295 resultados para Fecal incontinence


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Devido a crescente importância dos coccídios intestinais (Cryptosporidium, Isospora e Cyclospora) como parasitos oportunistas, é fundamental para os laboratórios diferenciar morfologicamente estes protozoários; a técnica de Ziehl-Neelsen modificada (ZNm) é amplamente utilizada para este fim; recentemente, foi proposto um novo procedimento, a coloração combinada do ácido tricrômico (Acid-Fast-Trichrome - AFT). O objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar os processos AFT e ZNm para a detecção destes coccídios em amostras fecais de pacientes portadores do vírus VIH. Foram selecionados dois grupos de indivíduos, para inclusão no estudo, segundo a presença (n=60) ou ausência de diarréia (n=60). As amostras de fezes foram coletadas em solução de formalina 10% e os esfregaços fecais preparados i) diretamente das fezes e ii) após concentração prévia a 500xg (10 minutos), foram submetidos aos diferentes processos de coloração. Considerando-se a positividade por técnica (AFT e ZNm), verificou-se a superioridade do procedimento de ZNm (n=19; 100% dos casos positivos) sobre o de AFT (n=8; 42,1%). Ambos possibilitaram a identificação dos 101 casos verdadeiramente negativos. Coccidiose intestinal foi mais frequente entre os pacientes que apresentaram diarréia (26,6%) em comparação à positividade observada entre os indíviduos assintomáticos (5%) sendo que C. cayetanensis não foi detectada em ambos os grupos. Foi de nosso interesse avaliar a aplicabilidade da técnica AFT para a coloração deste protozoário. Devido à sensibilidade e especificidade obtida neste estudo (100%), conclui-se que o método de ZNm continua sendo o mais indicado para o diagnóstico da criptosporidiose e isosporose, principalmente quando associado ao procedimento de centrífugo-concentração (500xg, 10 minutos). Embora a coloração AFT tenha baixo custo, faz-se necessário o seu aperfeiçoamento pois este procedimento permite o diagnóstico simultâneo dos coccídios intestinais (C. parvum, I. belli e C. cayetanensis) e dos microsporídios.


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INTRODUCTION: This was a prospective study that included women seen in the obstetrics and gynecology sector of Hospital das Clínicas, Federal University of Goiás, in Goiânia, State of Goiás, with the aim of detecting rotaviruses, adenoviruses, caliciviruses and astroviruses. Eighty-four women participated in the study and from these, 314 fecal samples were collected. Out of all of the women, 29 were seropositive for HIV and 55 were seronegative, and 45 and 39 were pregnant and non-pregnant, respectively. METHODS: Fecal samples were collected from each woman once every two months over the period from July 2006 to June 2007, and they were screened for rotaviruses by means of polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and immunoenzymatic assays, for caliciviruses and astroviruses by means of RT-PCR and for adenovirus by means of immunoenzymatic assays. The astroviruses were genotyped using nested PCR. RESULTS: Among the 84 patients, 19 (22.6%) were positive for either calicivirus (14/19) or astrovirus (6/19), while one women was positive for both viruses in fecal samples collected on different occasions. Most of the positive samples were collected during the months of July and August (astrovirus) and September and October (calicivirus). None of the samples analyzed was positive for rotavirus or adenovirus. Gastroenteric viruses were detected in 13/19 (68.4%) of the pregnant women, whether HIV-seropositive or not. CONCLUSIONS: The results from the present study showed that neither pregnancy nor HIV-seropositive status among the women increased the risk of infection by any of the gastroenteric viruses studied. This study presents data on gastroenteric virus detection among pregnant and/or HIV-positive women.


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Pressure sores are common among bedridden, elderly, or malnourished patients, and may occur in terminal ill patients because of impaired mobility, fecal or urinary incontinence, and decreased healing capacity. The aim of this study was to compare frequency of pressure sores between malnourished and non-malnourished necropsied adults. METHOD: All (n = 201) adults (age ³ 18 years) autopsied between 1986 and 1996 at the Teaching Hospital of Triangulo Mineiro Medical School (Uberaba) were eligible for the study. Gender, race, weight, height and main diagnoses were recorded. Ninety-six cases were excluded because of probable body water retention (congestive heart failure, hepatic insufficiency, nephrotic syndrome) or pressure sores secondary to peripheral vascular ischemia. Body mass index (BMI) was used to define malnourished (BMI < 18.5 kg/m²) and non-malnourished (BMI > 18.5kg/m²) groups. RESULTS: Except for weight (42.5kg; range: 28-57 vs. 60; 36-134.5kg) and BMI (16.9; range: 12.4-18.5 vs. 22.7; range: 18.5-54.6kg/m²), respectively, there were no statistical differences among 43 malnourished and 62 non-malnourished cases in relation to age (54.9 ± 20.4 vs. 52.9 ± 17.9 years), percentage of white persons (74.4 vs. 64.5%), male gender (76.7 vs. 69.3%) and main diagnoses. Five malnourished (11.6%) and 7 (11.5%) non-malnourished cases had pressure sores (p=0.89). CONCLUSION: Pressure sores were equally common findings in necropsied persons with protein-energy malnutrition, as assessed by body mass index.


