36 resultados para Development of the production quality
The energy balance for the production of sunflower oil and cake was carried out during the agricultural and industrial stage phase, where it was considered a cold extraction by hydraulic pressing, with the plant location in a rural area with a radius of 30km range. Data on productivity was used in two varieties of sunflower (Helio 358 and Aguará 04) grown in different seasons (2007/2008, 2008/2009), under different irrigation levels. Data showed that irrigation resulted in an increase in productivity of both varieties, and the best response was observed for Aguará 04 variety. Moreover, the increased intensity of irrigation negatively affected the energy balance, reducing the ratio between energy produced and energy used in the production chain. The most significant inputs in the energy intake were fertilizer followed by diesel oil, when irrigation was not used for. When the irrigation technique was used, the most significant inputs, in order of representativeness, were: energy, fertilizer and equipment.
One of the most limiting factors affecting the larval rearing of Ucides cordatus in the laboratory is a period of high mortality, which usually occurs late in the course of the larviculture during the metamorphosis from the zoeal to the megalopal phase. The objective of the present research was to analyze the post-embryonic development of U. cordatus on an individual basis and, in particular, to search for patterns linking disturbances in the molting process to the high larval death rates observed in massive larvicultures. A total of 50 larvae were individually reared from hatching to metamorphosis into the megalopal phase under controlled conditions, fed a combination of microalgae and rotifers. The survivorship rate was 70% until zoea V. The 35 surviving zoea V larvae followed two different pathways. Eleven underwent metamorphosis directly to megalopa, eighteen molted to zoea VI and six died as zoea V. In the last molting event, only two zoea VI larvae reached the megalopal stage, while the remaining sixteen died. In further observation under microscope, 13 of the dead zoea VI showed characteristics of the pre-molt stage and pereiopods disproportionably large in relation to the carapace. The observed pattern resembles the Molt Death Syndrome (MDS) described for other decapod species, in which larvae die in the late pre-molt phase of the molting cycle. We suggest that U. cordatus larvae develop disturbances in the molting process similar to the MDS described for other species and that these disturbances are related to a more complex pathway involving the emergence of larval stage zoea VI.
We studied the development of the insulin secretion mechanism in the pancreas of fetal (19- and 21-day-old), neonatal (3-day-old), and adult (90-day-old) rats in response to stimulation with 8.3 or 16.7 mM glucose, 30 mM K+, 5 mM theophylline (Theo) and 200 µM carbamylcholine (Cch). No effect of glucose or high K+ was observed on the pancreas from 19-day-old fetuses, whereas Theo and Cch significantly increased insulin secretion at this age (82 and 127% above basal levels, respectively). High K+ also failed to alter the insulin secretion in the pancreas from 21-day-old fetuses, whereas 8.3 mM and 16.7 mM glucose significantly stimulated insulin release by 41 and 54% above basal levels, respectively. Similar results were obtained with Theo and Cch. A more marked effect of glucose on insulin secretion was observed in the pancreas of 3-day-old rats, reaching 84 and 179% above basal levels with 8.3 mM and 16.7 mM glucose, respectively. At this age, both Theo and Cch increased insulin secretion to close to two-times basal levels. In islets from adult rats, 8.3 mM and 16.7 mM glucose, Theo, and Cch increased the insulin release by 104, 193, 318 and 396% above basal levels, respectively. These data indicate that pancreatic B-cells from 19-day-old fetuses were already sensitive to stimuli that use either cAMP or IP3 and DAG as second messengers, but insensitive to stimuli such as glucose and high K+ that induce membrane depolarization. The greater effect of glucose on insulin secretion during the neonatal period indicates that this period is crucial for the maturation of the glucose-sensing mechanism in B-cells.
Auxemma oncocalyx Taub. belongs to the Boraginaceae family and is native to the Brazilian northeast where it is known as "pau-branco". We investigated the ability of the water soluble fraction isolated from the heartwood of A. oncocalyx to inhibit sea urchin egg development. This fraction contains about 80% oncocalyxone A (quinone fraction), a compound known to possess strong cytotoxic and antitumor activities. In fact, the quinone fraction inhibited cleavage in a dose-dependent manner [IC50 of 18.4 (12.4-27.2) µg/ml, N = 6], and destroyed the embryos in the blastula stage [IC50 of 16.2 (13.7-19.2) µg/ml, N = 6]. We suggest that this activity is due to the presence of oncocalyxone A. In fact, these quinones present in A. oncocalyx extract have strong toxicity related to their antimitotic activity.
