61 resultados para Donato Giannotti
Foram inventariadas todas as árvores, lianas e palmeiras com DAP > 10 cm de um hectare (dois transectos paralelos de 500 x 10 m) de floresta densa de terra firme sobre platô de Latossolo, 90 km a nordeste de Manaus (02º35'45" S e 60º12'40" W). A fitofisionomia local é exuberante e homogênea, com grande número de árvores altas e finas. Foram encontrados 670 indivíduos distribuídos em 48 famílias, 133 gêneros e 245 espécies. Do total amostrado, 70% ou 467 indivíduos apresentaram DAP < 22,1 cm. Abarema mataybifolia (Sandw.) Barneby & Grimes, Leonia glycycarpa Ruiz & Pav., Swartzia reticulata Ducke e Aspidosperma oblongum A. DC., foram as únicas espécies a apresentarem valores superiores a 90 cm de DAP. Fabaceae, Sapotaceae e Lecythidaceae constituíram as três famílias com maior riqueza de espécies e maiores índices de valor de importância aos níveis de família e espécie. Os índices de diversidade (H" = 5,1) e de equitabilidade (E" = 0,92), ambos de Shannon-Wiener, indicam que a floresta é bem diversificada, com uma abundância relativamente uniforme das espécies. Nesse ambiente florestal, as espécies não tem distribuição espacial uniforme, porém, quanto menor a distância geográfica entre as subparcelas, maior sua similaridade florística (teste de Mantel, p<0,001).
Background: When performing the Valsalva maneuver (VM), adults and preadolescents produce the same expiratory resistance values. Objective: To analyze heart rate (HR) in preadolescents performing VM, and propose a new method for selecting expiratory resistance. Method: The maximal expiratory pressure (MEP) was measured in 45 sedentary children aged 9-12 years who subsequently performed VM for 20 s using an expiratory pressure of 60%, 70%, or 80% of MEP. HR was measured before, during, and after VM. These procedures were repeated 30 days later, and the data collected in the sessions (E1, E2) were analyzed and compared in periods before, during (0-10 and 10-20 s), and after VM using nonparametric tests. Results: All 45 participants adequately performed VM in E1 and E2 at 60% of MEP. However, only 38 (84.4%) and 25 (55.5%) of the participants performed the maneuver at 70% and 80% of MEP, respectively. The HR delta measured during 0-10 s and 10-20 s significantly increased as the expiratory effort increased, indicating an effective cardiac autonomic response during VM. However, our findings suggest the VM should not be performed at these intensities. Conclusion: HR increased with all effort intensities tested during VM. However, 60% of MEP was the only level of expiratory resistance that all participants could use to perform VM. Therefore, 60% of MEP may be the optimal expiratory resistance that should be used in clinical practice.
Revisou-se a taxonomia das espécies incluídas em Pseudoparlatoria Cockerell, 1892, através do exame das séries tipo, exemplares obtidos nas localidades-tipo e material disponível em coleções científicas. Foram redescritas: P. argentata Hempel, 1912; P. browni McKenzie, 1963; P. campinensis Lepage & Giannotti, 1946; P. carolilehmanni Balachowsky, 1959; P. caucae Balachowsky, 1959; P. circularis Lepage, 1942; P. constricta Fonseca, 1975; P. elongata Ferris, 1941; P. fuscaFerris, 1941; P. fusiformisFonseca, 1969; P. lentigo Ferris, 1942; P. maculata Ferris, 1942; P. noacki Cockerell, 1898; P. occultata (Hempel, 1937); P. ostreataCockerell, 1892; P. parlatorioides(Comstock, 1883); P. perparvula Ferris, 1942; P. pisai (Hempel, 1904); P. punctata Ferris, 1942; P. rossetae Fonseca, 1969; P. serrulata Townsend & Cockerell, 1898; P. subcircularis Balachowsky, 1959; P. tillandsiae Tippins, 1970; P. trimaculata Lepage & Giannotti, 1946; P. turgida Ferris, 1941. Duas novas combinações são estabelecidas, P. mammata(Ferris, 1941); P. sculpta (Ferris, 1941). Uma chave para identificação das espécies é apresentada.
O gênero Diaspidistis Hempel, 1900 foi estudado. Foram redescritas Diaspidistis multilobis Hempel, 1900 e D. squamosa Hempel, 1937. Novas combinações são propostas: D. gomescostai (Lepage & Giannotti, 1946), D. memorabilis (Ferris, 1941), D. multipunctata (Lepage & Giannotti, 1946) e D. petasata (Ferris, 1942). São descritas e ilustradas duas espécies novas: Diaspidistis fonsecai sp. nov. e Diaspidistis tucumanensis sp. nov. Uma chave para identificação das espécies é apresentada baseada em fêmeas adultas.
