237 resultados para Electronegative LDL


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Oxidative low-density lipoprotein (Ox-LDL) is a key risk factor for the development of atherosclerosis, and it can stimulate the expression of a variety of inflammatory signals. As a new and highly sensitive inflammation index, OX40L may be a key to understanding the mechanisms that regulate interactions between cells within the vessel wall and inflammatory mediators during the development of atherosclerosis. To investigate whether Ox-LDL regulates OX40L expression through an oxidized LDL-1 receptor (LOX-1)-mediated mechanism, we investigated the effect of different concentrations of Ox-LDL (50, 100, 150 µg/mL) on endothelial cell proliferation and apoptosis. Stimulation with Ox-LDL increased OX40L protein 1.44-fold and mRNA 4.0-fold in endothelial cells, and these effects were inhibited by blocking LOX-1. These results indicate that LOX-1 plays an important role in the chronic inflammatory process in blood vessel walls. Inhibiting LOX-1 may reduce blood vessel inflammation and provide a therapeutic option to limit atherosclerosis progression.


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High levels of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) enhance platelet activation, whereas high levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) exert a cardioprotective effect. However, the effects on platelet activation of high levels of LDL-C combined with low levels of HDL-C (HLC) have not yet been reported. We aimed to evaluate the platelet activation marker of HLC patients and investigate the antiplatelet effect of atorvastatin on this population. Forty-eight patients with high levels of LDL-C were enrolled. Among these, 23 had HLC and the other 25 had high levels of LDL-C combined with normal levels of HDL-C (HNC). A total of 35 normocholesterolemic (NOMC) volunteers were included as controls. Whole blood flow cytometry and platelet aggregation measurements were performed on all participants to detect the following platelet activation markers: CD62p (P-selectin), PAC-1 (GPIIb/IIIa), and maximal platelet aggregation (MPAG). A daily dose of 20 mg atorvastatin was administered to patients with high levels of LDL-C, and the above assessments were obtained at baseline and after 1 and 2 months of treatment. The expression of platelets CD62p and PAC-1 was increased in HNC patients compared to NOMC volunteers (P<0.01 and P<0.05). Furthermore, the surface expression of platelets CD62p and PAC-1 was greater among HLC patients than among HNC patients (P<0.01 and P<0.05). Although the expression of CD62p and PAC-1 decreased significantly after atorvastatin treatment, it remained higher in the HLC group than in the HNC group (P<0.05 and P=0.116). The reduction of HDL-C further increased platelet activation in patients with high levels of LDL-C. Platelet activation remained higher among HLC patients regardless of atorvastatin treatment.


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Spirulina é uma cianobactéria que vem sendo produzida e estudada por suas propriedades nutricionais e por seus benefícios à saúde. Neste estudo, avaliou-se a influência de dietas acrescidas de diferentes concentrações de Spirulina sobre o desenvolvimento corporal e o perfil lipídico de ratos. Foram utilizados 24 ratos Wistar, alimentados, durante 40 dias, com quatro dietas isoproteicas (10%) distintas, sendo seis animais por grupo: 1) Dieta controle (AIN93G adaptada); 2) Dieta S1 (8,8% de Spirulina); 3) Dieta S2 (17,6% de Spirulina); 4) Dieta S3 (26,4% de Spirulina). Foram avaliados parâmetros nutricionais e o perfil lipídico dos animais, cujos dados foram analisados estatisticamente por Análise de Variância, seguida do teste de Tukey, a 5% de significância (p ≤ 0,05). O tratamento com 8,8% de Spirulina mostrou-se equivalente ao controle, apresentando respostas mais adequadas de CEA, medidas de crescimento e lipídios séricos. Já o S2 não foi capaz de promover um bom desenvolvimento corporal, comparado com o do controle, além de elevar os níveis de colesterol total e LDL-c. O tratamento S3 apresentou somente valores estatisticamente diferentes de HDL-c, quando comparado com os do controle (p ≤ 0,05). Conclui-se que, no tempo e condições do estudo, o tratamento S3, único com Spirulina como fonte exclusiva de proteína, foi capaz de substituir a fonte proteica padrão (caseína) na dieta para roedores, promovendo o adequado desenvolvimento corporal e lipídico dos animais.


