advantage of visualizing the problem in sub-regions and identifying any spatial dependence in the local study area.
Este trabalho objetivou avaliar o impacto de herbicidas à base de glyphosate, imazaquin e trifluralin na biomassa microbiana do solo, na comunidade bacteriana associada ao rizoplano de soja e também na nodulação das plantas de soja. As avaliações foram realizadas por um período de 60 dias, em dois sistemas de manejo do solo: semeadura direta na palha (SD) e semeadura convencional (SC), que receberam a aplicação dos herbicidas glyphosate e, imazaquin e trifluralin, respectivamente. Ao longo do período estudado o imazaquin, na área de SD, ocasionou redução da biomassa microbiana e, também alterou o perfil bacteriano analisado por eletroforese em gel com gradiente desnaturante (DGGE) de forma mais intensa, que o glyphosate. Na área de SC não houve efeito significativo dos herbicidas sobre a biomassa microbiana, tendo ocorrido grande variabilidade entre repetições de um mesmo tratamento nos perfis de DGGE, o que dificultou a observação do efeito dos herbicidas. O seqüenciamento de fragmentos do 16S rDNA retirados dos géis de DGGE mostrou que o glyphosate restringiu o desenvolvimento de uma bactéria com 90% de homologia com Herbaspirillum sp., enquanto, o imazaquin estimulou uma bactéria com 96% de homologia com Ralstonia sp. e, outras bactérias com pelo menos 92% de homologia com Burkholderia, Thiomonas e Pseudomonas não foram afetadas. Também não houve efeito dos herbicidas sobre o número de nódulos nas plantas de soja.
As altas temperaturas ocorrentes durante a queima na floresta Amazônica podem induzir transformações mineralógicas da fração argila. Este trabalho objetivou avaliar as alterações mineralógicas nas frações areia, silte e argila e na reserva mineral de solos submetidos a diferentes manejos (11 anos de mata secundária, pastagem e café) após a derrubada e queima de floresta nativa situada na Amazônia Meridional, município de Cacoal (RO). Uma área de floresta nativa ombrófila densa, com mesma feição pedológica, foi dividida em quatro partes, sendo três áreas submetidas ao corte e à queima e posteriormente cultivadas. Em cada manejo, os perfis de solos foram descritos e amostras dos horizontes A, AB, B1, 2B2 e 2BC foram coletadas para as análises mineralógicas das frações argila, silte e areia (difratometria de raios X) e químicas da fração argila (extração de Fe com ditionito-citrato-bicarbonato - DCB e com oxalato de amônio - OA). Os teores de K não trocáveis foram determinados nas amostras de solo após extração com HNO3 1 mol L-1 fervente. Verificou-se o predomínio da caulinita na fração argila e alta reserva mineral de K nos solos, associada à ocorrência de mica nas frações argila, silte e areia. Os diferentes manejos não afetaram os teores de Fe2O3DCB e Fe2O3OA; por outro lado, o maior valor estimado para a relação entre os teores de goethita e hematita [Gt/(Gt+Hm)] na fração argila no horizonte A da floresta indica uma possível transformação parcial de Gt em Hm durante a queima da floresta para a implantação dos manejos mata secundária, pastagem e café.
FUNDAMENTO: Ainda que os benefícios clínicos das intervenções coronarianas parecem confirmados, seus efeitos na qualidade de vida (QV) permanecem pouco estudados. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a qualidade de vida (QV) na doença multiarterial coronariana em pacientes submetidos randomicamente a cirurgia, angioplastia ou tratamento clínico. MÉTODOS: Foi utilizando Short-Form Health Survey (SF36) questionnaire em 483 pacientes. Desses, 161 foram revascularizados; 166 receberam angioplastia e 153 tiveram tratamento clínico. RESULTADOS: Na internação, 86% referiam angina; 34%, infarto; e 32% fumavam. Tratamento clínico: 12 pacientes (7,7%) tiveram infarto agudo do miocárdio (IAM); 24 (15,3%) receberam cirurgia; e 19 (12,1%) morreram. Além disso, cinco (3,2%) sofreram AVC e 40 (25,6%) tinham angina. No componente mental, 64,1% melhoram e 30,8% pioram a condição. No componente físico, 70,5% melhoram e 27,6% pioram a condição. Cirurgia: 13 pacientes (8,1%) tiveram IAM, dois (1,2%) receberam cirurgia; 12 (7,4%) morreram. Em adição, nove (5,6%) sofreram AVC e 30 (18,6%) sofriam angina. No componente mental, 72,7% melhoram e 25,5% pioram a condição. No componente físico, 82,6% melhoram e 16,1% pioram a condição. Angioplastia: 18 pacientes (10,9%) tiveram IAM, 51 (30,7%) receberam intervenções e 18 (19,9%) morreram. Além disso, seis (3,6%) sofreram AVC e 35 (21%) relatavam angina. No componente mental, 66,9% melhoram e 26,5% pioram a condição No componente físico, 77,1% melhoram e 20,5% pioram a condição. CONCLUSÃO: Observou-se melhora em todos os domínios e nas três opções terapêuticas. Comparativamente, a cirurgia ofereceu melhor qualidade de vida após quatro anos de seguimento.
