44 resultados para Educational ideal


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OBJECTIVE To investigate the concept understood by Family Healthcare Strategy (ESF) professionals of knowledge, education and subjects participating in learning activities. METHOD Qualitative study carried out with the ESF professionals with university degree, members of the healthcare staff who undertook educational health group activities at Basic Healthcare Units (UBS) in Belo Horizonte. The following triangulation techniques were used: participant observation, photos and field notes; interviews with professionals; and document analysis. RESULTS We identified three interaction patterns that are different from each other. Firstly, the professional questions, listens and provides information to users, trusting in the transmission of knowledge; secondly, the professional questions and listens, trusting that users can learn from each other; thirdly, the professional questions, listens, discusses and produces knowledge with users, both teaching and learning from each other. CONCLUSION There are educational practices that include unique methods capable of creating a militant space for citizenship engagement.


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OBJECTIVE To evaluate the effectiveness of an educational intervention on malignant hyperthermia with operating room nurses. METHOD A quasi-experimental study, aimed at an educational intervention of short duration with the nursing staff in the operating room of the institution hosting the research in the city of São Paulo, with the participation of 96 professionals. Pre-intervention tests and post-intervention tests were applied, which consisted of a lecture followed by simulation. RESULTS Considering the overall results of the intervention, there was a statistically significant difference (p<0.00). After the educational intervention, there was an increase of the minimum and maximum scores, and average growth of 2.64 points in the knowledge of professionals when compared to the previous step. CONCLUSION The educational intervention strategy favors the concept of the content developed by everyone involved and qualifies professionals to work safely.


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OBJECTIVES Identifying the socioeconomic and cultural profile of users/readers of educational pamphlets, characterizing the context of the reading material and people involved; describing the user/reader evaluation on language and style used, as well as content range or limitations, and its characterization as an educational material in assisting users for meeting homecare demands. METHOD A reception, cross-sectional, qualitative study. 27 respondents who had received five educational pamphlets were interviewed on Oncology signs and symptoms during primary care consultations. RESULTS Study participants were adults, with average schooling of more than 10 years and low income. Pamphlets were assessed as appropriate for consistent language, quantity and quality of content, and especially in relation to the capacity of helping in the homecare decision making process. The importance of receiving pamphlets at the initial stage of the disease was verified. CONCLUSION Users acceptance was positive and the study revealed aspects that should be reinforced in the creation of educational pamphlets.


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Abstract OBJECTIVE Check the relationship between the users' contact time in educational programs and self-care and knowledge variables in diabetes mellitus. METHOD A longitudinal study with a quantitative approach with the participation, in the initial phase, of 263 users linked to Basic Health Units in Belo Horizonte, Brazil during the years 2012 and 2013. The data were collected with respect to the total contact time of the users' participation in the educational program as regards knowledge and self-care in acquired diabetes mellitus. The data were analyzed using the Student t-test for comparison of means, considering a 0.05 significance level. RESULTS The final sample included 151 users. The analysis showed that the improvement in self-care scores was statistically higher during an educational intervention of eight hours or more (p-value <0.05). In relation to the scores for knowledge, there was a statistically significant improvement at the end of the educational program. It was not possible to identify a value for the contact time from which there was an increase in mean scores for the ability of knowledge. CONCLUSION To improve the effectiveness of the promotion of skills related to knowledge and self-care in diabetes mellitus, it is necessary to consider the contact time as a relevant factor of the educational program.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o tamanho ótimo de populações de irmãos completos, para estudos de mapas de marcadores moleculares, por meio de simulações de genomas e tamanhos de populações. Foram simulados genomas parentais e amostras de populações de família de irmãos completos do tipo completamente informativas, e também não completamente informativas. As amostras geradas foram de 100, 200, 400 e 600 indivíduos, com três grupos de ligação cada, e 11 marcas moleculares codominantes e multialélicas, espaçadas a dez centimorgans por grupo de ligação. Foram realizadas 100 repetições por amostra. Para populações completamente informativas, o tamanho populacional de 200 indivíduos é suficiente para recuperar as informações originais, contudo, para a população não completamente informativa, é necessária a utilização de uma população maior, de 600 indivíduos.


