65 resultados para ELECTROPOLISHING (EP)
Trata-se do primeiro relato envolvendo uma paciente em pós-operatório recente de neurocirurgia submetida à trombólise química por embolia pulmonar (EP) maciça e, por não apresentar condições clínicas, sem exame de imagem. Dados clínicos, gasométricos e capnográficos permitiram decidir pela trombólise com segurança. O gradiente P(a-et)CO2 passou de 46,4 mmHg para 11,8 mmHg (normal < 5 mmHg) e a fração do espaço morto alveolar end-tidal passou de 0,85 para 0,37 (normal < 0,15) do período pré-trombólise para o sétimo dia pós-trombólise. Conclui-se que a capnografia volumétrica (CV) foi útil no diagnóstico, bem como no acompanhamento clínico da paciente.
FUNDAMENTO: Não existe descrição da prevalência de Embolia Pulmonar (EP) em pacientes internados por quadro clássico de Insuficiência Cardíaca descompensada (IC). OBJETIVO: Em pacientes internados por IC, (1) descrever a prevalência de EP, e (2) avaliar a acurácia diagnóstica dos Escores de Wells e de Genebra. MÉTODOS: Pacientes internados primariamente por IC realizaram sistematicamente cintilografia pulmonar de ventilação/perfusão, sendo EP definida por laudo de alta probabilidade. Para fins de interpretação, definimos baixa probabilidade clínica de EP como prevalência < 5%, de acordo com dados da literatura. No cálculo do tamanho amostral, 49 pacientes seriam necessários para fornecer um intervalo de confiança 95% com ± 10% de precisão, estimando uma prevalência a priori de 15%. RESULTADOS: Em 51 pacientes estudados, seis apresentaram cintilografia de alta probabilidade, resultando em prevalência de 12% (95% IC = 5% - 23%). Os Escores de Wells e de Genebra apresentaram área abaixo da curva ROC de 0,53 (95% IC = 0,27 - 0,80; p = 0,80) e 0,43 (95% IC = 0,13 - 0,73; p = 0,56), respectivamente, indicando ausência de acurácia para o diagnóstico de EP. Alternativamente, variáveis relacionadas à IC mostraram tendência a associação com EP e um modelo exploratório formado por esse tipo de variável apresentou acurácia diagnóstica para EP (ROC = 0,81; 95% IC = 0,66 - 0,96; p = 0,01). CONCLUSÃO: (1) A despeito da ausência de suspeita primária, pacientes internados com IC possuem probabilidade clínica intermediária de EP concomitante; (2) Os escores usualmente utilizados para estimar a probabilidade clínica de EP não se aplicam à população com IC e futuros modelos preditores devem contemplar variáveis relacionadas a esta síndrome.
Desfechos clínicos após investigação para Embolia Pulmonar utilizando TC de tórax/membros inferiores
FUNDAMENTO: O diagnóstico de Embolia Pulmonar (EP) ainda requer longos períodos de trabalho e inúmeros testes. OBJETIVO: Nosso objetivo é avaliar os desfechos clínicos após uma investigação negativa usando um protocolo combinado de angio TC de tórax e venografia por TC (CTA/CTV) como único teste de diagnóstico em pacientes não selecionados com suspeita de EP. MÉTODOS: Estudo de coorte retrospectivo que incluiu pacientes consecutivos com suspeita de EP que foram investigados com um protocolo combinado de CTA/CTV. Os pacientes que apresentaram inicialmente uma investigação negativa e não receberam anticoagulantes foram acompanhados por seis meses para ocorrência de eventos tromboembólicos venosos recorrentes. RESULTADOS: De 425 pacientes com suspeita de EP, 62 (14,6%) tiveram diagnóstico de tromboembolismo venoso no CTA/CTV inicial. A média de idades foi de 56 ± 19 anos, e 61% da população se enquadravam na categoria de baixa probabilidade clínica. A trombose venosa profunda isolada representou 21% de todos os eventos tromboembólicos venosos, e quando se considerou toda a população, a CTV foi associada a um incremento no rendimento diagnóstico de 3,1%. Nosso grupo era composto de 320 pacientes com CTA/CTV inicialmente negativo e que não receberam anticoagulantes. Após seis meses de acompanhamento, apenas três pacientes apresentaram recorrência de eventos tromboembólicos (0,9%, IC 95% -0,1% - 2,0%) e nenhum foi fatal. Não houve mortes relacionadas com a EP. CONCLUSÕES: Nosso estudo sugere que uma estratégia de diagnóstico que utiliza CTA/CTV como único teste de diagnóstico pode descartar EP com segurança, em população com risco baixo a moderado, e está associada a resultados favoráveis, com um valor preditivo negativo de 99,1%. (Arq Bras Cardiol. 2012; [online].ahead print, PP.0-0)