Glutamate receptors have been often associated with developmental processes. We used immunohistochemical techniques to evaluate the expression of the AMPA-type glutamate receptor (GluR) subunits in the chick optic tectum (TeO). Chick embryos from the 5th through the 20th embryonic day (E5-E20) and one-day-old (P1) chicks were used. The three types of immunoreactivity evaluated (GluR1, GluR2/3, and GluR4) had different temporal and spatial expression patterns in the several layers of the TeO. The GluR1 subunit first appeared as moderate staining on E7 and then increased on E9. The mature GluR1 pattern included intense staining only in layer 5 of the TeO. The GluR2/3 subunits presented low expression on E5, which became intense on E7. The staining for GluR2/3 changed to very intense on E14 in tectal layer 13. Staining of layer 13 neurons is the most prominent feature of GluR immunoreactivity in the adult TeO. The GluR4 subunit generally presented the lowest expression starting on E7, which was similar to the adult pattern. Some instances of transient expression of GluR subunits were observed in specific cell populations from E9 through E20. These results demonstrate a differential expression of the GluR subunits in the embryonic TeO, adding information about their possible functions in the developmental processes of the visual system.
The corpus callosum is a large fiber tract that connects neurons in the right and left cerebral hemispheres. Agenesis of the corpus callosum (ACC) is associated with a large number of human syndromes but little is known about why ACC occurs. In most cases of ACC, callosal axons are able to grow toward the midline but are unable to cross it, continuing to grow into large swirls of axons known as Probst bundles. This phenotype suggests that in some cases ACC may be due to defects in axonal guidance at the midline. General guidance mechanisms that influence the development of axons include chemoattraction and chemorepulsion, presented by either membrane-bound or diffusible molecules. These molecules are not only expressed by the final target but by intermediate targets along the pathway, and by pioneering axons that act as guides for later arriving axons. Midline glial populations are important intermediate targets for commissural axons in the spinal cord and brain, including the corpus callosum. The role of midline glial populations and pioneering axons in the formation of the corpus callosum are discussed. Finally the differential guidance of the ipsilaterally projecting perforating pathway and the contralaterally projecting corpus callosum is addressed. Development of the corpus callosum involves the coordination of a number of different guidance mechanisms and the probable involvement of a large number of molecules.
The production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) can be induced by immune complexes and is an important component of phagocytosis in the killing of microorganisms, but can also be involved in inflammatory reactions when immune complexes are deposited in tissues. We have observed that fluid-phase IgG can inhibit the generation of ROS by rabbit PMN stimulated with precipitated immune complexes of IgG (ICIgG) in a dose-dependent manner, acting as a modulatory factor in the range of physiological IgG concentrations. This inhibitory effect is compatible with the known affinity (Kd) of monomeric IgG for the receptors involved (FcRII and FcRIII). The presence of complement components in the immune complexes results in a higher stimulation of ROS production. In this case, however, there is no inhibition by fluid-phase IgG. The effect of complement is strongly dependent on the presence of divalent cations (Ca2+ or Mg2+) in the medium, whereas the stimulation of ICIgG (without complement) does not depend on these cations. We have obtained some evidence indicating that iC3b should be the component involved in the effect of complement through interaction with the CR3 receptor. The absence of the inhibitory effect of fluid-phase IgG in ROS production when complement is present in the immune complex shows that complement may be important in vivo not only in the production of chemotactic factors for PMN, but also in the next phase of the process, i.e., the generation of ROS.
Diabetes mellitus represents a serious public health problem owing to its global prevalence in the last decade. The causes of this metabolic disease include dysfunction and/or insufficient number of β cells. Existing diabetes mellitus treatments do not reverse or control the disease. Therefore, β-cell mass restoration might be a promising treatment. Several restoration approaches have been developed: inducing the proliferation of remaining insulin-producing cells, de novo islet formation from pancreatic progenitor cells (neogenesis), and converting non-β cells within the pancreas to β cells (transdifferentiation) are the most direct, simple, and least invasive ways to increase β-cell mass. However, their clinical significance is yet to be determined. Hypothetically, β cells or islet transplantation methods might be curative strategies for diabetes mellitus; however, the scarcity of donors limits the clinical application of these approaches. Thus, alternative cell sources for β-cell replacement could include embryonic stem cells, induced pluripotent stem cells, and mesenchymal stem cells. However, most differentiated cells obtained using these techniques are functionally immature and show poor glucose-stimulated insulin secretion compared with native β cells. Currently, their clinical use is still hampered by ethical issues and the risk of tumor development post transplantation. In this review, we briefly summarize the current knowledge of mouse pancreas organogenesis, morphogenesis, and maturation, including the molecular mechanisms involved. We then discuss two possible approaches of β-cell mass restoration for diabetes mellitus therapy: β-cell regeneration and β-cell replacement. We critically analyze each strategy with respect to the accessibility of the cells, potential risk to patients, and possible clinical outcomes.
The objective of this paper is to establish a methodology for the Food List for the southeastern region of Brazil, according to the Total Diet Study (TDS) harmonized methodology at international level. The Food List can provide data for a further TDS with evaluation of essential and toxic element dietary intakes by food analysis in laboratories. The food consumption data source used was from 2008-2009 Household Budget Survey, by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The Food List was composed of 82 food items grouped into 19 food groups. It reflects 100% of the daily individual food consumption inside and outside Brazilian southeastern population households. According to the recommendation that each country should carry out their own TDS and the TDS methodology used, the Food List construction can contribute to the Food List of other Brazilian regions and other countries, besides allowing the TDS development. Additionally, the Food List showed the typical diet for the southeastern region of Brazil.