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The objective of this work was to set up ideal conditions for conidia mass production of Dicyma pulvinata. Four isolates were compared in terms of their growth and conidia production on various substrates (grains of parboiled rice, common rice, maize and wheat, besides chipped maize and rice husk), temperatures (19, 22, 25, 28 and 31ºC), growth containers (aluminum trays, polypropylene bags and Erlenmeyers) and light regimes (continuous darkness, 6 and 12 hours of light/darkness, and continuous light). Temperature effects on conidia germination capacity were also evaluated. The experiments were done in randomized complete block designs, in factorial arrangements (isolates x treatments - substrates, containers, temperatures and light regimes), with four replicates. In general, parboiled rice and polypropylene bags provided the best development of the fungus. Complete darkness and 6 hours of light increased mycelial growth, whereas continuous light favored sporulation. All tested temperatures favored the cultures of the fungus, except 31ºC. Temperatures between 19 and 25ºC ensure spore germination of more than 76%.


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Este trabalho foi desenvolvido em um pomar comercial do Pólo Agrícola Mossoró-Assu, localizado no município de Assu-RN. Teve como objetivo caracterizar e determinar o melhor estádio de maturação para a colheita de mangas 'Tommy Atkins' destinadas ao mercado Europeu. Os frutos foram marcados e avaliados aos 82 (E1), 89 (E2), 96 (E3) e 103 (E4) dias após a floração plena (DFP) e no estádio de colheita comercial (EC)., As avaliações foram feitas por ocasião da colheita e após 21 dias de armazenamento refrigerado (13 ± 1° C e 99 % UR). As variáveis analisadas foram cor da casca e da polpa do fruto, perda de massa, firmeza, sólidos solúveis totais (SST), acidez total titulável (ATT), relação SST/ATT, açúcares solúveis totais (AST), amido e atividade respiratória. Observou-se que, os picos climatéricos ocorreram aos 10 dias após a colheita nos frutos colhidos no estádio E2 e aos 7 dias nos colhidos nos estádios E3 e EC. Os frutos colhidos nos estádios E2, E3, E4 e EC amadureceram normalmente após 21 dias de armazenamento refrigerado. Sendo que os colhidos nos estádios E3 e EC se apresentaram muito semelhantes e alcançaram melhor qualidade, indicando que a colheita pode ser realizada nesses estádios, e que o período de 96 DFP pode ser considerado como mais um indicador do ponto de colheita.


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This paper seeks to explore a survey of consumers in Spain. The survey explores the attributes of quality that consumers are seeking and promotion of grapes via "quality" marks, which are indicators of possible ways to increase demand. The reason consumers are switching to other foods, such as dairy based snacks, is that grapes are not easy to eat, can be unreliable in terms of their quality attributes, and their price more variable. Consumers are also generally unaware of the marks quality currently used.


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Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de identificar índices de maturação para o ponto ideal de colheita, de maçãs 'Daiane', destinadas a longos períodos de armazenamento. Maçãs foram colhidas semanalmente, em dois pomares comerciais, no período de 113 a 149 dias após a plena floração (DAPF), e armazenadas por 180 ou 240 dias a 0,7ºC, em atmosfera controlada. Medidas do estádio de maturação e da qualidade das maçãs foram realizadas um dia após a colheita e após a armazenagem. Atributos da aparência (cor vermelha) e sabor (relação açúcar/acidez) indicaram que a qualidade de maçãs 'Daiane', na colheita, é máxima quando colhidas 149 DAPF. No entanto, medidas da firmeza da polpa e da qualidade sensorial, realizadas após a armazenagem, indicaram que o período ideal de colheita de maçãs 'Daiane', destinadas a longos períodos de armazenagem, não deve estender-se além dos 136 DAPF. Maçãs 'Daiane' devem ser colhidas a partir de 121 DAPF para que mais da metade dos frutos tenham mais de 75% da superfície avermelhada. Desta maneira, o período ideal de colheita de maçãs 'Daiane', destinadas a longos períodos de armazenagem, ocorreu entre 121 e 136 DAPF no pomar 1, e entre 129 e 136 DAPF no pomar 2. No período ideal de colheita (121 a 136 DAPF), maçãs 'Daiane' apresentaram, um dia após a colheita, firmeza de 67 a 74 N, SS de 11,5 a 13 %, AT de 0,26% a 0,34%, índice de amido de 4,6 a 7,9 e índice de cor de fundo da epiderme de 2,6 a 4,0.


