44 resultados para Encima LDH
The schistosomal parasite plays a critical role in the development of malignant lesions in different organs. The pathogenesis of cancer is currently under intense investigation to identify reliable prognostic indices for disease detection. The objective of this paper is to evaluate certain biochemical parameters as diagnostic tools to efficiently differentiate between colonic carcinoma and colonic carcinoma associated with schistosomal infection among Egyptian patients. The parameters under investigation are interleukin 2 (IL-2), tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) levels, tissue telomerase, pyruvate kinase (PK), glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PD) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) enzyme activities. The results revealed a significant elevation in the level of the tumour markers IL-2, TNF-α and CEA as well as the activities of LDH, telomerase and G-6-PD among non-bilharzial and bilharzial colonic cancer groups, with a more potent effect in bilharzial infection-associated colonic cancer. A significant inhibition in PK activity was recorded in the same manner as compared to normal tissues. The efficacy of this biomarker was also evaluated through detecting sensitivity, specificity, negative and positive predictive values. In conclusion, schistosomal colonic carcinoma patients displayed more drastic changes in all parameters under investigation. The combination of the selected parameters succeeded in serving as biomarkers to differentiate between the two malignant types.
Ni(II)-Fe(II)-Fe(III) layered double hydroxides (LDH) or Ni-containing sulfate green rust (GR2) samples were prepared from Ni(II), Fe(II) and Fe(III) sulfate salts and analyzed with X ray diffraction. Nickel is readily incorporated in the GR2 structure and forms a solid solution between GR2 and a Ni(II)-Fe(III) LDH. There is a correlation between the unit cell a-value and the fraction of Ni(II) incorporated into the Ni(II)-GR2 structure. Since there is strong evidence that the divalent/trivalent cation ratio in GR2 is fixed at 2, it is possible in principle to determine the extent of divalent cation substitution for Fe(II) in GR2 from the unit cell a-value. Oxidation forms a mixture of minerals but the LDH structure is retained if at least 20 % of the divalent cations in the initial solution are Ni(II). It appears that Ni(II) is incorporated in a stable LDH structure. This may be important for two reasons, first for understanding the formation of LDHs, which are anion exchangers, in the natural environment. Secondly, this is important for understanding the fate of transition metals in the environment, particularly in the presence of reduced Fe compounds.
The current research aims to introduce Layered Double Hydroxides (LDH) as nanomaterials to be used in agriculture, with particular reference to its use as storage and slow release matrix of nutrients and agrochemicals for plant growing. Structural characteristics, main properties, synthesis methods and characterization of LDH were covered in this study. Moreover, some literature data have been reported to demonstrate their potential for storage and slow release of nitrate, phosphate, agrochemicals, besides as being used as adsorbent for the wastewater treatment. This research aims to expand, in near future, the investigation field on these materials, with application in agriculture, increasing the interface between chemistry and agronomy.
Las dicotomías como éxito/fracaso, permanencia/abandono etc. pueden tener la ventaja de simplificar algunos problemas o permitir comparaciones espaciales y temporales, pero tienen el inconveniente de desdeñar todos los matices cuando la gama de desempeños, actitudes y respuestas de los alumnos en la institución escolar es, en realidad, enormemente más rica y diversa. Por un lado, crea artificialmente una divisoria de aguas a partir de grandes pero también de pequeñas diferencias, tal vez ocasionales y posiblemente mal entendidas y mal evaluadas. Por otro, oculta el creciente desapego del alumnado frente a la cultura y las demandas de la institución escolar. En todo caso, pone de manifiesto la tendencia de la institución y la profesión a las simplificaciones y a la categorización, por encima de la retórica en torno a la diversificación de la enseñanza y la personalización del aprendizaje.