In this work we have studied the modifications in the biological properties of Trypanosoma cruzi when the parasite is maintained for a long time in axenic culture. The studies were done with a clone from an avirulent strain (Dm30L) and a non-cloned virulent strain (EP) of T. cruzi. Both parasiteswere maintained, for at least three years, by successive triatomine/mouse alternate passage (control condition), or by serial passage in axenic medium (culture condition), or only in the mouse (mouse condition). The comparison between parasites of culture and control condition showed that metacyclogenesis capacity was reduced in the former and that the resulting metacyclics displayed an attenuatedvirulence. In order to compare the virulence of metacyclics from the urine of the insect vector, Rhodnius prolixus were infected by artificial feeding with parasites of the control or culture condition. After three triatomine/triatomine passages, there was observed an almost identical biological behavior for these parasites, hence indicating that the maintenance of T. cruzi for a long time in axenic culture affects the differentiation capacity and the virulence of the parasite. Additionally, it was demonstrated that it is possible to maintain T. cruzi exclusively through passages in the invertebrate host.
In this study we examined whether the maintenance of Trypanosoma cruzi by long-time in axenic culture produces changes in gene expression and antigenic profiles. The studies were made with a Dm30L-clone from a low-virulent strain and a non-cloned virulent EP-strain of T. cruzi. Both parasites were maintained, for at least seven years, by successive alternate passage triatomine/mouse (triatomine condition), or by serial passage in axenic medium (culture condition). The comparison of the [35S]methionine metabolic labeling products of virulent and non-virulent parasites by 2D-SDS-PAGE, clearly indicates that the expression of metacyclic trypomastigotes (but not of epimastigotes) proteins have been altered by laboratory maintenance conditions. Western blot analysis of EP and Dm30L-epimastigotes using a serum anti-epimastigotes revealed that although most of antigens are conserved, four antigens are characteristics of triatomine condition parasites and three other are characteristics of culture condition parasites. Anti-metacyclics serum revealed significative differences in EP- and Dm30L-metacyclic trypomastigotes from triatomine condition. However, avirulent metacyclic forms were antigenically very similar. These results suggest that besides a possible selection of avirulent subpopulation from T. cruzi strains genetically heterogeneous when maintained by long time in axenic culture, changes in virulence might be due to post-translational modifications of the antigens induced by the absence of the natural alternability (vertebrate-invertebrate) in the life-cycle of T. cruzi
Trypanosoma cruzi is usually transmitted by contact with the excreta of infected Triatominae; among non-vectorial infections, direct transmission through coitus has been proposed. We investigated this possibility by instilling, through the external meatus of the vagina and the penis of previously anesthetized NMRI albino mice, blood of mice infected with strains isolated from Didelphis marsupialis (opossum, strain CO57), Rattus rattus (rat, strain CO22) and human (strain EP). Some animals were allowed to copulate the same day of the instillation. In other experiments, the strains were inoculated in the scrotum. To determine the effect of immunosuppression, some mice were treated with cyclophosphamide 30 days post-instillation. Controls were instilled orally and ocularly. Vaginal instillation with strain CO22 produced systemic infection with tropism to the heart, skeletal muscle, skin, duodenum, pancreas, ovary and sternum. Scrotal inoculation with strain EP likewise invaded liver, spleen, lung, lymph nodes and urogenital organs; while strain CO57 invaded skeletal and cardiac muscle, pancreas, testis, and vas deferens. Penile infection with strain CO22 was detected by xenodiagnosis. Immunosuppression did not increase parasitemia of vaginally infected mice or controls. Mating did not produce infection. Our results show that contact of blood trypomastigotes of T. cruzi with genital mucosa can produce blood and tissue infections. These results are discussed in relation to reports of frequent experimental tropism of T. cruzi toward urogenital organs.