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Foi realizado estudo epidemiológico sobre os seguintes fatores de risco de doenças cardiovasculares ateroscleróticas: dislipidemias, obesidade, hipertensão, diabetes melito e alguns elementos definidores do estilo de vida (sedentarismo, etilismo, tabagismo e hábitos alimentares) em população pertencente à Área Metropolitana de São Paulo. Os objetivos da pesquisa foram os seguintes: a) desenvolver uma linha de base epidemiológica para o estudo das doenças cardiovasculares ateroscleróticas e os fatores de risco representados pelas dislipidemias, obesidades, hipertensão e diabetes melito e de suas relações com características pessoais, familiares e sociais; b) encaminhar para tratamento clínico-educativo os indivíduos doentes ou portadores de risco. A metodologia empregada é a primeira parte de uma série destinada à divulgação dos resultados da pesquisa. Tendo em vista os objetivos, optou-se por se trabalhar integradamente com os centros de saúde e associações comunitárias locais na fase de coleta de dados em campo. Por isso, a metodologia empregada foi a de trabalhar em pequenas áreas geográficas, homogêneas do ponto de vista socioeconômico, denominadas "áreas de estudo". A caracterização de grupos sociais foi feita através do conceito de classes sociais, operacionalizado por meio de indicadores como renda, escolaridade, ocupação, posição na ocupação, posse de propriedade e respectiva dimensão e emprego de mão-de-obra. Foram estabelecidas as seguintes classes sociais: burguesia, pequena burguesia tradicinal, proletariado e sub-proletariado. Foram realizados inquéritos clínicos, bioquímico, alimentar e entrevistas para se obter informações de caráter demográfico, socioeconômico e de estilo de vida. O inquérito clínico constou de tomada de medidas antropométricas, pressão arterial, eletrocardiograma e informações sobre antecedentes pessoais e familiares de hipertensão, obesidade, cardiopatias e outras morbidades. O inquérito bioquímico constou da medida dos seguintes constituintes sangüíneos: colesterol total, HDL colesterol, LDL colesterol, triglicérides, magnésio, glicose, sódio, potássio, cálcio e fósforo. O inquérito alimentar envolveu informações sobre a história alimentar do indivíduo. A intervenção clínico -educativa foi feita com a participação de associações comunitárias e centros de saúde, que criaram programas locais de atendimento aos doentes e portadores de risco.


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OBJECTIVE: To identify the association between food group consumption frequency and serum lipoprotein levels among adults. METHODS: The observations were made during a cross-sectional survey of a representative sample of men and women over 20 years old living in Cotia county, S. Paulo, Brazil. Data on food frequency consumption, serum lipids, and other covariates were available for 1,045 adults. Multivariate analyses adjusted by age, gender, body mass index, waist-to-hip ratio, educational level, family income, physical activity, smoking, and alcohol consumption were performed. RESULTS: Consumption of processed meat, chicken, red meat, eggs and dairy foods were each positively and significantly correlated with LDL-C, whereas the intake of vegetables and fruits showed an inverse correlation. Daily consumption of processed meat, chicken, red meat, eggs, and dairy foods were associated with 16.6 mg/dl, 14.5 mg/dl, 11.1 mg/dl, 5.8 mg/dl, and 4.6 mg/dl increase in blood LDL-C, respectively. Increases of daily consumption of fruit and vegetables were associated with 5.2 mg/dl and 5.5 mg/dl decreases in LDL-C, respectively. Alcohol beverage consumption showed a significant positive correlation with HDL-C. CONCLUSIONS: Dietary habits in the study population seem to contribute substantially to the variation in blood LDL and HDL concentrations. Substantially CHD risk reduction could be achieved with dietary changes.


