26 resultados para Foureau, Fernand (1850-1914) -- Portraits


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A study of the Adolpho Lutz Collection of Tabanidae at the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz and of additional Lutz material at the Instituto Butantan in São Paulo is reported. Of the ninety-four species of Tabanidae validly described by Lutz, type material of eighty-four was recognized, either holotypes, allotypes or syntypes. Lectotypes were selected from among syntype series or remaining specimens and all type material was labelled. Of the ten species of which no type material could be found, neotypes were designated in the case of two species, Erephosis nigricans and Erephosis pseudo-aurimaculata. Types of three species, Chrysops ecuadoriensis, Dichelacera salvadorensis and Esenbeckia nigricorpus are believed to have been in Hamburg and destroyed during the last war. Types of two species, Esenbeckia biscutellata and E. dubia, and additional type material of several others are believed to have been in Montevideo. A request for information about them remains unanswered. Types of the remaining three species, Dichelacera intermedia, Dichelacera laceriascia and Esenbeckia distinguenda could not be found, and it is believed that at least the type of the last species was accidentally destroyed. Three specific of subspecific names proposed by Lutz but palaced by others in synonymy have been revalidated, Acanthocera intermedia, Erephosis brevistria and Esenbeckia fenestrata. Generic placement of two names has been changed, Esenbeckia arcuata ricardoae to Proboscoides, and Selasoma giganteum to Stibasoma. Seven specific names proposed by Lutz appear to be synonyms of earlier names, as follows: Bombylopsis juxtaleonina Lutz and Castro, 1936 = B. leonina Lutz, 1909. Bombylopsis pseudoanalis Lutz, 1909 = B. erythronotata (Bigot, 1892). Esenbeckia fuscipennis var. flavescens Lutz, 1909 = Esenbeckia fuscipennis Wied., 1828. Fidena chrysopyga Lutz and Castro, 1936 = F. atra Lutz and Castro, 1936. Laphriomyia longipalpis Lutz and Castro, 1937 = L. mirabilis Lutz, 1911. Stibasoma semiflavum Lutz, 1915 = St. bicolor Bigot, 1892. Tabanus hesperus Lutz, 1912 = Chlorotabanus (Cryptolylus) innotescens (Walker, 1854). Four Lutz names appear to antedate names proposed by others, viz.: Diachlorus angustifrons Kröber, 1930 and D. ochraceus Kröb., 1928 not Macquart, 1850 = Diachlorus fuscistigma Lutz, 1913. Psalidia fairchildi Barretto, 1950 = dicladocera conspicua Lutz and Neiva, 1914. Fidena pseudo-fulvithorax Kröb., 1931 = Erephopsis flavicrinis Lutz, 1909. Esenbeckia lemniscata Enderlein, 1925 = Esenbeckia clari Lutz, 1909. Some comments on Lutz' system of classification are given together with notes on the genotypes and included species of his genera as revaled by his collection and notes.


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Dentre 683 serpentes procedentes de diferentes pontos do Brasil, 16 (2,4%) apresentaram em seu sangue (em glóbulos vermelhos maturos e imaturos) Toddia ou Pirhemocyton. Denominamos provisoriamente Toddia os parasitos encontrados em Bothrops moojeni, B. pradoi, B. jararaca e Chironius flavolineatus e Pirhemocyton os encontrados em B. alternatus; fornecemos a primeira referência nestes hospedeiros. Estes parasitos foram estudados comparativamente com o objetivo de estabelecermos a extensão de suas afinidades. Com Toddia de B. moojeni realizamos técnica citoquímica para caracterização de ácidos nucleicos e encontramos positividade apenas para DNA. As maiores afinidades entre os parasitos estudados residiam nas características dos corpúsculos cromáticos e alterações celulares que determinam; observarmos quase total identidade nas maneiras como os parasitos da mesma espécie de serpente se apresentaram. Constatamos a coexistência de inclusões globóides, cristalóides e formas intermediárias associada aos parasitos de B. pradoi e B. alternatus; em C. flavolineatus encotnramos além dos cristais, raríssimas formas intermediárias entre estes e globóides. Afinidades entre Toddia e Pirhemocyton abrangendo o tipo de inclusão contrariam as descrições originais, tornando pouco válida esta separação genérica. Discutimos também os fundamentos da criação das espécies e a possível natureza virótica destes parasitos.