RESUMEN Nuevos productos son aplicados actualmente con éxito en agricultura sustentable con el fin de activar rutas metabólicas específicas en plantas, los que son conocidos comercialmente como activadores fisiológicos, desestresantes o potencializadores del rendimiento. Sin embargo, pocas investigaciones han logrado introducir en la práctica tales alternativas. En este estudio se ofrece información sobre los resultados de un nuevo formulado denominado A-CETAS/07, obtenido a partir de residuos de la industria azucarera y complementado con moléculas antioxidantes. Este se comparó con un activador comercial (testigo) y se aplicó foliarmente para estimular el potencial de fructificación en papaya ( L Carica papaya.), cv. Maradol roja. Los resultados evidenciaron una revigorización de las plantas, con aumento progresivo del rendimiento a medida que se incrementó la dosis de A-CETAS/07, por encima de la media histórica regional entre 64 - 74 t ha-1 a los 9 meses después del trasplante, lo cual representa una alternativa económica y con impacto favorable en el medio ambiente.
The synthesis of layered double hydroxides (LDHs) by hydrothermal-LDH reconstruction and coprecipitation methods is reviewed using a thermodynamic approach. A mixture model was used for the estimation of the thermodynamics of formation of LDHs. The synthesis and solubility of LDHs are discussed in terms of standard molar Gibbs free energy change of reaction. Data for numerous divalent and trivalent metals as well as for some monovalent and tetravalent metals that may be part of the LDH structure have been compiled. Good agreement is found between theoretical and experimental data. Diagrams and tables for the prediction of possible new LDH materials are provided.
Brucite (Mg(OH)2) is a structural model of several natural layered minerals as well as of synthetic layered double hydroxides (LDH). Exchange reaction studies of these compounds are well documented in the literature but surface chemical modifications, especially for brucite, are quite rare. We report the behaviour of brucite in reaction with succinic and benzoic acid in different solvents and temperatures. The compounds were analysed through X-ray diffraction (XRD) and infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The surfaces of brucite crystals were grafted producing expansions, attributed to the arrangement of the grafted species between the layers.
Studies about the inorganic nanoparticles applying for non-viral release of biological and therapeutic species have been intensified nowadays. This work reviews the preparation strategies and application of layered double hydroxides (LDH) as carriers for storing, carrying and control delivery of intercalated species as drugs and DNA for gene therapy. LDH show low toxicity, biocompatibility, high anion exchange capacity, surface sites for functionalization, and a suitable equilibrium between chemical stability and biodegradability. LDH can increase the intercalated species stability and promote its sub-cellular uptake for biomedical purposes. Concerning the healthy field, LDH have been evaluated for clinical diagnosis as a biosensor component.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar as alterações bioquímicas decorrentes da isquemia hepática normotérmica, seguida de reperfusão em duas modalidades de clampeamento da tríade portal em ratos. MÉTODO: Trinta ratos Wistar machos pesando entre 250 e 320 gramas foram divididos em três grupos de 10 animais cada. Induzimos 40 minutos de isquemia hepática por clampeamento pedicular contínuo (grupo I) ou intermitente (grupo II). No grupo controle não houve clampeamento. Como parâmetro de lesão hepatocelular adotamos a concentração plasmática de: transaminase glutâmico oxalacética (TGO), transaminase glutâmico pirúvica (TGP) e lactato desidrogenase (LDH). Colhemos as amostras de sangue no início (T1) e no final da cirurgia (T2). Todos os animais foram submetidos ao mesmo tempo operatório: 60 minutos. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferença estatística nos valores iniciais (T1) das três enzimas nos três grupos. Todos apresentaram aumento significativo das enzimas do momento 1 (T1) para o momento 2 (T2). Houve diferença estatística no aumento médio de TGO e TGP entre os três grupos, sendo o maior aumento encontrado no grupo I e o menor, no grupo controle. Não houve diferença significativa, em relação à LDH, entre o grupo II e o grupo controle. No grupo I, entretanto, houve aumento significativo em relação aos demais. Conclusão: Comparado ao clampeamento contínuo, para um período total de 40 minutos de isquemia, o clampeamento da tríade portal em ratos realizado de forma intermitente, com ciclos de 10 minutos de isquemia e 5 minutos de reperfusão, provoca menor dano hepatocelular, o que foi constatado pela menor alteração enzimática.
