34 resultados para Corrientes marinas - Alborán
Reproductive aspects of Dendropsophus sanborni (Anura, Hylidae) in northeastern Argentina. The aim of this investigation was to characterize reproductive aspects of Dendropsophus sanborni (Schmidt, 1944) (Anura, Hylidae) in the northwest of Corrientes province, in northeastern Argentina. The reproductive cycles of males and females, the existence of sexual dimorphism and the male’s vocalization period were analyzed. Samplings were made from September 2011 to August 2012. Dendropsophus sanborni showed a prolonged reproductive pattern because reproductive activity was observed during most part of the year. Calling males were recorded all months except in July. The spermatogenic cycle can be characterized as potentially continuous. In males, snout-vent length was significantly correlated with mean testicular volume. The species showed sexual dimorphism in body mass, with females larger than males. Post-ovulatory females were found from March to June and most females had oocytes at different stages of maturity, with abundant post-vitellogenic oocytes from August to December.
Considering the possibility of introduction of schistosomiasis mansoni into Argentina as a consequence of dam construction on the Rio De La Plata basin, preliminary studies have been carried out on agrosystems such as ricefields in Corrientes province with the following purposes: 1) to survey and estimate the relative abundance of planorbids and identify potential vector species; 2) to identify environmental factors capable of influencing Biomphalaria population dynamics; and 3) to find out snail-parasite associations and estimate snail infection rates in order to detect possible competitive interactions between larval stages of native trematodes that could be used in biological control of Schistosoma mansoni. Three potential schistosome vectors were detected in ricefields, namely Biomphalaria straminea, B. tenagophila and B. peregrina, although B. orbignyi, a species refractory to infection with S. mansoni, proved the most frequent and abundant. Positive correlations (P<0.05) were found between Biomphalaria abundance and some environmental parameters: conductivity, hardness, calcium, nitrites plus nitrates, ammonium and bicarbonates. Water temperature correlation was negative (P<0.05). No correlation (P>0.05) was found in total iron, phosphates (SRP), pH and soil granulometry. Echinocercariae developed from rediae and belonging to Petasiger sp., Paryphostomum sp., and other undetermined species were found.
Catadiscus pomaceae sp. n. from the intestine of the prosobranch mollusc Pomacea canaliculata (Lamarck, 1801), is described. The host snail was collected from a lenitic biotope belonging to the Riachuelo basin (Corrientes province, Argentina) during 1985-1986. So far the species of the genus Catadiscus Cohn, 1904 have been recorded in amphibians and reptiles. This is the first instance of a species of that genus parasitizing a mollusc.
This study aims to analyze the age of a population of Biomphalaria occidentalis on a pound of Riachuelo river basin, wich is one of the three most important Middle Paraná river affluents in Corrientes province. Samples were drawn from three stations, were spatial and temporal numerical variations of the snail, as well as its relation with different environmental parameters, mainly temperature, rainfall, pH and conductivity, were analyzed. Snail abundance is given in number of individuals/hour. The differences between the three sampling stations, estimated by nonparametric tests, was nonsignificant. A relative scale to the greatest shell diameter was employed to build the age pyramids. Temporal fluctuations of snail abundance correlated negatively with the highest monthly accumulated temperatures (P < 0.05). Although different floristic compositions were observed at the three stations, no significant numerical variations were detected in B. occidentalis spatial distribution. Reproductive activity took place between March-April and November with overlapping cohort system. During summer (December-Febuary) mortality increased along with temperature and reproductive activity was not evident.
