80 resultados para Cu nanowire arrays


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Nos laboratórios brasileiros, a determinação de micronutrientes para estudos de fertilidade de solos é realizada por extração com solução de Mehlich-1 (M-1), utilizando-se uma razão solo: extrator de 1:5 m/v e posterior quantificação por espectrometria de absorção atômica (AAS). No entanto, muitos laboratórios também empregam razão solo:extrator M-1 de 1:10 m/v para determinar macronutrientes e, ou, quantificar por espectrometria de emissão óptica com plasma indutivamente acoplado (ICP OES), em substituição ao AAS. Como estudos comparativos entre as concentrações de micronutrientes obtidos por esses métodos alternativos são escassos, o objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar se essas diferentes condições experimentais gerariam diferentes resultados. Os resultados foram estatisticamente tratados e revelaram que as concentrações de Fe e Mn, utilizando-se ambas as razões de solo:extrator M-1 (1:5 e 1:10 m/v) e de Zn, na razão solo:extrator M-1 de 1:10 m/v, foram estatisticamente iguais, enquanto as concentrações de Cu em ambas as razões solo:extrator M-1 e de Zn na razão solo:extrator de 1:5 m/v foram diferentes, quando as duas técnicas de quantificação (ICP OES e AAS) foram comparadas. Também, todas as concentrações de Cu, Fe, Mn e Zn obtidas utilizando razão solo:extrator M-1 de 1:5 m/v foram diferentes daquelas encontradas com a razão de 1:10 m/v, independentemente da técnica de quantificação. A maioria dessas concentrações foi maior quando se usou a razão de 1:5 m/v e alterou a classe de interpretação dos teores. Portanto, não recomenda-se o uso da razão solo:extrator de 1:5 para as extrações dos micronutrientes Cu, Fe, Mn e Zn com solução M-1 de amostras de solo.


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Foi desenvolvido um experimento em vinhedos de 'Niagara Rosada', conduzidos em espaldeira e em manjedoura na forma de Y com cobertura de telado plástico, visando a comparar as alterações microclimáticas induzidas pelo sistema de condução e uso de telado plástico, e o efeito na produtividade das videiras. Entre os parâmetros microclimáticos avaliados, apenas a radiação solar foi atenuada pelo telado plástico em cerca de 20%, acima do dossel, tendo sido transmitido para a altura do cacho, cerca de 41% da radiação solar no sistema em Y sob telado plástico e 21% no espaldeira. As temperaturas máximas e mínimas foram semelhantes em ambos os sistemas. A produção por planta e a massa dos cachos foram mais elevadas no sistema em Y sob telado plástico, em comparação ao espaldeira.