OBJECTIVE To analyze evidence of the validity and reliability of a Brazilian Portuguese version of the Quality of Care Scale from the perspective of people with physical and intellectual disabilities.METHODS There were 162 people with physical disabilities and 156 with intellectual disabilities from Porto Alegre and metropolitan region, who participated in the study in 2008. Classical psychometrics was used to independently analyze the two samples. Hypotheses for evidence of criterion validity (concurrent type) were tested with the Mann-Whitney test for non-normal distributions. Principal components analysis was used to explore factorial models. Evidence of reliability was calculated with Cronbach alpha for the scales and subscales. Test-retest reliability was analyzed for individuals with intellectual disabilities through intra-class correlation coefficient and the Willcoxon test.RESULTS The principal components in the group with physical disabilities replicated the original model presented as a solution to the international project data. Evidence of discriminant validity and test-retest reliability was found.CONCLUSIONS The transcultural factor model found within the international sample project seems appropriate for the samples investigated in this study, especially the physical disabilities group. Depression, pain, satisfaction with life and disability may play a mediating role in the evaluation of quality of care. Additional research is needed to add to evidence of the validity of the instruments.
Larval development of the freshwater palaemonid shrip Pseudopalaemon chryseus Kensley & Walker, 1982 was studied in the laboratory from the offspring oof females collected in a lake of the lower Negro River system. Females carry few (14 to 43), large (1.86 + 0.13 x 1.29 + 0.06 mm), yolk-rich eggs. The species goes throught three larval stages without feeding and the main feature of its larval development is the presence of functional walking legs on hatching. Descriptions and illustrations of the three larval and first juvenile stages are presented.
Larval development of the freshwater shrimp Pseudopalaemon amazonensis Ramos-Porto was studied in the laboratory based on the offspring of ovigerous females collected in a small “terra-firme” forest stream near Manaus, Brazil. Ovigerous females with a mean total length of 36.5 ± 1.9 mm carried 13-19 eliptical, yolk-rich eggs measuring 2.55 ± 0.16 x 1.64 ± 0.11 mm. The larval period consisted of 3 benthie stages and the larvae accomplished metamorphosis after 7-8 days without feeding. The newly-hatched larva had sessile eyes and all appendages, except for the uropods; chelipeds were present as uniramous buds, but walking legs were fully developed and functional. Descriptions and illustrations of the 3 larval and first juvenile stages are presented.
The present work aims to update a series of information about the regional fishing production, by presenting and characterizing the contribution of the different sub-systems of the Amazon basin to the catch landed at the main fishing market of Manaus, Brazil, from 1994 to 1996. Collectors specifically hired for this function registered key information on the fisheries. Thirty nine types or groups of fish were found in the fishing production landed. Jaraqui (Semaprochilodus spp.), curimatã (Prochilodus nigricans), pacu (Myleinae), matrinchã (Brycon cephalus), sardine (Triportheus spp.), aracu (Anostomidae) and tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) were the most important items during three consecutive years. In 1994 these items summed up 91.6% of the total production; in 1995 and 1996 these values were, respectively, 85.3% and 86.4% of the total production. Tambaqui landed decreased remarkably during the period 1976-1996. There was a strong seasonal component in the production of the main species; jaraqui and matrinchã were mostly landed between April and June, while curimatã, pacu, and sardine were mostly landed during the dry season. Other important items showed a strong inter-annual variation in their production. The fishing production landed came mostly from the sub-system of the Purus River (around 30% of the total production). The subsystem of the Medium-Solimões contributed with an average of 15% and the sub-systems of the Madeira, Lower-Solimões, Upper-Amazon and Juruá, together contributed with 11.5% of the total production landed. Finally, the remaining sub-systems contributed with only 7.6% of the production.
The complete larval development of the ghost shrimp Lepidophthalmus siriboia Felder & Rodrigues, 1993 was described and illustrated in detail from specimens reared in the laboratory. Ovigerous females were collected at Canela Island in the northeastern region of the State of Pará. The larvae hatch as a prezoea, in which they persist for less than 3 hours. The larval development consists of three zoeal stages and a megalopa. The zoeal development averaged from 69 to 111 hours. The period in the megalopa stage was about 185 hours (about 8 days). The percentage of individuals succeeding in molt into juvenile stage was 91,8%. The first juvenile stage was reached 254 hours (about 10 days) after hatching. Morphological comparisons and their relationship with larvae of congeneric species are briefly discussed.
The development of four isolates of Leishmania from foci of American cutaneous leishmaniasis was studied in Lutzomyia longipalpis. The suggestion that the differences in the development of the Leishmania in the invertebrate host are of great taxonomic significance was confirmed. The pattern of development of three strains was typical of parasites of the subgenus Leishmania, the other was similar to Leishmania of the subgenus Viannia. The identification of the strains using other criteria is in agreement with biological characterization. The results show that the morphological and morphometric study of promastigotes do not clearly define the taxonomic position of the parasites but other studies are needed to confirm this.