This paper deals with the morphology of Pomacea caniculata (Lamarck, 1822) collected at Corrientes, Argentina. Comparison is made with Pomacea lineata (Spix, 1827) and Pomacea sordida (Swainson, 1823). The shell is globose, heavy, with greenish or horn-colored periostracum and dark spiral bands; apex subelevated, 5-6 whorls increasing rather rapidly and separated by very deep suture. Aperture large, rounded to subelongated; lip sometimes reddish; umbilicus large and deep; operculum corneous, entirely closing the aperture. Ratios: shell width/shell length = 0.78-0.96 (mean 0.86); aperture length/shell length = 0.68-0.77 (mean 0.72). Radula similar to other congeneric species. Testis and spermiduct as in P. lineata and P. sordida; prostate cylindric and short, cream in color as the testis. Penial sheath straight bearing a central outer gland deeply embedded in the tissue of its basal portion and a large wrinkled gland occupying 2/3 of the distal tip of its inner surface; the rigth margin of the sheath overlaps the left one until 2/3 of its proximal end. Female reproductive apparatus similar to that P. lineata; vestigial male copulatory apparatus (penis and its sheath) present in all females examined.
Several palms species provide an important habitat for triatomines and associate vertebrates in tropical America. The objective of this work is to identify the triatomine species living in the palms of rural areas in the Province of Corrientes, and to estimate the potential epidemiological risk they represent for the residents of nearby houses. The survey was carried out in a palm community in Colonia Laurel, Department San Roque, Province of Corrientes, Argentina. Samplings were performed in October, November and December 1998; January, February and March 1999; May and June 1999. Thirty palms: 27 (90%) Butia yatay (Mart.) Becc. and 3 Acrocomia aculeata (Jacq.) Lodd ex Mart. were dissected. Triatoma sordida Stål 1859 was found in 96.2% of B. yatay and in all the A. aculeata palms. A total of 272 live T. sordida was collected; 36 of them (13.2%) were found in bird nests in the frond and the remainder in other locations of the tree. The mean number of triatomines per palm was 9.6 (range 1-60, mode 2). T. sordida was collected during all the sampling months and all stages were present at all seasons. The highest population density was reached in spring and the lowest in autumn. Trypanosoma cruzi was detected in 38.5% in feces of 174 examined insects and identified as such, both by microscopical examination and PCR. This is the first finding of T. sordida populations in B. yatay, an endemic palm of South America distributed in southern Brazil, Uruguay and northeastern Argentina. The high infection prevalence found in this work suggests that T. sordida plays an essential role in the maintenance of the wild T. cruzi transmission cycle in northeastern Argentina.
Araucnephia Wygodzinsky & Coscarón is a Neotropical black fly genus in which only one species from Central Chile is known. Another species has now been found in Corrientes province on the eastern side of the Iberá tropical swamps of Argentina, on the western border of the mountainous region of southern Brazil. This new species, A. iberaensis, is herein described and illustrated and information on its bionomics is recorded. It is an interesting species because previous to its discovery no black fly genus or subgenus from Central Chile region has been found in tropical areas, because these two regions are separated by the Monte and Pampas realms. Similarly, no Brazilian genus or subgenus has crossed the Andes mountains to Chile. A comparison with other Neotropical, Nearctic, Ethiopian (Afrotropical) and Australian Prosimuliini (sensu Crosskey & Howard) showed Araucnephia to be a valid taxon most closely related to Araucnephioides (sympatric in Chile). Araucnephia also shows great affinities with Lutzsimulium from Southeast Brazil and Argentina and Paracnephia from South Africa.
We report the first evidence of natural infection of Lymnaea columella with Fasciola hepatica in Argentina. A sample of 601 snails was collected in May 2003 in northeastern Corrientes, a province bounded on the north by Paraguay, on the east by Brazil and on the southeast by Uruguay. Among 500 examined snails, 44 (8.8%) were exclusively infected with F. hepatica. Parasite identification was based on morphological features of cercariae from snails, and of eggs and adult flukes from Wistar rats. We discuss the events suggesting that an enzootic transmission cycle of F. hepatica has been recently established in northeastern Corrientes.