FUNDAMENTO: Técnicas de cirurgia de revascularização miocárdica (RM) sem o uso de circulação extracorpórea (CEC) possibilitou resultados operatórios com menor dano sistêmico, menor ocorrência de complicações clínicas, menor permanência na sala de terapia intensiva e também no tempo de internação, gerando expectativas de melhor qualidade de vida (QV) dos pacientes. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a QV em pacientes submetidos à cirurgia de revascularização com e sem CEC. MÉTODOS: Em pacientes com doença multiarterial coronariana (DAC) estável e função ventricular preservada, aplicou-se o Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36) Questionnaire antes da cirurgia e depois de 6 e 12 meses. RESULTADOS: Entre janeiro de 2002 e dezembro de 2006, foram randomizados 202 pacientes para cirurgia de RM. As características demográficas clínicas laboratoriais e angiográficas foram semelhantes nos dois grupos. Desses pacientes, 105 foram operados sem CEC e 97 com CEC. Na evolução, 22 pacientes sofreram infarto, 29 relataram angina, um reoperou, 3 tiveram AVC e nenhum morreu. A avaliação da QV mostrou similaridade nos dois grupos em relação ao componente físico e mental. Todavia, encontrou-se significativa melhora da capacidade funcional e percepção do aspecto físico nos pacientes do sexo masculino. Além disso, um expressivo número de pacientes dos dois grupos retornou ao trabalho. CONCLUSÃO: Em todos os pacientes estudados, observaram-se melhora progressiva da qualidade de vida e retorno precoce ao trabalho, independentemente da técnica cirúrgica empregada. Exceto pela melhor percepção da capacidade funcional e do aspecto físico experimentado pelos homens, não houve diferença estatística nos resultados dos demais domínios alcançados pelos dois grupos estudados.
FUNDAMENTO: Técnicas cirúrgicas de revascularização miocárdica sem o uso de circulação extracorpórea (CEC) projetaram esperanças de resultados operatórios com menor dano sistêmico, menor ocorrência de complicações clínicas e menor tempo de internação hospitalar, gerando expectativas de menor custo hospitalar. OBJETIVO: Avaliar o custo hospitalar em pacientes submetidos à cirurgia de revascularização miocárdica com e sem o uso de CEC, e em portadores de doença multiarterial coronariana estável com função ventricular preservada. MÉTODOS: Os custos hospitalares foram baseados na remuneração governamental vigente. Acrescentaram-se aos custos uso de órteses e próteses, complicações e intercorrências clínicas. Consideraram-se o tempo e os custos de permanência na UTI e de internação hospitalar. RESULTADOS: Entre janeiro de 2002 e agosto de 2006, foram randomizados 131 pacientes para cirurgia com CEC (CCEC) e 128 pacientes sem CEC (SCEC). As características basais foram semelhantes para os dois grupos. Os custos das intercorrências cirúrgicas foram significativamente menores (p < 0,001) para pacientes do grupo SCEC comparados ao grupo CCEC (606,00 ± 525,00 vs. 945,90 ± 440,00), bem como os custos na UTI: 432,20 ± 391,70 vs. 717,70 ± 257,70, respectivamente. Os tempos de permanência na sala cirúrgica foram (4,9 ± 1,1 h vs. 3,9 ± 1,0 h), (p < 0,001) na UTI (48,2 ± 17,2 h vs. 29,2 ± 26,1h) (p < 0,001), com tempo de entubação (9,2 ± 4,5 h vs. 6,4 ± 5,1h) (p < 0,001) para pacientes do grupo com e sem CEC, respectivamente. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados permitem concluir que a cirurgia de revascularização miocárdica, sem circulação extracorpórea, proporciona diminuição de custos operacionais e de tempo de permanência em cada setor relacionado ao tratamento cirúrgico.
Relatamos o caso de um paciente do sexo feminino, assintomática, com grande fístula bilateral da artéria coronária-artéria pulmonar. O monitoramento clínico foi a opção escolhida para tratamento. Discutimos os pormenores das opções terapêuticas, enfatizando a tendência excessiva de utilizar a abordagem cirúrgica e a grande escassez de acompanhamentos clínicos de longo prazo em pacientes assintomáticos.