Some demographic and epidemiological patterns of the rural population of Monte Negro, locality situated in the State of Rondônia (Brazil), Western Amazonia, are described based on a sample of 924 randomly selected individuals, approximately 10% of the whole population. The main features of this sample are (1) the illiteracy rates in the parental generation were 23% for fathers and 20% for mothers. Among children, this figure dropped to 6%; (2) housing in Monte Negro is characterized by being constructed with wood (92%), and also a floor (75%). Nevertheless, only 32% of these houses had electric energy; (3) the mean ages for the parental generation were 41.9 for males and 36.3 for females. These values for the offspring generation were 12.2 and 10.5, respectively; (4) the sex-ratio of the offspring generation was 1.32;(5) the bioassay of kinship was estimated as .033 for this long range migrant population; (6) the prevalence of some macrophage dependent infectious disease was conspicuously high; (7) the reported number of malarial episodes among males and females was statistically different, suggesting that malaria may be, in part, a "professional" disease; (8) the prevalence of serum-positive reactions against B-hepatitis is distressing. It has a strong age dependence and reaches 74% among adult males. Conversely, signs of active infection (AgHbs) rises to 16% among children.
Almost all individuals (182) belonging to an Amazonian riverine population (Portuchuelo, RO, Brazil) were investigated for ascertaining data on epidemiological aspects of malaria. Thirteen genetic blood polymorphisms were investigated (ABO, MNSs, Rh, Kell, and Duffy systems, haptoglobins, hemoglobins, and the enzymes glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, glyoxalase, phosphoglucomutase, carbonic anhydrase, red cell acid phosphatase, and esterase D). The results indicated that the Duffy system is associated with susceptibility to malaria, as observed in other endemic areas. Moreover, suggestions also arose indicating that the EsD and Rh loci may be significantly associated with resistance to malaria. If statistical type II errors and sample stratification could be ruled out, hypotheses on the existence of a causal mechanism or an unknown closely linked locus involved in susceptibility to malaria infection may explain the present findings.
The wide variety of Leishmania species responsible for human American cutaneous leishmaniasis combined with the immune mechanisms of the host results in a large spectrum of clinical, histopathological, and immunopathological manifestations. At the middle of this spectrum are the most frequent cases of localized cutaneous leishmaniasis (LCL) caused by members of the subgenera Leishmania and Viannia, which respond well to conventional therapy. The two pathogenicity extremes of the spectrum generally recognized are represented at the hypersensitivity pole by mucocutaneous leishmaniasis (MCL) and at the hyposensitivity pole by anergic diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis (ADCL). Following the present study on the clinical, histopathological and immunopathological features of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Amazonian Brazil, we propose the use of the term "borderline disseminated cutaneous leishmaniasis" for the disseminated form of the disease, due to parasites of the subgenera Leishmania and Viannia, which might be regarded as intermediate between LCL and the extreme pathogenicity poles MCL and ADCL.