Since the reinfestation of South American countries by Ae. aegypti, dengue fever (DF) and dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) have become a major public health concern. The aim of this paper was to review the information related with Aedes vectors and dengue in Argentina since the reintroduction of Ae. aegypti in 1986. The geographic distribution of Ae. albopictus is restricted to the Northeast, and that of Ae. aegypti has expanded towards the South and the West in comparison with the records during the eradication campaign in the 1960s. Since 1998, 4,718 DF cases have been reported concentrated in the provinces of Salta, Formosa, Misiones, Jujuy and Corrientes. Despite the circulation of three dengue virus serotypes (DENV-1, -2 and -3) in the North of the country, DHF has not occurred until the present. The information published over the last two decades regarding mosquito abundance, temporal variations, habitat characteristics, competition, and chemical and biological control, was reviewed. Considering the available information, issues pending in Argentina are discussed. The presence of three DENV, the potential spread of Ae. albopictus, and the predicted climate change suggest that dengue situation will get worse in the region. Research efforts should be increased in the Northern provinces, where DHF is currently an actual risk.
Schistosomiasis has expanded to southern parts of Brazil. Between 2005-2007 the dispersion and the proliferation of Biomphalaria tenagophila was verified in the province of Corrientes near the Brazilian border. In order to study the possibility that schistosomiasis might spread into the basins of the Paraná and Uruguay Rivers, 440 B. tenagophila collected from 10 populations groups were experimentally exposed to infection with Schistosoma mansoni of the SJ2 strain. Snails from five localities were susceptible. Frandsen's index (TCP/100) shows that those snails from Mirungá (11%), Aguacerito (2%) and Curupicay (2%) were Class I and not very compatible. Meanwhile, snails from Copra (6%) and Pay-Ubre (22%), in the Paraná River basin, were Class II and poorly compatible.
A new species from the Neotropical Region, Stilobezzia (Stilobezzia) pseudopunctulata Cazorla & Ronderos, is described and illustrated based on male and female adults and pupal exuviae. Adults were collected in the Argentinian provinces of Chaco, Formosa, Corrientes and Buenos Aires, and in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. The pupa was collected from mats of floating aquatic macrophytes in a lagoon in Ilha da Marchantería, in the vicinities of Manaus, Brazil. This new species is compared with its similar congener Stilobezzia punctulata Lane, from which it can be mainly distinguished by the wing with only two dark spots, the parameres longer and hook-shaped, the pupal respiratory organ with 11-12 pores and the very short apicolateral processes of the anal segment.
In orange commercial farms, Zn deficiencies symptoms and small fruits were observed in Corrientes, Argentine. During four years (1995 to 1998), Valencia orange (Citrus sinensis Osb.) on Rough lemon (C. jambhiri Lush.) rootstock, implanted in 1974 in sandy soil, where six treatments were tested. Treatments varied from 1 to 3 Kg KCl.tree-1.year-1 (applied in April and December) with and without Zineb 80, 0,35%. year-1, 20 L. tree-1 (13,3 g Zn.tree-1 applied in December). The experimental design was a randomized complete block with four replications, with a single tree and borders in the experimental plot. Foliar sample were taken every year in Autumn and Summer, foliar concentrations of Zn and K were determined by atomic spectrum absorption. Harvested fruits were classified into small, medium and big. Analysis of Variance, Tukey test and Pearson correlations between production and foliar concentrations were performed. Higher fertilization levels of K with Zn increased medium and big fruits production (Kg and percentage). Foliar concentrations of K and Zn were positively correlated with big and medium fruit production and negatively correlated with small one. Chemical names used: Ethilenbis-ditiocarbamate of Zn (Zineb).