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Proteus mirabilis must be considered a normal inhabitant of the intestine of hamsters. It is also found in the vaginal secretion of females of this animal, when in oestrus.


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Em 24 (82,7%) de 29 pacientes com infecção urinária por Klebsiella pneumoniae isolamos a mesma espécie a partir de amostras fecais. Estudamos 24 cepas urinárias e 219 cepas fecais encontrando 50 biótipos distintos (em média quatro biótipos por amostra fecal). Em dez (34,4%) dos 29 pacientes o biótipo de uma ou mais cepas fecais corresponderam ao biotipo da cepa urinária - sem encontrarmos associação entre a simultaneidade e a prévia cateterização vesical (p>0,05). Na resistotipagem - utilizando quatro substâncias químicas previamente escolhidas entre 34 produtos testados (verde brilhante, verde malaquita, telurito de potássio e cloreto mercúrico) encontramos 16 resistotipos distintos. Em 14 (58,3%), dos 24 casos houve detecção do mesmo resistotipo em cepa(s) fecal(is) e urinária do mesmo paciente, entretanto, só em cinco (20,9%) dos casos houve concordância com a biotipagem na indicação de simultaneidade. A concordância de resultados quanto à ausência ou presença de biotipos ou resistotipos simultâneos, na urina e nas fezes, foi de somente 54,2%. A presença de resistência aos íons telurito e mercúrio, entre cepas fecais e cepas urinárias, no mesmo paciente, estava significativamente associada (p<0,001).


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Even with all progress in the search of sensitive and methods for the immunological diagnosis of schistosomiasis, the microscopic detection of eggs of the parasite in the stool still remains the most widely used tool for the actual diagnosis of active infection. Among the coproscopic methods, Kato's technic modified by Katz et al (Kato/Katz) has the advantages of higher sensitivity, the possibility of egg quantification, its low operational cost and its feasibility in areas with minimal infra-structure. The oorgram of the rectal mucosa is valuable in initial clinical trials of schistosomicides, when it is needed to observe egg morphology in tissue. It could be an alternative method for individual diagnosis, being more sensitive than a single stool exam in low intensity infection. However, the increased sensitivity of a higher number of fecal exams makes that invasiveprocedure unnecessary. In the assessment of cure of schistosomiasis, Kato/Katz method (three fecal samples in one, three and six months after treatment) and the rectal biopsy four months after treatment, are equally reliable.


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PCR detection of Trypanosoma cruzi in Rhodnius prolixus using fresh tissue or fecal drops on filter paper showed comparable results: 38.7% infection rate using the fresh tissue sample and 37.9% by dried fecal drop.


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There is considerable variation in the level of fecal egg excretion during Schistosoma mansoni infections. Within a single endemic area, the distribution of egg counts is typically overdispersed, with the majority of eggs excreted coming from a minority of residents. The purpose of this study was to quantify the influence of genetic factors on patterns of fecal egg excretion in a rural study sample in Brazil. Individual fecal egg excretions, expressed in eggs per gram of feces, were determined by the Kato-Katz method on stool samples collected on three different days. Detailed genealogic information was gathered at the time of sampling, which allowed assignment of 461 individuals to 14 pedigrees containing between 3 and 422 individuals. Using a maximum likelihood variance decomposition approach, we performed quantitative genetic analyses to determine if genetic factors could partially account for the observed pattern of fecal egg excretion. The quantitative genetic analysis indicated that between 21-37% of the variation in S. mansoni egg counts was attributable to additive genetic factors and that shared environment, as assessed by common household, accounted for a further 12-21% of the observed variation. A maximum likelihood heritability (h²) estimate of 0.44 ± 0.14 (mean ± SE) was found for the 9,604 second- and higher-degree pairwise relationships in the study sample, which is consistent with the upper limit (37%) of the genetic factor determined in the variance decomposition analysis. These analyses point to the significant influence of additive host genes on the pattern of S. mansoni fecal egg excretion in this endemic area.


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The present study developed and standardized an enzime-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to detect Giardia antigen in feces using rabbit polyclonal antibodies. Giardia cysts were purified from human fecal samples by sucrose and percoll gradients. Gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus) were infected to obtain trophozoites. Rabbits were inoculated with either cyst or trophozoite antigens of 14 Colombian Giardia isolates to develop antibodies against the respective stages. The IgG anti-Giardia were purified by sequential caprylic acid and ammonium sulfate precipitation. A portion of these polyclonal antibodies was linked to alkaline phosphatase (conjugate). One hundred and ninety six samples of human feces, from different patients, were tested by parasitologic diagnosis: 69 were positive for Giardia cysts, 56 had no Giardia parasites, and 71 revealed parasites other than Giardia. The optimal concentration of polyclonal antibodies for antigen capture was 40 µg/ml and the optimal conjugate dilution was 1:100. The absorbance cut-off value was 0.24. The parameters of the ELISA test for Giardia antigen detection were: sensitivity, 100% (95% CI: 93.4-100%); specificity, 95% (95% CI: 88.6-97.6%); positive predictive value, 91% (95% CI: 81.4-95.9%); and negative predictive value, 100% (95% CI: 96.1-100%). This ELISA will improve the diagnosis of Giardia infections in Colombia and will be useful in following patients after treatment.