Tuberculosis (TB) is a disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis whose interaction with the host may lead to a cell-mediated protective immune response. The presence of interferon-g (IFN-gamma) is related to this response. With the purpose of understanding the immunological mechanisms involved in this protection, the lymphoproliferative response, IFN-g and other cytokines like interleukin (IL-5, IL-10), and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-a) were evaluated before and after the use of anti-TB drugs on 30 patients with active TB disease, 24 healthy household contacts of active TB patients, with positive purified protein derivative (PPD) skin tests (induration > 10 mm), and 34 asymptomatic individuals with negative PPD skin test results (induration < 5 mm). The positive lymphoproliferative response among peripheral blood mononuclear cells of patients showed high levels of IFN-g, TNF-a, and IL-10. No significant levels of IL-5 were detected. After treatment with rifampicina, isoniazida, and pirazinamida, only the levels of IFN-g increased significantly (p < 0.01). These results highlight the need for further evaluation of IFN-g production as a healing prognostic of patients treated.
Anti-human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) "binding antibodies" (antibodies capable of binding to synthetic peptides or proteins) occur throughout HIV-1 infection, are high-titered and highly cross-reactive, as confirmed in this study by analyzing plasma from B and F genotype HIV-1 infected individuals. Plasma from individuals infected with clade F HIV-1 displayed the most frequent cross-reactivity, in high titers, while Bbr plasma showed much higher specificity. Similarly, neutralization of a reference HIV-1 isolate (HIV-1 MN) was more frequently observed by plasma from F than B genotype infected individuals. No significant difference was seen in neutralization susceptibility of primary B, Bbr or F clade HIV-1 by plasma from individuals infected with the classical B (GPGR) or F HIV-1, but Bbr (GWGR) plasma were less likely to neutralize the F genotype primary HIV-1 isolates. The data indicate that both B and F genotype derived vaccines would be equally effective against B and F HIV-1 infection, with a slightly more probable effectiveness for F than B genotype. Although the Bbr variant appears to induce a much more specific humoral immune response, the susceptibility in neutralizing the Brazilian HIV-1 B genotype Bbr variant is similar to that observed with the classical B genotype HIV-1.
Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis has for some time been considered as the causative agent of two distinct forms of American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL): localized cutaneous leishmaniasis (LCL), and anergic diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis (ADCL). Recently, a new intermediate form of disease, borderline disseminated cutaneous leishmaniasis (BDCL), was introduced into the clinical spectrum of ACL caused by this parasite, and in this paper we record the clinical, histopathological, and immunological features of eight more BDCL patients from Brazilian Amazonia, who acquired the disease in the Pará state, North Brazil. Seven of them had infections of one to two years' evolution and presented with primary skin lesions and the occurrence of metastases at periods varying from six to 12 months following appearance of the first lesion. Primary skin lesions ranged from 1-3 in number, and all had the aspect of an erythematous, infiltrated plaque, variously located on the head, arms or legs. There was lymphatic dissemination of infection, with lymph node enlargement in seven of the cases, and the delayed hypersensitivity skin-test (DTH) was negative in all eight patients prior to their treatment. After that, there was a conversion of DTH to positive in five cases re-examined. The major histopathological feature was a dermal mononuclear infiltration, with a predominance of heavily parasitized and vacuolated macrophages, together with lymphocytes and plasma cells. In one case, with similar histopathology, the patient had acquired his infection seven years previously and he presented with the largest number of disseminated cutaneous lesions. BDCL shows clinical and histopathological features which are different from those of both LCL and ADCL, and there is a good prognosis of cure which is generally not so in the case of frank ADCL.
Host-choice experiments were carried out with rodent and bat ectoparasites on Ilha Grande, state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. We constructed experimental chambers that enclosed three different rodent or bat host species, and then introduced a selected set of ectoparasitic arthropods. When given the opportunity to choose among host species, the ectoparasites showed a strong tendency to select their primary hosts, and reject novel host species. These kinds of simple experiments can be valuable tools for assessing the ability of ectoparasites to locate and discern differences between host species, and make choices about which hosts to infest, and which hosts to avoid.
From June 1999 to May 2001, small mammals were captured in three areas of the Atlantic Forest in Southeastern Brazil and examined for ectoparasites. Analysis of ectoparasites revealed the presence of a new chigger genus and species, Caamembecaia gratiosus, from Trinomys gratiosus. This is the first record of a chigger from T. gratiosus.