La finalidad de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto del Quinmerac, comparativamente con 2, 4-D y nitrato de potasio, en la productividad de mandarino 'Clemenules' (Citrus reticulata Blanco), a través del incremento del porcentaje de frutos con mayor tamaño (destino a mercado fresco), y a la vez determinar posibles efectos indeseables sobre la calidad de los frutos y presencia de fitotoxicidad por dos años sucesivos de aplicaciones sobre las mismas plantas. Durante las campañas 1998/99 y 1999/00, se trabajó en dos lotes de mandarino 'Clemenules' de siete años de implantados, injertados sobre trifolio (Poncirus trifoliata Raf.) uno y sobre citrange 'Troyer' (P. trifoliata x Citrus sinensis Osbeck) el otro, en Mburucuyá, Corrientes, en un suelo Psammacuent típico. Los tratamientos utilizados fueron: testigo sin aplicación; Quinmerac (10%), 10 mg.L-1; Quinmerac (10%), 15 mg.L-1; 2, 4-D (31%), 20 mg.L-1 (1998/99) y nitrato de potasio (14%N, 39% K), 2,5 g.L-1 (1999/2000). Los productos se asperjaron foliarmente, con volumen de solución de 2,5 L.planta-1. Quincenalmente se observaban las plantas en ensayo para detectar síntomas de fitotoxicidad. En la cosecha, se determinó la producción de frutos, clasificada en dos categorías por tamaño; la calidad externa por el aspecto de la corteza e interna mediante porcentaje de jugo, grados Brix, acidez y ratio. Los tratamientos con Quinmerac y nitrato de potasio incrementaron entre un 10 y un 15% la proporción de frutos con tamaño adecuado para mercado fresco. No se detectaron efectos en la producción total, disminución de la calidad de los frutos, ni fitotoxicidad.
Los modelos de crecimiento de frutos describen la evolución de su tamaño a lo largo del período de desarrollo. Con fines de pronóstico, estos modelos permiten estimar en forma anticipada el tamaño que alcanzarán los frutos al momento de la cosecha. Para lograr estimaciones insesgadas del tamaño de frutos a cosecha es necesario un diseño adecuado de muestreo en la etapa de recolección de datos. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue determinar el tamaño óptimo de muestra, compuesta por árboles (n) y frutos (m), para establecer modelos de crecimiento de frutos de naranjo 'Valencia late', que permitan estimar la distribución de tamaño a la cosecha. Se trabajó con el diámetro ecuatorial de frutos previo a la cosecha, proveniente de dos huertos comerciales ubicados en la provincia de Corrientes, Argentina, durante tres temporadas. Mediante modelos mixtos se estimaron las componentes de varianzas entre árboles y frutos, y posteriormente a partir de dos tipos de metodologías se determinó el tamaño de muestra óptimo. La variabilidad entre frutos fue superior a la variabilidad entre árboles. Para la determinación del patrón de crecimiento de frutos de naranjo 'Valencia late' mediante un muestreo bietápico, se sugiere seleccionar 7 árboles y 30 frutos de cada árbol, para lograr estimaciones del diámetro ecuatorial de frutos con una precisión entre el 2 y 3%.
El objetivo del trabajo fue evaluar el efecto del 3,4-dimetilpirazol fosfato (DMPP) en la eficiencia de la fertilización amoniacal, en naranjo dulce [Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck] 'Valencia late' sobre suelo arenoso, en la provincia de Corrientes, Argentina. Durante tres campañas se trabajó en un huerto de naranjo 'Valencia late' injertado sobre lima de Rangpur (Citrus limonia, Osbeck), sobre un suelo tipo Udipsamment alfico. Se utilizó un Diseño de Bloques Completos al Azar con cuatro repeticiones, parcela útil una planta más borduras, con los tratamientos: 1. (Testigo) 150 kg de N ha-1 (fertilizante 15-6-15-6); T2. 75 kg de N ha-1 (sulfonitrato de amonio (SNA) 26 % N) tratado con DMPP (0,8% respecto al N amoniacal); T3. 150 kg de N ha-1 (SNA 26 % N), tratado con DMPP (0,8% respecto al N amoniacal). En el otoño se tomaron muestras foliares de ramas fructíferas, determinándose contenido de N, P y K. En la cosecha se determinó producción por planta (kg) y se evaluó calidad de frutos. Los resultados obtenidos permiten establecer que en suelos arenosos, el agregado de DMPP mejora la eficiencia de la fertilización nitrogenada. Con igual aporte nitrogenado, se incrementan los rendimientos y las concentraciones foliares de N y con la mitad de la dosis se logran rendimientos equivalentes al testigo.