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The enteropathogenic role of cytotoxic necrotizing factor (CNF)-producing Escherichia coli was investigated by searching cnf genes among 2074 isolates from 200 children with and 200 without acute diarrhea in Brazil. Fourteen (7%) cases versus 10 (5%) control children carried at least one cnf positive isolate (P = 0.50) and most isolates expressed CNF type 1. DNA sequences of virulence factors of extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli (ExPEC) were detected in 78.6% of CNF1-producing isolates. Besides not being associated with human acute diarrhea, the CNF1-producing isolates here identified may represent potential ExPEC transitorily composing the normal intestinal flora.


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The objective of this study was to describe the circulation of caliciviruses in the West Central region of Brazil and its correlation with children's gender and age, as well as with the year and months of the sample collection. Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction was performed to detect the human calicivirus genome in 1006 fecal samples that were collected in Goiânia (n = 696) and Brasília (n = 310). Viral RNA was detected in 8.6% of the samples. No significant difference in viral prevalence was found regarding gender, age or year of the sample. However, it was observed that in Goiânia, there is a higher incidence of caliciviruses from September to March. The analysis employing three primer pairs demonstrated that the Ni/E3 or JV12/13 primer pairs, which detect norovirus (NoV), detected 41 positive samples while the 289/290 primer pair, which detects NoV or sapovirus, detected the remaining 46 samples. Calicivirus circulates in the West Central region of Brazil and for better detection of this virus it is important to use more than one primer pair. Also, we conclude that the seasonality presented by this virus is related to higher humidity in the period.


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We analyzed fecal samples from hospitalized children up to three years of age with acute gastroenteritis at Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, from May 2000-January 2004. Astrovirus and calicivirus were detected by Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction and adenovirus was detected using the Rotavirus and Adenovirus combined immunoenzyme assay. Astrovirus, adenovirus and calicivirus were detected at rates of 3.1%, 3.6% and 7.6%, respectively. These results re-emphasize the need for the establishment of regional vigilance systems to evaluate the impact of enteric viruses on viral gastroenteritis.


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The differential diagnosis of urinary incontinence classes is sometimes difficult to establish. As a rule, only the results of urodynamic testing allow an accurate diagnosis. However, this exam is not always feasible, because it requires special equipment, and also trained personnel to lead and interpret the exam. Some expert systems have been developed to assist health professionals in this field. Therefore, the aims of this paper are to present the definition of Artificial Intelligence; to explain what Expert System and System for Decision Support are and its application in the field of health and to discuss some expert systems for differential diagnosis of urinary incontinence. It is concluded that expert systems may be useful not only for teaching purposes, but also as decision support in daily clinical practice. Despite this, for several reasons, health professionals usually hesitate to use the computer expert system to support their decision making process.


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El Sistema Fexi-Seal es un dispositivo desarrollado para proporcionar mejores cuidados a los pacientes críticos con incontinencia fecal. Existen trabajos que demuestran la seguridad y eficacia del dispositivo, siendo escasos los relatos relacionados con eventos adversos. El presente artículo presenta dos casos de pacientes críticos portadores de Fexi-Seal que desarrollaron complicaciones con su uso. El sistema se mostró eficaz para el tratamiento, sin embargo, es necesaria atención especial en su manejo, particularmente en cuanto al alivio periódico de la presión de la ampolla rectal y al posicionamiento correcto de la bolsa colectora en la cama para evitar tracción excesiva. El Sistema Flexi-Seal permite manejar adecuadamente la diarrea en pacientes críticos, mejorando su bienestar y disminuyendo las complicaciones asociadas a ella, aunque se torna necesario aumentar el conocimiento sobre las complicaciones relacionadas con su empleo.


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Objective Analyzing the effect of urinary incontinence as a predictor of the incidence of falls among hospitalized elderly. Method Concurrent cohort study where 221 elderly inpatients were followed from the date of admission until discharge, death or fall. The Kaplan-Meier methods, the incidence density and the Cox regression model were used for the survival analysis and the assessment of the association between the exposure variable and the other variables. Results Urinary incontinence was a strong predictor of falls in the surveyed elderly, and was associated with shorter time until the occurrence of event. Urinary incontinence, concomitant with gait and balance dysfunction and use of antipsychotics was associated with falls. Conclusion Measures to prevent the risk of falls specific to hospitalized elderly patients who have urinary incontinence are necessary.