This paper examines the results of spatial (microgeographical) water contact/schistosomiasis studies in two African (Egyptian and Kenyan) and one Brazilian communities. All three studies used traditional cartographic and statistical methods but one of them emploeyd also GIS (geographical information systems) tools. The advantage of GIS and their potential role in schistosomiasis control are briefly described. The three cases revealed considerable variation in the spatial distribution of water contact, transmission parameters and infection levels at the household and individual levels. All studies showed considerable variation in the prevalence and intensity of infection between households. They also show a variable influence of distance on water contact behavior associated with type of activity, age, sex, socioeconomic level, perception of water quality, season and availability of water in the home. Water contact behavior and schistosomiasis were evaluated in the Brazilian village of Nova União within the context of water sharing between household and age/sex groups. Recommendations are made for further spatial studies on the transmission and control of schistosomiasis.
Geographical information systems (GIS) are tools that have been recently tested for improving our understanding of the spatial distribution of disease. The objective of this paper was to further develop the GIS technology to model and control schistosomiasis using environmental, social, biological and remote-sensing variables. A final regression model (R² = 0.39) was established, after a variable selection phase, with a set of spatial variables including the presence or absence of Biomphalaria glabrata, winter enhanced vegetation index, summer minimum temperature and percentage of houses with water coming from a spring or well. A regional model was also developed by splitting the state of Minas Gerais (MG) into four regions and establishing a linear regression model for each of the four regions: 1 (R² = 0.97), 2 (R² = 0.60), 3 (R² = 0.63) and 4 (R² = 0.76). Based on these models, a schistosomiasis risk map was built for MG. In this paper, geostatistics was also used to make inferences about the presence of Biomphalaria spp. The result was a map of species and risk areas. The obtained risk map permits the association of uncertainties, which can be used to qualify the inferences and it can be thought of as an auxiliary tool for public health strategies.
Geographical Information System (GIS) is a tool that has recently been applied to better understand spatial disease distributions. Using meteorological, social, sanitation, mollusc distribution data and remote sensing variables, this study aimed to further develop the GIS technology by creating a model for the spatial distribution of schistosomiasis and to apply this model to an area with rural tourism in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais (MG). The Estrada Real, covering about 1,400 km, is the largest and most important Brazilian tourism project, involving 163 cities in MG with different schistosomiasis prevalence rates. The model with three variables showed a R² = 0.34, with a standard deviation of risk estimated adequate for public health needs. The main variables selected for modelling were summer vegetation, summer minimal temperature and winter minimal temperature. The results confirmed the importance of Remote Sensing data and the valuable contribution of GIS in identifying priority areas for intervention in tourism regions which are endemic to schistosomiasis.
Geographical Information Systems (GIS) facilitate access to epidemiological data through visualization and may be consulted for the development of mathematical models and analysis by spatial statistics. Variables such as land-cover, land-use, elevations, surface temperatures, rainfall etc. emanating from earth-observing satellites, complement GIS as this information allows the analysis of disease distribution based on environmental characteristics. The strength of this approach issues from the specific environmental requirements of those causative infectious agents, which depend on intermediate hosts for their transmission. The distribution of these diseases is restricted, both by the environmental requirements of their intermediate hosts/vectors and by the ambient temperature inside these hosts, which effectively govern the speed of maturation of the parasite. This paper discusses the current capabilities with regard to satellite data collection in terms of resolution (spatial, temporal and spectral) of the sensor instruments on board drawing attention to the utility of computer-based models of the Earth for epidemiological research. Virtual globes, available from Google and other commercial firms, are superior to conventional maps as they do not only show geographical and man-made features, but also allow instant import of data-sets of specific interest, e.g. environmental parameters, demographic information etc., from the Internet.
The relationships between environmental exposure to risk agents and health conditions have been studied with the aid of remote sensing imagery, a tool particularly useful in the study of vegetation cover. This study aims to evaluate the influence of environmental variables on the spatial distribution of the abundance of Lutzomyia longipalpis and the reported canine and human visceral leishmaniasis (VL) cases at an urban area of Campo Grande, state of Mato Grosso do Sul. The sandfly captures were performed in 13 residences that were selected by raffle considering four residences or collection station for buffer. These buffers were generated from the central house with about 50, 100 and 200 m from it in an endemic area of VL. The abundance of sandflies and human and canine cases were georreferenced using the GIS software PCI Geomatica. The normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and percentage of land covered by vegetation were the environmental variables extracted from a remote sensing IKONOS-2 image. The average NDVI was considered as the complexity of habitat and the standard deviation as the heterogeneity of habitat. One thousand three hundred sixty-seven specimens were collected during the catch. We found a significant positive linear correlation between the abundance of sandflies and the percentage of vegetation cover and average NDVI. However, there was no significant association between habitat heterogeneity and the abundance of these flies.