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A duração do período de molhamento foliar (DPM) é um importante parâmetro para a determinação do risco de doenças da macieira, especialmente a sarna, principal doença da cultura. O clima regional e as características de implantação e manejo de pomares são fatores determinantes da ocorrência do molhamento foliar. Em função do microclima do dossel, é necessário conhecer a posição com maior DPM, para dar suporte a modelos de previsão de doenças. Poucos trabalhos avaliaram a DPM em pomares de macieira, sendo que inexistem estudos nas condições de cultivo do Sul do Brasil, em particular na região produtora de Vacaria, Rio Grande do Sul. Este trabalho objetivou caracterizar a variação espacial da DPM em dosséis de macieiras em céu aberto e sob tela antigranizo, na região de Vacaria. O experimento foi desenvolvido em pomares de macieiras 'Royal Gala', conduzidos em líder central com apoio (espaçamento de 1m x 3m), sendo um coberto por tela antigranizo e o outro em céu aberto. A DPM foi monitorada nos estratos superior, médio e inferior dos dosséis de macieira. A duração do molhamento foliar foi superior no estrato inferior do dossel, tanto em céu aberto quanto sob tela antigranizo. Houve tendência de mais alta DPM no pomar coberto para todos os estratos do dossel, com diferença significativa entre ambientes nos estratos superior e médio. Os valores de DPM foram mais similares entre os estratos no dossel coberto por tela antigranizo do que no dossel a céu aberto.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi ajustar e testar modelos matemáticos simples, precisos e acurados para estimar a área foliar de macieiras 'Royal Gala' e 'Fuji Suprema' cultivadas sob tela antigranizo e em céu aberto. O experimento foi conduzido em pomar comercial no município de Vacaria-RS, nos ciclos vegetativos de 2008/2009 e 2009/2010. Equações de regressão linear e quadrática foram ajustadas para estimativa da área foliar em função das dimensões das folhas. A seleção dos melhores modelos baseou-se no quadrado médio do erro, no coeficiente de determinação, no erro-padrão da estimativa e na significância dos coeficientes das equações. A área foliar estimada pelos melhores modelos foi comparada com dados obtidos de medição por planímetro e estimados por fotografias digitais. A prova dos modelos baseou-se na significância do coeficiente angular, na linha 1:1 e na raiz quadrada do quadrado médio do erro. Modelos linear e quadrático que consideram o comprimento e a largura das folhas estimam com acurácia e precisão a área foliar de macieiras 'Royal Gala' e 'Fuji Suprema', tanto sob tela antigranizo quanto em céu aberto. A área foliar de macieira estimada por modelos de regressão que utilizam comprimento e largura de folhas é similar à obtida por planímetro ou fotografia digital.


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The metal-catalyzed autooxidation of S(IV) has been studied for more than a century without a consensus being obtained as to reaction rates, rate laws or mechanisms. The main objective in this work was to explore the reaction between Cu(II) and SO2 in the presence of M(II), paying special attention to the formation of double sulfites like Cu2SO3.M(II)SO3.2H 2O. The two principal aspects studied were: i) a new way to prepare double sulfites with high purity degree and the selectivity in the M(II) incorporation during the salt formation.


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Adsorption of Cu(II), Ni(II), Pb(II) and Zn(II) ions from aqueous solutions by N-(3,4-dihydroxybenzyl) chitosan have been carried out. The Langmuir (L), Freundlich (F), Langmuir - Freundlich (LF), Redlich-Peterson (RP) and Tóth (T) adsorption isotherms models have been applied to fit the experimental data. Nonlinear regression computational program "Enzefitte", which is a library of the more commonly used adsorption isotherm equations for obtaining tabular outuput suitable for plotting theoretical of fitted isotherms, has been used to estimate the adsorption parameters. These parameters were used to calculate the amount adsorbed q calc., a function of concentration (C).


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The kinetic parameters for the CO oxidation reaction using copper/alumina-modified ceria as catalysts were determined. The catalysts with different concentrations of the metals were prepared using impregnation methods. In addition, the reduction-oxidation behaviour of the catalysts were investigated by temperature-programmed reduction. The activity results show that the mechanism for CO oxidation is bifunctional : oxygen is activated on the anionic vacancies of ceria surface, while carbon monoxide is adsorbed preferentially on the higher oxidation copper site. Therefore, the reaction occurs on the interfacial active centers. Temperatures-programmed Reduction patterns show a higher disperdion when cerium oxide is present.


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In order to demonstrate the feasibility of slurry sampling for environmental studies, different methodologies were developed for Cu and Zn in antarctic limpets and Ni in river sediment with FAAS detection. Studies focusing particle size, acid concentration, slurry stability, selectivity, among others were carried out in order to define the better conditions for slurry analysis. A study related to the depth profile for Ni in the Atibaia River sediment was made after optimization conditions for this element. For accuracy check, certified reference material was used as well as decomposition with microwave oven.


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The aim of this work was to explore the possibility of the application of a non-ionic resin obtained by impregnation of Alizarin Red S (VAS) in Amberlite XAD-7 for manganese, copper and zinc separation and preconcentration in saline matrices. For these system, the metals were quantitatively retained, in the pH range 8.5-10.0, by using 0.50 g of solid phase, stirring time of five minutes and a total mass up to 200 mug of each cation. The sorbed elements were subsequently eluted and a fifty-fold, ten-fold and ten-fold preconcentration factor for to Zn, Cu and Mn were obtained, respectively.