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In this paper two species of trematodes recovered from nectomys squamipes from Goiás State, Brazil, are presented. Maritremopsis mariettavogeae sp. n. is compared to M. proxilum (Caballero & Montero-Gei, 1961) and M. belopolskaiae (Caballero, 1964). Amphimerus lancea originally described from a cetacean host, is for the first time referred in a rodent.


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Paragonimus rudis was found in the lungs of a giant otter Lutra (pteronura) brasiliensis by Natterer in 1828, who dissected the animal in the former capital Mato Grosso (=Vila Bela), Brazil. The flukes were described by Diesing in 1850, and redescribed by Braun in 1901. Both descriptions do not allow to identify the species. Therefore, P. rudis must be regarded a "nomen nudum". Because its rediscovery is desirable with regard to historical reasons and nomenclatoric questions, a field study was performed in Mato Grosso in 1980. Of 354 freshwater crabs from 24 localities collected and examined for parasitic infections, about 25% were found to be infected with 7kinds of trematode larvae, which differed distincly from Paragonimus-metacercariae. The question, whether P. rudis or other lung fluke species do not seem to occur or cannot be found any longer in the area investigated by us, is discussed.


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Examination of the holotype of Lutzomyia marajoensis (Damasceno & Causey, 1944) shows this species to be identical to Lutzomyia walkeri (Newstead, 1914). The name Lutxomyia dubitans (Sherlock, 1962) is resurrected for another sand fly which has been incorrectly named L. marajoensis since 1961. Newly discovered structural differences between males and females of L walkeri from L. dubitans are presented.


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É feito um estudo dos plerocercos, larvas de Trypanorhyncha, coletados de peixes estuarinos (Bagrus marinus) e de peixes fluviais, da região de Belém, Pará; os peixes fluviais foram a dourada (Brachyplatystoma flavicans) e a piramutaba (Brachyplatystoma vaillanti). Estes plerocercos foram comparados com outros coletados de pescadas (Cynoscion) e corvinas (Micropogonias), do litoral do Rio de Janeiro. Foram identificados à espécie Pterobothrium crassicolle Diesing, 1850; é dada uma redescrição, uma vez que se considerava como espécie imperfeitamente conhecida.


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Prosthenhystera obesa (Diesing,1850) Travassos, 1922 from the gall bladder of Astyanax bimaculatus, Caranx gibbosus, Galeocharax humeralis, Leporinus copelandii, Pimelodus fur, Pseudopimelodus roosevelti, Salminus brevidens, Salminus maxillosus and from the new hosts, Cynopotamus amazonum and Triurobrycon lundii is redescribed, demonstrating a large morphological variation, mainly in body and testes size and shape. New hosts harbouring immature specimens of P. obesa are presented: Brycon sp., Leporellus vittatus, Pachyurus squamipinnis, Pimelodus clarias, Pseudoplatystoma corruscans and Salminus hilarii. Scanning electron microscopy micrographies, original figures and measurements of adult and immature specimens from different Brazilian hosts and localities are presented


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During investigation on the helminth parasites from Brycon hilarii Valenciennes, 1850 (Characiformes, Characidae), from River Juba, Tangará da Serra, state of Mato Grosso, Brazil, several specimens of the nematode Neocucullanus Travassos, Artigas et Pereira, 1928 were detected. A detailed study of this material, including scanning electron microscopy, allowed to identify these nematodes as N. neocucullanus Travassos, Artigas et Pereira, 1928 and to confirm N. multipapillatus Petter, 1989 as a junior synonym of N. neocucullanus.


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The skeletal remains of 17 people buried in the Eaton Ferry Cemetery in northern North Carolina provide a means of examining health and infectious disease experience in the XIX century South. The cemetery appears to contain the remains of African Americans enslaved on the Eaton family estate from approximately 1830-1850, and thus offers a window into the biological impacts of North American slavery in the years preceding the Civil War. The sample includes the remains of six infants, one child, and one young and nine mature adults (five men, four women, and one unknown). Skeletal indices used to characterize health and disease in the Eaton Ferry sample include dental caries, antemortem tooth loss, enamel hypoplasia, porotic hyperostosis, periosteal lesions, lytic lesions, and stature. These indicators reveal a cumulative picture of compromised health, including high rates of dental disease, childhood growth disruption, and infectious disease. Specific diseases identified in the sample include tuberculosis and congenital syphilis. Findings support previous research on the health impacts of slavery, which has shown that infants and children were the most negatively impacted segment of the enslaved African American population.