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OBJETIVO: Descrever o perfil lipídico e a prevalência de hipercolesterolemia em escolares de 7 a 14 anos de idade do município de Campinas, SP, Brasil. MÉTODOS: Foram determinados os níveis de colesterol sérico, frações, razões e triglicerídeos, conforme idade e sexo numa amostra populacional de 1.600 escolares. Considerou-se hipercolesterolemia leve para 170 mg/dl<= colesterol <185 mg/dl, moderada para 185 mg/dl£ colesterol <200 mg/dl e grave para colesterol > ou = 200 mg/dl. RESULTADOS: Os escolares apresentaram média de 160 mg/dl de colesterol, 49 mg/dl de HDL-colesterol, 96 mg/dl de LDL-colesterol, 16 mg/dl de VLDL-colesterol, 79 mg/dl de triglicerídeos, 3,5 para a razão colesterol/HDL-colesterol e 2,1 para a razão LDL-colesterol/HDL-colesterol. De um modo geral, as meninas apresentaram valores maiores para o colesterol e triglicerídeos do que os meninos. A prevalência de hipercolesterolemia foi de 35,0%, dividida em 15,7% leve, 9,8% moderada e 9,5% grave. O sexo feminino apresentou maior prevalência de hipercolesterolemia do que o masculino. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados apontam para a emergência da hipercolesterolemia como problema de saúde pública no Brasil.


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OBJETIVO: A obesidade, especialmente de distribuição abdominal, associa-se a fatores de risco cardiovasculares como a dislipidemia, a hipertensão arterial (HA) e o diabetes mellitus (DM). A importância desses fatores em nipo-brasileiros foi previamente demonstrada, apesar de a obesidade não ser característica marcante dos migrantes japoneses. Realizou-se estudo com o objetivo de avaliar a prevalência de excesso de peso e a adiposidade central (AC) em nipo-brasileiros e suas relações com distúrbios metabólicos. MÉTODOS: A amostra incluiu 530 nipo-brasileiros (40-79 anos) de primeira e segunda gerações, submetidos a medidas antropométricas de pressão arterial, perfil lipídico e teste oral de tolerância à glicose. A prevalência (por ponto e intervalo de confiança) de excesso de peso foi calculada pelo valor de corte >26,4 kg/m². O diagnóstico de AC foi baseado na razão entre as circunferências da cintura e do quadril (RCQ), sendo que valores > ou = 0,85 e > ou = 0,95, para mulheres e homens, respectivamente, firmavam esse diagnóstico. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de excesso de peso foi de 22,4% (IC95%-- 20,6-28,1), e a de AC, de 67,0% (IC95% -- 63,1-70,9). Além de maiores prevalências de DM, HA e dislipidemia, estratificando-se pelo índice de massa corporal (IMC) e RCQ, indivíduos com excesso de peso e adiposidade central apresentaram pior perfil metabólico: a pressão arterial foi significantemente maior naqueles com excesso de peso, sem e com AC; indivíduos com AC apresentaram maiores índices de glicemia, triglicerídeos, colesterol total e LDL e menor HDL quando comparados aos sem excesso de peso e sem AC; a insulinemia de jejum foi significantemente maior em indivíduos com excesso de peso (sem e com AC) do que naqueles sem excesso de peso e sem AC. CONCLUSÃO: A comparação de subgrupos com e sem adiposidade central foi compatível com a hipótese de que a deposição abdominal de gordura representa fator de risco para doenças interligadas pela resistência à insulina, inclusive em população de origem oriental. A alta prevalência de síndrome metabólica nos migrantes japoneses pode ser decorrente da deposição visceral de gordura, implicada na gênese da resistência à insulina.