OBJETIVO: Analisar a sensibilidade e a especificidade da dosagem do CEA no diagnóstico diferencial do derrame pleural de pacientes portadores de doenças benígnas e malígnas. MÉTODO: Estudo contemporâneo de série de casos, realizado do Serviço de Cirurgia Torácica do Hospital Nossa Senhora da Conceição, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul. Entre julho de 2000 e julho de 2001, 64 pacientes foram submetidos à investigação etiológica de efusão pleural,e submetidos aos seguintes exames: pH, LDH, dosagem protêica, densidade, glicose, citologia diferencial, pesquisa de fungos e BAAR, gram e cultura com antibiograma, citopatologia, dosagem de CEA e biópsia pleural. RESULTADOS: Pacientes com derrames de etiologia maligna (n=26) tiveram resultado do CEA variando de zero a 5000ng/ml, enquanto nos de etiologia benígna os valores variaram de zero a 4,8ng/ml. Nível médio de CEA na efusão carcinomatosa foi de 431 ± 1237 ng/ml (média ± desvio padrão), significativamente maior que nos benignos (1,1 ± 1,0 ng/ml; p<0,001). A sensibilidade, para um ponto de corte de 5 ng/ml, foi de 61,5% e a especificidade de 100%. CONCLUSÃO: Em pacientes com efusão pleural, quando investigados do ponto de vista etiológico, a dosagem do CEA pode ser útil para critério diagnóstico.
OBJETIVO: Comparar a lesão hepatocelular ocasionada pelo emprego do pré-condicionamento isquêmico e de duas outras modalidades de clampeamento tríade portal: clampeamento contínuo e intermitente. MÉTODO: Quarenta ratos Wistar foram divididos em quatro grupos de 10 animais cada. No Grupo Sham nenhuma espécie de clampeamento foi adotada. Nos outros três, provocamos isquemia de quarenta minutos por meio do clampeamento do pedículo hepático. No Grupo I esta isquemia foi contínua. No Grupo II, também contínua, mas precedida de cinco minutos de isquemia e 10 minutos de reperfusão (précondicionamento isquêmico). No Grupo III foi realizada isquemia intermitente em ciclos de 10 min de isquemia e cinco minutos de reperfusão. Para avaliar a lesão hepatocelular foi adotada a dosagem de transaminase glutâmico oxalacética (TGO), glutâmico pirúvica (TGP) e lactato desidrogenase (LDH), aferidas no início e no final dos procedimentos. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferença estatística nos valores basais das enzimas estudadas, demonstrando uniformidade nos grupos. Os quatro grupos apresentaram variação significativa de todas as enzimas entre os dois momentos de coleta, porém de forma diferenciada. A variação no Grupo Sham foi menor que a do grupo II. Este foi semelhante ao grupo III e em todos a elevação foi significativamente menor que no grupo I (D do Sham CONCLUSÕES: Em ratos Wistar o clampeamento contínuo do pedículo hepático, precedido de um ciclo de cinco minutos de isquemia e 10 minutos de reperfusão (pré-condicionamento isquêmico) provoca menor lesão hepática do que o clampeamento contínuo e apresenta resultados comparáveis aos obtidos através da utilização do clampeamento intermitente, em fígados normais submetidos a um período de isquemia hepática de 40 minutos e um tempo total de cirurgia de 60 minutos.
Intestinal devitalization in cases of small colon obstruction may be difficult to detect based only in clinical signs. The purpose was to serially evaluate blood and peritoneal fluid of horses subjected to small colon distension. Seventeen adult horses were allotted in three groups. In the small colon-distended group (DG, n=7) a surgically-implanted latex balloon was inflated to promote intraluminal small colon distension. In the shamoperated group (SG, n=5), the balloon was implanted but not inflated, and no surgery was done in the control group (CG, n=5). Blood and peritoneal fluid were sampled before and after (6 samples with a 30-minute interval) intestinal obstruction for cytological and biochemical analyses. No significant changes in clinical signs occurred within groups or across time during the experimental period. There were no statistical differences among SG and SG groups in hematologic and blood chemistry variables. Although total protein concentration and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity in peritoneal fluid remained most of the time within reference values during the experimental period in all groups, increases from baseline values were detected in SG and DG groups. Such increases occurred earlier, progressively and with greater magnitude in the DG when compared with the SG (P<0.05). Increases from baselines values were also observed in total nucleated cells and neutrophils counts in the DG (P<0.05). In conclusion, distension of the equine small colon induced progressive subtle increases in total protein and LDH concentrations in the peritoneal fluid during the first hours. Serial evaluation of these variables in peritoneal fluid may be useful for early detection of intestinal devitalization in clinical cases of equine small colon obstruction.