The study of the type material of Chironomus (Polypedilum) griseistriatum Edwards, 1931 described from Patagonia lead us to formally transfer the species to Apedilum Townes, 1945 as a new combination, and a reared specimen allows us to describe its pupa. Based on several larvae belonging to Apedilum collected in the proximity of the localities in which the adults and pupae were found, we tentatively describe the larval stage. Subfossil larval head capsules of the same species were found in Laguna Stibnite at 46°S in Chile dated to about 2,500 years ago and in Puerto Blest, Lago Nahuel Huapi at 41°S in Argentina dated about 2,000 years ago. We discuss the habitat of the species based on both modern and subfossil material. Identification keys to male adult, pupae and fourth instar larvae are also provided.
Genetic crosses between phenotypically resistant and sensitive schistosomes demonstrated that resistance to hycanthone and oxamniquine behaves like a recessive trait, thus suggesting that resistance is due to the lack of some factor. We hypothesized that, in order to kill schistosomes, hycanthone and oxamniquine need to be converted into an active metabolite by some parasite enzyme wich, if inactive, results in drug resistance. Esterification of the drugs seemed to be the most likely event as it would lead to the production of an alkylating agent upon dissociation of the ester. An artificial ester of hycanthone was indeed active even in resistant worms, thus indirectly supporting our hypothesis. In addition, several lines of evidence demonstrated that exposure to hycanthone and oxamniquine results in alkylation of worm macromolecules. Thus, radioactive drugs formed covalent bonds with the DNA of sensitive (but not of resistant) schistosomes; an antiserum raised against hycanthone detected the presence of the drug in the purified DNA fraction of sensitive (but not of resistant) schistosomes; a drug-DNA adduct was isolated from hycanthone-treated worms and fully characterized as hycanthone-deoxyguanosine.
The objective of this study is to determine whether various hycanthone resistant strains of schistosomes which have been independently isolated are all affected in the same gene. A strain obtained from a Brazilian patient was compared with a strain of Puerto Rican origin selected in the laboratory. If the mutation conferring resistance involved two different genes, one would expect that the progeny of a cross between the two strains would show complementation, i.e. it would be sensitive to the drug. We have performed such a cross and obtained F1 hybrid worms wich were essentially all resistant, thus suggesting that the mutation conferring resistance in the two strains involves the same gene.
Available evidence suggests that the antischistosomal drug oxamniquine is converted to a reactive ester by a schistosome enzyme that is missing in drug-resistant parasites. This study presents data supporting the idea that the active ester is a sulfate and the activating enzyme is a sulfotransferase. Evidence comes from the fact that the parasite extract loses its activating capability upon dialysis, implying the requirement of some dialyzable cofactor. The addition of the sulfate donor 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulfate (PAPS) restored activity of the dialyzate, a strong indication that a sulfotransferase is probably involved. Classical sulfotransferase substrates like beta-estradiol and quercetin competitively inhibited the activation of oxamniquine. Furthermore, these substrates could be sulfonated in vitro using an extract of sensitive (but not resistant) schistosomes. Gel filtration analysis showed that the activating factor eluted in a fraction corresponding to a molecular mass of about 32 kDa, which is the average size of typical sulfotransferase subunits. Ion exchange and affinity chromatography confirmed the sulfotransferase nature of the enzyme. Putative sulfotransferases present in schistosome databases are being examined for their possible role as oxamniquine activators.
In Venezuela, a total of 363,466 malaria cases were reported between 1999-2009. Several states are experiencing malaria epidemics, increasing the risk of vector and possibly transfusion transmission. We investigated the risk of transfusion transmission in blood banks from endemic and non-endemic areas of Venezuela by examining blood donations for evidence of malaria infection. For this, commercial kits were used to detect both malaria-specific antibodies (all species) and malaria antigen (Plasmodium falciparum only) in samples from Venezuelan blood donors (n = 762). All samples were further studied by microscopy and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The antibody results showed that P. falciparum-infected patients had a lower sample/cut-off ratio than Plasmodium vivax-infected patients. Conversely, a higher ratio for antigen was observed among all P. falciparum-infected individuals. Sensitivity and specificity were higher for malarial antigens (100 and 99.8%) than for antibodies (82.2 and 97.4%). Antibody-positive donors were observed in Caracas, Ciudad Bolívar, Puerto Ayacucho and Cumaná, with prevalences of 1.02, 1.60, 3.23 and 3.63%, respectively. No PCR-positive samples were observed among the donors. However, our results show significant levels of seropositivity in blood donors, suggesting that more effective measures are required to ensure that transfusion transmission does not occur.