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A aplicação de coberturas comestíveis em frutas e hortaliças deve ser precedida de testes que busquem a formulação que melhor se adapta àquele produto. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a composição ideal da cobertura comestível à base de cera de carnaúba adicionada de prebiótico a ser aplicada em uvas variedade Thompson, armazenadas sob refrigeração. Após a seleção, os frutos foram higienizados e procedeu-se à aplicação de soluções aquosas de cera de carnaúba adicionadas de Fruto-oligossacarídeo (FOS). Foram testadas treze formulações, utilizando as combinações de 50; 33; 25 e 0% (v/v) de cera de carnaúba e 30; 20; 10 e 0% do FOS (p/v). Durante 25 dias, foram avaliados parâmetros de textura, físicoquímicos e físicos. Os parâmetros de textura avaliados sofreram alterações durante o período do estudo, mas sem evidências de terem sofrido interferência das coberturas aplicadas. As formulações que se mostraram mais promissoras para futuras aplicações comerciais foram dos tratamentos B (50% de cera, 20% de FOS), K (25% de cera, 10% de FOS) e L (25% de cera, 0% de FOS).


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A Comissão Nacional de Residência Médica, em 2003, estabeleceu novos critérios para o credenciamento de programas de Residência Médica em Radiologia e Diagnóstico por Imagem. Apesar dessas normas representarem um avanço no treinamento do residente, outras competências e habilidades específicas deverão ser desenvolvidas no sentido de acompanhar o rápido desenvolvimento técnico e científico, e para atender as novas exigências do mercado de trabalho. Os autores apresentam as principais competências e habilidades que complementam a formação do radiologista, sugerindo modificação nos atuais programas para que os residentes possam adquiri-las.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine the number of punctures in fine-needle aspiration biopsies required for a safe cytological analysis of thyroid nodules. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Cross-sectional study with focus on diagnosis. The study population included 94 patients. RESULTS: The mean age of the patients participating in the study was 52 years (standard-deviation = 13.7) and 90.4% of them were women. Considering each puncture as an independent event, the first puncture has showed conclusive results in 78.7% of cases, the second, in 81.6%, and the third, in 71.8% of cases. With a view to the increasing chance of a conclusive diagnosis at each new puncture, two punctures have showed conclusive results in 89.5% of cases, and three punctures, in 90.6% of cases with at least one conclusive result. CONCLUSION: Two punctures in fine-needle aspiration biopsies of thyroid nodules have lead to diagnosis in 89.5% of cases in the study sample, suggesting that there is no need for multiple punctures to safely obtain the diagnosis of thyroid nodules.


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Plato's attitude toward the poets and poetry has always been a flashpoint of debate, controversy and notoriety, but most scholars have failed to see their central role in the ideal cities of the Republic and the Laws, that is, Callipolis and Magnesia. In this paper, I argue that in neither dialogue does Plato "exile" the poets, but, instead, believes they must, like all citizens, exercise the expertise proper to their profession, allowing them the right to become full-fledged participants in the productive class. Moreover, attention to certain details reveals that Plato harnesses both positive and negative factors in poetry to bring his ideal cities closer to a practical realization. The status of the poet and his craft in this context has rarely to my knowledge been addressed.


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The present research aimed to develop a modeling capable of identifying the ideal profile of swine finishing producers using the interactive performance optimization, which began by verifying qualitative the criteria considered most relevant to the decision-making, generating a closed structured diagnosis that covers the socioeconomic aspects about the activity, until the design of a mathematical model able to translate the data obtained in quantitative information. For the verification, it was proposed a practical study for a universe of 120 members of a cooperative in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The results showed that, from the application and the definition of the ideal profile, it was possible to verify that 82 producers are in the group of those who have obtained a "Good" performance, and to 44 the result is in the range between 86% to 90% from the ideal, which means that most have short or medium-term conditions to evolve their status for the considered "Very Good", where only 12.5% of the producers are currently.