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OBJETIVO: Analisar o padrão de consumo alimentar avaliado por meio de escores de consumo e relacionar esses escores com os níveis de colesterol total e de lipoproteínas de baixa e alta densidades em população da área metropolitana de São Paulo. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal realizado no município de Cotia, São Paulo, em amostra representativa de 1.045 adultos, foram determinados níveis de lipídeos séricos e a ingestão de alimentos por meio da freqüência de consumo alimentar. Foram utilizados escores de padrão de consumo, estabelecendo um peso para cada categoria de consumo baseado na freqüência anual, obtendo-se, assim, a distribuição quintilar do escore I (alimentos considerados de risco para doenças cardiovasculares) e escore II (alimentos protetores). Foram comparados os valores médios das lipoproteínas para cada um dos quintis pela análise de variância, e foram verificadas possíveis relações entre os escores de consumo e as frações de lipídeos séricos, mediante modelos de regressão linear múltipla (stepwise forward). RESULTADOS: Observou-se aumento significativo dos níveis médios de lipídeos, segundo quintis de consumo do escore I para colesterol total e para lipoproteína de baixa densidade-colesterol, e constatou-se um comportamento inverso e significativo dos níveis desses lipídeos séricos em relação ao escore II. O escore I correlacionou-se positivamente e significativamente a esses lipídeos, e o escore II apresentou correlação inversa e significativa com esses constituintes sangüíneos. CONCLUSÕES: Em estudos populacionais, a análise da freqüência de consumo de alimentos por meio de escores pode ser um método de escolha para avaliar qualidade de dieta e de seu potencial efeito nos níveis séricos de colesterol total e de lipoproteínas de baixa densidade.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine the best cut-offs of body mass index for identifying alterations of blood lipids and glucose in adolescents. METHODS: A probabilistic sample including 577 adolescent students aged 12-19 years in 2003 (210 males and 367 females) from state public schools in the city of Niterói, Southeastern Brazil, was studied. The Receiver Operating Characteristic curve was used to identify the best age-adjusted BMI cut-off for predicting high levels of serum total cholesterol (>150mg/dL), LDL-C (>100mg/dL), serum triglycerides (>100mg/dL), plasma glucose (>100mg/dL) and low levels of HDL-C (< 45mg/dL). Four references were used to calculate sensitivity and specificity of BMI cut-offs: one Brazilian, one international and two American. RESULTS: The most prevalent metabolic alterations (>50%) were: high total cholesterol and low HDL-C. BMI predicted high levels of triglycerides in males, high LDL-C in females, and high total cholesterol and the occurrence of three or more metabolic alterations in both males and females (areas under the curve range: 0.59 to 0.67), with low sensitivity (57%-66%) and low specificity (58%-66%). The best BMI cut-offs for this sample (20.3 kg/m² to 21.0 kg/m²) were lower than those proposed in the references studied. CONCLUSIONS: Although BMI values lower than the International cut-offs were better predictor of some metabolic abnormalities in Brazilian adolescents, overall BMI is not a good predictor of these abnormalities in this population.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the impact of academic life on health status of university students. METHODS: Longitudinal study including 154 undergraduate students from the Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal, with at least two years of follow-up observations. Sociodemographic and behavioral characteristics were collected using questionnaires. Students' weight, height, blood pressure, serum glucose, serum lipids and serum homocysteine levels were measured. Regression analysis was performed using linear mixed-effect models, allowing for random effects at the participant level. RESULTS: A higher rate of dyslipidemia (44.0% vs. 28.6%), overweight (16.3% vs. 12.5%) and smoking (19.3% vs. 0.0%) was found among students exposed to the academic life when compared to freshmen. Physical inactivity was about 80%. Total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-C), triglycerides, systolic blood pressure, and physical activity levels were significantly associated with gender (p<0.001). Academic exposure was associated with increased low density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-C) levels (about 1.12 times), and marginally with total cholesterol levels (p=0.041). CONCLUSIONS: High education level does not seem to have a protective effect favoring a healthier lifestyle and being enrolled in health-related areas does not seem either to positively affect students' behaviors. Increased risk factors for non-transmissible diseases in university students raise concerns about their well-being. These results should support the implementation of health promotion and prevention programs at universities.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the effect of a health promotion program on cardiometabolic risk profile in Japanese-Brazilians. METHODS: A total of 466 subjects from a study on diabetes prevalence conducted in the city of Bauru, southeastern Brazil, in 2000 completed a 1-year intervention program (2005-2006) based on healthy diet counseling and physical activity. Changes in blood pressure and metabolic parameters in the 2005-2006 period were compared with annual changes in these same variables in the 2000-2005 period. RESULTS: During the intervention, there were greater annual reductions in mean (SD) waist circumference [-0.5(3.8) vs. 1.2(1.2) cm per year, p<0.001], systolic blood pressure [-4.6(17.9) vs. 1.8(4.3) mmHg per year, p<0.001], 2-hour plasma glucose [-1.2(2.1) vs. -0.2(0.6) mmol/L per year, p<0.001], LDL-cholesterol [-0.3(0.9) vs. -0.1(0.2) mmol/L per year, p<0.001] and Framingham coronary heart disease risk score [-0.25(3.03) vs. 0.11(0.66) per year, p=0.02] but not in triglycerides [0.2(1.6) vs. 0.1(0.42) mmol/L per year, p<0.001], and fasting insulin level [1.2(5.8) vs. -0.7(2.2) IU/mL per year, p<0.001] compared with the pre-intervention period. Significant reductions in the prevalence of impaired fasting glucose/impaired glucose tolerance and diabetes were seen during the intervention (from 58.4% to 35.4%, p<0.001; and from 30.1% to 21.7%, p= 0.004, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: A one-year community-based health promotion program brings cardiometabolic benefits in a high-risk population of Japanese-Brazilians.


