89 resultados para Diogenes, -approximately 323 B.C.


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The prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection was assessed in a randomly selected sample of individuals from low-income community in Fortaleza, Northeastern Brazil. Overall, 384 out of 610 participants (62.9%) were H. pylori positive. A 47.5% infection rate was found in subjects aged six months to 10 years old, increased to 73.3% in subjects aged 11-20 years and then continued to increase with age reaching up to 87% in those over 60 years old. After this age group, the prevalence decreased slightly. The prevalence of infection increased significantly with age (p<0.0001).


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OBJETIVO: Analisar taxas de hospitalização por condições cardiovasculares sensíveis à atenção primária. MÉTODOS: Estudo ecológico com 237 municípios do Estado de Goiás, de 2000 a 2008, utilizando dados do Sistema de Informação Hospitalar e Sistema de Informação da Atenção Básica. As taxas de hospitalização foram calculadas pela proporção entre o número de hospitalizações por condições cardiovasculares e a população acima de 40 anos. Foram avaliadas em triênios: A (2000-2002), B (2003-2005) e C (2006-2008), segundo sexo, faixa etária, porte populacional, pertencimento à região metropolitana, macrorregião de saúde, distância da capital, Índice de Condições de Vida e Saúde e cobertura de Estratégia Saúde da Família. A cobertura populacional potencial da Saúde da Família foi calculada conforme diretrizes do Ministério da Saúde. A variabilidade das taxas foi avaliada segundo teste t e ANOVA. RESULTADOS: Ocorreram 253.254 internações (17,2% do total) por condições cardiovasculares sensíveis à atenção primária. As taxas de hospitalização diminuíram entre os triênios: A (213,5, dp = 104,6), B (199,7, dp = 96,3) e C (150,2, dp = 76,1), com diferença entre os períodos A-C e B-C (p < 0,001). Porte populacional municipal não influenciou o comportamento das taxas. Municípios próximos à capital e aqueles da região metropolitana apresentaram maiores taxas (p < 0,001). Em todos os percentis do Índice de Condições de Vida e Saúde, houve redução das taxas (p < 0,001), exceto no percentil 1. Redução foi também observada em todas as macrorregiões, exceto na região nordeste do estado. A redução das taxas ocorreu independentemente da cobertura da Saúde da Família. CONCLUSÕES: As taxas de hospitalização por condições cardiovasculares sensíveis à atenção primária diminuíram nesses municípios, independentemente da cobertura da Saúde da Família.


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As hepatites virais A, B, C, D e E - viroses sistêmicas hepatotrópicas - produzem quadros de hepatite aguda. Dependendo do agente etiológico, da carga viral e de condições do hospedeiro, podem evoluir para hepatite crônica, cirrose, câncer de fígado e formas agudas fulminantes. A versatilidade ecológica desses vírus configura uma natureza espectral e cambiante de transmissão no tempo e no espaço; potencializada pelo curso subclínico por vezes prolongado de grande parte das infecções, constitui-se em desafio epidemiológico. Com base no curso histórico dessas infecções foram descritos cenários e tendências relativas ao seu comportamento socioepidemiológico, apontando para a necessidade de superar modelos, padrões, protocolos e retornar à investigação de cada situação de saúde/doença. Ou seja, assinala para a imprescindível exploração das singularidades no sentido de desenvolver ações gerais modeladas pelas especificidades locais.


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From 1950 to 1990 a total of 45,862 strains (31,517 isolates from human sources, and 14,345 of non-human origin) were identified at Instituto Adolfo Lutz. No prevalence of any serovars was seen during the period 1950-66 among human sources isolates. Important changing pattern was seen in 1968, when S. Typhimurim surprisingly increased becoming the prevalent serovar in the following decades. During the period of 1970-76, S. Typhimurium represented 77.7% of all serovars of human origin. Significant rise in S. Agona isolation as well as in the number of different serovars among human sources strains were seen in the late 70' and the 80's. More than one hundred different serovars were identified among non-human origin strains. Among serovars isolated from human sources, 74.9%, 15.5%, and 3.7% were recovered from stool, blood, and cerebrospinal fluid cultures, respectively. The outbreak of meningitis by S. Grumpensis in the 60's, emphasizes the concept that any Salmonella serovars can be a cause of epidemics, mainly of the nosocomial origin. This evaluation covering a long period shows the important role of the Public Health Laboratory in the surveillance of salmonellosis, one of the most frequent zoonosis in the world.