Experiments were designed to study in-vivo effects of sodium cyanide on biochemical endpoints in the freshwater fish Labeo rohita. Fish were exposed to two sublethal concentrations (0.106 and 0.064mg/L) for a period of 15 days. Levels of glycogen, pyruvate, lactate and the enzymatic activities of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), succinate dehydrogenase (SDH), glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH), phosphorylase, alkaline phosphatase (ALP), acid phosphatase (AcP) were assessed in different tissues (liver, muscle and gills). Result indicated a steady decrease in glycogen, pyruvate, SDH, ALP and AcP activity with a concomitant increase in the lactate, phosphorylase, LDH and G6PD activity in all selected tissues. The alterations in all the above biochemical parameters were significantly (p<0.05) time and dose dependent. In all the above parameters, liver pointing out the intensity of cyanide intoxication compare to muscle and gills. Study revealed change in the metabolic energy by means of altered metabolic profile of the fish. Further, these observations indicated that even sublethal concentrations of sodium cyanide might not be fully devoid of deleterious influence on metabolism in L. rohita.
O presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar a influência do exercício físico de intensidade submáxima sobre as concentrações séricas de aspartato aminotransferase (AST), creatinoquinase (CK) e lactato-desidrogenase (LDH) em muares durante prova de enduro de 100 km realizada no estado do Espírito Santo. Para tal foram obtidas amostras de soro de 20 muares em três momentos assim definidos: no repouso (T0); após 54 km de percurso (T1); após 80 km de percurso (T2); e após 100 km de percurso (T3). As referidas amostras foram encaminhadas ao Laboratório Clínico Veterinário (CEMEVES) para processamento. Na avaliação da atividade sérica de AST, os valores médios registrados nos momentos T0, T1, T2 e T3 foram, respectivamente, de 341,7±73,9 UI/L, 403,1±78,4 UI/L, 410,5±70,5 UI/L e 426,5±66,7 UI/L. Na avaliação da atividade sérica da LDH, os valores médios registrados foram de 423,1±101,8 UI/L, 534,4±131,8 UI/L, 628,5±100,6 UI/L e 823,4±273,2 UI/L, respectivamente, nos momentos T0, T1, T2 e T3. Por fim, na avaliação da atividade sérica da CK os valores de mediana foram de 231,3 UI/L, 310,6 UI/L, 253,2 UI/L e 476,0 UI/L, respectivamente nos momentos T0, T1, T2 e T3. A análise dos resultados demonstrou que o exercício físico imposto levou ao aumento significativo das atividades séricas de AST e LDH e não alterou as concentrações séricas de CK.
The Crioulo breed of horses performs in one of the most physically demanding equestrian competitions, the Marcha de Resistência, which is a contest in which the horses run 750 km in 15 days. The study's aim was to characterize the metabolic responses during this period. We evaluated eleven Crioulo horses in the competition, specifically, two males and nine females. Blood samples were collected 24 hours before the contest and on the 4th, 9th, 11th, 14th and 15th days of competition. We evaluated CK, AST, LDH, glucose, lactate, urea, creatinine, sodium, potassium, chloride, magnesium, total calcium, ionized calcium, total protein, hematocrit and the white blood cell count. At the end of the competition, the mean values of serum AST were 1151±358 IU/ L the mean LDH values were 7418±1695 IU/L and CK was 13,867±3998UI /L. There was a significant increase in urea, creatinine and lactate (p<0.0001). A decrease in the mean values of chloride, sodium, potassium, and total and ionized calcium was observed (p≤0.0002). An evaluation of the total leukocytes and segmented neutrophils (p≤0.0002) revealed their increased values, and decreased values were observed for hematocrit, plasma protein and total lymphocytes (p≤0.0003). The values of glucose, on average, remained constant. Based on these data, we conclude that the Marcha de Resistência competition necessitated a high muscular demand and the depletion of energy and electrolytes, suggesting an inflammatory process in the animals evaluated.