A identificação de variáveis associadas ao tipo de atenção domiciliária (AD) dos usuários do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) contribui para a gestão do cuidado na Rede de Atenção à Saúde (RAS). Objetiva-se identificar variáveis associadas ao tipo de AD dos usuários em Unidades Básicas de Saúde (UBS) selecionadas de Belo Horizonte. Estudo transversal em duas UBS com todos os usuários (n=114) em AD da área de abrangência. Utilizou-se a análise de regressão logística múltipla para seleção (stepwise) de variáveis significativas. Obteve-se maior comprometimento clínico dos usuários (OR=27,47), estado emocional triste (OR=24,36), risco para úlcera por pressão pela escala de Braden (OR=7,6) e a semidependência para as AVD pelo índice de Katz (OR=63,8) como fortemente associadas ao tipo de AD (p < 0,05). As variáveis fundadas no contexto social, familiar e clínico dos sujeitos subsidiam a abordagem integral e a tomada de decisão da equipe de saúde.
Abstract OBJECTIVE To describe the stages of construction and validation of an instrument in order to analyze the adherence to best care practices during labour and birth. METHOD Methodological research, carried out in three steps: construction of dimensions and items, face and content validity and semantic analysis of the items. RESULTS The face and content validity was carried out by 10 judges working in healthcare, teaching and research. Items with Content Validity Index (CVI) ≥ 0.9 were kept in full or undergone revisions as suggested by the judges. Semantic analysis, performed twice, indicated that there was no difficulty in understanding the items. CONCLUSION The instrument with three dimensions (organization of healthcare network to pregnancy and childbirth, evidence-based practices and work processes) followed the steps recommended in the literature, concluded with 50 items and total CVI of 0.98.
Development and validation of an instrument for evaluating the ludicity of games in health education
Abstract OBJECTIVE Developing and validating an instrument to evaluate the playfulness of games in health education contexts. METHODOLOGY A methodological, exploratory and descriptive research, developed in two stages: 1. Application of an open questionnaire to 50 graduate students, with content analysis of the answers and calculation of Kappa coefficient for defining items; 2. Procedures for construction of scales, with content validation by judges and analysis of the consensus estimate byContent Validity Index(CVI). RESULTS 53 items regarding the restless character of the games in the dimensions of playfulness, the formative components of learning and the profiles of the players. CONCLUSION Ludicity can be assessed by validated items related to the degree of involvement, immersion and reinvention of the subjects in the game along with the dynamics and playability of the game.
Considerable importance has been given to nest construction and larval food transport to the nest as a precondition for the eusociality of insects. Most adult hymenopterans feed on liquids, although bees and a few wasps may also feed on pollen. Carrion represents an additional source of protein for some species and they will scavenge for dead animals in the wild. This paper aims at analyzing Hymenoptera visitors on a pig carcass during the process of decomposition, in the summer of 2005 and the winter of 2006 in Brazil, and comparing the results with other studies in the Neotropical region. To our knowledge, this is the first study which described the occurence of Agelaia pallipes, Polybia paulista and Scaptotrigona depilis on decomposing carcasses in southeastern Brazil. It also raises the hypothesis of possible applications of Hymenoptera to achieve more precise PMI estimations, apart from other insects already known as having great importance in such estimates.
Foram realizadas 100 horas de observação usando o método "scanning sample" para a qualificação e quantificação dos atos comportamentais de rainhas e operárias de quinze colônias de Polistes canadensis canadensis. Foi descrito um repertório comportamental com 28 atos, no qual rainhas executam 19 atos na colônia, enquanto operárias 26, ocorrendo 17 atos em comum entre as duas castas. Dentre esses atos, dois foram exclusivos do repertório de rainhas e nove de operárias. O resultado do teste do qui-quadrado apontou diferenças significativas entre os repertórios das duas castas, sendo que rainhas permanecem mais tempo no ninho e executam com maior freqüência atividades intra-nidais, ligadas à reprodução, enquanto que as operárias executam mais freqüentemente atividades relacionadas à manutenção das colônias, como a atividade de forrageamento que demanda um maior risco e alto custo energético.