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A total of 574 S. Enteritidis strains (383 from human sources and 191 from non-human sources) isolated between 1975-95, in São Paulo State, Brazil, were phagetyped. Among the strains isolated during the period of 1975-92, 80.9% of them belonged to phage type 8 (PT-8), but in 1993 strains of PT-4 accounted for 65.2% of all the S. Enteritidis isolates. In the following years, PT-4 strains accounted for 99.7% and 98.4% of phagetyped S. Enteritidis strains. The results obtained suggested that the current epidemic of S. Enteritidis in São Paulo State is clearly associated with the progression of PT-4 strains.


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Serovars of a total of 5,490 Salmonella strains isolated during the period of 1991-95, from human infections (2,254 strains) and from non-human materials (3,236 strains) were evaluated. In the studied period, 81 different serovars were determined among human isolates. Salmonella Enteritidis corresponded to 1.2% in 1991, 2% in 1992, 10.1% in 1993, 43.3% in 1994, and 64.9% in 1995 of all isolates. A significant rise on the isolation of this serovar was seen since 1993 linked to food poisoning outbreaks. It is reported also an increase on the isolation of S. Enteritidis from blood cultures, associated mainly with patients with immunodeficiency syndrome. S. Enteritidis was prevalent among one hundred and thirty different serovars isolated from non-human sources. Increasing number of isolation of this serovar was seen from shell eggs, breeding flocks and from environmental samples. It is also reported a contamination of commercial feed stuffs by S. Enteritidis which represents a major concern for Brazilian poultry industry.


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The clinical and public health importance of indeterminate results in HIV-1/2 testing is still difficult to evaluate in volunteer blood donors. At Fundação Hemominas, HIV-1/2 ELISA is used as the screening test and, if reactive, is followed by Western blot (WB). We have evaluated 84 blood donors who had repeatedly reactive ELISA tests for HIV-1/2, but indeterminate WB results. Sixteen of the 84 donors (19.0%) had history of sexually transmitted diseases; 18/84 (21.4%) informed receiving or paying for sex; 3/84 (3.6%) had homosexual contact; 2/26 women (7.6%) had past history of multiple illegal abortions and 3/84 (3.6%) had been previously transfused. Four out of 62 donors (6.5%) had positive anti-nuclear factor (Hep2), with titles up to 1:640. Parasitological examination of the stool revealed eggs of S. mansoni in 4/62 (6.4%) donors and other parasites in 8/62 (12.9%). Five (5.9%) of the subjects presented overt seroconversion for HIV-1/2, 43/84 (51.2%) had negative results on the last visit, while 36/84 (42.9%) remained WB indeterminate. Although some conditions could be found associated with the HIV-1/2 indeterminate WB results and many donors had past of risky behavior, the significance of the majority of the results remains to be determined.


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The knowledge about typhoid fever pathogenesis is growing in the last years, mainly about the cellular and molecular phenomena that are responsible by clinical manifestations of this disease. In this article are discussed several recent discoveries, as follows: a) Bacterial type III protein secretion system; b) The five virulence genes of Salmonella spp. that encoding Sips (Salmonella invasion protein) A, B, C, D and E, which are capable of induce apoptosis in macrophages; c) The function of Toll R2 and Toll R4 receptors present in the macrophage surface (discovered in the Drosophila). The Toll family receptors are critical in the signalizing mediated by LPS in macrophages in association with LBP and CD14; d) The lines of immune defense between intestinal lumen and internal organs; e) The fundamental role of the endothelial cells in the inflammatory deviation from bloodstream into infected tissues by bacteria. In addition to above subjects, the authors comment the correlation between the clinical features of typhoid fever and the cellular and molecular phenomena of this disease, as well as the therapeutic consequences of this knowledge.


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The genetic diversity of 23 oral Fusobacterium nucleatum isolated from 15 periodontal patients, eight from seven healthy subjects, nine from nine AIDS patients and two from two Cebus apella monkeys were analyzed. EcoRI restricted the bacterial DNA and 28 ribotypes grouped from A to J groups were obtained. Isolates formed 24 ribotypes which were contained into A, B, C, D, E and F groups, and three reference strains and two clinical isolates of A. actinomycetemcomitans, and E. coli CDC formed four different ribotypes into the G, H, I and J groups. Moreover, from nine F. nucleatum from AIDS patients, six were ribotyped as group C and three as group D. By using ribotyping we distinguished F. nucleatum recovered from different sources. It is possible that isolates from AIDS patients may contain some phenotypic or genotypic factor did not observed in this study.