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Some commercial samples of vermicompost from bovine manure (humus) were characterized by thermogravimetry with respect to humidity, organic matter and ash contents, the percentages of which range from 6.55 to 5.35%, 53.01 to 69.96% and 46.44 to 66,14%, respectively. The capacity of adsorption of Cu2+, Zn2+ and Co2+ ions by these samples has been evaluated as a function of pH and time. The contents of several metal ions in the original vermicompost samples have been determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry after digestion in a microwave oven. The high nitrogen content suggests that the earthworms used in the maturation procedure lead to an efficient degradation of organic matter. The metal retention was affected by both pH and adsorption time. The results also show that adsorption follows the order Cu2+ > Zn2+ > Co2+.


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Direct decomposition of NO on copper supported on zeolite catalysts such as MCM-22 and Beta was compared with that on the thoroughly studied Cu-ZSM-5. The catalysts were prepared by ion-exchange in basic media. They were characterized by atomic absorption, surface area, nitrogen adsorption at 77K, X-ray diffraction and temperature programmed reduction. The products of the reaction were analyzed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy using a gas cell. Catalytic activity tests indicated that zeolite catalysts, like Beta and MCM-22, lead to NO conversion values comparable to ZSM-5.


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The present study consists in evaluating the NaX zeolite efficiency in removing Cu2+ from aqueous solutions, for future use of NaX in removing metals from wastewaters. The experiments were performed in batch systems (with shaking and continous stirring) and for different time intervals (1 to 24 h). Three particle sizes were employed: < 850 µm, 850 µm - 1 mm and 3 mm. It has been concluded that it is possible to employ the NaX zeolite for metal removal and the particle size plays an important role in the adsorption process. Specifically, NaX zeolites of smaller particle size achieved the maximum adsorption capacity of 152.36 mg of Cu2+/g of zeolite at pH = 4.5.


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Two samples of residues from iron mining plants have been investigated for their retention capacity of As, Cu, Cr, and Pb. The sample with the higher content of iron oxides showed the highest capacity to retain metals. The adsorption affinity series changes from Pb>Cu>Cr~As to As>Pb>Cu>Cr or As>Cu>Cr>Pb, depending on the material and the concentration of the initial solution. In the competitive environment, the Pb adsorption decreases and the As, Cu and Cr adsorption increases. Sequential extraction procedures, carried out after adsorption batch experiments, showed that the most important adsorption process occurs in the oxide fraction and that the major part of the absorbed metal is remobilized from exchangeable and oxide fractions.


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This paper discusses the results obtained with homogeneous catalytic ozonation [Mn (II) and Cu (II)] in phenol degradation. The reduction of total phenols and total organic carbon (TOC) and the ozone consumption were evaluated. The efficiency in phenol degradation (total phenol removal) at pH 3, with the catalytic process (Mn (II)), increased from 37% to 55% while the TOC removal increased from 4 to 63% in a seven-minute treatment. The ozonation process efficiency at pH 10 was 43% and 39% for phenol and TOC removal, respectively. The presence of both metallic ions (Mn2+ and Cu+2) in the ozonation process resulted in a positive effect.


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|Cu x|[Si yAl]-MFI and |Co x|[Si yAl]-MFI catalysts were prepared by ion exchange from |Na|[Si yAl]-MFI zeolites (y = 12, 25 and 45). The activity of the catalysts was evaluated in the reduction of NO to N2 in an oxidative atmosphere using propane or methane as reducing agents. The Cu catalysts were only active with propane and they presented higher activity than the Co-based catalysts, the latter being active with both hydrocarbons. H2-TPR and DRS-UV/Vis data allowed correlation between the activity towards NO reduction and the presence of cationic charge-compensating species in the zeolite. It was also verified that the hydrocarbons are preferentially oxidised by O2, a reaction that occurs simultaneously with their oxidation with NO.