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OBJETIVO: Analisar o efeito do tratamento nutricional sobre as alterações metabólicas provocadas pelo uso da terapia antirretroviral em adultos vivendo com HIV/aids. MÉTODOS: Revisão sistemática de literatura no PubMed, Lilacs e Cochrane, entre 1996 e 2010, do tipo ensaio clínico, controlado, randomizado, crossover, adultos, vivendo com HIV/aids em uso de terapia antirretroviral e sem doenças oportunistas. A intervenção de interesse foi suplementação nutricional via oral e/ou mudança de estilo de vida por tratamento dietoterápico específico: dislipidemia, resistência insulínica, lipodistrofia e hipertensão arterial sistêmica. A escala de Jadad foi utilizada para classificação qualitativa dos artigos. RESULTADOS: Foram localizados 385 artigos e sete foram incluídos. As intervenções utilizadas nesses estudos foram: dieta, dieta mais exercício físico, dieta mais suplemento e somente suplementos. Dislipidemia foi desfecho avaliado em todos os estudos. Os estudos que avaliaram suplementação com ômega 3 encontraram redução significativa dos triglicérides. Dieta específica mais suplementação de ômega 3 mostrou aumento de HDL-colesterol. Suplementação com nicotinato de cromo não teve efeito sobre a dislipidemia. Modificação de estilo de vida, incluindo dieta e atividade física, reduziu significativamente a circunferência da cintura, lipodistrofia e pressão arterial sistólica. CONCLUSÕES: A redução de triglicérides pela suplementação com ômega 3 foi a intervenção nutricional com maiores evidências científicas. A prescrição de dieta específica parece ser a intervenção mais adequada para aumentar HDL-colesterol. Não é possível fazer inferências sobre o tratamento nutricional do colesterol total, LDL-colesterol e resistência insulínica. Modificações no estilo de vida podem promover melhora da lipodistrofia e pressão arterial.


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OBJECTIVE: To analyze the putative effect of type of shift and its interaction with leisure-time physical activity on cardiovascular risk factors in truck drivers.METHODS: A cross-sectional study was undertaken on 57 male truck drivers working at a transportation company, of whom 31 worked irregular shifts and 26 worked on the day-shift. Participants recorded their physical activity using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire along with measurements of blood pressure, body mass index and waist-hip ratio. Participants also provided a fasting blood sample for analysis of lipid-related outcomes. Data were analyzed using a factorial model which was covariate-controlled for age, smoking, work demand, control at work and social support.RESULTS: Most of the irregular-shift and day-shift workers worked more than 8 hours per day (67.7% and 73.1%, respectively). The mean duration of experience working the irregular schedule was 15.7 years. Day-shift workers had never engaged in irregular-shift work and had been working as a truck driver for 10.8 years on average. The irregular-shift drivers had lower work demand but less control compared to day-shift drivers (p < 0.05). Moderately-active irregular-shift workers had higher systolic and diastolic arterial pressures (143.7 and 93.2 mmHg, respectively) than moderately-active day-shift workers (116 and 73.3 mmHg, respectively) (p < 0.05) as well as higher total cholesterol concentrations (232.1 and 145 mg/dl, respectively) (p = 0.01). Irrespective of their physical activity, irregular-shift drivers had higher total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol concentrations (211.8 and 135.7 mg/dl, respectively) than day-shift workers (161.9 and 96.7 mg/dl, respectively (ANCOVA, p < 0.05).CONCLUSIONS: Truck drivers are exposed to cardiovascular risk factors due to the characteristics of the job, such as high work demand, long working hours and time in this profession, regardless of shift type or leisure-time physical activity.