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The objective of this study is to identify subtypes of Human Immunodeficiency Virus type 1 (HIV-1) and to analyze the presence of mutations associated to antiretroviral resistance in the protease (PR) and reverse transcriptase (RT) regions from 48 HIV-1 positive treatment naïve patients from an outpatient clinic in Maringá, Paraná, Brazil. Sequencing was conducted using PR, partial RT and group-specific antigen gene (gag) nested PCR products from retrotranscribed RNA. Transmitted resistance was determined according to the Surveillance Drug Resistance Mutation List (SDRM) algorithm. Phylogenetic and SimPlot analysis of concatenated genetic segments classified sequences as subtype B 19/48 (39.6%), subtype C 12/48 (25%), subtype F 4/48 (8.3%), with 13/48 (27.1%) recombinant forms. Most recombinant forms were B mosaics (B/F 12.5%, B/C 10.4%), with one C/F (2.1%) and one complex B/C/F mosaic (2.1%). Low levels of transmitted resistance were found in this study, 2/48 (2.1% to NRTIs and 2.1% for PI). This preliminary data may subsidize the monitoring of the HIV evolution in the region.


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The method used by YAGYU et al. for the subtype-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of the gp41 transmembrane region of the human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) env gene, was tested. HIV-1 proviral DNA from 100 infected individuals in Itajaí, South Brazil was used to analyze this method. Seventy individuals were determined according to this method as having PCR products at the expected size for subtypes B, C, D and F. Of these individuals, 26 (37.1%) were observed as having the expected amplification for subtype C, and 42 (60%) were observed as having the expected products for subtypes B and D. Of the subtype B and D amplicons, 16 (22.9%) were classified as subtype D, and 26 (37.1%) were classified as subtype B. Two individuals (2.9%) had amplicons that were observed after subtype F-specific amplification was performed. Sequencing and comparing the patient sequences to reference sequences confirmed the classification of sequences of subtypes C and B. However, sequences that were falsely determined as being D and F in the PCR assay were determined as being subtypes C and B, respectively, by sequence analysis. For those individuals from whom no amplified products were obtained, a low viral load that was indicated in their patient history may explain the difficulty in subtyping by PCR methods. This issue was demonstrated by the results of ANOVA when testing the effect of viral load on the success of PCR amplification. The alignment of the obtained sequences with HIV-1 reference sequences demonstrated that there is high intra-subtype diversity. This indicates that the subtype-specific primer binding sites were not conserved or representative of the subtypes that are observed in the Brazilian populations, and that they did not allow the correct classification of HIV-1 subtypes. Therefore, the proposed method by YAGYU et al. is not applicable for the classification of Brazilian HIV-1 subtypes.


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In August 1983,85 inhabitants of the municipality of Humaitá, Amazonas State, Brazil were studied to determine the prevalence of antigens to HLA-A, -B, -C and DR. Thirty-eight were sick with malaria due to Plasmodium falciparum. All subjects were examined for splenomegaly, blood parasitaemia and antibodies to malaria. They constituted three groups: 1) 25 subjects native to the Amazon region who had never had malaria; 2) 38 Amazonian subjects who had malaria in the past or currently had an infection; 3) 22 patients with malaria who had acquired the infection in the Amazon Region but came from other regions of Brazil. Blood was taken from each person, the lymphocytes were separated and typed by the test of microlymphocytotoxicity. There was a high frequency of antigens that could not be identified in the groups studied which suggests the existence of a homozygote or phenotype not identified in the population. There was a high frequency of the phenotype Ag(W24) (44.7%) in group 2 when compared with group 1 (32%) or group 3 (9%). Also the individuals in group 2 showed an elevated frequency of antigen DR(4)80%) when compared with group 1 (36.6%) or group 3 (16.6%). These observations suggest the possibility of a genetic susceptibility to malaria among Amazonian residents and indicate a necessity for more extensive studies of the frequency of HLA antigens among inhabitants of this endemic malarial zone.


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Os principais estudos sobre a associação esquistossomose e hepatite pelos vírus B, C e D são apresentados e discutidos. As limitações de cada estudo são apontadas e os autores sugerem novos caminhos na investigação desta provável interação.


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A hepatite viral A representa importante problema de saúde pública em todo o mundo, estando relacionada às condições sócioeconômicas e de higiene da população. Na Amazônia brasileira, estudos soroepidemiológicos em populações indígenas tem demonstrado alta endemicidade relacionada à infecção. Objetivando avaliar a prevalência da infecção pelo vírus da hepatite A em aldeia xicrin, no município de Altamira-Pará-Brasil, cuja investigação foi desencadeada por óbito de criança indígena, que evoluiu clinicamente em nove dias, com quadro ictero-hemorrágico, sem realização de exame sorológico, foram analisadas 352 amostras de sangue através de testes sorológicos dos marcadores virais das hepatites A, B, C e D, por técnica imunoenzimática, que indicaram uma prevalência de 98% de anticorpos contra a hepatite A e destes, 30,5% com infecção recente, caracterizando em base laboratorial, o surto de infecção pelo vírus da hepatite A e levantando a possibilidade de estar associado com o óbito ocorrido na aldeia.