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ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To determine the distribution of total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and triglycerides in Brazilian adolescents, as well as the prevalence of altered levels of such parameters. METHODS Data from the Study of Cardiovascular Risks in Adolescents (ERICA) were used. This is a country-wide, school-based cross-sectional study that evaluated 12 to 17-year old adolescents living in cities with over 100,000 inhabitants. The average and distribution of plasma levels of total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and triglycerides were evaluated. Dyslipidemia was determined by levels of total cholesterol ≥ 170 mg/dl, LDL cholesterol ≥ 130 mg/dl, HDL cholesterol < 45 mg/dL, or triglycerides ≥ 130 mg/dl. The data were analyzed by gender, age, and regions in Brazil. RESULTS We evaluated 38,069 adolescents – 59.9% of females, and 54.2% between 15 and 17 years. The average values found were: total cholesterol = 148.1 mg/dl (95%CI 147.1-149.1), HDL cholesterol = 47.3 mg/dl (95%CI 46.7-47.9), LDL cholesterol = 85.3 mg/dl (95%CI 84.5-86.1), and triglycerides = 77.8 mg/dl (95%CI 76.5-79.2). The female adolescents had higher average levels of total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and HDL cholesterol, without differences in the levels of triglycerides. We did not observe any significant differences between the average values among 12 to 14 and 15- to 17-year old adolescents. The most prevalent lipid alterations were low HDL cholesterol (46.8% [95%CI 44.8-48.9]), hypercholesterolemia (20.1% [95%CI 19.0-21.3]), and hypertriglyceridemia (7.8% [95%CI 7.1-8.6]). High LDL cholesterol was found in 3.5% (95%CI 3.2-4.0) of the adolescents. Prevalence of low HDL cholesterol was higher in Brazil’s North and Northeast regions. CONCLUSIONS A significant proportion of Brazilian adolescents has alterations in their plasma lipids. The high prevalence of low HDL cholesterol and hypertriglyceridemia, especially in Brazil’s North and Northeast regions, must be analyzed in future studies, to support the creation of strategies for efficient interventions.


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Seventy three children (6-15 years) and 75 adults (18-47 years) with active schistosomiasis mansoni were treated with oltipraz. All cases had at least 100 eggs per gram of feces as determined by the Kato-Katz technique. Children and adults were divided in two groups receiving respectively 25 or 30 mg/kg, as a single oral dose. Clinical examination, laboratories tests (haemogram, urinalysis, hepatic and kidney functions tests, glycemia, cholesterol, triglicerides, lipoprotein — HLD and LDL) and ECG were performed before, 3 or 7 days and 1 month after treatment. Parasitological control with 3 daily coprological examinations, was done on the 1st, 3rd j 6th month after drug administration. Giddiness, somnolence, headache, nausea, vomiting and abdominal distress were the most frequent side effects. Pain in the finger tips that need further investigations also occurred. No significant alteration in complementary tests were observed, whereas eosinophilia 1 month after treatment was detected, probably indicating worm death. The cure rate in children was 81.8% and 74.2% with 25 and 30 mg/kg respectively, and in adults 75.0% and 81.2% of the patients. No statistical significant difference was observed between cure rate and side effects at different dosages employed, neither between adults nor children. In all groups the percentage of egg reduction in feces in the non cured patients was higher than 96.0%. Further investigation with this new compound is necessary to accomplish the real value of oltipraz in the schistosomiasis chemotherapy.